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Jean-Luc Bosco
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Jean-Luc Bosco

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09-13-2015, 07:48 AM


In-Ring Name: Jean-Luc Bosco.

Wrestler's Real Name: As above.

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New to XWF.

Wrestler Date of Birth: 1st January, 1986.

Height: Introduced as 189cm.

Weight: Introduced as 104kg.

Hometown: Introduced as ‘now residing in Chicago, Illinois’.

Personality: Business-minded in the ring. Never really taunts or works the crowd during a match but makes up for lost time both before and after it, ripping up signs, screaming at old people, and generally hamming it up after the final bell. Considers himself ‘the One-Man Revolution’ and speaks with disdain about ‘the demise of real wrestling’ and the popularity of non-traditional matches, though he is willing to cheat to win (when desperate).

Outside of the arena, Bosco is calm, insular, and removed from the pack. He delivers convoluted promos and rarely addresses anyone other than his next opponent. Tries to have as little to do with people as possible, and as such he doesn’t make a particularly good tag team partner.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Heel, though occasionally gets subdued cheers.

Looks Description: Tall and lean, Bosco favours simplicity over theatre in his attire. He wears white boots to above the knee and burgundy-and-white biker short-style tights, and wraps white tape around his wrists and hands. He has a boxer's stance and constantly comes forward at his opponent during a match. Bosco has short brown hair and often lets his beard grow out, which is a wiry mix of brown, red, and silver.

Ethnicity: White, Northern European.

Pic Base: Michael Fassbender.


Strengths: Exchanges of submissions and quick roll-ups. Suplexes and throws. Risk taker.

Weaknesses: Can be overwhelmed by powerful opponents. Previously injured right knee susceptible to targeting. Can crash and burn when leaping to the outside of the ring.

Entrance Theme Music: Mogwai – I’m Jim Morrison, I’m Dead.

Entrance Description: Stands in silence for the first few notes under the X-TRON. Trash talks on his way down the ramp, usually about his opponents but sometimes to the fans. Wears a black t-shirt with either ’10,000 SUPLEXES AND COUNTING’ or 'NOBODY BETTER' printed in white to the ring. Usually does something to a fan’s sign – sometimes sticking with a classic rip-up, at others crumpling into a ball and punting into the audience or hiding under the ring after confiscation. Be inventive. Gets to the ring as the music picks up.

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Wide variety of suplexes (favors double underhook suplex, t-bone suplex, tiger suplex and millennium suplex).
Open Parentheses (suplex combination - hammerlock suplex into double underhook suplex into fisherman’s suplex) – usually delivered towards the start of a match.
Close Parentheses (suplex combination - German suplex into tiger suplex into millennium suplex) – usually delivered towards the end of a match.
Wide variety of arm bars and arm locks (favors cross arm bar, fujiwara arm bar, chicken wing arm bar, standing arm lock).
Springboard into a tornado DDT, dropkick, or cross-body (coming into the ring from the apron, or to the outside with a top-rope springboard).
Top Rope Elbow Drop (favored big match spot – from the top rope, through the announcer’s table, though this usually misses).
Top Rope Cross Body.
All-Over Workout – ten knees into the abdomen whilst holding a front face lock, straight into a double underhook suplex.
Taste the leather - a stiff kick to either side, enziguri, then a low drop kick to the knee.
Big match – t-bone suplex from the outside, into the crowd.

Trademark Move(s):
1. Boston Crab.
2. Diving Head-butt (from the top rope).
3. Top Rope T-Bone Suplex.

Finishing Move(s): Brainbuster.
Description(s): Usually followed up by a cradle pin.

Favorite Hardcore Attacks:
Although Bosco oft bemoans the rise of non-traditional matches, he sometimes – in desperation - manufactures the incapacity of the referee so he can reach for one of his two favourite weapons; the chair or the ring bell. A favoured spot is a drop toe hold face first onto the chair or bell, followed immediately by a diving head-butt from the top rope with the weapon still beneath them.

Additional notes: none.

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