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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 2
The Debut of a true Diamond.
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Dustin Diamond Drake Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

07-29-2015, 12:12 PM

The Scene opens up with XWF Camera crew walking through the Training facility of XWF, we see Steve Sayors walk up to the camera crew and they begin looking at a piece of paper that looks like a list of people they need to interview and film why they are training. Steve and the camera crew move on into the gym area of the training facility, as they enter the gym area the camera catches XWF new Comer Dustin Diamond Drake. Steve looks at the list and and gets a smile on his face as he and the camera crew walk over to Triple D as he Benching 420 pounds finishing up his final rep he place the bar and weights back down onto the bench weight holder and sits up. Dustin notices the XWF Camera crew and looks around as they approach.

Drake: Can I help you?

Sayors: You wouldn't happen to be Dustin Diamond Drake would you?

Drake: Yes that is me, and you are?

Sayor: I'm Steve Sayors the lead interviewer of the XWF, and I have a few question for you if that is okay?

Drake: Sure Mate.
What would you like to know?

Sayors: ~Laugh~ Mate.
I thought you be the type of guys who would say chap.

Dustin just gives Sayors a dirty look of annoyance.

Drake: You really know I'm kind of busy training right now for my Debut match and if you have question to ask, please ask them I don't have much time.

Sayors: Your right Dustin, lets get to the question.
Dustin we saw you earlier talking to Thunderbolt X.
How and where do you know him from?

Drake: I've known Thunderbolt for years now he and I go way back to the days of wrestling in the flea markets of span.
I met in back in Australia back when is first got into this business.

Sayors: Thunderbolt made a comment about how you haven't been in a Ladder Match for 5yrs and you seem a bit uneasy about it.
Why was that?

Drake: Well Steve like Thunderbolt said earlier I haven't been in a ladder match for 5yrs and in that match I was put out work for almost year do to the fact I tore my Quadriceps when i feel out side of the ring.
A Torn Quadricep is on of the hardest muscle injuries to heal and come back from.

Sayors: So are you having any second thoughts of having this type of match for your first match here in the XWF?

Drake: No not really.
I'm just surprise that it is my first match here in XWF.

Sayors: Dustin this match is not only a ladder match, but you have been given a unknown partner, because this is not only a Ladder match but it is a Tag team match and the winning team will be giving the opportunity to face the Tag team Champions for the championship.
Also in this match the winning team is given the choice of staying a tag team or go their separate ways and pick any one they want as a partner and move on to a future championship match with that partner of choosing, what will you choose to do?

Drake: Yes this match is not just a ladder match, but it is a tag team match.
I have been pair up with another new comer to the XWF Lux lyden.
To be completely Honest Steve I'm not sure what I'll choose to do.
First we have option A., I can continue on with Lux and we can try and become the next Tag team champions.
Then I have Option B, where I can pick anyone I want in the XWF as a Tag Team partner.
Greats and former Tag team champions like Gator, Peter "FN" Glimour, Scully, Maverick,Mastermind, or I could choose some one like, The Phantom,Drew Archlye, or my long time Friend Thunderbolt.
There are so many guys to chose from, but I wont pick either option until then end of my match.

Sayors: Yes that is a really big choice to make if and when you win your match.
Dustin If you don't win your match on Saturday, what will you next move be?

Dustin: Well to be honest Steve I haven't really thought that far ahead seeing I just arrived here in the XWF, and I'm not one to set waves into motion until I have a good feel about my position and where I stand here in the XWF.

Sayors: What is one thing you would like to do here in the XWF?

Drake: I wouldn't mind getting the band back together with Thunderbolt X and a few others guys I know in this fed who are currently over seas.

Sayors: Beside Thunderbolt X, who are the other members of this band your talking about.

Drake: Nice try there Steve, but I don't need to say their names or who they are because I know they are watching this right now, and they know who they are, but you chap will have to wait to see whom they are.

Sayors: Well Dustin that is all the time we have for now and I know you would like get on with your training.

Drake: Well it was nice talking to you Steve and Thank you for the time.

Sayors: your welcome Dustin and the best of luck on your match at Relentless

The Interview ends with Steve Sayors and he camera walking off as the scene fade to black.

Later that night..............

The scene opens up with Dustin Diamond Drake, Thunderbolt X and to three men wearing hoodies standing in the shadows of the Parking structure of the XWF training Facility talking, after a few seconds we see Thunderbolt X and Triple D shake the hands of the men wearing the Hoodies, who then walk off and get into a Limo that drive off. Triple D and Thunderbolt X head back towards the Training Facility talking with each other.

Thunderbolt X: So do you really think those three are going to come back?

Drake: The really have no reason not to.
Those three have been over seas long enough, I think they will be more the willing to come back.

Thunderbolt: Yeah they have been gone long enough and its time for them as well as us to prove that we are the future of XWF.

Drake: Yeah I feel the same way as well, but we need to make a huge impact if we are going to do this.
Are you willing to put everything on the line to do this?

Thunderbolt: Damn strait I am.
If we get the bands back together you damn well know we will take this place by storm.
But lets talk about you man, how are the girls doing?

Dustin has a somewhat sad look on his face, and stays quite for a few seconds.

Drake: There doing good, well Terra is but Kensi isn't getting any better.
She seem to be getting worse.
The Doctors are claiming and saying they are doing everything they can, but Kensi Treatments just don't seem to be taking.

Thunderbolt:: Dammit!!!
Have they tried everything man?

Dustin: So far yes, well there is a new treatment they would like us to try.

Thunderbolt: Well what's stopping you from doing it?

Dustin: It only has a 15% chance of succeeding, and Terra and the rest of Kensi family are not sure about it.

Thunderbolt: Dude its a 15% better chance of succeeding they you are being given right now with Kensi Current treatment right.

Dustin: Yeah your right Jacob it is.

Thunderbolt: Then you and your wife Terra need to show them that.
Bro you know Adriana and I are there for you and we always have, and so have the guys.
Wait you not back to wrestle because you miss it, your back for Kensi.

Dustin: Your right, I'm not back for Titles and glory mate, I'm back for the beautiful little girl Kensi and my Wife Terra.
Terra Little sister Kensi means the world too me and I'm going to do what ever it takes to save her and help find and treat a cure for her.

Thunderbolt: Then we will all make this happen bro, and we will never give up, and never surrender.
Dustin you and I will train night and day, so you can become the best bro.

Dustin: Thanks mate it will be good to have you as a Training partner again, it has been way to long sense we fought in the ring together as well as against one another.

Thunderbolt: Then it settled we start our Training Tomorrow.
It's time to start hell month.

Dustin: Hell yeah mate!!
I can't wait to be out in the cool fresh morning air running five miles up and down a hill each day.

Thunderbolt: WOW!!! Bro lets start it off with two miles, 10 mile is a little much to start with.

Dustin: Yeah your right Two mile is good that way we don't kill ourselves for the rest of our training day.
Hey Thuinderbolt, maybe you and I should start up our old Pod cast again, 5 question with Triple D and Thunderbolt X.
What do you say mate.

Thunderbolt: Bro I think that can be arrange.
Now lets get the hell out of here the girls are waiting for us.

Dustin: Yeah your right mate Terra made promise I get you and Adriana out for a night on the town.

Thunderbolt: Adriana will love that.

Dustin: So is it try Adriana is talking babies or is Terra just making that up?

Thunderbolt: Babies what?

Dustin looks at Thunderbolt X like he just put his foot in his mouth, and Dustin starts to clear his throat.

Dustin: Babies what! You and Adriana, you must of heard me wrong I said Terra is Talking about babies.
You and Adriana having babies now, I mean you guys have a lot of time left.

Thunderbolt: Wait what?
What the hell are you talking about?

Just then a Silver Hummer Grand Cab pulls up with a beautiful young lady behind the wheel, Dustin quickly shuts up and almost runs to the Hummer as he yells back at the now Confused Thunderbolt X.


Thunderbolt look Confused and stuck on what to say.

Thunderbolt: Club?!

The scene ends as we see Thunderbolt getting his cell, He Looks as his best friend speed off with his Wife, as we fade out to black end........

(OOC NOTE: Sorry I didn't proof read this because I at work and I had to rush it.)
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