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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
The Scientist (RP2)
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Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

08-29-2015, 12:14 PM

Wednesday 26th August

The scene opens in an large exquisite bar, name and location undisclosed. Classical music is played as waiters dressed in pristine tuxedos go whizzing around the room serving even more pristine bottles of champagne, wine and other beverages on silver platters to the numerous wealthy looking people situated in the booth areas, large crystal embedded chandeliers hang overhead basking everything below in their radiant glow. The camera surveys the room until it comes across one particular booth, where Mr Dominance, Trax, is seated at a circular glass table , on the opposite side of the table, puffing on one of Cubans Finest, is Trax's oldest and arguably only real friend Paul "Extreme Machine" Hunter. Both men are suited and booted in designer tailor fitted wear, the table between them stacked with mostly empty bottles most people can't afford with names most people can't pronounce. Trax pours himself a glass from one of the still full bottles, a gold colored one which may or may not be made from actual real gold, and takes a sip while Paul exhales some smoke before the two continue what they've been discussing...

...I still can't believe you got pinned by some literal Punk while you was watching Dragon Ball Z to lose that X-Treme title of yours, that's fucking hilarious.

Yeah real hilarious Paul.

Was the seizure worth it? Please tell me it was at least the Cell Games Saga you was watching?

Nah... the Majin Buu Saga.

Oh shit, fuck man that's tragic.

I know right?

Ha, man you always get screwed over with championships, remember that shit with that old crippled fuck Blackwolf Kash back when you won the FCW World title for the second time?

Please don't remind me, I'm not trying to reminisce about old fuckeries, I have new currently on going fuckeries I need to deal with.

Yeah... about that.

Paul takes another puff of his cigar before blowing the smoke out his mouth sideways.

Explain this shit to me again, whats this whole CCWF bull crap going on?

The owner Shane is basically trying to eradicate everything XWF and put CCWF in its place, that means taking out the XWF champions, top talents and such. I've had a bullseye painted on my back ever since they've been on the scene, me being a top talent, as well as now a champion, again, not to mention I have a briefcase which could very well be the tool in winning back the CCWF Universal title and restoring it back to the XWF Universal title again. I'm a threat, I'm a liability to their plans. So they've been taking every opportunity to try and fuck me over and take me out, screwing me over in matches, attacking me in group assaults, you get the idea.

Yeah I get it, what I don't get is why you're still sticking around? Dude fuck that place you don't need them, fuck the CCWF or XWF whatever it is Universal title too you don't need that shit. You'e already got a list of titles to your name, not to mention a Hall of Famer status and other accolades, why bother? I knew that place was trouble ever since you joined. Remember when I had to come save your ass from KKK so you can defend your title against that Russian guy that shouts in all his promos because of his roid rage and that short-bus riding dude? Remember how they were gonna continue the match regardless if you got found dead? Or not found at all? That Triple J dude made it very clear to me that that place doesn't give a fuck about its talents, it doesn't matter who is in charge or what the name of the company is called, these wrestling nowadays federations man, they're all the same, just fulla rich old white dudes looking to fill their fat pockets, fuck em, that's why I got out, and you should too.

Well technically you "got out" because you lost a title vs career match against Nick Kelly but...I see what you're saying. Regardless though I'm in a bit of a funny situation, XWF needs SOMEONE to lead the fight against CCWF and be the "Savior of XWF" I guess you could call it and well a few people are looking at me to do it, a few people think I'm that guy.

Paul laughs and takes another puff, before bellowing out the smoke once again.

You a savior? Gimme a break! I mean don't get me wrong I do think you're capable of taking these guys out, I better than anyone know what you can do, especially when backed into a corner, but "saving" people Trax? I've known you for 5 years. Saving people isn't you, its not in your nature, you're no superhero...

Trax gives Paul a thoughtful look at the mention of the word "Superhero" before going back to his normal expressionless expression.

...I mean you have and always will be just the equal opportunity ass kicking machine, that's what you are man! Savoir, ha. You're no savior of men, ever since I've known you you've been more along the lines of a destroyer of one. After 5 years of knowing you are you gonna really sit there and tell me that that's all going to change now? That you're turning over a new leaf? What you going to to start pandering to the crowd during matches and doing Make-A-Wish runs?

Paul laughs some more, Trax doesn't answer, but instead takes another sip of his drink.

What cat got your tongue? Jeez OK guess there is a first time for everything. Well moving along then tell me about this match you got coming up, and this dude, Lux? Whats the story with that?

Yeah, Lux Lyden, we faced each other last Monday in a three way elimination tag team match, us two were the last people remaining and we pinned each other to become the World Tag Team Champions, now we have to face one another again this time in a single bout to determine who gets to keep the titles and pick a new partner.

Sounds like more fuckery, see what I mean? Hey but since we're on the subject of tag team championships how come we never had a run with the tag titles? I know theres a reason but remind me, I forget.

Because Greg Anthony banned us from challenging for them, deemed we was "too big" for the tag team championships.

Ha...oh yeah that's it, it was just a bullshit excuse to keep us winning more titles, but then again he wasn't lying either, the tag team division was shocking in FCW. Whats it like in XWF?

Better.... but not by much to be honest.

Ah, well beat this dude and find a decent enough partner to help you elevate the division.... if you insist on sticking around. Simple enough right?

Yeah usually, but this guy is different which is what I wanted to talk to you about and was hoping you could help me with...he has powers, gifts, abilities which he used in our match which I don't really have a way to counter or fight against if by chance he chooses to use them again.Now you having the connections you do, I was hoping you would know of SOMEONE I can go to to help me study this guy and perhaps help even the playing field in case his power comes into play again?

Paul takes another toke of his cigar contemplating for a few moments while Trax stares at him.

Powers you say? Superhuman abilities? Yeah actually....I know a guy.

You do?

Yeah, some scientific researcher out in Manhattan, Joseph Hovah, good guy, bit loopy though, been prohibited from a couple of science lab complexes over the years in all parts of the country due to crazy unethical ideas and trying to conduct....experiments of some kind, the details are a bit vague to me but from what I can remember his research was heavily revolved around the shit you're describing, superhuman abilities and such, if theres anyone I know that can help you it'll be him, I'll dig out his contact details for you, give me a couple hours after we're done here, he owes me a favor, so he should be happy to help.

Excellent, I'll go see him immediately once I have his details.

Yeah, yeah whatever brah, now lets get some more bottles on this goddamn table now, WAITER!

Trax smiles while taking another sip of his drink while Paul looks left and right frantically for someone to bring him more bottles as the scene fades.

Present Day

Trax is standing on a Manhattan sidewalk in the quiet morning, looking at the house that is situated in front him. It looks like your typical house out in the suburbs really, nothing out the usual. Trax takes a crumpled up piece of paper out of the breast pocket of his jacket and looks at the address written down on it and then back at the house, satisfied, he walks up to the house and up the crumbling stone steps before ringing the doorbell. He stands there for a few moments, no reply, he rings the door bell again, still no reply, looking frustrated, he begins to bang on the wooden oak door with moderate force with his fists left fist. A few moments pass and the front door is finally unlocked from the inside and slowly creaks open ever so slightly ajar, a withered freckled face peeks through the gap, eyeing up Trax through heavy framed glasses.

Hovah? Mr. J. Hovah?

You must be Trax, I was informed you'd be paying me a visit.

The man, Joseph Hovah opens the door fully allowing Trax to see him properly, the man is quite disheveled in appearance, a dirty opened up lab coat, and even dirtier looking clothes underneath that look like they haven't been changed in weeks, months even possibly, and it smells like it too. Trax looks the man up and down in a skeptical manner, as the man just stands there with open arms, grinning from ear to ear with yellowing crooked teeth, not as bad as Dimallishers mind you, but getting to that point.

Welcome! Hurry hurry get inside, prying eyes and what not! Shut the door behind you.

Trax nods silently as the man turns to walk down the hallway that lead him to the front door as Trax steps inside and closes the front door behind him.

J. Hovah leads Trax down the hallway, the floorboards creaking with every step, Trax coughs as the dust in the air is as thick as the cobwebs in the crevices of the walls upper corners. J. Hovah opens the adjacent door at the end of the hallway and the two find themselves in a kitchen, a dingy, grime ridden Kitchen. Trax looks around looking thoroughly unimpressed, as J. Hovah rummages through one of the cupboards before pulling out two glasses.


No thanks.

Ah... suit yourself!

J. Hovah opens a bottle of whiskey that is resting on the kitchen counter and begins to pour into one of the glasses, he picks it up and sniffs the glass, letting off a pleased sigh before he downs the drink in one, Trax raises an eye brow as the man plonks the empty glass back onto the counter.

Listen I'm here because I need your help, can you help me or not?

J. Hovah scratches his balding head before placing his leathery hands into his faded jean pockets.

It depends my good friend! What do you think it is I can help you with?

Well, our mutual friend, Paul Hunter? He told me about the research you've been conducting, your studies and experiments, I know you're a that looks into things science may not be able to explain...

There is nothing science can't explain my good friend.

Maybe so, but regardless, as you may or may not know I'm a wrestler, and I have a wrestling match coming up, against a guy who I call them, gifts I think you'll be interested in looking at, and possibly be able to help me set up counter measures against, if the situation arises where counter measures are needed, it may not even be a factor, but it would be foolish of me to NOT cover all bases. So can you help me or not? I have recordings of this guys promos and the match he had against me last Monday for you to look at, I'm sure it'll all ignite your interest.

J. Hovah scratches his head some more, he looks...conflicted, Trax taps his finger on the kitchen counter rapidly, impatiently, eagerly awaiting an response. Finally J. Hovah finally nods before clapping his hands together and rubbing them.

I just may be able to do something for you, Trax. Follow me.

J.Hovah leads Trax out the kitchen from the door they entered, the scientist takes out a rusty key from his pockets and unlocks a side door, the sound of a locking mechanism being unlocked can be heard as the door creaks open revealing a set of stairs leading downwards into what Trax assumes must be the basement area.The room below however is shrouded in total darkness.

Mind your step!

The two make their way down the shaky wooden stairs with J. Hovah in the lead, Traxs feet finally hit solid surface as J Hovah walks pff to the side and flips a switch. The power in the room comes on and Trax eyes uncharacteristically widen in shock. Trax finds himself in a laboratory, full of high tech machinery that Trax has never seen before and computers, all in great condition in stark contrast to the rest of the house as the machines and computer buzz and hum as J. Hovah has switched on what was evidently the power button for the entire laboratory as well as the light switch. Trax looks around taking in the spectacular sight, as J.Hovah looks around grinning in admiration.

What...what is this?

My laboratory, all my life's work and research...right here.

How is this even possible...I mean how does this place not spark up on the power grid?

I have our "mutual friend" to thank for that, as long I supply him with a reasonable monthly fee, he makes sure my...activities here don't raise any alarms.

Paul, should of known, is there anything that dude can't see to?

Apparently not, well then, shall we get right down to it?

J. Hovah walks up to a desk littered with paper documents and a laptop, he briskly tries to organize the papers before shoving them to the side and booting up the laptop.

For as long as I can remember there have been anomalies all over the world, people with extraordinary talents, some people see them as signs off God, others, bad omens. There have been hundreds, thousands even. of people around the world that have shown some sort of unique gift...some on a small scale, some...on a much larger, I've been researching some of these cases, trying to work out explanations and causation, findings have been somewhat conflicting, but...I think may be on to something. That bit I'll explain momentarily.

J. Hovah turns to Trax looking excited.

You said you had some recordings for me?

Trax nods and pulls out a CD from a inner pocket in his jacket and hands it over, J. Hovah snatches the disc and places it in the disc tray on the laptop loading it up.

I'm going to need total silence while I analysis these recordings if you don't mind.


Several of Lux Lydens promos and matches where he displayed his power begin to play one after the other, Trax stands there with his arms crossed while J. Hovah watches the recordings, nodding and gleaming as he observes very closely. Finally after about an hour has passed and the recordings finally end. J. Hovah shuts down the laptop and he turns back to Trax.

Fascinating! It's impossible to be able to validate my theory without further analysis, maybe a DNA sample or ethnographic research but going by what Mr Lyden says and does in his promos and in that match with you and that large masked fellow it does indeed seem he has total control of his physiology on a sub-atomic level allowing him to distort and bend spatial and liner dimensions.

You're going to have to run that one by me again in a language I can understand.

J. Hovah sighs before shaking his head.

Ok...Lux Lyden shows signs of high level molecular manipulation, both of his own and the ones around him, which in turn allows him to manipulate time and space.

Ok I get you, now how do I contest against something like that, if I find myself needing to?

Remember when I said I may be on to something? Follow.

J. Hovah leads Trax across the lab and towards the end of the room, there lies a glass cylinder pod with small tubes sticking out the top which are connected to several smaller metal cylinders on either side.A large tube is connected to the back which is connected to a large machine with dials and switches behind the pod.

Trax looks at J. Hovah then at the mysterious contraption.

OK I'll bite, what am I looking at here.

A participle accelerator, I came to the conclusion years ago that these anomalies are all the result of super charged particles, I won't explain the nitty gritty details on how, you won't understand, but this machine right here can do just that, super charge the particles of the individual inside and rewire their physiology to give the user abilities based on molecular manipulation which I spoke of.

You're kidding...

Trax turns to J. Hovah, for like the second time today, an uncharacteristic stunned look on his face

You've created a machine that gives people powers.

Much more than powers, the abilities of a God, in theory.

Well why haven't you put this theory into practice? Or have you? I've heard about your experiments.

Those were on animals....all inconclusive, their physiology is different than ours obviously, this is made to interact with human DNA, which is why I haven't really been able to use it.


Because I need a willing individual...

Guinea Pig, you mean you need a Guinea Pig.

....I prefer the term willing individual, of a sharp mind and body of healthy peak physical condition to be able to handle all molecular rewiring. Someone possessing BOTH those quantities is hard to come by...until now perhaps.

Me? You expect ME to be your Guinea Pig?

Are you not curious as to what it would be like to have such power? The results could be fabulous!!!!

Or backfire exponentially and I get turned into a pile of goo? Yeah real tempting.

Nothing that dramatic, hopefully.


Are you in or are you out? You want a way to be on even ground with a high level reality and time warper... well this is it. I just need to run some tests, go over some finalizing calculations and calibrations, and I can have the particle acceleration underway in a few hours.

Trax stands there for a couple of minutes in silence thinking to himself, all the potential possibilities, both dire and revolutionary, running through his head. Finally he turns to J. Hovah, an ever so stern look on his face as the wheels in his brain are still turning like clockwork at the thought of what potentially awaits.

I've always been one for risks, if your theory is sound I'll become a God possibly, if not, I may just meet the real God if he truly exists.

J.Hovah gives that ever so charming ear-to-ear grin.

Excellent. Lets begin.

J.Hovah extends a hand out to Trax, who smiles and grabs it shaking it firmly, the camera zooms out and then begins to fade out as the scene goes to black.


[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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