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Wednesday Night Warfare: April 22nd Results
Author Message
Matthew Oaktree Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

04-22-2015, 04:58 PM

[Image: rprZ2zV.png]

April 22nd, 2015
The Forum
Inglewood, California

Turd Lopez
- vs -
Cole Jackson
- vs -
The Inventor
- vs -
Oni Wolf
- vs -
Serenity Blood
- vs -
Jessica Clarke
Oaktree Special Battle Royale
Butch the Bull will be on the outside ready to gore anyone thrown over the ropes

Peter Gilmour
- vs -
Hero Xtreme 7.9
Reverse blindfold match
Standard match, One Fall, Referee is blindfolded

Brick Squad
Dick Powers & Henry Hemmington
- vs -
Outsider Joel & Buster Mac
Tornado Tag TLC match

Tag Team Championship
The Black Hand
Maverick & Scully ©
- vs -
Brick Squad
Flynn Andrew Cole-Ericson & "Lucky No. 7" Carson Waters
Standard Tag Team Match, One fall

[Image: gsnLwNZ.png?1]
Turd Lopez
- vs -
Cole Jackson
- vs -
The Inventor
- vs -
Oni Wolf
- vs -
Serenity Blood
- vs -
Jessica Clarke
Oaktree Special Battle Royale
Butch the Bull will be on the outside ready to gore anyone thrown over the ropes

All of the jobbers except The Inventor and Turd Lopez start in the ring.

Bring Me The Horizon - Sleepwalking (Instrumental) plays

With the instrumental kicking in, the lighting in the arena is slowly turning into blue, the arena fading deeper and deeper into a dim blue light, smoke is beginning to fill the entrance ramp... and for a moment, nothing is seen. A short while later, The Inventor is seen slowly walking through the smoke, some of the smoke is appearing to almost be drifting off of The Inventor himself... and now the lighting is changed from the dark blue from before, to pitch black. A minute later, the lighting is back to normal, and now The Inventor is standing in the middle of the ring, smoke seeming to emit from before his very being.

Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors - Radiohead

Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors plays as Turd Lopez descends from the rafters with a noose around his neck. His body is completely still until his feet touch the mat. At this point he begins to kick his legs and pull violently at the rope until he breaks loose. Turd grabs the ring announcer, puts the noose around his neck, and sends him disappearing up into the rafters as the lights flicker and the music continues to play. Once the ring announcer has vanished as part of Turd's sacrificed, he calls out to the ceiling at which point 10 gallons of watery monkey shit are poured down onto him.

The Bull Rider by Johnny Cash plays

Butch the Bull charges down the ramp and circles the ring like a pissed off land shark.

JIM ROSS: "The damn bull's got it's own theme music?"

BOBBY HEENAN: "He's a star, JR."

Butch roams on the outside grunting and kicking his hooves. The bell rings, Cole and Oni charge at Lopez, Jessica and Serenity rush to The Inventor, Almost simultaneously both men duck and throw their opponents backwards over the ropes, the crowd cheers and Butch the bull grunts and charges at the fallen wrestlers. The beast gores Clarke and knocks her high into the air, smashing against the lights and falling onto the fans.

Butch chases after Serenity next and leaps, crushing her under his hooves. Butch then charges after Cole and Oni who are stood beside one another and both are gored! Butch's horns piercing their stomachs as Butch bucks and grunts as the two are stuck. Butch lowers his head and quickly snaps it back up, throwing the two high into the air and into the crowd of roaring, bloodthirsty fans.

BOBBY HEENAN: "The fans love it! The freaks."

JIM ROSS: "As a man from Oklahoma this isn't the first time I've seen a bull slaughter people and satisfy a crowd, I'll tell you that!"

Butch satisfied with his work continues to circle the ring as Turd and The Inventor are locked up. The Inventor throws a knee into to Turd's gut to get some space and hits him with a quick punch combination. Zione (The Inventor) quickly goes for a spinning heel kick but Lopez blocks the kick and strikes The Inventor in the throat and dropping him with a piledriver!

Lopez quickly gets to his feet and picks up Zione by the collar and shoulder and flings over the top rope!

But Zione lands onto the apron as Butch waits, looking as excited as a bull can be. Turd rushes towards The Inventor for a lariat but Zione ducks and drives his shoulder into Turd's chest, The Inventor stands up straight and gets Lopez in a suplex hold. The Inventor lifts but Turd wraps his foot around the bottom rope and delivers a suplex of his own.

Zione crashes against the mat and rolls to his front, Lopez looks to him and quickly punches him in the ass.

BOBBY HEENAN: "Ass punch! It's over."

JIM ROSS: "Shut up for gawd's sake!"

Zione holds his butt in pain and Turd moves to his legs, he wraps his opponent's legs around his neck and lifts him up for a powerbomb, while biting Zione's space needle. The Inventor cries out in pain but quickly reverse the powerbomb into a hurricanrana!

Lopez is flung head first into the corner and stays there dazed. The Inventor struggles to his feet and adjusts his package, he sprints towards and jumps towards Turd Lopez.


Zione nails the the flying knee and Turd goes over the top rope! He crashes onto the floor and the bell rings.

Winner: The Inventor!

Butch glares at Lopez on his knees on the floor, his rear end facing Butch. The bull runs full speed at Lopez and pierces his behind with his horn, Turd cries in pain as Butch checks Lopez' prostate while running around the ring and up the ramp. The Inventor celebrates in the ring.

[Image: gsnLwNZ.png?1]
Peter Gilmour
- vs -
Hero Xtreme 7.9
Reverse blindfold match
Standard match, One Fall, Referee is blindfolded

Sick Like Me by In This Moment plays

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then hear the eerie sounds of a bell being tolled and then an explosion of fire emitting from the entrance ramp. The beginning of SICK LIKE ME by IN THIS MOMENT begins as the heavy guitar riffs kick in and red strobes dance around the stage. As soon as the verse kicks in, we see Peter Gilmour and his lovely queen Maria Brink #2 come out to the ramp. They smile at each other before going down the ramp hand in hand. Peter bobs his head to the song. They get in the ring together and Peter gets on the turnbuckle and throws up an "X" sign as pyro goes off above the ring. Peter hops down and hugs Maria as they wait his next victim.

Deadly Saturdays by The WeekNight Warriors plays

A bloody casket with purple skulls lowers from the rafters suddenly the wire snaps and it crashes into the ring. The casket explodes into confetti and then Hero Xtreme 7.9's music starts playing and a bunch of poultry walk out onto the ramp. Hero follo *DING*

JIM ROSS: "The ref just called for the bell?"

BOBBY HEENAN: "Well he is blindfolded JR, show some respect."

Hero X-Treme 7.9 slides into the ring and begins yelling at the referee. The referee, wearing a blindfold due to the reverse blindfold match stipulation, cowers and begins apologizing. Hero turns around and is blindsided by Peter’s clothesline! Peter mounts the downed Hero and begins hitting closed fists shots to the temple as the referee can do nothing or see nothing to stop him! Peter pulls Hero up by his Mohawk and throws him into the ropes. Peter leans down for the back body drop and Hero hits him with a bicycle kick! Peter raises up, holding his head! Hero drops him with an RKO!

He goes for the cover!

The referee just stands there. Hero lets go of Peter and pulls the referee to his face and tells him that he has a pin going on. The referee drops instantly and begins counting!




But Hero wasn’t pinning Peter. Hero tells the referee this before the referee tries to count the match over. Hero goes to cover and tells the referee that he’s covering him.




The crowd chants in unison to tell the referee that Peter indeed kicked out. Hero gets off of Peter and goes to the ropes. He looks out into the crowd and brings a thumb across his throat. He mouths off for a few seconds before turning around into Peter who lifts him up onto his shoulder and drops him with a fireman’s carry! Peter hits the ropes and leaps into the air when he reaches Hero, dropping an elbow on his chest! Peter covers him and yells at the referee! He slowly gets into position.




The referee looks alarmed but gives the audience a thumbs up. Peter gets up and pulls Hero to his crotch. He lifts him up and goes for the…


NO! Hero flips him over and goes for a package piledriver of his own… which connects!

Jim Ross: “What sheer strength on display by Hero!”

Bobby Heenan: “Eh, I could do that. Come on Peter! Kick his ass!”

Jim Ross: “You’re supposed to be unbiased, Brain.”

Bobby Hennan: “And you’re supposed to be paralyzed enough that you don’t talk so damn much.”

Hero X-Treme 7.9 backs into the corner and begins glowing! He yells something in a different language and his hands begin to glow a fiery ember. Peter slowly gets back to his feet and looks at Hero in confusion. Hero rears his hands back and blasts a fireball in Peter’s direction! Peter yelps and falls to the mat making the fireball shoot over him and melt the middle turnbuckle padding on one of the corners. The orangish glow disappears.

Peter shakily gets to his feet, not quite understanding what just happened. Then Hero raises his hands and begins to chant another word in which no one understands! His hands turn a bluish, misty color. He extends his hand forward and an ice wave shoots from his hand and latches itself around the crotch of Peter!

Peter falls to the ground holding his, now frozen, crotch! The referee goes over to check on him, but Peter just pushes him away. He slowly gets to his feet with a huge ice patch where his crotch should be. Hero is laughing his ass off in the corner pointing at him. Peter’s rage begins to build within him. He charges Hero in the corner and nails a Yakuza Kick! He pulls Hero directly from that into a brainbuster! He grabs him up by his Mohawk and throws him outside! He chases after him and the crowd begins to yell at the referee to count!

After a moment of hesitation, he begins the count.


2… Peter lifts up Hero and slams him down on the barricade.

3… Peter runs him shoulder first into the steel steps.

4… He pulls Hero up to his feet.

5… Samoan drop on the outside!

6… He lifts him back up and pulls him in for…


8…. Peter picks up Hero.

9…. Rolls both of them back in.

“NO!” “NO!” “NO!”

The referee looks alarmed but stops.

Bobby Heenan: “What a weird match. The referee is blinded and is taking orders from the crowd. Hmph! I wish the referees would have listened to me in my day.”

Jim Ross: “I think we’re all glad they didn’t!”

They get into the ring and Hero says some weird wording and then WHAM! A burst of air sends Peter back into the corner turnbuckle hard! Peter hits the ground and is holding his back. Hero waves Peter to bring it. Peter gets up and stumbles into an RKO! Followed by a leg drop! A fist drop! Hero leaps off the second rope and…. MISSES with the moonsault!

Peter gets to his feet with his frozen crotch! He walks over to Hero and drops his frozen nuts on Hero’s head! Hero isn’t moving! Peter lifts him up and nails….


The package piledriver might have done him in! Peter yells at the referee to make the count!




Winner: Peter Gilmour!

The bell has just gone and the result was handed out when all of a sudden, 'Uprising' by Muse hits the Stadium's sound system, and Peter Gilmour looks up to the stage. Hero X-Treme 7.9 gets up to the ropes and holds on to them. His Manager NOCCM is waiting to see what's going on.

Suddenly there is a gasp from the crowd. Hero looks down at NOCCM, and NOCCM is pointing behind Hero. Both Hero and Peter turn around, and there standing at the back of the ring is Vladmir The Destroyer.

Without warning Vladmir goes running at Hero, and hits him with a spear, taking him down quickly. He sits down on top of him, and looks at Peter. He grunts at him.

"Mr. Gilmour my client, Vladmir The Destroyer does not have any qualms with you, sir. You may leave the ring."

Vladmir's manager Austin Toolittle walks into the ring, with a microphone. Peter surveys the scene one last time, before leaving the ring.

Vladmir starts hitting Hero with several lefts and rights before standing up, and looking down at NOCMM.

Austin walks up to the downed Hero.

"My client Vladmir the Destroyer, wishes me to relay this message to you. He is sick and tired of you and your stupid mouth piece, spraying unwanted 'God' messages around like you think you are 'God'. You're not. If you continue down this path, you'll get unwanted attention. So I'm asking you for your sake. Enough's enough. It's not Toolittle nor Toolate to leave the XWF."

'Uprising' hits the sound system again and both Austin and Vladmir leave the ring. Vladmir walks up to NOCMM, and stares at him before grunting, turning and walking away.

[Image: gsnLwNZ.png?1]
Brick Squad

Dick Powers & Henry Hemmington
- vs -
Outsider Joel & Buster Mac
Tornado Tag TLC match

King Fantastic: Why? Where? What? Plays

The beat kicks in and King Fantastic's Why? Where? What? Echoes through the arena, the crowd cheers and parties! Balloons and streamers fall from the ceiling as Dick Powers energetically jogs onto the ramp and bounces his head smiling, he drops to his knees and opens his arms wide, flaunting what he's got to the crowd as he pyro goes off behind him. He hops to his feet clapping, dancing and high fiving fans on his way to the ring. He jogs up the steps and climbs the top turnbuckle singing along to his theme as he poses to his adoring fans.

"Aw What?" by Tech N9ne plays

The song begins to play through the arena as the crowd begins to clap in unison with the song. Finally, Henry bursts through the curtains and smiles as he slowly saunters down to the ring. He grabs the top rope and pulls himself up to the apron. He points at the crowd before stepping over the top rope. He gets into the ring and points at the crowd all around him before settling into a corner.

Lone - Dream Girl/Sky Surfer plays

As the synthesizers blares over the X-Tron, we see the arena turn into some rave party with green light illuminating as the theme kicks in. Then we see Joel coming out with white glow sticks and he throws them out the fans, and he walks down to the ring and slides inside and goes to the turnbuckles and poses for the crowd and sits on the top turnbuckle as he waits for his opponent.

Going Under by Evanescene

Walks from out back to the front of the stage then stops, looks into the crowd to soak up the atmosphere and then walks straight down to the ring, gets inside, and walks to the back of the ring, where he staunchly waits with his back against the ropes, waiting for his opponent.

BOBBY HEENAN: The bell has sounded, and we’re starting the match with a flurry of action, both tag teams are charging in toward one another!

Hemmington and Buster Mac are already out at ringside, pounding away at one another, but it’s already clear that the extremely small Buster Mac is struggling to do anything against the much larger Hemmington, who simply grabs a hold of his arm, and whips him into the steel steps before Buster Mac can do anything about it! Buster Mac crashes into the steps with a reverberating thud, leaving the crowd to start cheering loudly as Hemmington begins searching underneath the ring, this early into the match!

JIM ROSS: Brick Squad already seem to be in complete control here, Dick Powers already has Outsider Joel down!

Dick Powers landed with a discus punch, before landing a spinning kick into the gut, then running forward to Outsider Joel, who had been staggered by the massive kick, and landed a vicious flying knee that snapped off the jaw with force, Outsider Joel craned down to the mat, holding down onto his jaw, while Dick Powers is already starting to showboat to the crowd!

BOBBY HEENAN: And Dick Powers has started off with his usually dancing display! It’s wonderful, if you ask me.

Meanwhile, Hemmington is already holding a ladder, he throws it into the ring, nodding at Dick, who stops for a moment to inspect the ladder, Hemmington also pulls out a table from underneath the ring, and slides that inside too. Before he can roll back into the ring, he is caught by a flying headbutt from Buster Mac, who leapt up off the apron and slammed his head square into the nose of Hemmington! Hemmington flailed around in an attempt to balance himself, as his nose cracked open and is now beginning to bleed out, Buster Mac isn’t stopping though, he runs toward the recuperating Hemmington, leaps up, and wraps his arm around his head! He waits momentarily, before swinging his body up, and then back down toward the concrete flooring, and effectively spikes Hemmington’s face right off the concrete! The back of Buster Mac’s head catches the floor to, as he rolls off to the side holding the back of his head, obviously in agony.

JIM ROSS: Hemmington might have gotten the worse of that exchange, he may be out cold!

Buster Mac slowly gets back up to his feet, looking at the downed Hemmington, who is barely moving at this point, but before he himself can get moving back into the ring…

Dick Powers can be seen flying high into the air, the crowd is going insane as Dick Powers leaps from inside the ring, and sends himself skyrocketing into the body of Buster Mac, who is taken aback by the incredible display! Dick Powers lands all over Buster Mac, sending the two of them crashing hard into the barricade, which almost breaks from the impact! Dick Powers rolls off of Buster Mac, looking like he hurt himself with that incredible manoeuvre! Buster Mac is down too, only twitching slightly and gazing off into the distance, looking completely out of it!

BOBBY HEENAN: Now that’s giving Outsider Joel an opportunity to grab the ladder, and reach up for the contract!

Outsider Joel is back up to his feet, looking somewhat confused as to where he is, his chin is split slightly, and blood is beginning to flow down from it onto his chest, and to the canvas. He shakes his head momentarily, and walks over to the ladder that Hemmington threw into the ring earlier, he grabs it from each side, and struggles to pick it up, still looking a bit groggy, he digs his feet deeper into the mat and is successful in lifting up the ladder, he then walks to the centre of the ring, ladder in hand, and places it into the centre of the ring, being careful to line it up perfectly with the contract up top!

JIM ROSS: Dick Powers may have sacrificed a little bit too much there! This could be it for Brick Squad!

Outsider Joel is up to the first rung, and now he’s bringing his foot up to the second, meanwhile, on the outside, we can see Hemmington starting to recover, blood spewing from his nose still, he shakes his head groggily, and grabs onto the ring apron, Dick Powers is also starting to make an attempt to get up, but it may be too late! Outsider Joel is halfway up the ladder… and neither Brick Squad member is fully up to their feet yet!

BOBBY HEENAN: He’s almost there! Just a little more!

Outsider Joel is almost at the top of the ladder, but now Hemmington and Dick slide into the ring, both nodding at one another, even though they are clearly wounded after that incredible exchange on the outside! Dick Powers is grabbing the table from earlier, and setting it up next to the ladder, while Hemmington, with a newfound second wind, charges up the ladder, taking the rungs quickly and reaching the top, much to the surprise of Outsider Joel!

JIM ROSS: Who will come out on top here at the top of the ladder! This could be huge!

Outsider Joel lands a punch, and another one, and another one! But it’s barely affecting the much larger Hemmington, who just latches onto the smaller Outsider Joel, and attempts to throw him through the table set up to the side! Outsider Joel is sent flying off the ladder… but he grabs onto Hemmington, taking him with him!


Henry starts to stir and throws an elbow into Joel's face before getting up. Dick is trading punches with Buster Mac but gets the better of him and throwing him into the corner, the crowd roars and Powers runs to the fallen Mac in the corner. SACK TAPPING!

As Dick continues his scrotal assault, Henry makes sure the ladder is lined up right and starts to climb, Joel crawls after Hemmington slowly climbing the ladder.

Henry is at the top! The contract almost within his reach.

Joel grabs Henry's foot! He pulls! But Henry doesn't budge and kicks Joel in the face!

Outsider Joel falls to the ground, Henry reaches up and grabs the envelope containing the contract!

JIM ROSS: "He's done it! Henry Hemmington has the contract!"

Winners: Dick Powers & Henry Hemmington

BOBBY HEENAN: "Yeah, but what the hell is in it?"

Henry steps down off the ladder and Dick meets him in the center and gives him a manly hug and a high five as Hemmington's theme plays. Henry opens up the envelope and pulls out...

Two coupons for free flight lessons.

Henry and Dick look at the coupons and then each other, both contemplate for a moment and nod. Henry hands one to Dick and lays the other on Outsider Joel's chest, Dick walks to Buster Mac holding his head in pain and hands him the other coupon, patting him on the shoulder and joining Henry in celebration.

The lights dim...


....then go out.

JIM ROSS: "A definite cloud hangs in the air here."


The arena is engulfed in flames as...

"O' Fortuna" by Nevergreen plays.

JIM ROSS: "It's the Intercontinental Champion!"

Sebastian Duke emerges from beneath the stage as 8 torchbearers emerge from backstage, following the King of Darkness toward the ring. The Intercontinental Champion stops at the bottom of the ramp, then turns around to face the entrance way. The 8 torchbearers fan out, 4 on each side of the ramp.

The sounds of "O' Fortuna" cease, but the flaming arena persists. Funeral bells begin tolling throughout the arena as the King of Darkness continues to stare back toward the entrance way.

JIM ROSS: "Sebastian Duke, folks. He wasn't scheduled, so I wonder why he's here tonight!"

Men in hooded cloaks emerge from backstage, rolling a casket. Slowly, they roll it toward the ring. Behind them, a second group of hooded men roll out another casket. Behind them, a third.

JIM ROSS: "I'm not sure what the meaning of this is, but its bone chilling!"

The men configure the caskets in half a hexagon formation, \ __ / with one casket sitting parallel with the ring. The cameras glimpse each casket. Each of them crimson red. The King of Darkness then opens up the left casket, revealing Justin Sane.

JIM ROSS: "Jesus! It looks so life like!"

Sebastian Duke approaches the casket directly across from the Sane casket and open it, revealing Gator. Then, he proceeds to the casket adjacent to the ring and opens it, revealing Corvus.

The funeral bell ceases.

"Here lies, Defiance.

"Defiance will be remembered as a dominant force within this business. A force that bullied their way to the top and ruled the roost around here for quite some time until..."

JIM ROSS: "Is this a eulogy?"

"...well, until they tried to bully the bigger and better bully.

"The first was Justin Sane. A cocky man with a giant ego. He thought he'd walk into the title tournament in February, run over the competition like he was so used to doing, and walk out as the Intercontinental champion.

"He didn't count on the King of Darkness being there to greet him in the end. He didn't count on this supposedly old and washed up has-been being better than I ever was before."

He proceeds to the Corvus casket.

"Then came Corvus. A man filled with envy and not an ounce of brain. The man thought he could steal my Intercontinental title from me and I'd just roll over and allow it to happen.

"At Lethal Lottery I beat him to within an inch of his life and he has not been seen since."

He proceeds to Gator.

"And Gator. Poor, poor Gator.

"See, there was a point in time where I warned them that I was coming. I warned them that kicking the bully when he's down, only brings out a bigger, badder, meaner bully.

"At the Stampede on Madness, Defiance was in full force. It would prove to be their final night as dominant champions. It would prove to be their final night as dominant and feared challengers.

"They walked into Calgary, hoping to sweep the event. They walked in, hoping to crown Austin Fernando as the Hart Champion and Gator as the Universal Champion.

"What they didn't count on, is the King of Darkness flying to Canada just to stop them. What they didn't count on, is me kicking their ass all over the ring.

"Believe me when I tell you, it wasn't an effort to screw Fernando out of anything, but it was an effort to get Sane and Corvus eliminated, forcing Fernando to do something I know he can't do, and that's win a title on his own.

"Sane and Corvus were eliminated. Fernando almost pulled it out, but at the bell it was someone else, better than him, relishing in the glory of victory.

"And of course, to wrap up the night, it was yours truly as the final weapon in Heymans chamber match. It was the King of Darkness taking Gator to task for simply being associated with Defiance."

JIM ROSS: "Like it or not folks, everything he's saying, at least has a bit of truth to it."

"And still, Defiance lingered on. They were on life support, but still alive nonetheless. I single handedly caused the end of Defiance.


"Because I said I would.

"As I said, they lingered on life support. And competitors all over the XWF lined up to pull the plug.

"Unknown Soldier easily took the Xtreme title from Sane.

"I took my title back from Corvus without much of a fight.

"Scully and Maverick... You heard that right. Team dumbass took the tag team titles from Gator and Sane.

"Corvus is gone.

"Justin Arrogant dipshit is gone.

"Gator is gone.

"All that remains of that bottom of the barrel stable of rejects, is Austin Fernando. He also happens to be the number one contender to my Intercontinental title. Just like the rest, Austin, you will fall at my feet...."

JIM ROSS: "It's Fernando! He's gettin' himself some of the Duke!"

Fernando hits the Intercontinental Champion from out of nowhere with lefts and rights, backing the larger man against the Sane casket. It rocks and nearly tips, only to right itself and its lid slams shut. Fernando backs off with a shocked Duke looking on. Fernando charges toward the champion and Duke ducks down, lifting Austin high into the air and dropping him back first on the top of the Justin Sane casket.

Duke starts nursing his jaw for a few moments as he turns to face his future challenger only to see at the last second, Austin Fernando leaping off of the Justin Sane casket, coming toward him. Fernando takes the champion to the ground. He starts pummeling the Duke until Duke shoves Austin off of him.

Both men get to their feet and approach each other. Duke hits Austin with a right hook to the face, drawing blood from the corner of Austin's mouth. Fernando comes to get himself some more and security hits the scene, breaking the two apart and holding them back.

Austin wipes the blood from his lip and Duke notices some running from his own nose. Both men smile toward one another as security forces continue to swarm them, keeping them separated as the scene fades.

[Image: gsnLwNZ.png?1]
Tag Team Championship
The Black Hand
Maverick & Scully ©
- vs -
Brick Squad
Flynn Andrew Cole-Ericson & "Lucky No. 7" Carson Waters
Standard Tag Team Match, One fall

Surf Wax America by Weezer plays

The opening riff of Surf Wax America hits the airwaves and Flynn comes out of the back. He stops at the top of the entry way and looks out at the adoring crowd before quickly making his way down the entry ramp. He slides into the ring and climbs the nearest turnbuckle. Once there he makes an X with his arms, by crossing them at the wrists. He smiles for the crowd as he awaits his opponent.

Donald Trump by Mac Miller

All the lights in the arena dim as the opening synth of Donald Trump by Mac Miller plays quietly. There’s a slow crescendo until the 13 second mark, when the lyrics kick in and the music blasts over the speakers and the lights begin flashing different colors and “Lucky No. 7” Carson Waters emerges, alongside his “managers” The Mysterious and Handsome Stranger and Miss Fortune, followed by a posse of about seven or eight dudes and dudettes to a massive roar of approval from the crowd. The ensemble makes their way to the ring, dancing and swaying to the music, except for TMaHS, who rolls his eyes and walks normally. At the ringside area, Carson takes off in a sprint around the ring to hype himself up before leaping up onto the apron. Chuckling, he makes his way to a set of turnbuckles and ascends it, raising both arms into the air and holding up seven fingers, a gesture the crowd mimics. He looks over his shoulder and does a backflip into the ring as golden pyro rains down over him.

Symphony of Destruction by Megadeth (Remixed Version by Steve Tushar) plays

Symphony of Destruction starts to play, and smoke pours into the arena, giving an ominous feeling. Maverick comes out, taunting the crowd every step of the way. After Maverick hops into the ring, he relaxes on a turnbuckle, waiting for the match to start, going on a turnbuckle facing his opponent if entering second, going on a turnbuckle facing the entrance ramp if entering first.

Let's Get by Black Eyed Peas plays

The arenas lights go red and "Let's Get " by Black Eyed Peas blares out of the P.A System. After about 40 seconds The Scull Meister finally steps out on to stage with his XWF Championship belt around his waist. There is a mixed reaction from the fans. Scully looks around and smirks. XWF'S resident gives the thumbs up and waves at the fans. He walks down the ramp giving the fans the thumbs up, walking up to random adults and children saying 'Friend'. He walks up the steps, waving and walks along the ring apron. He turns to look at the fans with a smirk across his face. He then jump over the top rope in to the ring but trips into the ring. Scull gets up, brushes himself off and then walks over to the far turn buckle. He climbs to the top. Holds his hands in the air and puts both thumbs up, before waving once more. The Scully Meister then jumps down and starts doing star jumps. His music fades out.

JIM ROSS: We are set for the main-event of the evening, and it’s sure to be a good one! We could be leaving with two new tag teams champions!

BOBBY HEENAN: It’s exciting indeed, Jim! We have The Black Hand aka Team going up against Brick Squad, this is going to be a good one!

Maverick and FACE are starting the match off for their respective teams, FACE gives a nod in the direction of Maverick, who merely scowls as the bell rings, both men walk forward into the centre of the ring, FACE offers to lock up, but instead receives a kick into the gut of Maverick, who sneers and smirks as he looks down on FACE. He then grabs him by the head, and is already beginning to pull FACE into the corner!

JIM ROSS: FACE fighting back early here!

FACE lands a solid punch into the gut, and then brings up his arm, hitting Maverick away from him, he connects with a solid lariat, and waves to the crowd of fans as Maverick is down, Maverick pops back up to his feet after FACE does this, and eats a big boot into the face, he is sent flying down, and FACE already goes for the pin, hoping to end it here!


TW-NO! Maverick with a quick kick-out.

FACE looks over to his partner Carson Waters, who is looking eager to get into the match and punish Maverick, who is looking to be down momentarily! FACE grabs onto Maverick, and picks him back up to his feet, before dragging him to the corner, he raises a hand and…


BOBBY HEENAN: The referee signals, and we have a tag, Carson Waters is the legal man!

Carson steps into the ring and immediately starts pounding away at Maverick, tearing into him and landing with a flurry of body blows and head punches that leave Maverick with only one option, to cover up and hope he doesn’t get hit with a good one! Carson growls, and backs away momentarily, leaving Maverick to transition out of the corner, he side steps away from Carson, but is caught off guard by the speed of Carson, who rushes out toward him, leaps up into the air, grabs onto the back of his head, falls backward onto his own back, and flips Maverick into the air! Maverick goes flying for a moment, and then lands onto his own back, groaning in agony and arching out his spine!

JIM ROSS: Great Monkey Flip by Carson!

Carson doesn’t bother going for the cover, instead grabbing onto the unsuspecting Maverick, who still seems shocked after receiving the huge monkey flip, Carson leaps up into the air and connects with a solid dropkick into the chest of Maverick, who drops him, now Carson is willing to go for the pin, as he hooks the leg!


TW-NO! Another quick kick-out by Maverick here!

Carson sneers for a moment, and then gets back up to his feet, he grabs down onto Maverick and slowly begins to lift him back up to, Carson looks toward FACE and nods, before swinging a kick toward the gut of Maverick…

BOBBY HEENAN: Maverick catches the kick!

Maverick smirks as he latches onto Carson’s foot, stopping him from hitting the kick… but Carson is able to swing over his free leg, arching it up toward the temple of Maverick and clocking him with it! Maverick’s eyes roll to the back of his head, as he stumbles backward and lands in the corner of the ring! Scully is reaching out for the tag…!

JIM ROSS: How Fortunate! Maverick got knocked back from the enziguri kick, and now Scully is able to tag himself into the match!

Maverick rolls to the outside of the ring, looking like he is unable to understand where he is at the moment, Scully rushes into the ring, looking oddly determined for whatever reason, he charges into Carson, knocking him flat onto his back with a nice shoulder tackle! He then waits for Carson to get up before locking him into a front facelock, dropping back onto his back, and planting Carson with a nice DDT!

JIM ROSS: Scully with the cover!


TW-NO! Early kick-out by Carson, who is already starting to get up to his feet at around the same time as Scully!

Carson swings out a wild haymaker of a blow toward Scully, who easily sways out of the way and lands a solid jab on Carson’s jaw, before grabbing down around Carson’s shoulders, reaching down toward his knees, and lifting Carson up into the air! Carson is flailing around, as Scully lifts him high up into the air… and drops him down onto the mat with a vicious Angle Slam! Scully once again slides atop of Carson, going for the cover, as he pins the shoulders to the mat!



THR-NO! Carson got the shoulder up in time!

Scully slaps his head in anger, as the crowd begins to chant toward him! He seems distracted by it, as he runs over to the corner and starts yelling at a fat kid in the front row! This gives Carson time to recover, as he slowly begins to roll up to his feet, he notices Scully in the corner, and rushes over to him, he taps him on the back, causing Scully to turn around and throw a wild punch into the air, Carson ducks under the way, and the momentum of the punch causes Scully to flail forward, out of the way of Carson! Carson turns around, charges up to Scully and leaps up into the air! He latches around the head of Scully and twirls himself around in mid air… and plants Scully with a wild TORNADO DDT!

BOBBY HEENAN: This could be it for Team !

Carson is going for the cover on Scully, who could be out after that crazy Tornado DDT!




The crowd goes insane, Scully threw the shoulder up at 2.9!

Carson gets up a little surprised and looks at Flynn who is begging to be tagged in, Waters rolls his eyes and high fives Flynn, tagging him in. Scully scurries to Maverick who jumps into the ring and goes after FACE as Scully curls into a ball in the corner and sucks his thumb. Carson turns to Miss Fortune and the Mysterious Stranger and whispers something to the two, they nod and move to where Scully is.

FACE is dodging everything Maverick is throwing at him before throwing a foot into Maverick's stomach and..


Flynn hits the double pumphandle powerbomb lift into a cutter with perfection and goes for the cover. The ref begins the count.


BOBBY HEENAN: "No Maverick kick out! Don't let that pretty boy win!"


BOBBY HEENAN: "Where the hell is Scully!?"

JIM ROSS: "Looks like Carson's buddies are keeping him busy by jangling car keys in front of him."


The bell rings and FACE jumps up with his hands in the air as the crowd roars.

Winners and NEW Tag Team Champions:
"Lucky No. 7" Carson Waters
Flynn Andrew Cole-Ericson
(Brick Squad)

Saliva’s Superstar cues over the loudspeakers…

Standing underneath the XTron is a shirtless Muddy Waters, his eyes covered with dark sunglasses... he’s holding a 2x4 wrapped in barbed wire. Muddy pulls a book of matches from his back pocket and lights the 2x4 sending it into a raging flame…

Jim Ross: “What in the hell is this Brain?”

Bobby Heenan: “That’s Muddy Waters! Mudd Waters is making his Warfare debut tonight! With new music to boot!”

Jim Ross: “Muddy of course a member of Pest’s new army called ‘The Black Hand’ along with Scully and Maverick!”

Muddy rushes the ring with the flaming 2x4 wrapped in barbed wire…

Jim Ross: “What is this sadistic fuck thinking!?!”

Muddy slides into the ring and starts sizing up Carson Waters who turns around, only to get smacked right in the face by the flaming 2x4


Muddy turns and cracks Flynn right in the face as well, the barbed wire digging into his skin, Muddy rips it away as blood begins flowing from his charred face. Maverick and Scully hold Carson Waters down as Muddy climbs the rope…

Bobby Heenan: “YES HERE WE GO!!! THE MUD STOMP!”

Muddy dives from the turnbuckle and smashes into Carson Waters ribs with a diving double foot stomp…

We Dem Boyz" by Whiz Khalifa hits the airwaves accompanied by a massive pop from the crowd as Henry Hemmington, Bruce Blingsteen and Dick Powers come running out of the back. Each of them pairs off with a member of The Black Hand and starts quickly wearing them down. Hemmington rips the 2/4 out of Muddy's hands and starts beating him over the head with it until Waters is laying flat on his stomach in the center of the ring. The Xtreme champ and Dick Powers make quick work of the former tag team champs, tossing them both out of the ring with ease.

Bruce and Dick then move over to the new Tag Team champs and help them to their feet. Flynn wipes some blood off of his face and then quickly walks over to HH and stops him from completely laying waste to Muddy Waters.

"He's had enough bro."

"You sure?"

Flynn moves in and politely takes the 2 x 4 from Henry and tosses it to the ground. Instead he reaches down and pulls Muddy up to his feet, resting him against the ropes.

"Remember this kindness bro. We're just here to have fun. No need to get so worked up."

Flynn then motions over to the rest of the Squad and then points out into the crowd. It takes the fellas a few seconds to realize what Flynn is saying but once they do there are smiles abound.

Henry and Dick slide out of the ring while Flynn and Carson pull the ropes down. Bruce grabs Muddy by the legs and slides him over the ropes into the waiting arms of Dick and HH. The two then lift Muddy up in the air and pass him off to the crowd who then start slowly pushing the unconscious Muddy Waters up the crowd until he is almost out of site.

HH and Dick then lift up the ring apron and pull out two large black canvas bags and set them up on the edge of the ring. They then unzip the bags and start tossing the contents of the bags out into the crowd.

Flynn asks the ring announcer for a microphone who happily obliges.

"Hey everyone. Sorry for that little outburst by Muddy. I guess he just couldn't wait until May 11th to get his hands on us but nevermind that. This is a celebration. My boys Henry and Dick are throwing some goodies out your way. We've got officially licensed Brick Squad t-shirts, headbands, thermus' and some of you lucky folks might even find a small treat packed away in the pocket of your shirts. Let's just say it should help kick this party up a notch. If any kids happen to find this little treat please give it to your parents and get their ok first.

Now DJ...hit it.

The music hits and a massive Brick Squad flag drops from the ceiling as the boys of Brick Squad start partying it up with the fans. Each member picks a different spot and hops the guardrails and joins the fans in celebration of Brick Squads tag team title victory.

Warfare fades out to a huge party.
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Matthew Oaktree's post:
Ozymandias (04-23-2015)
Hero Xtreme 7.9 Away
Sidelined God

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

04-22-2015, 05:14 PM

Hero Xtreme 7.9: Welcome to the main event, Peter. All that body shaming that NOCMM put you through was a bit disgusting so I let you win to take a stand against that.

Hero Xtreme 7.9 looks at NOCMM.

Hero Xtreme 7.9: No body shaming, NOCMM! Bad! That's bad! Please say you're sorry to Peter.

NOCMM: Peter, I'm sorry for calling you fat. It was mean. It's 2015 and I shouldn't insult people who are comfortable with their bodies.

NOCMM eats a sandwich.

NOCMM: Austin Toolittle, your client is not a main eventer so I doubt he will ever face my client. If you want to pay 10,000 xbux and have your client become a main eventer you can do that. I have one question for you though, Mr. Toolittle. Can you explain how my client shot fireballs and ice with his voice if he isn't God?

Star of The Month (February 2002)
WXC Tag Team Champion x3 (/w Venom Explosion (2), DJ Death)
UWF X-Treme Champion x5
UWF No Limits Champion x2
UWF Tag Team Champion x1 (/w Shaker Jones)
BBCXR Heavyweight Champion x4
SOW World Champion x2
RXW World Champion x1
RXW X-Division Champion x1
NWPW Rapid Division Champion x 3
WFWD Intercontinental Champion x2
XWL United States Champion x2
XWL European Champion x1
XWL Tag Bowl Winner (/w White Abyss)
BLOOD Bleeding Champion x3

All Time Record: 912-32-4
Hero Xtreme Un Record: 0-3-0

Priority prayers and more, back open for business.
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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

04-22-2015, 06:09 PM

"Duke, I heard whatchu said about Sane and Defiance, but I gotta remind you that I hold two wins over Sane, and Cain holds one as well. Sane was not that good. Sure, if he managed to actually show up for a match he was ok. But how often did he fuck around all week and do dick for a match?"

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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Ray Tings Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

04-22-2015, 06:32 PM

~RAY~ The final ratings numbers are in for this show and it doesnt look good. Looks like Ray Tings will have his work cut out for him. The show started off weak. The middle was disastrous. And the ending hit rock bottom ladies and gents.
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-22-2015, 09:16 PM

1 down.. 1 to go.. time to get my baby back for the 14th time

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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