07-02-2014, 04:33 AM
Tuesday June 3, 2014 – 12:21 AM EST – Dayton Shipp’s Apartment – Bronx, New York
Dayton Shipp spent the final moments of his misguided life without the ability to speak or to move. For all intents and purposes he was a statue. I sat there and watched as he took his last breath, his eyes never leaving me. A part of me feels bad, he was just twenty years old, he had his whole life ahead of him but it had to be done. He killed an innocent and no matter what he did to atone for that, that fact cannot be ignored. Certainly not by me.
After Dayton finally passed I decided to wait for a few minutes in his apartment contemplating not just what had happened but what to do next. Do I leave the body there for Super to discover days from now when the smell started to bother the other tenants? Or perhaps take it out the apartment and leave it in the alleyway where it would surely be discovered the next morning? First things first, I needed to remove any of the neurotoxin that may have been left on the door knob, the best way to do was with bleach. Of course looking at the state of this place it is very unlikely that Dayton owned any bleach. But maybe I will be surprised. It has happened before.
I searched under the counters in both the kitchen and the bathroom as well as the pantry closet in the kitchen. Nothing. Not a cleaning product to be found and certainly no bleach. However, I did find Hydrogen Peroxide in the bathroom and when combined with the vinegar I found in the kitchen I was able to make homemade bleach. Not perfect but good enough to get the job done. I poured the concoction into a water bottle, poked a hole through the top of the cap with a knife and used the bottle to pour some of the liquid out onto the exterior door knob of Dayton’s apartment. This way when the Super, or anyone for that matter comes to open the door they too will not be infected by what was meant only for Dayton.
With that done I spent another minute or two in the apartment and then I finally decided that the best thing to do, perhaps the most humane thing to do with Dayton's body was to anonymously call the police from the apartment using Dayton's cell phone and tell them that there was a dead body in apartment 4G. After the call was completed I then left the same way I came. Through the window and down the fire escape. I then got in my car and started the short trek back to my apartment.
I suppose now is as good a time as any to mention that the mask I wear while out ridding the world of scum is not the same one I wear when I appear on XWF television. That seems obvious right? It certainly should be to anyone with an IQ that is at least slightly above that of Frodo Smackins. People truly should have been able to figure that out on their own. And yet I see comments on the XWF website, I hear people talking backstage so I felt that I should address this now while I had your attention. Of course I should not hold everyone to the same standard as a guy like Frodo Smackins. After all knowing Frodo he will probably blame his stupidity and slipups on his penchant for drug use, it is what those guys do right? Frodo Smackins, Theo Pryce and Luca Arzegotti. All three of them like to put their hands up in the air and say “My bad, it must have been the drugs that made me say those stupid things.” Sorry fellas, it is not the drugs.
As I make my way back to my apartment I come to one extremely painful realization and that is that I am starving. As I think back on it, I've been so focused on Dayton that I haven't eaten a single thing all day. Thankfully one of the many perks of living in New York City is that food places are open extremely late. Especially Chinese Food restaurants, and there just happens to be one right around the block from my apartment that makes the best wonton soup this side of the Atlantic Ocean.
I hit the Bluetooth button on my car steering wheel and wait for the prompt.
“Please state the function.”
ENIGMA “Second Street China Wok.”
The car takes the command and connects me with the restaurant. Three rings later and someone answers’ the phone.
Woman: “China Wok may I help you?”
ENIGMA “Yes I would like to place an order for pick up please.”
Woman: “Go ahead, what do you want?”
ENIGMA “I would like a quart of Wonton Soup, A Pork Eggroll and an order of Spicy Beef and Broccoli.”
Woman: “Your total is Eighteen Twenty Five. Be ready in fifteen minute.”
The call ends and twenty minutes later I have returned to my apartment slash command center, Chinese takeout in hand. As expected Nicholas went home for the night but he did leave me with a dossier on our next target. A middle ager African American man named Bryan Knight. Mr. Knight’s case is actually very different from any case I’ve ever taken on in that Mr. Knight has not killed or raped or physically harmed any individual at all. What he has done however has affected hundreds if not thousands of people. Mr. Knight has been embezzling government subsidizes and various grants for personal gain. Money that should be going to help better the community and the lives of all those who desperately need it is instead being spent on an addition to Mr. Knight’s house as well as long weekends to Atlantic City, Las Vegas and even some trips to Europe. Nicholas had a forensic accountant look into the thievery, the sum total which he provided on a nice spreadsheet showing that all told Mr. Knight misappropriated over Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars in the last five years.
Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand dollars that was supposed to be going towards helping low income families pay their rent, or their utility bills as well as helping them to attend various trainings that in theory would help improve their marketable skills in hopes othat they could then obtain long term employment. The end game being that making money on their own would mean they would no longer need government assistance.
However the issue that I am facing is figuring out how to deal with Mr. Knight. I could and perhaps should just turn this information over to the police and let them handle it but that won’t right the wrongs that were done to thousands of innocent people who were only looking for some help. To that end, dealing with Mr. Knight using the normal methods that employ won't help to fix the damage that has been done either. And therein lies my current dilemma.
In the meantime it is Chinese Takeout and some overdue sleep. Thank God I do not have a day job that requires me to be in at eight o’clock every morning.
I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth.
~Umberto Eco
Former United States Champion
Former X-Treme Champion
Former Trios Tag Team Champions w/Sebastian Duke and Azrael Erebus
Former Ark/24-7 Champion x 2