Ghost Tank, Iris Oppenheimer, TJ Wallace, and Rebecca Lewis are all already in the ring waiting around.
Bobby Heenan: They look ready for action, Ross!
Jim Ross: ...
Bobby Heenan: Ross?
“It Never Ends†by Bring Me The Horizon plays |
Lux Lyden's name spills out onto the tron in shiny silver and blue letters right as his entrance music begins to play. As the fans grow anxious and the seconds wear on, few could deny the exuberant energy that swells and stretches over the arena. Growing until finally an explosion of light and intense sound, erupts from the floor. A flash of outstanding pyrotechnics can be seen simultaneously as Lux Lyden is jettisoned upward through a trap door located on the floor near the entrance. Following this theatric display, he somersaults mid-air and lands perfectly on his feet before giving a smirk and a wink. Taking off like a jack rabbit shortly after, he rushes to the ring, slides under the ropes, bounces up to his feet with exuberance and quickly ascends to the top of one of the closest turnbuckles, while striking a pose and greeting the crowd with a clever smile. It's very clear he definitely enjoys this profession and the adoration/attention it provides.
Next, Maverick’s theme music plays…
And plays…
And plays…
No Maverick though.
Bobby Heenan: Nice of the team captain to be here on time.
Jim Ross: I wouldn't be surprised if this is some sort of CCWF trick. Maybe they ran into him in the back and took him out.
Bobby Heenan: Nah, I don't think the CCWF would do something that dirty.
“I Wanna Rock!†by Twisted Sister plays |
As the theme music for ‘Loverboy’ Vinnie Lane plays, all of his team walks out together to a massive ovation.
Jim Ross: This sure is one of our most "interesting" crowds ever.
Bobby Heenan: You mean the fans or the group walking out right now together?
Jim Ross: Well both, now that you mention it.
Loverboy Vinnie Lane leading them but Mister Mystery, Peter Gilmour, Guppy Parsh, and Code Red are in close pursuit. They enter the ring and stand as a unit as opposed to the others who are scattered throughout the ring.
Now, finally, here comes the Team Captain of Team Perfection, Maverick!
. . .
Bobby Heenan: Where the heck is this goof?
All of a sudden, the X-tron flares to life, showing the Avatar of Perfection himself, chuckling. Both the members of Team Vinnie and of Team Perfection look to be quite pissed that one of the captains isn't in attendance.
Maverick: Oh, look at you people. Hoping, praying I come down. Well guess what? It isn't happening."
Maverick: You may be wondering, 'Why Maverick? Why?' The answer is simple. I NEVER CARED FOR THIS MATCH FROM THE START. Hence why I was going the laughable route in the draft, sans drafting Lyden. I was the puppet- master as soon as I saw this match was booked; all of you thinking I was going to come down to the ring, give all the fans the price of admission and allow them to watch me kick Vinnie Lane's ass to high hell and back.
Maverick's chuckling turns into a full on laugh.
Maverick then returns to normal, clearing his throat and giving a serious look in his eye.
Maverick: Now, don't get it twisted. Feder, I'd face you. Guppy, Peter, hell, even you, Code Red. I'd face you all in a heartbeat. But Lane. . . he's the dog I want to euthanize now. Lane, if somehow you managed to carry yourself past Trax and win the Universal Championship. . . consider me your first challenger of your second reign.
Maverick then chuckles once more whilst wearing a shit- eating grin.
Jim Ross: This is damn reprehensible on Maverick's part! He just threw his entire team under the bus!
Bobby Heenan: To be honest, JR, maybe they deserved it.
Maverick: Now then. That's enough for me. Have fun with your tainted win, Team Lane...
BUT WAIT! What's this? Maverick doesn't see somebody sneaking up behind him!
Jim Ross: Pest! It's that damned Pest again!
The Pest comes up behind Maverick, very quietly. Pest grabs Maverick, spins him around and then tazes Maverick in the balls!
The Pest turns around and walks out of the dressing room.
Bobby Heenan: Come on, Ross. You were just condemning Maverick's actions. Admit it, you kind of liked seeing Pest taze him in his goodie bags.
Jim Ross: No comment, Brain. No comment.
Lux Lyden was smiling as he watched that, and suddenly rushes out of the cage and toward the portal that's next to Shane

Lux leaps through the portal!
Bobby Heenan: Where the heck is he going?
Jim Ross: By gawd, he's abandoning his team too! No wait! Look!
Instantly appearing on the X-tron with Maverick, is Lux Lyden!
He grabs Maverick and the X-tron flashes white and then Lyden rematerializes through the portal with Maverick in a choke hold, dragging him into the cage as the fans go wild.
Jim Ross: Looks like the captain has arrived after all through some rather unconventional means.
Loverboy Vinnie Lane
Mister Mystery
Guppy Parsh
Peter Gilmour
Code Red
- vs -
Lux Lyden
Patrick Gordon XIII TJ Wallace
Iris Oppenheimer
Ghost Tank
Rebecca Lewis
5 on 6, 1 fall
Double ring surrounded by a cage
HINT: This cage is coated in x-tremely flammable material and has the potential to be lit on fire, causing the entire cage itself to be engulfed in flames during some of the match if the right steps are taken!
All eleven participants look around at each other in hesitation. It isn’t until Mister Mystery lunges forward that the action really starts. He lunges forward and nails a devastating spear on TJ Wallace!
Jim Ross: Secret Spear 1 177155 400! Jesus, Mystery's first move right out of the gate is one of his finishers?
Bobby Heenan: He's not here to mess around!
TJ's head hits the corner turnbuckle and he is in severe agony. Lane and Iris begin trading blows as Lane is dodging everything of hers successfully. He gets a few stiff jabs in before backing up to hit a superkick hitting her into the ropes separating the two rings. He goes to clothesline her, but is interrupted by Guppy Parsh who sends her over onto the conjoined apron.
Bobby Heenan: They can't decide who should get to hit her, Ross!
Jim Ross: She's certainly not off to a promising start.
Peter Gilmour meanwhile is pounding away on both Rebecca and GT with alternating right hands. GT swings at Peter, but Peter ducks him and shoves him back. He grabs Rebecca and whips her across the ring to Code Red. Code Red catches her around the waist as he shifts around to her back. In one fluid motion, he lifts her up and hits a German suplex dropping her on the back of her head!
Code Red gets to the top rope and is eyeing Rebecca as if about to leap for a top rope Eat Defeat! Maverick comes out of nowhere and pushes him off into the other ring. Maverick climbs the turnbuckle, hesitantly steps across the gap, and hits a moonsault from the top rope! He comes down on Code Red and goes for the pinfall!
NO! Code Red kicks out furiously!
Both men get back to their feet and run at each other! Maverick going for a clothesline, but Code Red leaps for a DDT! A miss by both men as they collide skulls dropping them to the mat.
Jim Ross: Ouch!
Bobby Heenan: Haha! Did you hear that crack?
Back in the other ring, Lux is going at it with Mister Mystery. He grabs him and hits a nasty headbutt followed by a punch to the gut. Lux takes a step back and hits a roundhouse kick! Mystery shakes it off and grabs Lux by the throat and lifts him up for a chokeslam, but Lux slides out. Mystery turns to Lux and receives a kick to the gut followed by a jaw-jacking stunner! Mystery is out on his feet!
Mystery takes it, but doesn’t budge.
Jim Ross: Good lord, can anything phase this monstrosity?
Bobby Heenan: Maybe they should feed him some of your BBQ sauce, JR. I hear that puts people down for the count!
Mystery gazes at TJ and wraps his hands around his throat before hitting a double-handed chokeslam! TJ is clutching at his back in pain. Mystery turns to go back to Lux, but his cheek is implanted by a superkick! He slumps backwards as Lux smirks.
Meanwhile out of nowhere, Peter Gilmour nails Ghost Tank with an Osaka Street Cutter! The suplex into a stunner flattens GT. Peter gets to his feet as he sees Lux just nailed Mystery with a superkick. He retaliates by nailing a superkick of his own on Lux knocking him into the corner. He climbs up to the second turnbuckle and motions to the crowd before he begins to pummel him with closed fists.
Lux wraps his arms around the thighs of Peter and lifts him just enough to fall and drop Peter chin-first onto the top turnbuckle! Peter staggers backwards towards Lane who sidesteps him as Peter takes the Flair-dive.
Lux Lyden gets to his feet as he stands off with Lane in the center of the ring. They circle around seemingly sizing each other up. Lyden gazes at him calculatingly as Lane smirks.
The crowd begins to cheer!
Mister Mystery comes out of nowhere and blindsides Lux with a Full Nelson suplex! Lane comes over to seemingly help, but he’s stopped by Rebecca grabbing his ankle. He tries to pull away from her but she holds on tight.
Bobby Heenan: Like an STD, she’s not going anywhere!
Lane yells across the ring for Mister Mystery. Mystery stops pursuing Lux and walks over. He stomps on the back of the head of Lewis. This ceases her hold on Lane’s boot as blood begins to flow on the mat. Mystery lifts her up by her head and headbutts her, a sickening crack echoing throughout the arena as his hockey mask connects with her forehead.
He gets her to stand up for a moment, dazed on her feet...
Just long enough to take a step back and plunge his foot THROUGH HER STOMACH!!!
Bobby Heenan: Holy fuck!
Jim Ross: Oh my god! What the hell! Mystery's boot is sticking out of her back!
Bobby Heenan: Now I've seen it all...
For some reason that fatality seems to trigger the entire cage to burst into flames!
Blood begins to pour out of the hole in Rebecca's stomach, but Lane grabs her and yanks her off Mystery's boot, throwing her into the flame-ridden cell surrounding the rings. The smell of burned flesh fills the arena as she’s stuck to the wall of flame!
Rebecca Lewis has been murdered
by Mister Mystery & Vinnie Lane |
Iris Oppenheimer gets to her feet and stares at both Lane and Mystery with reservation. She smiles innocently and holds her hands up from the apron.
Jim Ross: Can you blame her?
Bobby Heenan: Bitch doesn't want to get a foot through her stomach.
Guppy Parsh comes out of the woodwork and hits a FUTURE armdrag bringing her over the top rope and into the ring. Guppy, Mystery, Lane, and Peter are now standing around her as she gets to her feet. Her eyes grow wide as she begins looking at the odds. Out of the corner of her eyes, she spots GT staggering to his feet. She brings her hand to her mouth and gasps at GT! Lane and Mystery turn around as Maverick leaps from the top rope for a huge crossbody taking down Peter and Guppy!
Iris goes to hit a blow to the back of Mystery, but he turns around and grabs her by the throat! He lifts her up and nails a Gorilla Press Drop depositing her back to the apron between the rings! She coughs as blood comes from her mouth. Perhaps some internal bleeding!
Lane pushes GT into the turnbuckle and begins punching GT profusely.
Jim Ross: Finally he gets his hands on Ghost Tank.
Mystery throws something to the feet of Lane. ‘Loverboy’ looks down and smiles seeing a pair of spiked brass knuckles. He dons them and shows them to the crowd.
Jim Ross: Spiked knucks!
Bobby Heenan: Well those are a lot better than some of the sick shit I heard Mystery was planning to bring tonight.
Ghost Tank is bleeding from his mouth but he grins when he sees the brass knuckles.
Ghost Tank begins begging for it. Lane looks confused, and GT flips him off! Lane’s eyes look wild as he delivers a brutal right hand to the face! And another! Another! Another! ANOTHER! Blood is now pouring but GT is smiling and laughing! Lane punches GT in the balls as GT falls down. He uses his boot and moves GT’s face into the burning cell surrounding the rings! GT screams out in pain as the flesh begins to burn on his face! Lane finally releases his boot as GT flails away holding his face but still laughing.
Maverick and TJ Wallace are now standing opposite of Guppy Parsh and Peter Gilmour. Peter throws a right hand that dots Maverick on the chin. He yells out something about his dick to the crowd, and they all cheer!
Guppy punches TJ on the chin and yells out something about Peter’s penis and the crowd cheers even louder, some laughing.
Peter hits a chop lighting up Maverick’s chest! He yells out ‘Wooo!’ Guppy hits a knife-edged chop on TJ and also yells out ‘Wooo!’
Bobby Heenan: What a team!
Gilly turns and glares at Guppy. Guppy just grins at him. Gilly raises his right hand into the air. Guppy raises up his left as if a mirror-image. Gilly sticks out his tongue, Guppy does likewise. Gilly sees Maverick coming to his senses and goes for a superkick, but Maverick ducks down and punches Gilly in the balls! Guppy goes for a superkick, but it connects!
Guppy looks surprised at the change, but quickly grabs at his crotch continuing the mimicry of Peter. Peter begins slapping at Guppy and Guppy does the same to look like a girly-slap-fight on the ground.
Maverick doesn’t know what to make of it so he goes after Mystery.
Jim Ross: Not the wisest decision by the team captain.
Mystery grabs him by the throat and tosses him into the other ring like he was a rag doll! As he climbs over the ropes and enters the other ring, Code Red is back to his feet. He goes after Maverick, but Maverick ducks! Code inadvertently hits Mystery who deflects the blow with a parrying shot. He growls and grabs Code Red by the arm. Code Red pulls his hand away and stares at Mister Mystery. They both turn in time to see Maverick leaping from the second rope! He grabs both men’s heads and drives them into the mat with a DDT!
Maverick gets to his feet and is sneering. Lux Lyden climbs into the ring and a brief awkward moment ensues. Maverick grabs Code Red up and throws him to Lux. Lux throws Code Red into the corner and snaps his fingers at Maverick. Maverick gets on his hands and knees in front of Code Red. Lux hits the opposite corner and is rushing forward for Poetry in MO-
NO! Mystery is there grabbing the throat of Lux! Maverick sees this and kicks Mystery in the balls! Lux leaps up and hits Mister Mystery in the back of the head with an axe kick! Mystery hits the canvas and is on his hands and knees! Maverick and Lux smile at each other. Maverick follows Lux into his corner. He grabs Lux’s arm and whips him across. Lux leaps onto the back of Mystery and hits Poetry in Motion on Code Red!
Maverick tries to follow him, but, as he leaps onto the back of Mister Mystery, Mystery lifts up throwing Maverick high into the air and Maverick actually gets stuck in the top of the cage!
Jim Ross: By god his head is stuck up there! He's lucky the top of the cage isn't flaming like the walls are!
Mystery begins punching Maverick in the balls as his body sways forward and back like a large punching bag, and finally Mystery backs up and delivers the mother of all Superman punches to Maverick's stomach, the force ripping Maverick down and he hits the canvas hard on his shoulder.
Lane comes over and enters the ring. Maverick staggers to his feet and Lane kicks him in the gut. He wrenches the arm of Maverick and places his knee behind Maverick’s head. He leaps into the air and drives Maverick’s face into the mat with the full weight of Lane coming down through his knee to the back of Maverick’s head!
Bad Medicine Knee-Driver!
Maverick rolls over in pain. Lane goes for the pinfall and looks across the ring to see Lux Lyden staring back at him.
Suddenly... before a count can be made...
Everything within the castle walls begin to shake! Rocks and pieces of the wall begin to fall around the rings as everyone in the ring falls to the canvass unable to stay on their feet!
Bobby Heenan: Earthquake!!!!
Static and lightning begin to flare up from the portal below the ring!
Lightning strikes in the center of the ring with a huge blast sending all of the competitors onto their backs!! When the smoke clears, D'Ville and Davids have reappeared battling in the center of the ring!
Bobby Heenan: They're back!!!
Jim Ross: Folks, in case you missed it, Doctor D'Ville showed up in the previous match up and him and Mr. Davids took a trip down that worm hole that's swirling around below the ring!
The two battle back and forth in the ring. At first, both teams sit back and watch them, very confused with the events taking place. It didn't take long for someone to make the first blow and the war between Team Lane and Team Maverick started up again!
D'Ville and Davids battle around the two rings between the two teams battling!! Davids grabs D'Ville and throws him against the flaming cage so hard the Doc bounces off and springs off it of several feet! The flames had no effect on the Doc!
The Doc barely takes a second and grabs Davids and throws him! Not towards the cage but over the side of the cage, up through the hole!!
Bobby Heenan: Wow!! Did you see that, JR?!
Jim Ross: A great show of strength, or, something from Doctor D'Ville....
Doc jumps up onto the side of the cage where Davids is holding onto, starting to burn up. Davids flips off the Doc before grabbing his ankle as the Doc tries to push Davids from the top of the cage! Both men are starting to be engulfed by flames! The rings begin to rumble again before lightning begins clashing down around the ring!!
Bobby Heenan: Oh no! Not again! Take cover, JR!
A huge bolt strikes the top of the cage right where Doc and Davids are fighting! Davids flies one way and lands near the entrance as crew members rush over with fire extinguishers to put him out, while the Doc has flipped and flailed back into the portal and vanished!
Jim Ross: It's hard to believe our rings have stayed intact after all of the strange happenings going on tonight!
Bobby Heenan: Talk about strange, look what's happening in the ring now!
Lux Lyden, stands in the middle of the ring, his arms apart from his body as he raises his hands; slowly, in the air and the entire cage engulfs in even higher flames! They're rising 20 or 30 feet into the air now!
From there, he simply points at Maverick and the notorious title shitter rises up from the canvas, levitating as Lyden straightens him around and adjusts Maverick's body, to the point where they're facing each other now.
Bobby Heenan: Oooookayyyy, I guess it's time to start using magic powers?
Jim Ross: Looks that way, Brain!
Maverick struggles and thrashes about, but this does nothing except make Lyden laugh. Then with a quick wave, a gesture of farewell given to Maverick, he sends Iceman right into the fiery wall!
Maverick screams in agony as his flesh sears, smolders and burns while he remains stuck in place against the cage for a few minutes before Lux releases his hold and Maverick topples to the ring! His body on fire as he rolls around in a feverish attempt to put himself out! An official runs out with a fire hose and douses Maverick with water, efficiently putting the fire out but the damage is done, Maverick has been reduced to nothing more than a charred heap of burnt flesh in the ring! The fans love every minute of it too! They are hooping and hollering like there's no tomorrow!
Lux then turns his sights on the rest of Team Maverick. Catching Rebecca Lewis' dead body with a Roundhouse Kick to the jaw followed by - As Above, So Below! Launched with perfection off the top rope, this move is hit with pin point accuracy. An outstanding display and Lux bounds to his feet afterwards, looking spectacular.
Jim Ross: By gawd, she's already dead, Lux! Have some respect for the dead!
To make matters worse, her dead body is soon met with TJ Wallace, who is sent right on top of Rebecca after Lux hits him with - The Heightened Hyperreal!
The fans ecstatically cheer and bellow with approval at the sight of this damage! They're in bliss at all the agony invoked and Lux seems happy to oblige them! TJ is writhing in pain as Lux turns to Ghost Tank. Snapping his fingers, Ghost Tank becomes consumed by a swarm of bees! The bees coat his entire body and start stinging him like crazy! Every wound he received tonight, now has dozens of stingers jammed into them! The bees don't stop either, they keep attacking as Tank runs around screaming and flailing his arms like a madman, until he trips over his own feet and lands right onto Lewis's dead body and TJ Wallace!
Jim Ross: Bah Gawd! That is quiet a pile of team mates Lux is creating! What in the blue blazes has come over that young man?
Bobby Heenan: I'm not sure Jim but it looks like he's got his sights set on Iris now.
Jim Ross: Yeah and Lane looks to be loving every minute of this. Look at that smug grin on that bastard's face. He's eating this up and even has the audacity to pose while it's happening.
Bobby Heenan: He's posing because that big titties bimbo in the front row is jigging her big titties at him. I'd pose too, Ross.
Lane continues his antics as Lux walks towards Iris Oppenheimer. His eyes trained on her as she backs up. Lane cheering the whole time, his long blonde locks, blowing majestically, in a mysterious breeze. Wait. That's not a mysterious breeze, that's a mini tornado and it has wrapped itself around Iris! The tiny wind tunnel then throws Iris around the ring. Smashing her into the walls and ceiling of the cage; several times, before it brings her to Lux and disperses. From there, Lux catches her with a Roundhouse Kick that plants Iris on top the mountain of her fellow team members! The fans shout in joy and Lux vanishes from sight! Reappearing outside the ring and a smirk adorning his handsome face as he stays positioned there, watching.
That's when Mister Mystery shoves Lane aside, approaches the pile of "the fallen ones" and starts repeatedly stomping on them! Now he's on top of the pile, just jumping up and down on them as they start to sink into the ring a little bit! After making sure they stay down, he leaps up and lands on them with a big splash, pinning all four of them at the same time!
Team Lane gets the win and Mystery rises to his feet, lifting Iris with him, he uses her body to beat on the ones remaining on the canvas! Over and over as blood and gore splatters all over Mystery's clothes and mask!
Jim Ross: Christ almighty, the match is over!
As this happens, Lux is seen laughing outside the ring while Shane

approaches Lux. Slapping his hand onto Lyden's back, Shane smiles and points to the portal. It sizzles and pops with activity and then, someone steps forth...
It's Viktor Blackwell... aka Mr. Black, and he's offering his hand out to Lyden. He seems to want Lux to come there, but before Lyden can actually move, Shane shoves Lux over to him!
Mr. Black grabs onto Lux's hand and smiles broadly. With his free hand, he reaches into an inside pocket within his coat and retrieves this...
Lux stares at it, confused and then turns his attention to Mr. Black, who waves the pendant in front of Lux, utters a few intangible words and then crushes it. An eerie green mist seeps from Mr. Black's hands as he opens it, promptly blowing the fragments and strange smog, right into Lux's face!
Lux tries to back away but to no avail!
The mist flows into his eyes, nose, ears and mouth as Lux coughs and gags, frantically pulling his hand from Mr. Black's grasp. However, it's too late! The affects of what just entered Lux's body is taking over! He drops to his knees and Shane applauds as he approaches, mic in hand!
Shane: You know, there's a long list of individuals who have been banished from the XWF over the years... all for different reasons, some of them completely erased from the history of the federation.
The fans boo at this. The fans are outraged at the mere mention of this travesty and a one guy throws a sombrero! Yeah, his sombrero! He's clearly a fan of "Mexican" Luca! Despite Luca no longer being "Mexican" or even relevant anymore. Shane eyes the discarded sombrero and continues.
Shane: Here's the thing, though... The CCWF does not recognize such banishments!
Shane is excited and now, the fans are too. They're cheering and screaming in delight! One guy even busts a nut and shoots his load up in the air because he was beating off so hard! Its so explosive it looks like someone popped a cork out of a champagne bottle, after it was shook up a bunch!
At this point Lux's eyes widen and he grabs his head as he lurches forward and screams.
Shane: Those who the XWF would cast away ARE WELCOME within the family of the CCWF!
And with that said...
A red glow begins to slowly radiate around Lyden. Barely there and slightly transparent at first, it increases in apparent strength and capacity, as it slowly consumes him. Engulfing his whole being, before it sizzles from sight. Leaving no trace of it, or Lux, behind. Yet, Shane doesn't seem concerned, and just keeps on going.
Shane: Allow me to re-introduce to all of you, on behalf of the entire CCWF...
Shane gestures to where the blazing aura of light was before it vanished and almost as if on cue, an explosion of energy erupts in its place!
Like a dwarf star imploding on itself, it radiates to a near blinding capacity and burns away!
Shane: The FORMER Lux Lyden. The FORMER Mr. Satellite. The FORMER Mr. Supernova... The FORMER member of the XWF...
Azrael Erebus!
The fans are on their feet and losing their minds!
Jim Ross: By Gawd almighty! Can it be? Is it him?
Bobby Heenan: That's him alright! Azrael Erebus has returned to the XWF and he's here to help the CCWF destroy it! I love it!
Jim Ross: Lord have mercy on us all. The spaceman's gone to the darkside.
The fans are still going absolutely out of their minds at the sight of Azrael Erebus! People are firing heavy artillery, woman and men are discarding their clothes and there are at least seven cases of human combustion!
Azrael simply smirks at this and raises an eyebrow, while he takes it all in for a moment. Shaking his head, he turns away from the fans and vanishes from sight, reappearing in the ring next to Lane, who smiles enthusiastically and pats Erebus on the back. Azrael then directs his attention to the entirety of Lanes' team, targeting Mister Mystery with a blast of energy that sends him and the limp body of Iris Oppenheimer, soaring into the cage wall! Iris and Mister Mystery bounce off the cage and slam to the canvas, parts of their bodies literally on fire and burning as Azrael, averts his gaze to another member of Team Lane. While Vinnie, wasting no time at all, starts stomping on a downed Mister Mystery as the rest of The CCWF emerge from the portal! Goddess Sitre Renenet, Abigail, Hired Gun, K-Money and their other newest edition, Austin Fernando, charge to the ring and with a wave of Azrael's hand, they're brought inside. From there, total chaos ensues!
Austin Fernando has Ghost Tank locked in a vicious Anaconda Vice! Renenet and Abigail are taking turns "helping" Iris with her little issue of being on fire, by taking turns stomping the flames out! Hired Gun is trading blows with Gilmour! He kicks Gilmour in the nuts and hits that ol' Rock Bottom! Then he starts to hump Gilmour's face wickedly!
K-Money is pounding the shit out of a downed TJ Wallace! Goddess Sitre has mounted Mystery and is slamming his skull; repeatedly, into the canvas! And Azrael, has manipulated the metal from part of the cage, wrapped it around Guppy's throat like a noose and is choking him out, while he delivers a series of kicks to Parsh's face!
The CCWF are laying waste to everyone in the ring! No one is spared! Not even the ref, who Vinnie just kicked in the groin for no reason at all! Shane is loving the sight of this and so are the fans as they continue blowing the roof off this place with their screams and actual explosives that a large portion brought in with them!
Bobby Heenan: I think it's time to get the heck out of here, JR! They're going to blow this place to smitherines!
Jim Ross: You don't have to tell me twice!
Heenan and Ross throw their headsets down on the table and rush to the back, covering their heads from random debris such as glass, bodily fluid, bottle rockets, and who knows what else.
With Azrael Erebus returning and joining up with the CCWF, hope seems to be at a total loss for those standing in their way! What will happen next? Only time will tell but the prognosis doesn't look good for the XWF!