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Domination is coming!
Author Message
The Freak Mike Rhodes Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Monster Heel

(always booed; cheats; hurts people)

03-03-2013, 11:48 AM

The camera fades in as we are looking at a wide shot of a custom motorcycle setting down on what seem to be one very long driveway to one big beautiful manison with mountain views along with it. Off in a distance we hear the sounds of slipknots people= shit blasting into the afternoon air. Then we see a black custom black Ford F-150 pulling into the driveway of the home, coming to a stop the camera gets a close up of the driver side door of the ford .We see the door open witnessing a freakishly large man tanned wearing a blue nike muscle shirt with black tapout shorts and nike shoes. Going to the back of the ford the man reaches into the bed of the ford grabbing with his right hand a white gym bag. He stops and starts speaking to the camera guy.

So i was wondering when you guys was gonna show up?(the large man slowly starts to laugh) follow me and we'll get this started.

As the large man finishes talking the camera guy starts to follow behind the muscular man into the garage of the manison we hear the man talk again as the camera pans around the eight car garage.

For you little people at home i bet you had this dont ya? bet my garage is bigger than most of your homes are?

As we enter the back of the manison the man slams the door behind the camera man. As we follow in behind we see shots of the very larger manison pictures of the man inside of what seems to be from cage fighting and other various things.
Ending up on what seem to be an office the large man throw his gym bag into the right side corner of the room. he sits down grabbing a glass and bottle of whiskey he slowly pours into the glass he starts to talk while putting the lid back on the whiskey bottle.

Ladies and gentleman watching on your tv's at home down adjust your sets yes your looking at a pure athlete. i dont need loudness with bright and pretty colors to get my point across to idiots like you at home.(grabbing for the glass of whiskey he poured just moments ago mike slowly takes a drink of the cold whiskey sitting it back down on the table leaning on the table rhodes keeps talking)man thats good stuff i just got done signing a very large contract thats worth more than your houses and everything you own(the camera getting a shot of mike pointing to the viewers at home) with the XWF see they want someone who wants to bring back the true meaning of the sport and thats wrestling dont get me wrong ya boy loves the spotlight just as much as the next person but when its time to clock in i get the job done! Im here for one reason and one reason only glory and gold baby enough said. And for anyone that gets in my way im serving up fresh helpings of ass whipping all day everyday just find ya boy here(the camera gets a shot of mike pointing to his chest the taking his shirt off we get a look at the massive tattooed chest of this freak) cause i fear no one point blank period. now if you dont mind i someone im expecting( as mike continues to talk the camera turns to the door of the office revealing an very attractive dark hair woman entering the room) hello baby just finishing up some business here. Oh yeah one last thing ? Domination is here and your looking at it Either your with me or against me all you useless people will find out the hardway why they call me the freak

the scene slowly fades to black as we see mike and the woman walk out of the room
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