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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Welcome to the game Baker
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Mastermind Offline
Active in XWF

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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

05-20-2014, 02:27 PM

XWF cameras are asked to turn up at a Dirt Bike track. They view a guy motoring around the track spewing up dirt as he goes. He does another lap before he drives up to the cameras.

He takes his helmet off, and the dirt bike rider is shown to be Mastermind. He gets off of his bike, and takes his gloves off. He places the gloves in his helmet, and puts the helmet on the bike. He turns to the camera and starts clapping.

"Finally we hear from Clyde Baker. I'm so sorry that I interrupted your busy schedule of a shit life to have answer all my promos. Clearly you had better things to do. Clearly you have better things to whine about. Clearly you have your car situation to worry about. Clearly you have more important things to do like fucking a prostitute, and then clearly you had to worry about the guy who cheated with you're ex girlfriend turning up and sussing you out. Clearly it's plain to see that you're life is a mess because you're wasting it away with a prostitute after getting royally screwed by your ex. Now I know where you're mind is. Need I say more."

Mastermind walks over to a water cooler beside his truck. He grabs a cup from the cup shelf, and pours the water. He takes a drink of water, and walks back over to his bike. He looks at the camera.

"You want to me to respond to the inadequacies of what you perceive wrongful statements made about you? Do I really need to do that? What would that prove? It'll just waste my time and your time is a way worse situation than mine, but just to give you what you asked for I'll just do that.

"Where did I say that you'd been here for a few months, when I knew you were here for two weeks? Point that out to me why don't you. Go ahead waste your time looking for that statement, that just shows what a stickler of facts you are. And a waster of time too.

"I'm sorry that I didn't see you in a tag team match, obviously that match wasn't important as our match is. Good on you for winning it. Let's clap to that."

Mastermind smiles and starts clapping.

"So you won you're first match which happens to be a tag team match, which happens to mean you needed someone else to help you win. Very clever of you very clever indeed."

Mastermind laughs and starts clapping.

"Have you been in your first singles match yet, no wait, you haven't, you needed someone to help you out, you won a tag team match. That's very different to singles. You won't have any anyone to help you out, therefore when you step in that ring with me, then you know if you can foot it with the best. I am the best, because I am that dam good."

Mastermind smiles and turns around and looks at the dirt track.

"Now Clyde, you and all those fans out there must be wondering what I'm doing at a dirt track instead of spending time training for my match with you. Well this is the best bit."

Mastermind kneels down on the dirt, and grabs some dirt in his hands.

"Now you see Clyde when you step in the ring with me, I'm going to stomp you, and do things to you that you have never felt before because why? Because you're dirt to me. That's all you are, dirt.... dirt. dirt..."

Mastermind drops the dirt onto the ground, and steps in it. Then he has a weird look on his face.

"You're a whiny dirty player Clyde Baker. That's what I've picked up about you. You go about whining, you go about talking like crap, you go about doing stupid stuff, you're life is crap. So how literally do I take that?"

Mastermind pulls down his pants, and kneels down. He pushes out a shit. He grabs a piece of paper from beside him, and cleans his butt. Then he grabs the piece of shit with the paper, and stands up. He pulls his pants back up. He then grabs the camera man and rubs the shit all over the camera. He then walks back to his bike and grabs his gloves.

He turns back to the camera.

"You moan your life has turned to crap. Well there it is for everyone to see, you are crap."

Mastermind puts on his gloves, and then his helmet, and starts his bike. He looks back to the camera.

"Eat my dust, Clyde Baker, because at the end of our match, I will be so far in front you will be virtually lying in my dust."

Mastermind rides off ripping dirt and dust from the back of the bike, and it flings in the direction of the camera. The camera fades out.
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