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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Chromaggia {Part 2 of 3}
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AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

03-04-2014, 07:38 PM

"Was it all a dream? Or was it reality?"

Alexandra began to stir, the sun was coming up and in the distance, she could hear voice. She sat up straight, looking around. The wings, they were gone, in their place was a tattoo of a large pair of black angel wings. Alexandra was confused, until she stood and instantly crumbled to her knees again. Her body hurt all over, there wasn't a place that didn't feel like it had been destroyed. She tried to stand again, pushing herself up onto a bench in front of a crypt. Her body felt alive, every inch of her felt as if she was on fire, then it was as if the air had been sucked out of her lungs and the cold sting of a freezing rain took her. She shuddered from the cold that filled her. She wrapped her jacket around herself, only to find that the cold didn't go away. She walked back into the French Quarter and to her loft there. Once inside she laid on her bed, turned to her side facing the wall. Images of the times passed flowed through her head. Images no one should ever see. Images from that box of Mysticas. Fucking PANDORAS box. Alexandra tried to close her eyes tightly, flipping over to face the other direction. Restless sleep took her into a waking nightmare, everywhere she turned. She fought against the voices that tried to take her again. She willed the pain away and pressed back. When they torment her, she pushed further she fought harder, like a champion. When they'd knock her down, she would get back up. Alexandra threw back the covers, waking finally at dusk, walking to her mirror she looked at herself, and closed her eyes, thinking about the moment when the wings showed themselves... was it real, or did she dream it it? She found herself lost, trying to contemplate the massive change. Her eyes, still held their bluish glow, just as they always had.

"This is the strangest thing.. I have ever experienced. Were Mystica and Eli right about me?"

Alexandra shook her head, there was her match to think about. These two girls wouldn't come at her easy. She had heard about Calamity's words, she had to fire back at that. Grabbing her camera, she prepared to make her own video.

"In a land where nothing is sacred and nothing is secret, there only exists one thing, pain. You say you like to bloody up faces, Calamity. I don't just bloody faces, I break bones, I end careers. We all have monsters in our closet, demons in our minds. Drugs, Alcohol, lust, greed, envy. Ah, envy, there's our little Calamity's problem. You are jealous of me. You are jealous of the beauty, the darkness within my body. You are envious of the nightmare that I am, the monster that I have become. Then you threaten my family, see, that wouldn't be very smart of you darling. You go after my family, they'll be coming for you alright.. but it wont be to stitch you up and send you back home, it will be to put you in the ground. They will have to find all your teeth first, because those I will kick down your throat and make you eat your words. I have never been eye candy darling. Every word I say, I can back up, I've proven it time and time again. Oh don't concern yourself with my abilities in the ring. I have no rust to worry about. You'll see that first hand in our match. You see, you opened Pandoras box, and now.. there's nothing stopping the flood of violence that will come your way. When you said that I was far more difficult than our friend Miss Jackson, you were right. I am. So kudos to you on finally getting something right in your little promo darling." Alexandra chuckles. "So you want to play little one, fine, let's play a little game. You bring your whack a mole, and I'll bring my violence. And we can play a game I like to call, is there a God?"

Alexandra shook her head, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You know, it's a shame Peter Gilmour split again. He would be the perfect match for my other competitor. Kristy, you seriously need your head examined from wanting to step into the ring against not only Calamity, but myself as well. You would have to be completely daft to want to do a thing like that. But you know what they say right? Once a slut.. oh wait, wrong person. Moving on, you see Kristy, I've watched your little path of destruction, and I can tell you that, after your last showing, this one wont be so great. It's will wind up with your bleeding, broken, and crying for your momma to come help you, much like you cried for your first fuck." Alexandra shrugged her shoulders, this was simply too easy. "When it comes to you, there's really not much that can be said. Sure you beat my dear friend Charlotte, but she's been kind of off lately. Her mind has been on more pressing matters. But you see, mine, isn't. I'm focused on this match, and then I will move on to WWX to do battle on Team Eli. Yes, the Angel has returned to The Congregation in a way. I've always supported Eli and his ideas. His way of thinking might be able to help you Kristy, you really should look into it. But the choice is up to you..."

Alexandra nods once more, thinking things out.

"Perhaps I should pay a visit to Eli, let him see that he foretold what was to come. He knew.. even before I did... But for now, Passer cecidit fatalis fugit avis. Et factum est in locum suum angelum concidit."

[Image: tumblr_mezsq5htfg1qjauldo1_500.gif]

The image faded out on her sitting at a table with candles and roses.

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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