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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
5 Questions With Thunderbolt X
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Thunderbolt Lying Asshole Offline
I'm sure having fun now! Look at me!

XWF FanBase:


06-20-2015, 03:42 PM

A camera turns on and we see Thunderbolt X in a studio like room.

Thunderbolt X- "Hello XWF universe, it's your boy Thunderbolt X, coming at you with another episode of 5 Questions with Thunderbolt"

Thunderbolt turns on his TV and sets up his question videos.

Thunderbolt X- "Whatta week it has been for me and the XWF" "A new Hart Champion was crowned in Ginger Snaps after she impressively and courageously defeated, my boy, the former Hart Champion, “Loverboy” Vinnie Lane"

A cheer sound effect can be heard.

Thunderbolt X- "I sustained another loss, my ninth, to Randall "Ruckus" Rollins, who put up a hell of a fight on Madness, a couple of weeks ago"

Thunderbolt X grabs his TV remote, even though his TV is touch screen.

Thunderbolt X- "But I have been given a golden opportunity, thanks to your NEW Hart Champion, Ginger Snaps" "And believe me, I will take this opportunity with everything I have and I will silence the doubters" "But I will address the match, a little more, later, but for now, it's time to answer 5 questions from the XWF universe"

Thunderbolt X takes a sip of water.

Thunderbolt X- "The first question comes from Cindy Francis, who lives in Detriot, Michigan"

Thunderbolt presses the play button.

Cindy Francis- "Hello Thunderbolt, my question for you is, do you believe you deserve the Championship match opportunity, Ginger Snaps is presenting to you?"

Thunderbolt X presses the pause button.

Thunderbolt X- "Personally, I don't believe I deserve the shot I'm recieving but apparently Ginger thinks I do" "She is bringing new meaning to Hart/Heart Championship" "In fact, that is the only reason I have a shot" "Ginger gave me a shot because I have Heart" "She didn't care about my win-loss record, it was my heart and determination that got me the title shot"

Thunderbolt X takes a sip of water.

Thunderbolt X- "Ok lets get to our next question, who is from Gwen Tyrone, who lives in San Diego, California"

Thunderbolt X presses the play button.

Gwen Tyrone- "Hello Thunderbolt, I feel sorry for you every week when you lose, as you are my favourite superstar, along with Vinnie Lane" "Anyway my question for you is, do you believe Ginger Snaps deserves to be champion?"

Thunderbolt X presses the pause button.

Thunderbolt X- "I'll tell you what, anyone who can defeat Vinnie Lane, fair and square, in the middle of the ring, not only deserves to be champion but deserves some respect" "So to answer your question, Gwen, yes I do believe Ginger deserves to be the champion" "But as a side note, I don't think she is recieving the respect she has rightfully earned" "I am one of very few, who show her respect"

Thunderbolt X pulls out his phone to check the time.

Thunderbolt X- "Our next question, Question 3, comes from Crystal Lane, who lives in Brooklyn, New York"

Thunderbolt X presses the play button.

Crystal Lane- "Hello, my question is, Do you believe you can beat Ginger Snaps for the Hart Championship?"

Thunderbolt X presses the pause button.

Thunderbolt X- "MY answer to the question is, yes, I believe I have what it takes to be the new Hart Champion" "But tell that to my doubters"

Thunderbolt X smiles briefly.

Thunderbolt X- "You know what, it's actually good I have doubters and haters because now I have a goal to strive for" "My goal in the XWF, which is one of many, is to silence my doubters and critics, silence my haters and earn Respect from all of them"

Thunderbolt X takes a sip of water.

Thunderbolt X- "But enough about that, I came here to answer questions so let's answer question 4" "Question 4 is from Jackson Palmers, who lives in Chicago, Illinois"

Thunderbolt X presses the play button.

Jackson Palmers- "Hello, I see XWF is coming down to my hometown of Chicago, Illinois" "My question for you is, What has been your favourite place to wrestle?"

Thunderbolt X presses the pause button.

Thunderbolt X- "That's easy, my hometown of Boston, Massachusetts" "Everytime I go there, I am bombarded by fans questions" "But I am looking forward to Chicago, Illinois on the 22nd"

Thunderbolt X takes a sip of water.

Thunderbolt X- "Let's get to our final question, which is from Trinity Layla, who lives in Jackson, Wyoming"

Thunderbolt X presses the play button.

Trinity Layla- "Hello Thunderbolt, Now that Hero Extreme 7.9 has gone on hiatus, who do you consider to be your biggest doubter and critic?"

Thunderbolt X presses the stop button and turns off his TV.

Thunderbolt X- "Well I don't know" "My list includes, Dim "The Professor", Louis D'Ville, Trax, Drew Archyle and many more" "So I don't really have a standout in that group of individuals"

Thunderbolt X takes a sip of water.

Thunderbolt X- "Well that is all we have time for, for this episode of 5 Questions, but before I go, I want to thank Ginger Snaps for the amazing opportunity she is giving me" "But beware Ginger, because a Thunderstorm is brewing and it is about to hit"

The scene fades to black.

I'm a lying asshole who says in public threads that he donated to the fed when he didn't

I'm a whiny bitch who sends shitty PMs to my opponent after he beats me fairly

I'm also pretty sure I might be , except I still don't know what means

Be my friend
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