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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Universe Depends On It. (one)
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Abigail Away
1st EVER Bombshell Champion

XWF FanBase:
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09-01-2015, 09:59 PM

For many years he watched over her.

Guided her.

Loved her.

"Where are we going?"

The two held each others hand as they slowly walked down a dimly lit corridor. Torches hung several feet apart, adjacent from each other barely lit the way for the two of them.

"Well, I told you from the beginning that you served a great purpose."

".... And?"

"And your purpose has risen."

"So all of the blood of spilled and the lives I've taken in your name have been for nothing?"

His cane slipped along the stone floor and he nearly fell the the ground. She catches him and pulls him upright and quickly regains his composure.


He snapped back at her with a stern voice.

"You've served a purpose all along, but this is what we've worked ever so hard for."

They soon reached the end of the dark corridor. He wastes no time and swings open the door very quickly.

"Come now, there's no time to waste."

He hobbles through the door way pulling her hand behind him.

"You still haven't told me where we're going."

The old man stops for a moment and grabs ahold of the girl.

"This is very important."

The small smirk that she had across her face is gone now. She stares into the dark emptiness in his eyes.

"You're not going to remember any of this. You're going to be someone else."

He takes his index finger and softly presses it against her forehead.

"... But somewhere deep inside the beautiful head of yours, you're going to know exactly what to do."


He shushes her.

"It doesn't matter if you understand."

He grabs ahold of her hand and pulls her through the doorway.

"The Universe depends on it."

The Universe depends on it.

Those were the last words that 'dear sweet Abigail' heard before she was hurled into oblivion.

At least that's what it felt like.

She wakes up on the floor of the shower naked with cold water pelting down on her. She rushes up to her feet and shuts it off immediately. Holding herself tightly with her own arms she shutters for a moment before realizing it was just another crazy dream. She's been having them nearly every night, but never in the shower.

Especially after passing out in the sho

How horrible.

She comes to her senses and slowly opens the shower door. Upon exit, she grabs a towel from the rack on the wall and wraps it around herself. The toilet seemed like a comfortable enough seat for the time being. Especially if you're still feeling a bit light headed.

So what's the deal with the tag team situation here?

We have two fellows that spent two weeks destroying each other, to being the XWF Tag Team Champions.


Now, that's the unity that we're talking about, people. Not scattering around like a bunch of ants, but finding an opportunity such as this one and seizing it and squeezing every bit of life out of it. Because what you take from it is all that's going to be left. The CCWF already made it clear that we're not interested in these XWF belts. The point is that your champions are going to be taken down, along with those titles, and you know the rest.

Know need for us to repeat ourselves over and over and over again.


Wednesday Warfare, the second match that will feature our guest of honor tonight, Abigail.

Abigail and, fellow CCWF Mercenary, Goddess Sitre Renenet VIII take on two opponents to decide who will be next to face the Tag Team Champions.

Yes. The NEW Tag Team Champions. You know, that makes them very, very unsafe.

Trax and Lux Lyden.

A match made in Heaven, for sure. The two of you surely know each other a little bit. Like we mentioned before, you've been bashing each other around for two weeks straight now before coming to your senses and joining forces. It wasn't hard to predict thought. You two are smart and it was definitely a smart thing to do. After all, look around. There aren't too many more fellows around to take one or the other's place, ya know? You to were made for each other and made for this situation and made to lose the titles to Goddess and Abigail.

Trax, a former Xtreme Champion, a briefcase holder, and his eyes on the prize with the Loverboy Vinnie Lane. Surprise, surprise. You know, you're not the first guy to go after the Universal Title with the case.

So, stop acting like you're so special.

And stop acting like those things aren't fool proof. Because, we've seen plenty of fools flutter through the XWF and you haven't proven the wiser. Your focus right now should be the belt that you've just picked up and not on the fantasy of you ever holding the Universal Title.

You and Lux can look forward to coming face to face ONCE AGAIN, Trax, with the CCWF. It will be the Goddess and Abigail facing you for the Tag Team Championship and it will be the last time that "XWF" will be affiliated with it. We're slowly pecking away at what's slowly crumbling away anyway. It's glorious.

Before we get to far ahead of ourselves here, let's not forget our path to that glorious night.

Abigail and Goddess's first triumph will come this Wednesday night on Warfare where they face Giuseppe Jones and Code Red.

Code Red is no stranger to what the CCWF is capable of. In fact, you've brought that up several times here lately. Abigail remembers you butting your nose in where it doesn't belong. She challenged Reverend Tholomew for his Xtreme Title and yes, indeed, he denied her challenge. Surprise, surprise, surprise. Did we see Abigail BEG for the match though? You were there.

Abigail doesn't beg, she demands and usually get what she demands. GOLD WEEK should not go to waste and that was Abigail's main concern here. The champion was without a challenger and we could just not stand for that. Of course, the XWF had much better plans in store and that was to throw the Goddess and Abigail into this tag team match. Basically helping in sealing their own fate.

Giuseppe Jones, the Goddess has spent the entire week ripping you up and down. From your gimmick to your stupid clothes to your funny accent.

Fear not.

Abigail cares nothing of these things.

You came from nowhere, just as we did, but were placed in a much unfortunate situation. Much like Code Red was during Abigail's debut. A battle royal where the CCWF proved their dominance. Abigail remembers your comments, Code Red. She remembers your involvement while she challenged the Xtreme Champion to a match during GOLD WEEK. Of course, it didn't happen. But, no thanks to you. While dear Tholomew thought he had a grip on his challengers and challenges, he did not. He would even go and accept a challenge from yourself before he would accept a challenge from Abigail. He claimed fear had nothing to do with it but it's hard to believe. Why else would he turn down a chance to fight against the very thing threatening his XWF well-being?! Fear.

It didn't matter though, did it Code Red? Here we are. Another chance right in front of our noses. The XWF Tag Team Titles right here for the taking. It's up to you two now. The XWF depends on you to be the last barrier at keeping the CCWF from another one of their goals. First the Universal Championship, next the Tag Team Championship.

Abigail pulls herself awake before she falls face first from the toilet. She rises up and exits the bathroom, the towel still wrapped tightly around her body. As she enters what would apparently be a bedroom a steady beep pollutes her ears. It's coming from the cellphone across the room. She picks it up from the nightstand beside the bed and realizes she has a missed call with one voicemail. Without checking the number she dials her own to check her mailbox.

"CCWF meeting, NOW, so... get that towel off and meet us downstairs."

Abigail looks at her phone for a moment before ending the call. Confused she looks around before getting dressed and assuming there's an important CCWF meeting going on downstairs.

[Image: NhkdMai.jpg]
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