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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Drive Time
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Chris MacBeth Offline
Knight of the X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

03-05-2013, 05:32 AM

Tonight was one of those occasions, laying in bed listening to the street noises Macbeth finally at about 3:30am gave up on the idea of getting any sleep and headed for a shower, packed up his gear and headed down to the parking garage where he collected his motor and pull out onto the quiet streets just the odd cab passing him dropping of some party goers.

4:00 am

Heading East on West Irving Park Road Chris Macbeth begins the 3-hour drive down to Indianapolis for this week edition of XWF Warfare. A lot of the guys on the roster depending on where there from would just hop on a plane between cities for shows and Macbeth was the same but on occasion he just enjoyed getting behind the wheel.

He had originally planned to leave at 6 am but what’s a few hours earlier.

4:05 am

As he pulls onto Lake Shore drive he sets his GPS system to the address of the hotel he is booked into at the other end.

The Sheraton Indianapolis was a nice looking hotel and should be nice spending a bit longer using the facilities than once planned.

Macbeth’s head drifts back to his Weekend in Vegas. A smile crosses his face as the thoughts of all his previous trips to Vegas come flooding back and how different it was this time. His life as changed for the better and for a change it was a weekend in the Vegas which he can remember every detail.

Thankful that his words have seemed to have sunk into his old friend that a change of career may not the best decision to make at present he has no need to worry about having to keep him out of trouble. Its definitely to early for Ted to come into wrestling at this level.

But people said that about me…

Yes but I wasn't completely inexperience I was just out of shape.

Content that he has made the right choice in persuading Ted to wait Macbeth merges onto Interstate 94.

4:25 am

Reaching for the stereo he switches over to The Drive for some early morning Classic Rock.

Some frustration begins to build within him again like it has done off and on over the past week, the frustration that he feels as though the XWF is holding him back or more importantly by Wallace. Ok yes Crimson Cobra is a step up from what’s his name from last week but really. I’m Chris Macbeth. I should be fighting for titles not on these mid card show fillers.


About an hour and half later Macbeth pulls off of Interstate 65 and into a Gas station. After filling up the tank he buys himself some breakfast and a drink and pulls his car up into the parking bay.


CM: Hello.

???: Hey how you doing, have you left for Indianapolis yet.

CM: Yeah, I'm already on route, couldn't sleep so had an early start.

???: OK, no worries was just seeing if you wanted to grab some breakfast before you left, you all ready then.

CM: You know me I was born ready.

???: Did you go to Madness last night?

CM: No why would I?

???: Just thought seeing as it was on your own doorstep you may have popped in.

CM: Nah, I hadn't long been back from Vegas so I was shattered. so slept most of yesterday.

???: Explain why you couldn't sleep last night then?

CM: Ha Yeah Probably.

???: So you hear about the Roster changes for Madness?

CM: Nope, anything big?

???: That Crimson Cobra your facing this week has gone to Madness.

CM: Oh really what about his buddy?

???: Deadly, Yeah he has gone as well.

CM: Interesting.

???: Not as interesting as Heyman putting them in a match against each other next week.

Macbeth laughs.

CM: That Heyman loves to ruffle some feathers.

??? Yes he does.

The conversation continues for a few more mins before Macbeth hangs up the phones and finishes his lunch.


Back on the road Macbeth is refreshed and rejuvenated for the final stretch of his journey.

E.T.A. 7:35 am.

Should be arriving a little to early, check in is at 10:00 am. Macbeth reaches over and finds the hotel info out of his bag on his passengers side seat to confirm this.

Suddenly a Travel Reports can be heard over the radio.

*Travel Report News Flash*

3 hour long delays expected around Layafette for anyone travelling on Interstate 65.

Scratch that.

E.T.A 10:00 am

[Image: bkr0f_Tl.jpg]

Chris Macbeth's Backstage Page

1 X XWF Hart Champion - 04/27/16 - 06/08/16
1 X XWF Tag Team Champion. - 04/06/16 - 05/25/16
1 X Heavy Metal Weight Champion - 04/29/13 - 05/05/13
1 X 24/7 Federweight Champion - 02/21/16 - 02/23/16
1 X Star of the Month

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