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Goddess Sitre Renenet VIII
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Goddess Sitre Renenet VIII Offline
CCWF Goddess

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07-24-2015, 08:43 PM


In-Ring Name: Goddess Sitre Renenet VIII

Wrestler's Real Name: Unspecified

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New to this XWF

Wrestler Date of Birth: July 24th, 1984

Height: 5'11

Weight: Never ask a lady that!

Hometown: Beverly Hills, Florida

Personality: Strikingly approachable and friendly, but very rarely keeps eye contact and seems to stray into her own distant thoughts rather easily. An introvert who will act an extrovert as needed.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): For now, a tweener, even though that term is funny and she would never describe herself using it

Looks Description: Long dark hair, mildly tanned skin, and very well endowed

Ethnicity: 75% Moroccan, 24% Sicilian, 1% Goddess

Pic Base: "The Egyptian Goddess" Mandy León


Strengths: Quick as a cat, incredibly agile, and deceivingly strong for her size and build. Fantastic at stringing moves together into longer combos that rarely are broken.

Weaknesses: Long hair that some cheaper opponents like to pull and use against her.

Entrance Theme Music: Degeneración Debraye - Apple Of Sodom

Special Entrance (if any): The sounds of Apple Of Sodom begin to waft through the air as the lights slowly dim throughout the arena. About eight seconds into the music, the lights have reached near blackness as the Tron lights up and the camera is showing the shiny black boots of Sitre Renenet from the side; an apparent closeup of the steps she is taking that seem to move with the beat of the music. With each step, the camera is pulling back gradually to reveal more of her long tanned legs and finally her black and gold outfit starts to come into view. Before the camera has had a chance to show her full frame and as the music has reached about twenty five seconds, the beat picks up and the camera that was on her goes black as the Tron now flickers a few times and displays her full name, "Goddess Sitre Renenet VIII," in bright golden, Algerian style letters that appear to have golden glitter or rain descending gently from them. At this time, a white light appears from behind the entrance way and her curvaceous silhouette can be seen slowly walking; hips swaying to the beat and her arms raised above her head as she presses the palms of her hands together to make the shape of a triangle. She remains standing on the stage, moving her body along to the beat in a serpentine manner as the lights of the arena slowly return to full power and transform a once black silhouette that left much to the imagination into a vibrant and colorful source of desires and mystique. By now, at around one minute into the song, the lyrics finally begin as she takes her first step and begins to walk down the aisle, once again to the beat, mostly ignoring the fans on either side except for the occasional teasing of a smirk to her left or a subtle raising of an eyebrow to the right. Her lack of full expression gives her an almost hypnotic appearance as her eyes primarily remain focused ahead at the ring. Once at ringside, she pulls herself up gracefully using the ropes for leverage and looks at the fans for a second again; her glistening lips ever so slightly being licked for just a moment before extending her leg and stepping through the ropes with authority, locking her eyes on her opponent.*

*Entrance note: If she comes out first, she locks her eyes on the entrance way awaiting the opponent.

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves: Headscissor Takedown, Leaping Snapmare, Tilt-a-whirl Backbreaker, Frankensteiner from any position, Flying Superkick either from a running start or leaping off the middle turnbuckle, Wild forearm shots that she aims to graze the opponent's forehead and face with to bust them open very quickly

Trademark Moves: 1) Dive Unto Faith; 2) The Burning Bridge To Serenity
Descriptions: 1) DDT dangerously close to corner turnbuckle; 2) Northern Lights Suplex Pin

Finishing Move (submission): Shangri-La Beheld*
*From front: A Codebreaker, unreleased after she falls to her back, turned straight into a Hell's Gate submission
*From rear: A Backstabber, quickly wrapping her legs around the opponent after impact and turning it straight into a rear naked Dragon Sleeper submission

Finishing Move (standard): Boma Ye, Strong Style Knee**
While in Japan, Sitre came to find that no other wrestler or fighter captivated her attention and imagination more than Shinsuke Nakamura. She has taken the necessary steps to thoroughly master his infamous finishing maneuver, the Boma Ye Knee. She will usually hit it on a kneeling opponent but will also change it up as needed by leaping through the air and even catching an unsuspecting victim hard in the back of their head sometimes leading to concussion.
**Much like Nakamura himself, she will continuously hit this move as many times as it takes should an opponent be lucky enough to kick out at first.

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots: Knocking the steel steps loose and leaving them tilted at an awkward angle at ringside so she can go back into the ring, set the opponent on the top turnbuckle, and then back up all the way to the far corner to run toward them and catch them with a running aerial superkick that sends them tumbling down and landing head first into the unforgiving steel steps!

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