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Glistening Down
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Glisten Offline
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07-22-2015, 06:37 AM


In-Ring Name: Glisten

Wrestler's Real Name: It's not known

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: I'll never tell

Wrestler Date of Birth: It's not polite to ask this question

Height: 6'6

Weight: 232

Hometown: The Gold Mine

Personality: Think of old school Goldust turned up a little

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Tweener

Looks Description: Goldust


Pic Base: Goldust


Strengths: Psychology, normal wrestling

Weaknesses: Gets tired after he 'finishes'

Entrance Theme Music:

Special Entrance (if any): Just think Goldust

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Bionic elbow
Bulldog,sometimes from the second rope
Cannonball from the ring apron to the outside of the ring
Director's Cut/Shock Treatment[2] (Snap scoop powerslam)
Diving hurricanrana
Dropping down and uppercutting the opponent,[97][104] as a back body drop counter
Jumping hip attack, as a counter to an oncoming opponent
Inverted atomic drop, sometimes followed by a clothesline
Oscar (Sitout rear mat slam)
Running stunner
Sidewalk slam
Springboard back elbow
Sunset flip powerbomb
Twisting diving crossbody

Trademark Move(s): 6-9
Description(s): Tombstone piledriver, and keeps the position and lays on the opponent for a pin

Finishing Move(s): Golden Sombrero
Description(s): Triangle Choke ()

Favorite Hardcore Atacks: All kinds

Additional notes:

[Image: ErUJ6ZG.jpg]
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