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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
This is War
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AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

05-28-2014, 02:18 AM

On the stars I made a promise

Alexandra had a lot to think about, a lot on her mind, things that she needed to figure out. Sometimes it helped her to walk around the darkened city streets at night. Or sit on the rooftops like she used to do. For so many night's now, she was plagued with nightmares that were unlike any she had ever seen before. Things that she never knew could happen, had happened, but only in her dreams. She had been transported to a distant planet in these dreams, a place she had never seen before. There she was outfitted in the clothes of a soldier and dropped onto a battlefield without any word as to where she was. Why this dream? Why her? What connection did she have to any of it? Tonight, she was going to take a walk, perhaps to her favorite building for the best view of the city, from the rooftop, at night. She loved the feel of the crisp night air on her skin, it brought a smile to her face. The way it circled around her, brought a momentary peace. A peace that she had not felt in a very long time. The wind blew again softly, causing her hair to fan out behind her momentarily before it fell back to her back. There was nothing like it. She made it to the rooftop of a building and went to make her way out of the shadows when a hand reached out, grabbing her, dragging her into the darkness, pressing her back against the wall. A hand covered her mouth, muffling her scream, however she didn't even try. She tried to focus her eyes, trying to see who it was. His skin shimmered, the moonlight dancing across it. She caught a glimpse of the eyes of the man who had grabbed her. She could tell it was a man by the size of the hand. Icey eyes, almost grey in color, the wisdom of generations and battles unknown to her, behind them, but still the man she once knew. This wasn't the super smart pocket watch wielding scientist, this was someone else, all together, wasn't it? His hand stayed over her mouth, as he looked into her eyes, beginning to speak. She smiled behind his hand, she didn't who it was, and clearly they wouldn't reveal themselves to her. But why in the world, would did this person come to her?

"If you don't scream, I'll remove my hand."

The man smiled at her as she nodded and removed his hand. Although she wouldn't say who he was, she knew that she knew him. There was no way.. she still couldn't believe her eyes. Was he truly standing here in front of her? He had touched her, she felt the pressure of his hand on her mouth, keeping her from speaking until he had removed it. Still, she was shocked. She just looked at him for a few moments. He had changed a bit. His eyes were brighter, they matched the white hair. His body, more toned, and muscular than it had been. She stood there, looking at him for a few moments, before speaking.

"No way."

She shook her head. She couldn't believe that he was standing in front of her. She looked up into the sky, before looking back at him with a soft smile. She didn't know how it could be possible that he was here, that he was standing in front of her right now. She never told anyone how she fought to try and save him. How they held her back from saving him. How would she ever be able to explain that to him or anyone else. She didn't even understand it herself, how a friendship could have gone as far as for her to risk her life to save him.

"I've told you, it would take a lot more than that to kill me."

"Wiser people have said the same.. and none of them are living."

The person pinned her to the wall again. This time their hand slipped around her throat.

"If you listen to me, I will help you. However no one is to know that I am here. Do you understand me?"

"I understand. Now you can just go about your way. I get enough shit from Frodo and his little band of punks, I don't need whatever this shit is you are trying to pull on me."

She pushed the person back, trying to get them back away from her so she could walk away.

"You just need to get yourself back into the right mind frame. To hell with what anyone, especially Frodo Fatface thinks of you. So what if he thinks you are a whore? You're not. To hell with him and everyone else. Hey, you chose my rooftop.. what's it to you?"

Alexandra walked out towards the edge of the rooftop, looking out over the city. The lights, the way the people moved around below them. From up here, everything seemed clearer to her.

[Image: tumblr_static_1.gif]

"It's hard to think that down there, none of them even have a clue of the world around them. Of the mysteries that really matter. How right most people had been about them. Those that they said were full of shit, for believing in something, just because it didn't seem possible or even probable. But I know differently. If so, neither one of us would be standing here right now."

"But we are. The two of us.. I may not have been there.. but I have always been watching. I've always had your back. They need to be saved. We can save them. All of them. All of the non-believers, the nay-Sayers. We, together can show them the light."

He walked up behind her. She could feel his breath on her neck, she closed her eyes, not sure of what to think. He simply stood there, he didn't touch her, but he was close enough that she could feel the heat coming off his body. He radiated with a burning flame. One that said he wanted to use her for his revenge. Revenge that would satisfy the crimes committed against both of the in the past.

"My opponents have the worst fucking names known to God and Mankind. Paolo and Sterling.. what the fuck? Did their parents name them for the job they were better suited for.. a kingpin and a stripper. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if Paolo ran the strip club that Sterling works at. Sterling, my other opponent.. we've seen shit out of him since the moment he joined this company. Hell for that matter I really haven't done much of late. But that's going to change. Or that's my plan at least. This match tonight, even if I win or lose, I can size up the competition. Hell who knows, after this I might go after Olive or someone who's actually worth the effort. However Paolo could be a wild card. He has potential."

"He may have potential, but you have talent."

"When was the last time I actually amounted to anything? Seriously? Can you remember when the last time was that I actually mattered around here?"

"So it's been a while, make them believe in you again, make them see the same woman I know. Make them see the warrior, rather than the weakminded little pet you were."

"It's not that simple."

"Yes it is. Be the you, that you were born to be. Take the greatness, make them bleed. Do what it is in your nature to do."

"You're right. It's time I took back my place in this company, and leave them all laying in blood."

She turned around to look at the man she had been speaking to all this time. He spoke softly, not much distance between the two of them. Her long red hair, dancing in the breeze that had started. She looked up at him as he placed a hand on her cheek and began to speak himself.

"You know what it is you need to do.. now go do it."

Alexandra and the man, remained on the rooftop, looking out over the city, as the scene fades out on the two of them.

To never stop believing in you... To always fight at your side...

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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