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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Hunter Emerges. True Nature.(Rp 3)
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Cain Offline
The Last Son of Eden

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

04-08-2014, 08:13 PM

The more I hunted the more animalistic I became. My hunting expeditions became later and later. "His" influence became more powerful with every kill I made. I was literally becoming my namesake. I was becoming the Beast of Berlin once more. The night air was warm and I could smell sweat on the air. A faint smell though. A woman, for certain.


I smell blood. I knew it was that time of the month, but of course, that was of no consequence to me. A new need had arisen from my unification with Abel, and as I stalked behind the tress the young jogger began looking more delicious. No more than twenty, blonde hair, blue eyes, tanned skin. Jogging shorts. Sports bra. Her footfalls. Her footfalls sounded like thunder even from one hundred feet away. I literally heard her coming, SMELLED her, from a mile away.

As she rounded the corner, now was the time to strike. Like any good stalker, I ran my new talons down a tree. I made a sickening scratching sound and began whistling the tune from Final Fantasy Seven. Sephiroth's theme. Yes, thousand year old demons love Final Fantasy villains.

She stopped in her tracks and called out.


I snickered a bit, and threw an acorn, hitting right at her shoes. She squeaked. Like a mouse.


My unification with Abel had taken my mind a bit further into madness. I was proud of that, believe it or not. I was a predator. A true to form Beast. I began to sing an old lullaby.

"Hush...little baby...don't you cry..."

Cry little sister. Your time is up. Just like Omega. Just like Wyatt. Just like ...that other guy. I forget his name. But rest assured, noone will ever forget mine.

"Who's there!? I have life alert! I'll call the fuckin' cops on you, pervert!"

My little song continued. I wss above the law. I was a Beast.

"...I'm going to sing you...a lullaby."

"Come out, creep!"

She...told me to come out? To actually show myself to her? I mean, this bitch is brave. I just had to laugh at this dumb blonde.

"Ha ha ha..."

I smelled something new. Something I'd not smelled for the hundreds of years after I'd become a rich aristocrat. But now, being a human hunter, I could smell it. Fear. I recognized it. The girl's sweet saline dripped down her cheeks and she braced herself. Frozen in fear. Wonderful. Her sweat's odor had changed and I could smell it. But...I retracted my talons, fangs, and those huge beast-like pupils. I stepped up behind her, my stealth and instincts making it easy. The tone of my voice changed to a more comforting one...a wolf in sheep's clothing.

"Is something wrong, Miss?"

She jumped, spun around, and her breasts jiggle.

"Umm...yes. some fucking creep is stalking me. He's whistling J-Rpg themes and singing nursery rhymes. Fucking creepy."

Dumb ass. She didn't even realize that we were alone. Just the two of us. I heard the voice laughing in my head, which warranted a smile on my part. I feigned ignorance.

"Oh...those crazy park dwellers."

My newfound power had given me a way of disguising my true nature. Did I mention I'd used it to kill those three beaners earlier? Well, I cut them to shreds under the pretense of a fiesta. Why didn't I eat them? Well, because Mexican food gives me gas. Rimshot. She relaxed a bit, her heartrate slowing. She was at ease as she stared into my eyes. Yeah. Demons glamour too, bitches.

", hey."


I answered as I looked up at the quarter moon inthe sky. Not a single cloud. Perfect night for a good meal.

"I know I don't know you or anything, but could you please walk me back to my car?"

Come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly.

"Ohhhhh, I would be delighted."

"Yay. Hold on. Just let me call..."

Ahh fuck it.


In the blink of an eye, my appearance had changed. Beast mode. She panicked...she turned to run, and I gave chase. We ran through the woods, leaves left over from fall cracking under our feet. My opportunity came as she slipped into a ditch. I heard the snap, and hopped down to straddle her, canines extended. She cried, her breathing was harsh...she uttered one word as my weight crushed her chest.


"...this world's worst fucking nightmare, bitch. Freddy Krueger can suck my dick."


"...oh yeah...*I* am real. Now..."

I knew she saw my eyes flash red.

"Bon appetit!"

Her screams filled the air, blood splattered the ground. Snapping tendons. Ugh...silicone tastes fucking horrible.


I tore that young girl to shreds. So, when I walked through the door of my manor, I was immediately confronted by Miako.

"Damn you!"

I shrugged.


She looked at me sternly. Oh my god she looked tasty. Only in a different way. Know what I mean? Eh eh? She smirked.

"What about your cholesterol?"

I snickered, walked up to her, and slid my arms around her waist..being sure to scratch her a bit. She moaned. She loved that. I answered her bluntly.

"Don't worry. I only ate the white meat."

Get it?

~End Scene~

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