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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Demons Breeze Pt.1
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Mandii Rider Offline
Eat Your Heart Out Bitches


XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

05-07-2014, 04:01 AM

I struggled in my bed slightly, heat rushing into my leg and seemingly stopping right as it hit my mid-section. Moans left my mouth while the feeling of fire on my skin shot pain to my head. The drawback of the human cells in my body currently was the fact things seemed to be amplified. If I felt depressed it would send me to a new low, if I was in pain the pain was doubled and it shot in my body over and over. I shot up in bed and looked down to my leg, a small red ring around the area I had been injecting myself is the first thing I saw followed by small blue veins that seemed to poke out.

Damn it.

I laid back and bit my bottom lip trying to control the amount of pain I felt. Blood began to drip from my teeth the harder I bit, yet I couldn't feel the pain from it. I shot up once more ripping the sheets from my leg and apply pressure to the place I had just recently stuck a needle into. Nothing seemed to work as I removed my hand from the spot. A gasp left my lips looking over what seemed to be my leg rotting around the injection site. Blood ran down my leg as I tried to use the sheets to remove the dead skin. The more I moved the worse the pain became and the worse my leg looked. I fell back again in agony. The pain was starting to move upward causing me to be paralyzed with pain. I looked down to my arms...Blue veins and pain that never seemed to stop. I let out a scream as the taste of iron flooded into my mouth......Was this all because of the human cells?


I swallowed hard and looked up to Teakkin standing over me. A cold rag dripping ice water onto my head had cooled me off slightly. I pushed myself up from the mattress that laid on my floor known as my bed and looked at the pillow soaked in sweat. Teakkin looked on from across the room now, the look of fear showing in her eyes now and then.

You ok?

I gripped at my leg before hurrying to pull the sheets over my legs. My whole body was rushing in heat but no pain right now. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes allowing my head to rest between my knees.


I'm fine...

No you're...

I'm Fine!

My eyes shot open as I looked to Teakkin. Fury filled my gaze to her and I could feel the heat become more as my eyes began to change to a golden brown.

You don't have to yell. You were having a nightmare and over reacting, I just wanted to make sure you were ok.

Teakkin stormed out of the room with a huff and left me to lay on the bed looking for a pair of jeans. I looked around and found some laying next to me, probably from the night before, and grabbed them rushing to put them over my underwear. I pushed myself up from the bed and began to walk down the hall before hearing voices.

She's gone crazy and it's because of her sister. Did you ask her about last night?

No, she was asleep. This doesn't have to do with Nerobell, it has something to do with something else.

How do you know?

I just do.

You don't find it funny that she's letting someone who wants to kill her stay here? Not only that she is helping her find their father.

Don't question it. She's just...

I cleared my throat as I walked around the corner, giving off a warning that I was in the room. The two looked at each other before Zella stood and began to walk outside. She stopped to give me a snarl before closing the door as she exited the house. I looked down before drifting my eyes to Teakkin. She looked back at me like she thought I had heard probably more than I already had. I rolled my eyes and snatched a bottle of water out of the fridge before walking over to the chair that sat in front of Teakkin.

Who is she?

Who is who?

The girl behind you, the one latched onto my curtains like her life depends on it.

Teakkin turned around, confusion covering her face as she face the woman. Teakkin turned back to me, her face still in a questioning look.

There's no girl there.

She's right there.

No, no one is there.

I rolled my eyes and pointed in the corner where a woman with black hair stood watching me.

[Image: VxHoLvR.jpg?1]

She is right there!

Mandii, no one is there!

I rolled my eyes again and pushed up from my chair. I started to walk to the front door before turning around to the empty corner. Was I going insane? First the dreams, now I'm seeing people who are not even there. I swallowed hard, shook my head, and started to walk out of the door before being stopped by Teakkin.

Are you ok? Really?

I'm fine.

I pushed past her and walked outside. The sun hurt my eyes as I looked around for Zella who was nowhere to be seen. I sighed and looked back at Teakkin who stood in the doorway.

Where did Zella go? And where is Nerobell?

Nerobell left this morning and Zella is trying to find Sigh, something we should be doing as well. Mandii, you've been acting differently ever since we got Jason back, since you saw Sigh. You've gotten even more weird since Nerobell came back and maybe that is my fault but...

Stop it.


Stop always blaming everything wrong with Nerobell on yourself. I wanted her back so I'm the one who should be feeling any guilt. As for my attitude as of late, why not ask what all I must deal with when it comes to my life.

You have Nerobell back and Sigh is still after you and Jason, I know. You also have your job and I know the fact that you've lost a lot has to be wearing on your mind but...

No buts. Maybe that is why I am acting the way I am. How would you act in such a time, hm? Besides, I have to look for my father and help Nerobell go back to herself. If we can get her back in her right state of mind she can help us take down Sigh and those stupid Originals.

Wait what? Mandii, Nerobell already is herself, you finding her father isn't going to help her. I told you we shouldn't trust her. While Zella has been looking into Sigh I've been looking into why Nero is here and theres some things you need to know...

You can tell me later. I need to see if Nerobell found anything out yet and I have a match to get ready for.


I'm fine and I'm not going to let Nerobell do anything.

I turned away and began to walk out to the gravel road before seeing three people walking up. I slowed my walking before shaking my head. Was I just seeing them to? I sighed at the thought, I was question what I was seeing. I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath before looking up again and seeing the three still walking to me. The closer they got the more I could make out their faces...Miranda, Hadassa, and Amarillis...


I walked up the gravel road the to three of them, Teakkin following behind me. I stood before Amarillis as she looked down to the ground. She had this look as if she was about to do something she didn't want to. Miranda and Hadassa looked at each other before Hadassa looked away and Miranda Sighed. Amaryllis looked at me once again before showing me a slip of paper.

[Image: KX4gJDq.jpg?1]

We've been sent to take you back to the Originals. You are going to be jailed due to your threat made to my mother.

Wait what? Mandii is part of the originals!

Not by the laws.

Amaryllis nodded her head to Miranda and Hadassa. Miranda stood between Amaryllisand Teakkin as she yelled. Hadassa placed a set of handcuffs on my hands before pushing me behind Amaryllis.

You can't do this! After all she's done!

I don't have a choice!

The words echoed in my head, I don't have a choice. It seemed like none of us had a choice. The originals run my life no matter how much I hated it, they do. Now I was going to Siren jail and for what? Trying to protect basily the world? While I wished all this was just some little thing playing in my head something told me this was a lot more than just in my head. This was Sighs way of getting us away from each other...This was Sigh and Helen setting plans into action.

To Be Continued...


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