Quote:Hey Dim. Kill yourself, you fucking . Seriously, you're running around with Feder and Gilmour, two people who have proven themselves incapable of doing what they set out to do. Gilmour proves it almost every week, except when he's facing Frodo and Feder's single match this year resulted in his geriatric ass being on the losing team!
Oh right, I was on that same team!
Look at this pussy, he's already throwing in the towel begging me to kill myself because he knows he can't kill me himself. You'd like that, wouldn't you, you fucking
? You'd like if I came out here with my Glock, shoved that shit into my mouth, and pulled the trigger, just so you can get out of our little match. Why? Because you can't stomach the idea of losing to "the
." It's not like I've come out and said it before that I'm slow and mentally handicapped. I admitted a long time ago that I couldn't even finish high school, bitch. So come up with some new material because Sid already devoted an entire promo during WWX informing everyone of my countless losses and my deranged mental state. Guess what,
? None of that shit sounded any better coming out of your little queer mouth. At least Sid was entertaining in the way he presented how big of a fuck up ol' Dimmy was.
And I don't know what you got against Sid or why you're trying to criticize him. Your ass tried to join him not too long ago and the stable sunk before it even had a chance to take off! Nice going, you ruined Sid's group because you're a
! You know what other group was turned into shit because of Luca? The Black Circle!
Face it, you ain't got what it takes to run a successful team. And guess what this week is? It's a tag team match which means you will fail again!