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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Double Dinner Date From Hell
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

05-25-2014, 03:35 AM

Have you ever tried really hard to make something happen, only to be somewhat unsure of yourself when it finally does?

That’s where I find myself right now.

The idea of forcing my former friend and now foe Nathaniel into a situation that I knew would make him uncomfortable brought me joy, that situation being a double date at his home in which he and my sister, his fiancé were playing the role of host makes it that much sweeter.

And yet, here we are, Lila and I en-route to their home and the immense joy I expected to feel has been replaced by nervousness.

“Is everything ok Theo?”

“Yes, why?”

“You have barely spoken the entire ride.”

“Sorry, just playing out what is about to transpire in all of the possible scenarios that I can come up with.”

“How many of them are bad?”

“Most of them.”

“Is this Nathaniel really that bad?”

“Yes and no.”

“Care to elaborate or leave it up to surprise?”

“Did your father ever mention him?”

“Not particularly. He did say that you were all in a group together along with a few other guys, Luca I believe was one of them, he’s an interesting character by the way.”

“He sure is.”

“My father also said that he and Nathaniel didn’t get along very well, it was one of the reasons he chose to leave the group when you approached him about another opportunity.”

“It’s true. Nathaniel was rather disgusted by your father’s sexual proclivities.”

“And you?”

“And me what?”

“What do you think of my father’s sexual proclivities?”

“I don’t really care what your father does or who he does it with, it’s none of business, until it affects my business, which it so far has not, and I do not expect it to.”

“So I know why this Nathaniel doesn’t like my father, why doesn’t he like you? He’s about to marry your sister, you would think that would be reason enough for him to like you.”

“It’s not. Not even close. Nathaniel will never admit it but he took my leaving The Black Circle personally. He and I were good friends and it took it personal that I betrayed him. He forgets that I tried to get him to come with me but he wasn’t having it. I suppose something can be said for his loyalty, though it was proven to be misplaced, but that’s with the benefit of hindsight.”

“Anything else I should know about him?”

“Well despite his desire to rule the world as the next incarnation of Adolf Hitler he’s a pretty bright guy, a charmer as well, which explains how he managed to snatch up my sister. Truth be told, while he finds value in my sister he will do anything to protect her, he would slaughter the world if it meant Erica and their child were safe. To that end I suppose I should be happy.”

“And yet you aren’t?”

“Not really. Do you know he poisoned me a few months back?”

“He did? With what?”

“I have no idea. He did it to send a message.”

“And that message was?”

“That he could take me out whenever he wanted to.”

“He wouldn’t would he?”

“He would. But he won’t. Erica will never let him. Which in and of itself is a miracle considering how often I make her crazy.”

“You are her brother, it’s what brothers do.”

“How would you know?”

“I watch TV.”

“Right, of course. The great wealth of knowledge that is the television never exaggerates or lies.”

“So he tried to poison you and then what?”

“Then he knocked up Erica and here we are.”

“That’s insane.”

“No really. We’re here.”

Lila peer’s out the window as Theo’s car reaches the top of the drive way and parks under the light located right above the garage.

“Nice place.”

“It should be. She gets paid well and he’s a doctor. They can afford nice.”

“Don’t you think we should have brought something other than boxed wine?”

“Absolutely not. It’s my message to Nathaniel.”

“And what message is that?”

“I’ll let you know after he sees the wine.”

“Please don’t cause a scene. It’s not good for your sister. You need to get along with this guy even if you don’t want to.”

“Believe it or not the issue isn’t with me. I am perfectly happy to put everything behind us and getting back to the way things were. After all, he was the one that poisoned me.”

“Just please be on your best behavior, for me and your sister.”


The pair walk up a few steps and upon reaching the front door Theo reaches out and hits the door bell. A moment later and Nathaniel comes to the door.

“Adolph. Great to see you.”

The words are met with an immediate look from Lila that through be told could pierce the hardest of facades.

“Theo. Lila, pleased to meet you.”

“You as well. Theo had nice things to say about you.”

“I’m sure he did.”

Erica peers her head around the corner and see's Theo and Lila standing at the door way.

“Theo! Lila! Come in. Come in.”

The pair enter the front door. Lila progresses through the main entry way and down the hallway towards Erica. Theo stops a few feet short of Nathaniel and shoves the box of wine into his chest.

“Boxed wine. Your favorite. No expense spared.”

Nathaniel takes the wine and steps up to Theo. If this were any other situation there is a good chance Nathaniel would have punched Theo in the face, but given the venue and the situation Nathaniel exercised some restraint and instead turned around and walked to the kitchen to refrigerate the wine. Theo stayed in the main foyer and looked around a little bit before joining the other three in the kitchen.

“So what’s for dinner?”

“Chicken Marsala.”

“My favorite. Nicely done Erica.”

“Well wait until you try it before you give me any credit.”

“Oh I’m sure it will be delightful. And by the way, what have you been feeding Nathaniel? He’s looking a little soft around the edges.”


“What? I kid. I kid. Seriously though Nathaniel you look well. How is your war on non Aryan’s going?”

“It’s fine.”

“And how’s John? Does he miss me?”

“I think you know the answer to that.”

“Sebastian being the Universal Champ, has that caused John to blow a gasket yet?”

The comment actually manages to get a feint laugh out of Nathaniel, who based on his reaction did not mean to express his enjoyment at the comment visually, but the damage is done so he decided to just roll with it.

“Not yet, but it’s still early.”

“Erica is there anything I can do to help? I have to working hands.”

“Actually, if you want to set the table that would be fantastic.”

“I would love to.”

“What have you got to drink up in here?”

“We have your $20.00 boxed wine.”

“No beer? Or liquor?”


“Well than I’ll take some water out of the tap.”

“You don’t want a bottle of water?”

“No, if it’s out of the tap than I’ll know Nathaniel over here didn’t get any ideas and try to poison me again.”


“It’s a joke. Geez, when did everyone get so rigid around here?”

“Perhaps your brand of humor is not one that the rest of us subscribe to?

“Perhaps Nathaniel. But unlikely. So how about that water?”

Erica grabs a glass from the cupboard takes it to the sink and fills it with water from the tap. She then hands it to Theo while also subconsciously giving him a look that says “chill the fuck out.”

“Nathaniel do you have a few minutes, perhaps you would like to show me around?”

“Not particularly.”

“No I think it would be a good idea, show him around will you?”

“Sure why not.”

“Thanks Adolph, you sure are a swell guy.”

Theo and Nathaniel walk out of the kitchen and down a long winding hallway, once the two of them are out of the eyesight of their dates Nathaniel shoves Theo up against a wall, using his forearm to pin Theo’s neck to the wall.

“Are you trying to get killed? Do you have a death wish Theo? You have plenty of enemies that want you dead, I could easily end you and make it look like one of them did the job, Erica would be none the wiser.”

“She’s smarter than you give her credit for.”


“I said what I said because I needed to get us away from them.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Do you have somewhere that we can talk in private?”

“What is this about?”

“I’ll tell you when we go somewhere private.”

Nathaniel takes a moment to study Theo, trying to determine if he is being deceived or if Theo really does have something to share, something that he cannot risk Erica and Lila seeing.

“Follow me.”

Nathaniel leads Theo down the hallway and up a set up a set of stairs and into a room that resembles a home office.

“Lock the door.”

“What? Theo, I’m not that kind of guy.”

“Fuck you. Just lock it.”

Nathaniel does as he’s asked and locks the door. Theo then reaches into his pocket and pulls something out and places it onto the desk.

“This is what I wanted to show you.”

Nathaniel walks over and takes a look down at the item and then up at Theo.

“What the hell is this?”

“You know what it is.”

“Why do you have it?”

“Because it’s mine.”

“What? What are you talking about? This belongs to…”

“Oh Nathaniel, there is so much you don’t know.”

Fade out.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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