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The Pest addresses the peasants.
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05-12-2015, 09:06 PM

Pest:So, the hidden opponents have come out of the woodwork to address us. It is good to hear from you, yet, none of it will be enough to bring a win to you. You see, you two have not been holding your tongue in the hopes of training to be superior to me. No, you have been sitting silently crying at the thought of the lose to me. You, children, are cowardly, and not a real danger to anyone. Except for Dim, and his strength. Gentlemen, and I use that term very loosely, I would like to share some facts about you. Again. Shall I begin at the top?

Rellik, the things I have said of you this week, they are ringing true. Consider the fact that you have hidden from sight since you were called out on a being a Made in China knock off of Pest. Consider how weak and frail you have shown yourself to be. Do you look at the man you have shown us that you are and believe anyone respects, or fears you? No. Because you are the ignorant child who hides after being scolded for being plain and boring. You disappoint me. I had higher hopes for you. You sicken me. I hope David Pryce does his cleansing on you. You should not even step foot in the ring come Madfare, you coward. I command The Black Hand, what do you do?

What happened when I told Maxwell to speak on Cuban relations? He choose to speak about the death of Ernesto "El Che" Guevara De Le Serna. And his point? Do we know if Che died the way the reports suggest? He decides to film his promo, and announce to us that he is in America, in 2015. After leaving Bolivia. Which, if one is a student of Geography, and assuming one so fixated on ignorant and outdated jingoism, one must surely know his geography a little, then one should notice that Bolivia is a part of America. The southern part, correct, but it is still a part of America. Does Maxwell Dane mean he is in the United States? And that the rest of America, does not simply count as America? Because it is not his America? Are these the delusions of a man who we expect to successfully fend off attackers in the ring? A man who is so devoid of common sense he believes dressing in a bunny costume is something adults do? In Reality? No, Maxwell Dane is simply a mentally handicapped child playing at being an adult. Tell Amalia that you cannot play right now, it is past your bedtime, and you have school in the morning. Did you remember to pack your helmet, and your emergency underwear?

Maxwell, whatever you chose to say, assuming it was able to be deciphered through your deficit speech, is no consequence. Continue to parade around dressed as a bunny, and lecture the world on the evils of communism. Remember this, though. You are not living in a truly capitalist society. You are living in a Socialized society, and you are enjoying it. Thus, you are a childish hypocrite. An easily spotted and exposed one. If only your opponents would have actually paid attention to you and addressed this. No, instead you have to face off with Ghost Tank who can hardly be counted on to even cut a promo for his matches theses days. And Grime, a man who was technically terminated before your match with him. I do hope you feel proud of yourself for these trivial wins. They will be your only wins to note. You will not walk away with the win this week, and you assuredly will not walk away a champion. And why should you?

What does Maxwell Dane have to give him a shot at being a champion? Is he a good fighter? No. Is he charming and witty? No. He is just a fuck in a bunny costume. Because he saw a fuck in a shark costume running around the XWF, and thought that he would be cool like him. And then he sees someone running around with a paper bag on his head, and feels that he can do better work than that fool. Sadly, he cannot. In fact, he does about the same level of shitty work as that boring buffoon. The entertainment one could derive from a Maxwell promo is about the same level one could derive from pouring water on the earth and watching as Earthworms crawl forth to the top, attempting to avoid their doom. That sentence perfectly depicts Maxwell's life and career as well. Maxwell Dane, the human answer to the Earthworm. Tell us, Maxwell, have I been wrong about you? I wait to hear your halfhearted rebuttal, which I know will not come soon. Should it ever come. The thing with the masked men you have chosen to emulate, is that they do not stick around for long. One or two matches, and then they flee. Something I believe you are on the path to do.

Maxwell, I do hope you know that your pitiful attempts to downplay is very sad. It is almost as if you have given up before we started. Almost as if you were Rellik. Or, much worse. You can choose to limit the amount of time you speak on me, or rather claim to have chosen to limit it. The truth is much clearer. You, in all of your fuck glory, had no real answer for anything I have presented to you. Instead you choose to harp on a mistake I once made about not taking the pin in a match with Dim. And you choose to bring up the God of Emptiness name, something I have admitted is just that. A name. I hold no true delusions of Deity status. However, should it make you feel more like a man, and more comfortable, then I shall lie to you and tell you that I truly believe I am a god. Right before I break your pitiful little streak. And remind you of your place in this world. Remember what my foot looks like, picture it well. Because it will always be the sight you see when you look to me. You will always be looking up at your superiors.

Dim, David, I am honestly saddened by this. Your lack of effort. You, who was supposed to be the other juggernaut in the match, have said naught. Until today, when you spoke of us all very briefly. Almost as if you truly are lost without John Madison. You, who is so willfully ignorant to his ways, needs him so. Do you truly believe that the Doctor can do for you what John Madison has? Or, do you believe John Madison hurt you? Can you truly top the success you have had with Peter Gilmour? No, sadly, David, this will be the day that I take change the course of our history. Today will be the day that I take your win from you. The day you will learn why you need either John Madison or Peter Gilmour. I truly hope you partner with Peter and take the tag belts at Bad Medicine, but you will not be taking the Xtreme Title. I will be in that match, and perhaps we will both walk away with gold. But, David, you will not.

Do not release another video of you referring to me as a homosexual. You and I both know that is simply not true. Just as you and I both know that association with Unknown Soldier and John Madison do not make you a good Christian. And David, Jesus was not white. I know, you will be confused by this, and that is ok. But, in time, you will come to know the truth of it. Jesus was a middle eastern man, who resembled Osama Bin Laden. David, you may have half a brain, but you could learn so much, and be so much better than you are now. I want the best for you, David. I have true respect for you. And I offer this, my hand extended. David, come and join The Black Hand. Forego the Asylum, and join us. We shall help make you better. Help make you stronger, without John Madison. Muddy Waters is like you. He loves Jesus, and he hates minorities. Michael Scully is like you. He is simple, and cannot spell his own name. And Morbid, he is strong like you are. Together, David, we all are better. And why are we better? Because we fall under the wise guidance of the Pest. I am an old man, and I have learned this world well. Allow me to help you. Please, David.

Do not mistake the offer for fear. I have no fear of you, David. I will defeat you. I will take the title. But, I will not pin you, David. Or, I am a liar. But, I will be the one walking out of the match with the win. You know I speak the truth. Good night, David.

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