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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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Great Buzzard Eli James IV Offline
Speaker of Truth

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05-29-2014, 07:35 PM

An empty field.

Some grass is perfectly green, some is brownish, and the rest is black from an obvious fire. Surrounding most of this open field are structures that use to be houses perhaps. A few of these structures look like barns built by hand. In the distance is a figure that looks to be a person. We get a closer look and he's kneeling in the grass talking to himself.

"How I missed walking among all of you. How I missed your ignorant words and foolish games. How I missed playing games of my own and watching you all go astray. Answers about my death and why I did what I did will be answered when it's time, but for now I think we have other things to talk about.

Everything you heard be speak of took place. Everything. No matter who tried to stop me from spreading the message.. they all failed until I gave up myself.. and like I said that will be explained when it's time. It comes full circle in strange ways. Here I am a Trio Champion because Elisha didn't deserve it. Brock Lesnar didn't deserve it. Anonymous didn't deserve it. I'll give to 'em that they won, but it was just a matter of time before they all came crashing down because my return was near. Some may say Elisha 'handed' me the belt much like I did several of my title wins but not so. Nah, man. Truth is I won them. I lived in the hearts of those three and helped them go to victory. Now, we come around to the starting point.

Luca Arzegotti. Heh. How's the Black Circle? The group I promised to end like so many did.. and I accomplished it.

Luca.. you defeated me in the elimination chamber match to get a King match against John Madison almost a year ago. I'm sure you remember that, don't ya, man? You beat me thanks to your friend who has now vanished much like many of those who denied me. Almost a year later we stand on opposing sides again in a match. This time I'm not an unknown person who no one takes lightly. Differences are you know that I know ya. Your arrogant ways. Your smart remarks. Those, Luca, will be the very thing that destroys you in the end. There's no Black Circle to help feed those ways to ya anymore. You must face the truth all alone. And ya will.. I promise.

When I look at your two partners it brings me great joy.

Mark Flynn. You were leaving when I was coming into this place. Funny thing.. you were booked in that same exact elimination chamber match with Luca and I. Smart man leaving when ya did. Not too smart coming back and associating yourself with Luca Arzegotti and Theo Pryce. I hear you like to talk.. a man of many words and humor.. heh. I love to laugh. I do. I enjoy it when people can make me smile and cause laughter to fill my lungs. I must be honest with ya. I'm an honest man.. you're gonna find that out real soon. The truth is your laughter is only a temporary pleasure. You make people feel good for a few minutes and back to the real world they go. You throw your a few lines and wait for the laughter to begin. Of course, you have to wonder.. what happens when the laughter turns to silent? What happens when Mark Flynn has no more words to share with his audience? Mark Flynn is just another sad soul lost in this pathetic world that's damned. That's okay, though. Mark will entertain everyone with his pretty two-liner jokes and a punch line. It'll be all nice and good, won't it Mark? That is until your heart stops beating. Your oxygen goes lower and lower. No more laughing for Mark Flynn. Just a sentence to rot in hell. This, Mark, is when I will be laughing.. and laughing for a long time at your expense.

And how can I forget about Theo Pryce? Remember me? I know you thought about me. You wondered if I was dead.. you wondered if I'd ever return.. well, man.. you can stop the wonder. I'm here. You covered yourself so much with lies that you began to believe them yourself.. sad. You were fighting for the fans.. for the people.. for mankind.. to make everything even. You did everything you could to stop me as owner and to stop me from spreading the message.. and in your eyes you succeeded. The headlines read "Eli James IV no longer the Owner of the XWF". You, and the rest of those who joined your side cheered because victory. I can see why you'd call it a victory. So many times when I had been defeated people call it a victory.

Tag Team Matches.. War Games.. a Trio Match.. Elimination Chamber match.. I lost them. People were so quick to say they defeated me and showed the world I was human. Hehe. When did my words say I wasn't? Anyone sitting in a body on this earth is gonna feel pain.. they are gonna lose oxygen when being choked.. blood will come from their veins.. and yet no matter how much people said they didn't think much of me.. after small victories their covering lies became uncovered. They really thought I was unstoppable. They really thought I could not die.. could not bleed.. could not be hurt.. heh.

You lived in those lies too, Theo. You wanted to end Shane 's reign because he was evil. You wanted to end Eli James' reign because he was evil. You wanted to end the New World Order's reign because they were evil. You place blame on everyone and try to be the hero. Some may think you're wearing a special shirt with the letter T inside a diamond shape underneath your clothes.. waiting for the moment you to break free and show them you are Superman.. but unlike them.. I see through you. I can see past all your lies and look to the core of your heart, man. There's freedom at just being honest with yourself.. but you.. Mark Flynn.. Luca Arzegotti.. ya'll don't wanna confess to that truth. You want to hide in your lies. Luca in his arrogance and pride. Mark Flynn in his many words and humor. You in your money and power. Just be free!"

Eli takes a moment to look up in the sky to see the beautiful blues above and the strong white colored clouds. He closes his eyes and the wind gives a nice breeze across his face.

"The wind comes.. the wind goes.. and no one can say where it came from. It gives cool to the hot and brings flight to our things. We trust something we don't know where it comes from. We trust the unpredictable wind.. and yet when people see me as something unknowable.. unpredictable.. they panic and call me evil... they say not to trust me. Hehehe.. maybe.. just maybe they are right. How do you know I won't kill you? How do you know I won't stop your breathing with a smile on my face like I did Elisha?

You don't know. It's not for you to know those things. It's for you to simply make a choice and deal with that decision. "

Eli opens his eyes continuing to keep his face towards the heavens above.

"Elisha failed me. Elisha failed the XWF. Elisha failed Lacey. Elisha failed this whole damn world. I chose him long ago to be someone.. to be a monster.. to be my prophet. You cannot serve two masters. You will love one and despise the other. Elisha could not decide whom he was going to serve day after day. One day he would be pro Almighty and the message I was preaching to you all.. and the next day he would question my motives. I kept him around because he was a part of the bigger picture and he fulfilled it just fine.

The Congregation died with Elisha. He was the last member to perish at my hands. Not to worry... I'm never alone.. hehe.

I'm not a bad man. I'm not. To those of you who think I am are just perverted in your thinkin'. You call what's good bad and what's bad good. You are unstable in your actions and thoughts. It's where we are different. If I'm a evil man, then I'm evil to your face.. I'm evil with action and words.. and I don't hide it. I didn't hide removing the heads of Shane and the Administrator. I did it in front of everyone and I smiled doing it. I didn't hurt Elisha and lie about his whereabouts. I did it so everyone could see because I have nothing to hide. I have no lies to cover myself with like everyone else.

If you think what I did last year was evil, then I can't wait to hear what ya call what I do this time around."

In the distance you hear a loud hum noise from what sounds to be like a person. Eli looks at the ground for a brief moment and turns his head to the right.. out of focus is a person in a chair on what use to be a porch. As we get in focus we notice it's Lacey Rex. Elisha's mother-daughter. She's tied up to a little wooden chair. Her eyes and mouth are taped shut. Eli turns back to looking at the ground and gives a grin.

"Everyone.. big or small.. old or young.. boy or girl.. everyone must pay for their sins. 99% obedience is still disobedience and disobedience is a great sin that cannot be tolerated. Heh. Judgment in action is a beautiful thing..."

Eli stands up and starts walking toward Lacey.. while whistling "twinkle twinkle little star"...

[Image: N1KpZEA.jpg]

1x Universal Champion
1x Undefeated Trio Champion (1/3)
1x Undefeated Tag Team Champion
1x Undefeated European Champion
2x Undefeated UFO/FTW (Ark of the Covenant) Champion
1x United States Champion
2013 July Star of the Month
The One Who Ended & The Administrator
Former Owner of the XWF
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Morbid Angel (05-29-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (05-29-2014), Steve "KingSlayer" Davids (06-04-2014), Theo Pryce (05-30-2014)

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