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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
DiBiase's Night To Shine.....
Author Message
Glen DiBiase

XWF FanBase:
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05-23-2013, 01:44 AM

The Scene open up to a large room full of XWF fans and news reporters mostly from some kind of wrestling magazine you can buy for a $1.95 in any local store. the noise of chatting amongst them all is deafening. They all await the arrival of Glen DiBiase and his father Ted DiBiase. time passes and the crowd quieten down as the hall door opens the PA Jessi Parkes opens the door and annouces that Glen will be with them shortly and that they will all stand when he is to enter the room.

time passes and glen enters the room wearing a sky blue shirt the sleeves rolled up a gold rolex on his left arm and a gold chain around his neck hes wearing light grey suit pants and gold rimmed sun glasses. as he scans the room he notices a guy not standing.

Glen DiBiase: You the guy not standing in my presence who in the hell do you think you are?

Glen Approaches the man and removes his glasses.

HOW DARE YOU NOT STAND!!! YOU PEASANT how can one person such as yourself in ya scummy brown fleece jacket insist your to be in my room at the sametime as me the greatest star to be entered into any federation?

the guy looks fearful and as though hes going to weep
Glen grabs him by the scruff of the neck.

I highly suggest that you leave my room now I will not allow such
a discomfiting looking being like yourself here with me.

Glen lifts the man slapping the back of his head a few times as the man gathers his belongings and scarpes out of the room.

DiBiase walks over to the table where the mics are all set and before sitting annouces.

Ladies and Gentleman you may all sit as we get this show on the road however make your questions good you have 5 minutes.

The DiBiases take their seats and allow their first question.

Reporter 1: Glen DiBiase your yet to show us what your actually capable of producing as an in-ring performer how can you be so sure your rise in this business?

Glen looks at the man peering over his glasses.

Prove myself? I need not to prove myself to anyone I'm a DiBiase that's all that counts but tonight we will see how good a performer I am or how about I come down there and slap you. don't ever question my in ring skills I prove nothing until I'm ready to showcase my talents.

with the look of anger on his face Glen stands and walks away as he reaches the door he turns to the crowd.

I just hope your all watching tonight as I destroy the first victim that's put in front of me whoever they maybe.

The doors is slammed shut and you can hear the DiBiases Discussing the rudeness of the question.
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(05-27-2013), TheJanitor (05-23-2013)

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