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New Clean Habits at BK pt2
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Clean Lucena Offline
the cleanest player of the game

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Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

07-01-2014, 03:36 AM

... continuing!

- just for remember, Clean was doing a promo using hamburgers at Burger King. Then, when he already ate three hamburgers that he has compared to his opponents and himself, he realise that his coke wasn't a diet coke and he proceed to complain -

The Biographer: please, Ernesto, this is not right. Haven't you supossedly changed? I don't want to have another thing like the last time at Taco Bell, I want to eat my hamburger relaxed and go home, no bad moments. Anyway you have eaten three fucking hamburgers, you're going to get fattest than Oprah and Depardieu son anyway pal.

Clean Lucena: Meck, WRONG! What you think is that I'll shout on everybody, ending up challenging the guy to a wrestling match to prove whatever shit the former Ernesto would do but that's exactly the kind of bad habits that now are totally in the past, remember who I am now. Now I'm Clean Lucena, not Cheat Lucena. Don't put that face of disbelief Bio. Look, okey, I lost my temper shouting to the guy.. but even a good person can lost it for a sec if you can get angry enough, isn't it? I just want to make a formal complaint, being as nice and polite as a person that once wasn't anything near that because I asked for a Diet Coke and instead they put me a normal one, I think it's more than reasonable that I could shout just a little bit. Imagine the bad things that can't happen if I eat too sugar. I could spend my time on the match being too slow to avoid get destroyed by the gaylords and asking Sid's help again in the hot tag to avoid get raped again and I don't want that to happen. I could burn hamburger fats on the match but a normal coke it's too much. That's what you want for me, Bio, being raped? You're a fucking ungrateful that...

- then, a young, blonde curled guy appears on the scene, it looks like his the man on charge there and Clean put a face like: "this kid is the one that rules this?", Bio looks at Clean like: "oh no... please, control yourself MOFO" breath trying to get on his nerves and then, they start the conversation, with Clean having the biggest smile that a man can put on his face -

Blonde curled guy: Do you have any problem sir?

Clean Lucena: Well, not a very big one, nice youngster, but it is important for a person as important as me that have to take care of extraordinarie challenges due to my job. I'll expose my case. Today I was going to make a wrestling promo here, that, in my opinion, ended up being pretty good, thing that would enter just as an average record on my wrestling promos history, due to the good level of my work, anyway, I wanted to make this promo here, at Burger King and meanwhile trying to get some energies of those than any person needs to make a succesful performance onto a wrestling ring, including for one and unique time on my life three hamburgers in my normal diet, something pretty understandable just this time. Even when the normal content of calories of your hamburgers reach jurassic levels but after a night where I though a lot I make the decision that would be more than appropiate to realise this actions. I don't know if you know me, but I was once a pretty unreasonable person that didn't attent to the normal rules of the logic and good work and all of this that I told you enter onto the new standards and thinkings of a renewed man. Well, as I was saying, everything was running perfectly in a perfect day, everything in order, something that also enters on my new standards, but suddenly and so unfortunately, when I took this vase in order to take a gulp, when the first miilliliters of coke enter down my throat, I end up realising that,... and believe it's hard for a good man as I am to say these kind of things to serious, good workers... this coke, this one that I have here just in front of me, it is not what I asked for. I asked for a diet coke, because my cognitive values make me think that it is enough with the energy that three hamburgers, despite the kind of person that eat the kind of hamburger I ate today, could give me, I don't really need anymore. Maybe it wasn't even a little mistake that obviously doesn't have lot of importance, maybe it was just that that man that is the one I asked for the diet coke though "Oh, this guy is Clean Lucena, the wrestler, I know he has a pretty hard challenge this wednesday when he has to face two guys like Barney Green and Peter Gilmour". Maybe he just wanna a beloved guy as I am end up this wednesday winning his match. I appreciate that, but I'm sorry to tell that, in spite of how much I love my fans, I don't think that a normal fan with a sign or anything have enough knowledge to make decisions on his own trying to make his beloved hero to be the one that end being victorious. I appreciate it, but with all the respect I can't tolerate it. As I said, it could be just a mistake too. But anyway... I'm sorry to tell that, in order to prevent than someone after me have the pass the same shame as me in this establishment, I'm sorry to tell that I can't leave the place without the corresponding complaint made in the book of complains. I'm really, really to tell you this kid, I'd like the things to be different but I have a match against two dangerous guys this wednesday and I can't alterate my patterns when doing it I can lose a pretty important part of my job, matches. So, with all of this said, I'll like to talk with the attendant if it's possible.

Blonde curled guy: Well, sir, you have him just in front of your face.

- Clean look at the full body of the man, up to down, down to up, like doesn't take seriously the guy, make a little hint of changing that smile to a angry gesture but he just keep a half annoyed one -

Clean Lucena: Okey guy. I know your bosses doesn't want to receive a complaint, and it's normal, but I find more than repent that they send a pretty young guy that, by the way, looks pretty similar to that guy, Peter Gilmour, in order to avoid that complaint. I'm sorry to tell you that. And at the same exact way, the guy that served me it's pretty similar to Barney Green. I have been such a gentleman for you, the owners of this place and the following costumers. And the fact that they send me a guy that totally look like one of my opponents really put my on my nerves. Is this some kind of mockery? If they are fans of my opponents they are totally on their rights to go and cheer for them but not to try to FUCK, and sorry for the f-word, the way of their not so beloved hero to the win. I'm going to allow myself to say this, maybe this is the hardest thing I had to say for a few months, but I'll try to beat those two gentleman with all the effort of my heart this Wednesday on Warfare just to piss your bosses off. I don't have more time, even for the complaint. I gotta go, trainning. Say to your potential costumers that if you have a mistake in the future someone tried to help them, but you were to focused just in avoid the complaint ant try to piss the guy off that you didn't take care of this. Let's go Bio.

- The couple leave the place going to exit of the Burger King to their car, leaving a pretty confused guy inside, when the cam still recording the conversation -

The Biographer: He had a sheet on his chest that put "attendant"... well... at least you didn't kick the guy's groin, just leave him like "the hell just happened".

Clean Lucena: That stupid kid and their bosses are going to pay, Bio, mark my words. I'm going to beat the hell out of those motherfuckers Bio. Because I'm Clean Lucena and I'm...
the former WORST IN THE WOLD

- the image fades to black -
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