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RTX: Episode 3
Author Message
Paul Heyman

XWF FanBase:
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05-17-2014, 12:03 PM

[Image: i3e5ovU.jpg]
Friday, May 16, 2014
The RTX Arena
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The opening welcome video plays with the official RTX theme song in the background.

The opening video package gives way to a packed and sold out RTX Arena. Pyro explodes all over the small venue as we're joined by the voice of Madness, and now RTX, Joey Styles.

JOEY STYLES: “Welcome everyone! To RTX! I am Joey fuckin' Styles and this! This is the Road To Xtreme! We're LIVE from the SOLD OUT RTX Arena in the city of brotherly love! Philadelphia!

“And we're starting off the action right fuckin' now! Minx and Michael McBride are already in the ring and the bell has rung!”

- vs -
Michael McBride

The bell sounds and we're immediately interrupted by the theme song of Paul Heyman and his Heyman Alliance. They emerge from backstage. Vellore Brommer, Tommy Gunn, Brock Lesnar and the XWF European Champion, Kendall Sawyer stand side by side with Paul Heyman their leader and General Manager of RTX standing in front of them with a mic in hand and the RTX Championship over his shoulder.

They slowly make their way toward the ring as Paul speaks.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Hold up just a minute! We're going to get right to the action, but first, I made a promise! I made a promise to the fans of RTX and I'm going to deliver!

“I promised that on this very show I would award the very first ever RTX Championship to somebody and that is exactly what I'm going to do!”

Heyman and his alliance enter the ring. Minx and McBride take a step back toward their respective corners, allowing Heyman and his alliance to have the floor.

PAUL HEYMAN: “In fact, that very champion is standing in this ring, right now!”

JOEY STYLES: “We're about to have a title match right now!”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Michael McBride!”

McBride smiles and steps forward. Heyman extends his hand and... that's when it happens. The Heyman Alliance goes on the attack. Vellore and Gunn take out Minx while Lesnar and Sawyer take out Michael McBride. The battle is over quickly. Minx and McBride are both down and out with the Heyman Alliance standing tall.

PAUL HEYMAN: “It is an honor, and a pleasure, to give to you the very first ever RTX Champion...”

Heyman stares at Vellore Brommer. Vellore smiles slightly.


Heyman hands the title over to Tommy Gunn and he has a look of reserved excitement on his face.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Tonight! Your new main event is Tommy Gunn defending the RTX Championship against Romulus Heinrich Winters in a Scaffold Match!”

The Heyman Alliance theme music plays as RTX fades to commercial.

WINNER: No Contest

JOEY STYLES: “We're back here on RTX and moments ago, Tommy Gunn was awarded the RTX Championship by the General Manager himself, and manager of Tommy Gunn, Paul Heyman!

“Somehow that doesn't surprise me but tonight, Tommy gets put to the tests against Romulus Winters in a scaffold match!

“That's later tonight in our new main event, right now, the Under Duker stands in the ring, waiting his opponent!”

”In This Moment” by Ryan Gilmore plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Guppy Parsh! The man, the myth the legend that always seems to come up.... short.”

The Under Duker
- vs -
Guppy Parsh

The bell rings and Duker immediately face plants.

JOEY STYLES: “Darkness falls!”

Parsh immediately rolls Duker over, who seems to be out cold. Parsh hooks the leg.




WINNER: Guppy Parsh

JOEY STYLES: “Parsh picks up the hard fought victory! Well... sort of...”

RTX fades to commercial.

JOEY STYLES: “We're back here on RTX and coming up next, Vellore Brommer of the Heyman Alliance goes one on one with the Morbid one, Morbid Angel!

“Of course, this match is one on one in theory only as the Heyman Alliance will act as guest enforcers for this match!”

”God Gives Head in Heaven” by Aeon plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Here comes the steroid infused powerhouse! Morbid Angel!”

The Heyman Alliance theme plays.

Morbid Angel
- vs -
Vellore Brommer
The Heyman Alliance will serve as Guest Enforcers

The match begins with Vellore being the faster of the two men, ducking and dodging attempted attacks from Morbid Angel for the first few minutes. Vellore goes on to land a couple of would-be devastating shots to the midsection. Morbid being as large and as thick as he is mostly shrugs them off.

Angel takes the upper hand away from Vellore with a nicely timed boot to the face which stops Vellore in his tracks. Angel would go on offense from there and land some powerful moves on Vellore gaining a couple of near falls in the process.

Vellore goes back on offense after a kick to Morbid's groin, grounding the big man immediately. Morbid was locked into various Brazilian Jiu Jitsu style submissions which Vellore utilized in order to wear down his much larger opponent.

After a DDT onto a steel chair, Vellore was able to get his first and only near fall to this point in the match, which brings us to...

The Big Finish

JOEY STYLES: “I'll admit, on paper, I really didn't think Vellore Brommer stood a snow balls chance in hell against a man the size of Morbid Angel! Vellore is a fighter and has fought through everything Morbid has thrown at him thus far!

“And in large part, the Heyman Alliance has stayed out of it!”

Vellore lifts Morbid to his feet. After landing a few shots to the chin of the big man, Morbid winds up with his back against the ropes. Vellore backs off then runs full steam and leaps into the air with a cross body block. Morbid being so large, easily catches Vellore in mid air.

JOEY STYLES: “Paul Heyman, directing traffic on the outside!”

Morbid delivers a fall away slam sending Vellore up and over the top rope and soaring toward the floor. Brock Lesnar is there though, and catches Vellore Brommer, stopping him from crashing to the floor. Lesnar gently sets down his ally and grabs Morbid Angel by his feet.

JOEY STYLES: “Now the Heyman Alliance is starting to get involved!”

Morbid struggles against the grip of Brock Lesnar with his back against the ropes. Out of nowhere, Vellore flies off the top rope landing a missile drop kick to the side of Morbid Angel's face. Morbid hits the mat and Vellore hooks the leg.



JOEY STYLES: “Morbid kicks out, just before the three!”

Vellore gets back to his feet. He lifts Morbid to his and tosses him into the corner. Vellore charges in but its all for naught as Morbid bounces out of the corner and takes Vellore down with a vicious spear!

JOEY STYLES: “Oh my God! Vellore just got split in half here!”

Morbid hooks the leg near the corner.



JOEY STYLES: “Paul Heyman just placed Vellores foot on the ropes, stopping the count before three!

“It seems like the referee can't separate the fact that right now, Paul Heyman is only the manager of Vellore Brommer and not acting as the GM of RTX!

“He started to say something to Heyman but I read his lips, 'I will fire you!.'”

Morbid stands in the corner, begging Paul Heyman to get into the ring. Behind him, Vellore Brommer is getting to his feet. Paul continues to be “held back” by his Alliance as Morbid bursts out into laughter. Vellore, back to his feet, charges toward Morbid who still has his back turned. Vellore delivers a knee clip and Morbid's knee smashes into the turnbuckle.

Morbid hops on one leg and clutches his now ailing knee, when Brock Lesnar grabs his other leg and forces him to fall to the mat. Brock drags Morbid, forcing him to get crotched on the ring post. Kendall Sawyer, works quickly to place Morbid Angel in a figure four leglock around the ring post leaving Morbid Angel with no defense.

JOEY STYLES: “Morbid Angel, screaming out in pain here!”

The RTX Champion, Tommy Gunn, has a steel chair and begins wailing away on the bent knee of Morbid Angel. Smash after smash bounces Morbid's knee off the ring post. Heyman smiles and smiles as his entire Alliance is working together.

JOEY STYLES: “This is disgusting! But also hilarious.”

Kendall finally releases the figure four and Morbid crawls out of the corner away from the Alliance, which proves to be a bad decision. Vellore Brommer locks in the Joelho Bar (knee bar) on Morbid's injured knee. The big man screams out in obvious pain as his face turns a shade of crimson never seen before.

Morbid is left with no choice but to tap out due to the excruciating pain.

WINNER: Vellore Brommer

JOEY STYLES: “Vellore wins, but he can't exactly be proud of himself! It took the entire Heyman Alliance to put Morbid Angel down!

“The main event is next folks. Stay with us.”

RTX fades to commercial.

JOEY STYLES: “We're back here on the Road to Xtreme, as Tommy Gunn gets set to defend the RTX Championship for the very first time against Romulus Heinrich Winters in a scaffold match! And what a match this one should be.”

”Avenger” by Amon Amarth plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Here comes the 7 foot, 300 plus pound challenger! Romulus Heinrich Winters! What a stiff challenge for Tommy Gunn!”

”World Ablaze” by Killswitch Engage plays.

JOEY STYLES: “The reigning, defending RTX Champion! Tommy Gunn of the Heyman Alliance! He'll be put to the test tonight as he stares down Romulus Winters!”

RTX Championship
Tommy Gunn
- vs -
Romulus Heinrich Winters
Scaffold Match

Romulus starts the match like a man on fire, countering everything Tommy Gunn throws at him, then landing powerful moves of his own. As a result, Romulus controls the early minutes of the match until Gunn lands a kick to Romulus' chest that knocks the wind out of him.

This allows Tommy Gunn to go on the offense for the next several minutes. No near falls would occur since its a scaffold match and the only way to win is by climbing to the top of the scaffolding and knocking your opponent off.

Gunn and Romulus would begin to make their way toward the scaffolding while trading shots back and forth, leading us to...

The Big Finish

JOEY STYLES: “Romulus Winters and the RTX Champion, Tommy Gunn, trading shots here! Neither man can gain a clear advantage as both men have made it to the lowest level of the scaffolding. Four stories up is their goal!”

Gunn slams Romulus head first into one of the steel uprights. Romulus' head bounces off and he falls to one knee. Gunn grabs him by the hair and pulls him along as they head toward the steps leading to the second level.

Romulus reaches out and grabs Gunn by his foot causing him to fall near the top of the steps. Winters steps over Gunn then delivers a stomp to his head causing it to crash into one of the steel steps. Winters then drags Gunn on to the second level surface.

JOEY STYLES: “They've made it to the second level. Just three more remain!”

Romulus lifts Gunn to his feet, then promptly plants him on the hard wooden surface with a DDT! Winters gets back to his feet and looks out at the roaring Philadelphia crowd. He then returns his attention to Tommy Gunn. Romulus lifts him up and drapes him over his shoulders and begins to carry him off of Level 2 and up the steps to Level 3.

JOEY STYLES: “They're on the third level. Twenty feet off the arena floor!”

Once Romulus reaches the third level surface, he aims Tommy Gunn's head toward one of the steel uprights. He charges forward, but Gunn snakes out of Romulus' grip and Gunn shoves him from behind, causing Winters to smash his head off the upright.

Gunn hits the surface chest down while Romulus drops to one knee. Blood has begun to trickle out of Tommy's ear. Probably from the stomp on the steel stairs a few minutes ago.

Tommy gets back to his feet and grabs Winters by his head from behind a delivers an inverted DDT. Except Romulus hangs on to the upright and Tommy lands hard on the wooden surface on his back.

Romulus shakes off the head smash into the upright and we can clearly see he is bleeding as well. He reaches down and grabs Gunn by the hair and pulls him to his feet. Gunn, running on pure gut instinct by now, grabs Winters by the waist and thrusts him into the air causing Romulus to smack the top of his head off of the bottom of the above level surface.

Gunn then delivers an inverted atomic drop leaving Romulus lying in pain on the level surface. Gunn isn't exactly in a good way either as he leaves Romulus behind and begins to crawl his way toward the fourth level of the scaffolding.

JOEY STYLES: “Getting to the fourth level is fine, but it doesn't do any good if your opponent stays on the level beneath you.”

Gunn lays flat on his back on the fourth level surface as Romulus makes it to his feet and slowly ascends the steps.

JOEY STYLES: “Both men now thirty feet off the arena floor! Someone is going to fall! Someone is going to get badly hurt by the time this one is through! Someone is going to be thrown from forty feet off the arena floor and sent crashing through about thirty feet worth of stacked tables! Someone leaves Philadelphia tonight as the RTX Champion.”

Romulus grabs the fallen Tommy Gunn by his hair and pulls him to his feet. After a kick to the midsection, Romulus sets up Gunn for a piledriver. Gunns feet hit the bottom of the top level and shifts his weight causing Romulus to drop him. Gunn lands on his knees and tosses Romulus up and over his back.

Both men are getting back to their feet when Gunn charges toward Romulus. Winters bends down and slams Gunn down to the wooden surface with a powerslam. Winters grabs Gunn by the hair and pulls him back to his feet. He begins heading up the stairs to the top level of the scaffolding.

JOEY STYLES: “Forty feet above the arena floor! Nothing above them except the top of the arena! Nothing to grab onto except a half dozen steel upright posts!”

Once they reach the top surface, Romulus tries to shove Gunn off the top by his hair. Gunn reverses course though and ends up delivering a quick drop toe hold to Winters which sees Romulus drop to the wooden surface dangerously close to the edge.

Tommy Gunn is back to his feet and he pulls Romulus to his feet.

JOEY STYLES: “Here it comes! Gunn is gonna retain here! He's about to suplex him off the top of the scaffolding!”

Gunn tries, but is blocked be Romulus. He tries again, and again he's blocked. Will the third time be the charm? In a perfect world, sure. But this is the Xtreme Wrestling Federation and nothing ever goes according the plan. He attempts the third, but is blocked a third time leaving Winters to attempt a suplex of his own.

Romulus sends Gunn down face first which leaves Gunn flying off the scaffolding! Romulus jumps to his feet and begins to celebrate his victory.

JOEY STYLES: “It's not over! Tommy Gunn is hanging off the edge of the scaffolding by just a few fingers!”

Gunn maneuvers his way back to the scaffolding. Romulus finally notices and goes right after Gunn. Gunn delivers a nicely timed dropkick to the knee which causes Winters to fall forward and nearly fall off the scaffolding.

JOEY STYLES: “Romulus Winter saved by the steel upright and he's hanging on for dear life! Teetering on the edge!”

Gunn notices his advantage and goes right after Romulus. He nails him with fist after fist in the face but still, Romulus hangs on. Gunn takes a few steps back, then charges at his challenger. With a last ditch effort, Romulus powers himself onto the scaffolding and delivers a vicious elbow to Tommy Gunn's jaw.

Gunn staggers back and Romulus tosses him toward the edge. Gunn nearly falls, but grabs onto the steel upright just as Romulus did moments ago.

JOEY STYLES: “The tables have turned here! Now its Tommy Gunn perilously on the edge of defeat!”

Romulus is now delivering fist after fist to Tommy Gunn. After each shot, you can see Gunn's fingers slipping off of the uprights.

JOEY STYLES: “Shot after shot! Tommy Gunn's fingers are slipping here!”

Romulus backs off, just like Gunn did earlier. He charges, just like Gunn did. Gunn gains his footing, just like Romulus did. Gunn delivers a back elbow, just like Romulus did. Both men are staggered. Gunn moves in...

JOEY STYLES: “Das Boot! But I don't thing he got all of it!”

The running big boot from Romulus, puts us back where we started. With Tommy Gunn hanging off the edge of the scaffolding. Again, shot after shot and Tommy Gunn is barely hanging on now. Romulus backs up, then charges forward and nails Gunn with a hard punch to the jaw!

JOEY STYLES: “The Execution! Gunn falls!”

Tommy Gunn falls off the scaffolding and crashes through the tables below.

WINNER: Romulus Heinrich Winters – NEW RTX Champion

JOEY STYLES: “Romulus Winter is the new RTX Champion! What an impressive battle between these two men!”

Romulus makes his way down the scaffolding and toward the ring.

JOEY STYLES: “Romulus Heinrich Winters, about to take his place in the history books!”

Once inside the ring an RTX official hands him the championship. He holds the belt high into the air when the lights go out.

JOEY STYLES: “What's going on here?”

Seconds later, from the top of the Xtron starts an explosion of fire. From the top, the flames move out to both sides until they completely surround the Xtron igniting flame explosion on the entrance stage. The flames then travel down the entrance ramp, once they reach the bottom, all four corners of the ring explode in fire igniting the circular shaped lighting rig above the ring effectively creating a ring of fire.

This ring of fire is lowering to ring level, trapping Romulus inside.

JOEY STYLES: “That's the trade mark of Sebastian Duke!”

The voice of Duke's Messenger can be heard.

THE MESSENGER: “Hello Romulus.”

The camera shows a dark hooded figure sitting on a throne on the flaming Xtron. Then we see Romulus staring on, emotionless.

THE MESSENGER: “Obviously I am not the King of Darkness, but I am his Messenger.”

The camera keeps flipping back and forth, watching the Xtron and watching Romulus' lack of reaction.

THE MESSENGER: “I've come to you tonight, Mr. Winters, merely to deliver a message to you, from His Highness.”

More camera flipping.

THE MESSENGER: “A few weeks ago, you called him out. You had the audacity to challenge him.”

The Messenger laughs.

THE MESSENGER: “Are you absolutely mad!?”

Romulus, still emotionless.

THE MESSENGER: “You see, Mr. Winters, the King of Darkness is in the darkest place he's ever been. He's more dangerous now than he's ever been.”

The Xtron blinks a few times and the picture of the dark figure disappears and is replaced by Romulus' name. A few seconds go by and Romulus' name begins to burn. It continues to burn until it fizzles out and nothing is left but Romulus' name in ashes.

THE MESSENGER: “Consider this massage, the acceptance of your challenge. Good day to you, sir.”

The flames disappear and the lights return.

JOEY STYLES: “He's here!”

Standing behind Romulus with his 24/7 briefcase in hand, is Sebastian Duke himself. Winters senses it and turns quickly but is taken down with a shot to the skull with the briefcase. Romulus lies flat on his back, his title lying beside him. Duke picks up the title and stares at it for a second before tossing it aside.

Duke bends down and lifts Romulus to his feet then lifts him up, draping him over his shoulder.

JOEY STYLES: “Darkness Falls from Duke to the RTX Champion! He just planted Romulus' head into the briefcase!”

The lights go out again. Seconds later they return and Duke and his briefcase are gone.

JOEY STYLES: “Romulus Heinrich Winters laid down the challenge a few weeks ago, and now the King of Darkness has answered!”

RTX fades out.
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[-] The following 4 users Like Paul Heyman's post:
Guppy Parsh (05-17-2014), Morbid Angel (05-17-2014), Ozymandias (05-17-2014), Vellore Brommer (05-17-2014)
Guppy Parsh Offline
Person Against The Rape Of Lizards

XWF FanBase:
Kids, disabled people, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

05-17-2014, 03:31 PM

(05-17-2014, 12:03 PM)Paul Heyman Said: McBride smiles and steps forward. Heyman extends his hand and... that's when it happens. The Heyman Alliance goes on the attack. Vellore and Gunn take out Minx while Lesnar and Sawyer take out Michael McBride. The battle is over quickly. Minx and McBride are both down and out with the Heyman Alliance standing tall.

PAUL HEYMAN: “It is an honor, and a pleasure, to give to you the very first ever RTX Champion...”

Heyman stares at Vellore Brommer. Vellore smiles slightly.


Heyman hands the title over to Tommy Gunn and he has a look of reserved excitement on his face.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Tonight! Your new main event is Tommy Gunn defending the RTX Championship against Romulus Heinrich Winters in a Scaffold Match!”

"I'm sorry, WHAT? MR. gayman, I was UNDER THE IMPRESSION that while the GAYMAN ALLIANCE b-team was TAKING OUT the trash u were GOING TO CALL my name SO ME and GUPPY could make r big ENTRANCE. A title as PRESTIGIOUS as the rtx world title blongs 2 the GAYMAN ALLIANCE a-team," the voice was not impressed, "MOMMY CUMM has a HABIT of losing BELTS every SINGLES belt he's held HAS LED TO the GREATEST TITLE ReigN of ALL time 2 happen IMMEDIATELY after. DO YOU not remember my slave Mr PARSH's run with the ARK OF EVIL CHAMPIONSHIP?"

"I'm LETTING u know mr gayman that rtx BELT belongs to me and i demand that ROMUFAG HEINBITCH GAYTERS is stripped SO THAT title can go 2 its RIGHTFULL owner, ME," the voice was a hound of justice, "THEN i can giv it 2 MY GUPPY, if not i walk and ill leave ur GAYMAN Alliance FOREVER."

[Image: H1oMImx.jpg]

XWF Top 50 of All-Time (#22 on 2015 and 2017 editions, #26 on 2021 edition)
1x RTX/Ruler of the Road to Extreme Xtreme WORLD Champion
2x Trio Tag Champion (1x as Tri Bute /w Ms. Diaz, Ms. Snow Pharaoh, and Mr. Supernova) (1x /w Benito Angelo and Jervis Cottonbelly)
1x Ark of The Covenant Champion
Winner of Gaybe Lincoln's XWF Tag Team Tournament /w Scully
Leader of the PAT-RO-oL's Anti-Rapist Division

Shoutout to Graves for the banner

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Morbid Angel Offline
Баба Яга

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

05-17-2014, 04:00 PM

Did you see that food stamp mat? That shit was fucking disgusting!


It took 37 people to knock me over! VICTORY FOREVER! I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU ALL!

TIME FOR A MORBID WAR! For those of you who don’t know…That’s Morbid Angel vs. The Paul Heyman Alliance! WWWWWWAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRR!

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
UFO Champion x2
Ark Champion x2
Heavy Metal Champion x2
Xtreme Champion x3
Won at War Games 2014
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Guppy Parsh Offline
Person Against The Rape Of Lizards

XWF FanBase:
Kids, disabled people, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

05-17-2014, 04:17 PM

"u forgot the part about MOMMY CUMM crying like a little bitch. and im not GUPPY, FROMO FAGKINS, im a lot more evil. I may decide 2 leave the GAYMAN ALLIANCE, but ur still looking at the LEADER OF the a-team. i can kill u with my power u little lover," the voice's slaves, however, did suck, "ALL GREAT reigns cum 2 an end BUT urs was a fluke so fluk urself."

"im serious DOLL GAYMAN i am going 2 leave ur little team in SHAMBLES. the only ppl who will b left r THE grunts. if u don't keep me HAPPY ur team will be lost. i may even join Morid ASSgull despite his PLAGIARISM," the voice always worked for the common good.

[Image: H1oMImx.jpg]

XWF Top 50 of All-Time (#22 on 2015 and 2017 editions, #26 on 2021 edition)
1x RTX/Ruler of the Road to Extreme Xtreme WORLD Champion
2x Trio Tag Champion (1x as Tri Bute /w Ms. Diaz, Ms. Snow Pharaoh, and Mr. Supernova) (1x /w Benito Angelo and Jervis Cottonbelly)
1x Ark of The Covenant Champion
Winner of Gaybe Lincoln's XWF Tag Team Tournament /w Scully
Leader of the PAT-RO-oL's Anti-Rapist Division

Shoutout to Graves for the banner

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