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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 2
The Cold Shoulder of Judgment
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Glisten Offline
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07-31-2015, 08:22 AM

We're in a home theater at Glisten's home with the lights dim and the movie Training Day is displayed by projection onto a screen. It's at the final scene where Denzel Washington gives his speech to the place he lives while surrounded by those who hate him,

[Image: tumblr_nqnsyq41TI1rxdygro1_500.gif]

Glisten starts to clap lightly and presses mute on the remote control.

"There's a lot of similarities between Denzel Washington's character, Alonzo Harris, and LJ Havok. They are both delusional. They both are caught up in their own little world and believe all this hype that surrounds them. Let's look at Alonzo. He's this big bad cop who 'walks a higher path' and believes he's untouchable. He has the backing of the right people and knows how to deal with the law to make sure he gets what he wants. He screws up and messes with the wrong man, and for the first time, he's on the other side. He needs money. The once feared big bad wolf is now a baby needing to suck the moms tit for survival. When he's pushed in the corner with no where to go or nothing to do, he pulls out his wolf card and threatens people except for the fact everyone knows the tit has been pulled from his mouth. Empty threats. He says, "I'm the man up in this beast... I run shit here, you just live here... King Kong ain't got shit on me.... I'm winning anyway, I can't lose... You can shoot me but you can't kill me." He says all that with a bullet in his beautiful ass. Mmm, I wouldn't massaged the pain away and maybe he wouldn't be so angry in the last minutes of his life. "

Glisten seems to daze off thinking about massaging the injured butt-ox of Alonzo, but quickly comes back to thought.

"The man who was consumed with all this power became the one bent over, ready for the pounding. LJ wants to focus his words on my partner Drew, and even a man who's not involved in the match at all, Eli James. What's the matter, LJ? Does any thought about me make you rise to a different level? Does my name on your soft, pink lips make you wish it was still on your mothers tit? You spit out all this power talk like you have a hole that hasn't been filled up. Oh, LJ. I will fill any hole you need to make you complete, but you seem to be afraid of that. Alonzo claimed to be bigger than King Kong. Mmmmm. I bet he was bigger. LJ claims god may not exist, then claims to be one himself. LJ, honey, you exist to me. Don't tell me your something that may not exist. You're LJ Havok. You may not be as big as King Kong, and you may not be shot in the ass, but just like Alonzo, you will mess with the wrong person. And after our match is over, and you think about leaving again because it's too hard for you to handle, come over to my house and I'll soothe you. You won't have to go back to fighting in the ring and keep having your confidence drown. You don't have to worry about Eli James, god or any prophecy concerning you. All you'll have to worry about is remember our little magic safe word, but who wants to end the fun? Go ahead, darling, and keep giving me the cold shoulder. Use that magical tongue on Eli and Drew, because after the match, I'll let you use it on me in the back. Then, my sweet, will my name forever be on your heart and always circling your mind. Every time you hear someone say, "LJ, listen," you'll add that one little letter in the front and hear Glisten. Glisten. Glisten. And you'll use those perfect lips and passionate heart to tell everyone not to ignore me ever again."

Glisten reaches on the floor by his theater chair and pulls up a dildo that's in the shape of a gavel.

"The one thing you did tell me, LJ, is that you were gonna cast judgment on me."

Glisten is looking at the gavel dildo and is rubbing it with his hands.

"Whether you and your partner win, or myself and Drew win, I look forward to your judgment. I'll even bring the gavel. I can picture it now, darling. The match is over. Sweat dripping off our bodies. Heavy breathing due to the length of fighting. Drew makes his way out of the ring and there we three stand. Two men who wanted to beat me so much I would lay on the floor as they covered me up with their own body, or wanted to wrap me up in such a way I had to beg for release. You two stand in front of me. Davids with his large chest, broad shoulders, thick thighs, and ripped body. Havok with his soft silky hands and beautiful pink wet lips. LJ gets the gavel. I drop to my knees in surrender. LJ opens his mouth big and wide. He clinches this same gavel in his hand tight. We all make eye contact and forget anything around us. We're so caught up in the moment. Havok says, "Glisten, we found you guilty! You will be punished." He slams the gavel down to conclude the verdict. Davids and Havok handcuff me, take me to the back, and give me the beating they wanted to do as punishment. "

[Image: HsL9rVh.png]

"Davids comes from behind ready to squeeze me so I can't get away."

Glisten places the gavel into the seat beside him.

"I know you both may be afraid. You've both been gone a long time and may feel your both rusty. Not to worry, honey bees. I'll walk you through it all. You'll move like you haven't missed a step. We'll taste each others honey and all will be made right. Havok got to be the judge, I got to be the victim, and Davids got to be the muscle warrior. Maybe we can video tape the whole thing so the world can applaud our time together. It's going to be soo magical and relentless. Mmmmm. "

[Image: ErUJ6ZG.jpg]
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