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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Fatality - Fatal 4 Way - RP 1
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Sebastian Duke Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-23-2013, 08:39 PM

RECAP: Over the last week, Sebastian Duke discovered the truth about Linn Kwann and he was not happy. He found out that she was a prostitute and had sexual relations with his arch-nemesis Griffin MacAlister on at least one occasion. As a result of this revelation, he kicked her out of the compound and out of his life.

On a trip to Atlantic City in an attempt to get away from it all, Sebastian found himself in the arms of Sarah Saint James, XWF's resident vixen. In addition to this, he also got himself drunk for the first time in many, many years. His mystery partner for Shove It, Mr. XWF, revealed himself, helping Sebastian thwart an attack from an old foe from New York City.

After returning home he requested Linn Kwann come back home. As he packed for his trip overseas, he discovered a sex tape he was unaware existed between him and Sarah. As he watched it, Linn Kwann made an early return and stormed out.

Just as he was leaving for the airport, he received a phone call from the self-admitted Vatican assassin, Jonathan, who claimed to be holding Asmodeus hostage. Sebastian refuted the claim. Asking Jonathans intentions, he was informed the only way to end the 'war' with the Church that has raged off and on for centuries, was to end the Brotherhood. Permanently.

We join Sebastian Duke now, on his way to the airport headed for Shove It in Singapore just after the call with Jonathan ends.

Friday, February 22, 2013 - 11:13 AM EST

Jonathan has just hung up on Sebastian Duke after a very daring and threatening conversation. He's worried. Very worried about the safety of his father. Not only is Asmodeus his father, he's also the High Priest of the Brotherhood.

As he rolls down the street, he decides to accelerate to catch up with Asmodeus at the airport to make sure he's safe. It didn't take long for Sebastian heart to drop to his stomach.

Up ahead, in the bushes along the side of the road, sits a mangled black Chevy Suburban. Sebastian screeches his truck to a halt and slams it in park. He darts out the door and over to the wreckage.

Inside the driver side door, face banged up from the collision, sits Lucas. Looking over to the passenger side he notices blood on the dashboard but no Asmodeus. Lucas is barely conscious as Sebastian dials 9-1-1. Speaking with urgency, Sebastian gives the operator the details then hangs up. Frantically, he tries to speak with Lucas.

Sebastian: "Lucas. I need you to focus. Say only what you need to. What happened?"

Lucas: "It.... was.... Jonathan."

Sebastian: "What does that mean? It was Jonathan?"

Lucas: "He.... he.... he did this..."

Sebastian: "How? Stay with me Lucas! How did he do this?"

Lucas: "Spikes..... he used.... spike strips.... like police..."

Sebastian quickly looks at the tires, he notices they are completely shredded.

Sebastian: "Lucas. Stay with me Lucas! I need you to focus the best you can. Did you see Jonathan?"

Lucas: "Yes..... he..... he took..... Father..... Asmod...."

Sebastian: "Lucas! LUCAS! DAMN IT!"

Lucas loses consciousness. Sebastian checks his pulse. Faint, but still there. In the distance the sounds of sirens ease closer. Duke's time is running short and he has no choice but to split.

With or without Lucas. With or without Asmodeus. The cause endures and the path must still be traveled.

As he speeds off down the road he hits the bluetooth button on his mirror and calls Jacob.

Sebastian: "Jake listen.... There has been an accident..... Lucas is on the way to the hospital and Father Asmodeus is missing............... Yes, Lucas said Jonathan was involved......... Stop trying to talk and listen..... Get your ass to (Censored) Hospital and call me with an update only when you have one!"

Sebastian ends the call as he races towards the airport.

"This week is yet another week of breaking in some rookies. The fatal four way match to determine the number one contender to the XWF United States Championship. A title I should already have around my waist. Without going into great detail, we all know WHY I'm not the champion. Right Tyrone?

"It's almost like poetry that Tyrone is the guest enforcer for this match. It just fits so well. Let me make one thing clear though. Tyrone, if you think for one solitary second that you're going to stick your freakin' nose in my business again, you got another thing comin'! See, Tyrone, I'm almost positive you'll try something to screw me over yet again. I'd suggest you think twice. I will unleash hell on you like you have never, ever felt before. I will put you down like mindless drone lap dog that you are.

"With that piece of crap out of the way, I turn to my opponents. First, Crimson Deadly. I'll admit, I don't know much about you, other then the fact that I see some promise in you.

"That aside you claim I base my image off of somebody else, yet you fail to see what's right in front of you. What you fail to see rookie, is that I'm not anything like what you see in that other guy. Sure, I'll admit to some similarities. My look. My finisher. Everything else is mine and mine alone. Kid, there is a lesson to be learned here as you spill your useless rhetoric. That lesson is, check your facts. I never claimed I was the champion, I claim, and the record shows it, that I SHOULD be the champion.

"You call it your destiny. Your only destiny, my young stupid friend, is to tap ou or pass out.

"Crimson Cobra. Another rookie with tons of potential. Your thought process is flawed. You think because Benjamin Crane and I have history that it benefits you and Deadly. The reason this thought is flawed is because I don't hate Benjamin Crane anymore then I hate you or your idiot partner. I hate the three of you equally. I will beat the three of you equally. You will all lose equally.

"Call me an equal opportunity ass kicker. I don't discriminate. Let me assure you, Cobra, your toughest competition is not Crimson Deadly. Your toughest opponent is Sebastian Duke.

"I look forward to beating the hell out of both of you and reminding you exactly where you are on the pecking order.

"You have an opportunity to earn a shot at Mark Flynn, but in order to do so, you have to go through me. I can promise you Crimson Cobra, you will NOT defeat me. You don't have the ability. Not physically. Not emotionally. Not mentally. Not now. Not ever.

"Last but certainly not least is Benjamin Crane. THE MONOLITH! When we last saw each other, Benjamin, you were deluding yourself into thinking that you and I were onto something huge! The only thing you received was the ass kicking of your life. You lost. You'll lose again.

"Another thing you seem to be losing Crane, is your sanity. I saw the footage. The same footage where you claimed to be in Canada. The problem is... Take a look at this shot... Again, from YOUR promo footage... Claiming to be IN Canada..."

[Image: CraneMistake.jpg]

"Now, I'm not sure what that looks like to those of you watching, but having spent some significant time traveling the highways, I'm pretty sure that's a Texas state highway sign.

"It's also proof positive that you are, losing your damn mind!

"Let's get something straight Crane. You are not on my level. You never have been and you never will be. You might have gone out there and rode John Madisons coat tails to victory but you are NOTHING. You always will be. We are not destined to battle over and over. Perhaps the beating you received wasn't bad enough last time. The fact is, Crane, you will be on the receiving end of one hell of a lot of punishment right along with those two little Crimson runts!

"Facts are facts boys. I am Sebastian Duke. I am the Angel of Darkness. I am the hardest hitting, most unstoppable force this company has ever seen.

"Look into my eyes, gentlemen. What you see when you look into them is the undying everlasting drive and determination to win at all costs! There will be a new number one contender and YOU ARE... looking at him...

"Trust me!"

Saturday, February 23, 2013 - 5:52 PM EST

Sebastian Duke makes his way through the airport in Singapore. A million things run through his mind. What was going to happen between he and Linn? Where is he keeping Asmodeus? Is Asmodeus even still alive? How badly injured was Asmodeus?

Most importantly, how was he going to secure Asmodeus' safe release?

These thoughts continue to race through his mind. His match in just a few hours seems a distant memory. All that consumes him now, is his father and the health and well-being of Lucas.

He exits the airport terminal and reaches a cab at the sidewalk. Duke tells the cab driver where he's headed and leans back against the seat. Closing his eyes and thinking of the severely injured Lucas and his kidnapped and probably injured father.

Suddenly, he gets an idea. It was something he never thought he'd do as long as he lived. Before he left for Atlantic City, Lucas had been able to retrieve a phone number from deep within the confines of Linn Kwanns cell phone memory card. He needed outside help for this. Sebastian takes out his cell phone and dials a number. He hesitates a good while before hitting send.

SD: "Hey, don't hang up! It's Sebastian Duke........... Yeah, I never thought I would either........... Listen, I need to meet with you... In private..... What do you mean off the grid?............................. Oh..... Maybe we can help each other......... Monday night......... yeah the lake..... See you then."

No sooner does he hang up, he gets an incoming call from Jacob. With a anxiety and maybe even some urgency, he hits the speaker button.

SD: "Hello Jacob. Tell me good news."

Jacob: "Leader... I've been at the hospital with Lucas since yesterday morning. He had some brain swelling, hemorrhaging, internal bleeding. They drilled holes in his head to relieve the swelling and um..."

SD: "What? And what?"

Jacob: "There was nothing they could do."

SD: "What do you mean?"

Jacob: "Sir... um..."

SD: "Let's go Jacob, I don't have all day."

Jacob: "Lucas passed away about ten minutes ago."

Sebastian says nothing in response as he clicks the phone off. He is deeply saddened for the first time since his favorite uncle died when he was 18. It's not a feeling he's accustomed to. Lucas though, like Jacob, had become like a younger brother to him. His Brotherhood is like a close knit family. He holds the accountable for mistakes, but he also nurtures them as the grow up so to speak. This is the first time he's lost a Brother to a murderer.

The war has just escalated. The first shot fired, but missed when Jonathan failed to succeed in his assassination plot. In response, Sebastian elected to use diplomacy, blackmail in some circles, to force out the Pope. He considers it a 'shot across the bow.' A shot fored, but no one gets hurt. In response to that, the Church landed a direct hit. Taking out one of Sebastians most trusted advisors, as well as capturing the Brotherhoods inspirational leader, Asmodeus.

How will Sebastian Duke respond to this crisis?

Just who did he call?

Who is he meeting with at a lake?
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