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'The Cyaneyed Assassin' Neonero
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01-10-2013, 02:37 PM

In-Ring Name: 'The Thane of Inane' Neonero

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Cyn Jyan Young (CJY)

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: Returning from the old boards?

Wrestler Date of Birth: 07/04/1983

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 200lbs

Hometown: Busan, Korea

Personality: Extravagant, flighty, cutting, sarcastic.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Heel

Physical Build Description: Lithe

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: Well dressed, usually sharply dressed in expensive clothes

Ethnicity: Korean/English mixed

Pic Base: JYP unmasked, or masked Daesung (from Lunatic mv) if masked

Wrestling Style: Fluid, technical with some high flying elements. He will often attack relentlessly, and will sometimes appear to enjoy his opponents offense, less in a sportsman-like way and more in a masochistic way.

Strengths: Submission, dexterity

Weaknesses: Depending on his state of mind, he may do stupid things like attempt finishers at the start of the match

Entrance Theme Music: MIYAVI vs YUKSEK - Day 1

Entrance Description: Cameras suddenly fix on center stage, as a series of teal and cyan pyro blasts go off, and ''Day 1' by miyavi explodes into life. With every bass beat and guitar slap the lights strobe different shades of white, grey, teal, cyan. Eventually Neonero emerges from the curtain, walking carefree to the ring, inanely messing with fans along the way.

Personal Assistant: Norris Cole

PA's Pic Base: Malcolm Hebden

[Image: 200px-Doriscole.jpg]

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Running Neckbreaker
Chickenwing DDT
Stalling Brainbuster
Pele kick
Rings of Saturn
Sleeper hold
Consecutive Arm Drags
Tornado DDT
Octopus Stretch
Stretching Indian Deathlock
Headscissors into small package

Trademark Move(s): Falling neckbreaker
Description(s): Very exaggerated move, Neonero turns the opponent's head slowly, playing to the crowd, then does a little dance with his feet before dropping the opponent stiffly.

Primary Finisher: Thumbs Down in the Pit (Shining Triangle hold)
Description: Shining wizard on kneeling opponent, potentially knocking them out, and immediately synching in a triangle choke a la Shinsuke Nakamura

Secondary Finisher: The Torching of Rome
Description: Starting with a reverse DDT position, Neonero sticks his tongue out as far as it will go, then immediately lifts his opponent into a reverse suplex position, only to drop him down hard over his knee with a jumping backbreaker.

Favorite Weapon if any: Pyramid of Hell (3 tables, four chairs, two sheets of glass)

Additional notes: The mask is an ongoing mystery. He no longer promotes Korean music. He was re-signed to the XWF by Miyoko Kawashima after winning a gauntlet match for a contract. Since then his whereabouts and actions have been unknown.

Also has the tendency to change music quite often...

*Important Note* I am generally unavailable at weekends, so I can't rp then. Please bear this handicap in mind...
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