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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Ending.
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Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

02-04-2014, 08:51 AM

OOC: This takes place after: 'The Broken Crown.'

However, before: 'The Truth.'

In an abyss of fog and mist Steve Davids emerged in the saddening rain tears forming with the rains. He powered through, his suit was damp but he still looked at least partially suave. Just beside him was Stewart, the fierce old man who had taken up Steve's offer of assisting him in justice and in the ring. The former boxing manager was a suited bull, ready for a war. The saddest moon anyone had ever seen glistened in the night sky as the two powered towards the house where they were set to meet Steve's Father, Brothers and former friend, Albert.

Steve knew that this would be where it all finally came to the end that has for a long time been coming. He knew that eventually darkness would have to swallow either him or his family. Justice would be met.

They entered the crooked house that seemed to be miles away from everything else, Albert with a crow bar in hand. Perhaps the houses isolation was a good thing.

They entered the house expecting to be many rooms. No, the second floor had been caved in and so had most of the walls other than a few pillars that held the roof up. The four men stood on one side of the room, Steve and Albert stood opposite... An awkward gloom filled the room, Steve knew he was destined for one last conversation with his father. His Father stood forward pulling two chairs with him, he placed them opposite each other. The other three men remained where they were, as did Stewart.

They both spoke with the same husk and fierceness as the other. They had similarities despite their complete indifference. Steve brushed his hair back and stared deeply into his Father's eyes. They were fiery just like his own. Maybe, just maybe... His Father genuinely thought he was doing the right thing. Maybe he thought this was the vengeance his wife would have wanted.

“You know Dad, we don't have to do this.”

“Don't you dare call me your Father!” Seth bellowed, the words echoed around the room, “do you even know how you got your name?... Of course you don't, you were not given that name by me or your Mum. That name, Steve. A plain and simple one was that of my Father, your uncle saw it as fitting. What an idiot that man was.”

“Don't speak a word against him, or I swear.”

“Or you swear what Steve? Don't you think whatever you have swore will happen should happen after this conversation rather than around ten minutes prior. By the way, nice back up you brought. Does he actually know why he's here or can't he remember?”

“Oh a joke, I never knew you were such a comedian.”

“We are not here for comedy, however, I did expect you to come a little more prepared.”

“I am a born survivor Father. You left me in those flames to burn and I survived. A mere child left to perish in hell's flames... now look at me, a survivor who has no choice other than to do the one thing that he promised he would never do again. Do you think I want to fight my Father and my Brothers? DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT?”

“It's too late now though Steve, forgiveness has past and it is true that we are too far gone. This madness must end here tonight so that me and my family can live in peace. Knowing that justice has been finally served.”

“You think this is justice do you? This? You attempted to murder me as a child and you could not succeed now you try to force my hand and give me no other option than to murder my own family? This is not justice. The things I have been through, the cruel things I have seen are nothing compared to this. Murdering your own son, there's nothing worse? You want to do the right thing for your family? Then why would you leave your son to rot amongst the ashes.”

“You murdered my wife. My last love. My only love. You think that you can simply get away with something like that?”

“Birth is not a crime, Father.”

The word Father echoed around the room and it cut down into Seth.

“You ripped her apart. Now look what you've done, I have no choice but to murder my own son. Vengeance has always been inevitable.”

“And what of my vengeance?!”

The two continue to stare at each other, neither back off an inch. The surrounding men look puzzled, unsure of what to do.

“Your vengeance? You have no right to vengeance!”

“You murdered my uncle, your own brother. The man who nurtured me and cared for me whilst you ran off to get as far away from memory as possible. Assuming I was dead you sat and enjoyed your life, placing these suffocating memories to the back of your head as if they no longer existed. That's what you did because you are nothing more than a coward. A man who feared the cold truths of what happened. Then when I reappeared as a professional wrestler you just knew you had to come back for vengeance because leaving me to burn in the flames once and completely abandoning me just simply wasn't enough for you, was it? Seeing my success you attempted to put it to an end, god forbid any of your sons actually accomplished something.”

Steve looked up at his brothers in disgust. They were mere shells in comparison to him.

“These two make me prouder than you ever could.”

“Is that due to actual pride or just due to your ignorance and your mere stupidity?”


“You know every day I wondered, is he right? Perhaps he is making me pay for the things that I have done. As if you were a god striking me down for my sins. Do you really think my life is some precious thing to me? That I would trade my pride and my honour for you? Now look at us, we fall into chaos just simply because I will not allow you to have what you want more than anything. I will protect what I have earned every single day, and I will show you what it feels like... what it feels like to lose everything you love. Tonight shall not be your day of reckoning, or your day of vengeance. Tonight is the night where justice is served to the men who have my life a living hell for several years. You cannot torment me any more. You've made this choice for me and now there is no other way. You were right, we are gone. This where we finally, let it end...”

Davids stood and the surrounding men panicked, raging forward.

“NO!” Steve's evil father bellowed, “Not yet.”

He clearly wanted to discuss some sort of plan rather than merely raging in. Steve was done with tears. No more cries and more sadness. The only thing that hurt him now was knowing that he had to do the one thing he promised he would never do again. Kill.

Leaning against the wall he witnessed his brothers throw gasoline all around the room and began to discuss with Stewart what their own game plan would be.

“I don't want you getting hurt in my name, so please, leave this to me.”

“I am afraid when you came to me and asked me to manage you that you chose the wrong man if you think I would back out of a fight like this. You know though Steve, we don't have to do this. We need not fight your family.”

“And let them continue to have me live in fear? Continue to have me live constantly nervous of what comes around every corner and lingers in every shadow? I am done living like this. Tonight it ends.”

“As you will.”

Stewart swung the crow bar, his swing looked deadly.

“Let's get this over with.”

The two men shook hands and nodded to each other before twisting and heading towards the middle of the room. Seth led his men forwards as well then told them to head back for a moment. Steve pushed Stewart behind him. It was clear what was going to happen.

“No more talking, let's be done with it.”

Seth nodded and threw a right fist at Steve. His old age had not prevented his quickness but Steve barely felt it. Steve dropped his Father to the ground with a head butt. He picked him up by his collar and flung him towards his brothers.

“Well what are you waiting for, get him.”

Albert ran forward first, a baseball bat in hand but was immediately smashed in the ribs by Stewart who followed it up with a crack on the back of the head. He kicked him to the ground with a smirk on his face. Steve's brothers came forward, Steve couldn't even remember the names of the shaded men he promised he would never forget. He never blamed them. Now he had no choice.

The taller one went for Steve with brass knuckles and the smaller one had a golf club, he knocked Stewart's crow bar out of his hand but the old man ducked the follow up swing and took out the legs of the oncoming brother. Stewart then unleashed fist after fist into the face. He continued and he would not stop. It was violently gory and Steve witnessed his brother's death right there.

Steve twisted the arm of the oncoming brother with brass knuckles and kicked him to the ground. Whilst he was down Steve made short work of him, planting him in the face with a huge boot. Seth ran at Steve once more and Steve flipped him over and punted him in the head. Stewart leapt onto the remaining brother and did what Steve could not do. Killed him.

Davids leant over his brother and drew a knife from his jacket. Steve whispered final words into his ears.

“It didn't have to be this way you know. Justice and vengeance. They were not necessary. Now though, it won't be me who rots amongst the ashes. It will be me who climbs the steps of glory... This is where you will rot. Good night old man.”

Steve stabbed his Father with the razor sharp knife. Stewart drew a match from one of Steve's brothers pockets and lit it. He and Steve exited the room before he flicked the match onto fire. The two men walked away from the house that was up in flames within seconds.

Steve had a grin on his face but refused to look back.

“Why are you smiling?”

“It's done Stewart. It's done.”

The rain continued to pour and the wind continued to whistle as the suited men faded into the fog.

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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