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Jack McCarthy
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Jack McCarthy

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08-18-2015, 01:37 PM


In-Ring Name: Jack McCarthy

Wrestler's Real Name: Jack Mccarthy

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: Total noob to E-Fed In general :/

Wrestler Date of Birth: 16/6/93

Height: 5 ft 10ins

Weight: 163 pounds

Hometown: Dublin, Ireland

Personality: Quite simply, Jack is Jack. Just imagine a hyperactive puppy let off the leash running around yapping at every single person he meets –and possibly pissing on them too- he meets. He has an off beat personality, living in his own particular dream world. He’s carries with him a certain amount of ego and can be a tad dramatic for his own good. Somewhat liable to freak out at a moments notice. But thanks to his…Unique charm and way with words he get away with it. ..and maybe some profanity

Alignment: Face

Looks Description: . If you had no knowledge of who Jack was and saw him walk across the street you might consider him a pale yet handsome young man with boyish features and a clean cut complexion, you might even think he was a innocent youth, blissfully unaware of the obnoxious nature that lies within. His hair is usually gelled up to the side and he is often seen with a happy go lucky (No pun intended) look on his face and a cocky smirk as if to communicate the fact that he has to the world at his feet. He has a somewhat high-pitched breathy voice offset by an Irish accent that becomes fast pace whenever he gets excited and he’s picked up the habit of punctuating his sentences with flailing arm movement.

Ethnicity: Irish

Pic Base:Andrew Garfield
[Image: tumblr_inline_mijuapdRjK1qz4rgp.gif]

Strengths: Jack’s biggest assert would always be his massive heart. Jack is as stubborn as the day is long. He can take a beating and He just doesn’t know when to quit, either too stupid or has far too much sprit for his own good if you’re in a match with him you better make sure he’s down for the count because the bastard will just keep getting up until he’s physically unable to do so…

As stated above Jack has the energy of a thousand toddlers on a diet of pox rocks. Boundless amounts of flailly energy that makes it impossible for him to sit still for even a moment. Whenever the match is running long and hes sucking wind. Jack can always just reach down into that reserve of his and just SNAP into a fifth gear at a moments notice

Jack isn’t one to think things through he’s an out and out slave to his impulses meaning he doesn’t hesitate when scarifying his body or doing something really stupid to get the W
-Jack is forever an underdog, he’s not exactly physically imposing, he has the aura of a hyper active puppy

-Jack talks, a LOT and naturally enough his mouth gets him into a lot of trouble.

-Like mentioned above Jack doesn’t think things through, and while at times this is a plus it really isn’t in times when an cerberial approach is the most sensible opition

Entrance Theme Music:
Flogging Molly-Irish Pub Song

Special Entrance (if any):

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves: Swinging Neckbreaker, Sitout jawbreaker. Arm-drag. Running Crossbody. Running Front Dropkick to an opponent against the ropes. Backbreaker. Belly to back suplex. Diving Pointed Elbow. Running knee smash to a bent over opponent. Feint Clothsline into a clothesline to the back of an opponent’s head. Reverse STO into turnbuckle

Trademark Move(s): Awesome in Orbit. Shotgun kick. Jumping spike DDT
Description(s): Elbow Drop from the top. Disaster Kick. Paddy’s Revenge

Finishing Move: The Parting Glass
Description(s): Turnbuckle handstand transitioned into a split-legged moonsault

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots: As an emergency measure against those he finds intimidating or in a hardcore setting he has a large wooden bat he brings with him “When he needs them”

Additional notes: N/A

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