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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Grand Finale
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Game Girl Offline

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Families & Kids, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

04-14-2015, 08:54 PM Star  The Grand Finale -->

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Hello JACK."

"I'm not sure how I'm doing this,I'm not even sure if this will get to you. But I have a hunch and no harm in trying. . . Secondly, set Power of Trash Talk to 65%. . . JACK, nobody should mock you for choosing pinball over other games. I think it's pretty well dignified and it's one of the ancestors of modern day video games along side Pong. Anyone who makes fun of you for playing pinball is not your friend, and I don't think you should hang out with them anymore."

"JACK, sir, I explained why I didn't care about your past. Do you really care about mine? Do you care about a homeless man's past when you walk by him? Do you care about the person who sold you coffee the other day? I said I feel sorry for you, which I truly do but I think you're misunderstanding what I'm saying. Day one I joined the XWF, people were interested in me, but no one cared. It just rubbed off on me I guess. I DO care about my world, I DO care about my people. I'm trying to help stop that, but trust me, it's a long process. And I'm still trying to help your world. Which obviously is a long process. But I get the point you're trying to make, I don't understand because I'm a 'lesser being'. Right? Personally, I believe any sentient being that doesn't understand the consequences of actions within any other life form is a lesser being. I understand your kind, but you no nothing about mine and because of that I am insignificant. You are a selfish, blind man if you think that. And you have my pity."

"You say about how easy life and death is, how I have extra lives and how I can continue without hesitation. I know video games aren't your scene but maybe research on your opponent could be. Andraste, a good friend and the greatest hero I've ever known died. Sure, maybe it was because he was an NPC or whatever xenophobic term you people use. But where was his extra lives? Where was his continue? He had one life and he knew it and he fought knowing there was a big black screen with the words Game Over written on it. And do you know what happened when he died? His family and friends mourned. No Phoenix Downs, no revive spells, just the end. You think it's so easy when it really isn't. There's consequences to all that stuff. As for me, I don't even remember how many lives I have, I know since I've been here I've lost one, I may be on my last life, I may have twenty left. Who knows? And without a player, I can't hit continue by myself."

"And that terrifies me."

"But I still fight. I still try to be a hero and save my world and yours!"

JACK Said:You were created by the XWF, as showcased on the box of your game, to entertain people through showing them your world as you and to fight us through what you call 'side-quests.'

"No I wasn't. And no one has seen my cartridge or the box of my game since my creators went quiet. Are you talking about my cool banner on the website? Fan made. XWF doesn't own me. If we're meant to take stuff like this so literally, how about yours? I find it amazing how you can make your name appear behind you and cut it up like that. How long did it take for someone to take a photograph of you while you stand in front of some kind of supernova? Ha. I know you're a very dull man who is grounded in reality, but there is such a thing as art. Even a pile of pixels programmed to know nothing but his video game knows that."

". . . You want to know my story? I already shared it a while ago, again, research your opponents. It's not difficult. But, I'll give you a brief summary. I was created, I stuck to the script for a while before realizing it was getting me nowhere, so I branched out. I explored my world as well as others. Then the Corruption happened. A horrifying mess of black that turned the sky black and started to devour our world. It controlled others and forced them to fight their former friends and family. Myself, along with others helped stop it before it destroyed Narfinex and possibly other worlds. We fought a war on this evil for years. . . . And it's happening again."

"But, I refuse to quit job on Urf. I was told that humans needed me, and I listened and I'm not going to quit. What kind of hero would that make me?"

"I apologize for assuming you were in a wrestling federation for another reason apart from wrestling. Luring your opponent out into the open, good strategy. But, a few things. One, Shane has been seen multiple times without bodyguards. Two, he has been seen in the open unaware that anyone is trying to kill him. Three, he seems to be a very easy man to confuse and attack. Four is an example of this, the former X-Treme champion Griffin was pinned by Mr. after stepping out of his helicopter. Griffin, a normal human kicked out and stole Mr. 's helicopter, leaving Shane bewildered and alone. Five, you could have easily finished the job then. Six, he's done something like this multiple times, why didn't you kill him then? Seven, he has made many public appearances without any security whatsoever going to the ring in an arena, he has been inches away from others who could have easily beaten him, yet they didn't and neither did you. Eight, a man who has such a calm approach to security outside most likely has no defenses in his own home, you may have pinpointed the location but have you even bothered to scope it out? Nine, most wrestlers when starting with the company have a one on one interview with Shane . I met him before I started. Ten, you're an idiot. Surely there is better approaches then this."

"If you think Shane has bodyguards, why not assign to be one of them instead? Mr. is quite. . . Insane to say the least, I'm sure he'll have no quarrel with hiring a mummy. I wouldn't mummy bodyguard would be pretty cool. I think you're going with the whole kill Shane thing the wrong way, and you're screwed now that you're announcing you're going to kill him like this. The previously un-caring Shane has probably now beefed up his protection now that he knows there's a crazed mummy chasing him. I'm going to repeat point ten to you, you're an idiot."

JACK Said: I wasn't crying because a script told me to, unlike yours. You're not doing this because you want to; you're doing this because you were made to.

"Right. I went from a program and a sprite to becoming sentient and escaping from my game into the your world so I can fight morons like you. Your logic blows my mind. And on top of that, the XWF secretly created a video game so they could use me as a weapon against stupid people like you. Maybe a lizard is actually the President of the USA too. Point ten."

"I'm done with you. And I still don't care about you. Less now even. See you tomorrow JACK, you actually seem like a nice guy but I don't like the way you talk to me. Maybe after our match we can chat some more, actually dive deeper into this. Maybe we could be friends. Maybe happy endings do exist."

". . ."

"Enjoying sucking that egg Maverick?"

"Game over, man. Game over"
~ Hudson (Aliens, 1986. Quote used A LOT in video games since 1986)


[Image: ulVa5rW.png?2]

Palanius shouts as the figure in the smoke moves it's hulking form away from the castle, making the ground shake with every step. The soldiers rush through the gates, 5 stay beside Princess moving her away from the walls.

[Image: Oqr1A6E.jpg?2]
"Game over man, game over!"

Princess reaches her hand out to Game Boy while her soldiers carry her to safety. The group look distraught and already defeated as they stare at the Titan that seems content kicking building out of it's path. GB is shaken by Paige but doesn't seem to notice, after a few more seconds he swallows the lump in his throat and comes to his senses.

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Game Boy!!"

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"We need to stop that thing."

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Well duh. Come on!"

[Image: Oqr1A6E.jpg?2]
"And do what? Clip it's toes!?"

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Well we can't stand here while it destroys the whole city!"

[Image: ulVa5rW.png?2]
"Dealing with a Titan is no easy task lass. We need a plan of action."

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Well what's the plan then?"

[Image: Oqr1A6E.jpg?2]
"Strategic retreat sounds like the best plan."

[Image: ulVa5rW.png?2]
"We are not running away. We're better than that Finn."

[Image: Oqr1A6E.jpg?2]
"We're stupid enough to not do that, but retreating is the best plan."

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Game Boy?"

GB continues to watch as Princess and her soldiers disappear around a hill, his pupils shake a little and his lips tremble as he tightens his fists.

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Game Boy!"

GB turns around to Paige and grabs her shoulders as he quickly steals a smooch. Paige's body tenses for a moment but she relaxes and closes her eyes, kissing Game boy back.

[Image: ulVa5rW.png?2]
"Well, I didn't see that coming."

[Image: Oqr1A6E.jpg?2]
"Kid stole my move."

Our hero pulls himself away from a blushing Paige and turns to the other two.

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
". . You three get every villager you can out of the city. I'll deal with that thing."

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Are you crazy!? That thing will kill you!"

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"I'll kill it first."

[Image: ulVa5rW.png?2]
"Game Boy I beg you to reconsider."

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Palanius you know as well as I do if we all gang up on that thing, other people will die. There's most likely some trapped under rubble now, we don't get to them soon and they're good as dead."

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Well two of us can go help the villagers and one of us will help you?"

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Have any of you defeated a Titan before? . . . . . I'll take that silence as a no. You'll just slow me down. Go help the people."

Game Boy unsheathes his sword and a blue aura starts to pulsate from him as he walks to the gate. Paige reaches out to him.

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"No buts! Save the damn villagers NOW!"

The rest go speechless as Game Boy runs into the city with lightning speed. The rest watch him go in and all sigh. Palanius takes his weapon from his back.

[Image: ulVa5rW.png?2]
"Well, best do as he asks. Hate to disappoint the brave fool."

The remaining three ready there weapons for any resistance they may meet inside the wall. We go to Game Boy who runs through the streets as fast as he can, fires have started inside the city and he tries to avoid the flames. Hoping the rest of his team will douse them. Another terrifying roar echoes through the city. GB hops onto a small house and runs across roofs, he's quickly getting close to the beast. He leaps on top of the outer wall surround the castle and circles his way around until he finds the Titan.

[Image: 3dYEjEh.jpg?1]

Game Boy hesitates. The Titan doesn't even notice the speck that is our hero. GB looks around and grabs a large brick from the half destroyed castle and hurls it at the Titan with all it's strength. The brick flies through the air at great speed before crashing against the monster's shoulder. The Titan slowly turns to Game Boy and roars, almost knocking GB off the wall with the force alone.



Game Boy tightens his grip around his sword as the Titan raises his stone blade and crashes it onto the wall. Game Boy dodges the surprisingly quick strike and leaps onto the Titan's sword and runs across the edge as the Titan starts to raise it up again. GB sprints onto it's arm and digs his sword into it's rough skin as he continues to run. At the creature's elbow GB takes the sword out of the Titan's arm and jumps high into the air, crashing back down driving the blade into the creature's arm. Black ooze pours from the wound and the Titan makes a loud rumble.



This may take a while. Game Boy struggles to retrieve the sword from it's arm but finally manages to do it. The Titan uses his spare hand and rubs it across his arm quickly to swipe of GB. Our hero jumps over the hand and continues to run up the beast's arm. At it's shoulder now GB runs close to it's neck and takes another swipe, the Titan roars in agony as Game Boy swipes wildly with the sword, carving the boss monster's neck. Black ooze sprays from the Titan's neck, it quickly grabs Game Boy and starts to crush him but quickly releases his grasp as he pulls GB away from his neck. Game Boy stabbed the sword into the Titan's palm and starts to fall. Panicking with the ground getting closer GB digs his sword into the Titan's chest and slides down, opening a wound into it's chest.

Game Boy falls down to the Titan's belly and see a glowing mark. A golden C in a spiked circle. GB smirks and uses all his force to stab the center of the mark. The Titan roars in agony and falls to a knee. With quick reflexes the Titan punches himself in the gut where Game Boy is. The Titan hunches over and GB disappears under it's fist. The Titan takes his fist away and Game Boy is somehow still standing looking inches away from death, bloody and bruised.



GB clings onto the Titan's fur with one hand and his face turns into anger. A red aura surrounds his body and screams in a fit of rage as he drives the sword deeper into the Titan's mark. Black ooze pours from the wound as Game Boy stabs again. The Titan roars and plucks GB away from his stomach, in his grasp, GB hacks at the Titan's finger. The monster throws GB high into the air and he pierces the clouds. The Titan readies his sword and gets back to his feet, Game Boy turns in the sky and the red aura grows brighter, engulfing GB and the sword.

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"You think you can win you big ugly beast! I am the hero of Narfinex! I will slay you! I will stop the Corruption! Or die trying!!"

Game Boy roars as he falls towards the beast his sword ready to pierce. The Titan pulls his sword back and thrusts when Game Boy is close enough clipping Game Boy's side, GB turns in the air from the impact but continues to dive with the sword, the red aura growing brighter and brighter. Game Boy falls towards the Titan's head and pierces his eye crashing straight through the back of it's head. Black ooze sprays from the beast's wounds and it slowly starts to fall back, the white of it's one remaining eye going dim. GB crashes onto the floor and rolls across the stone floor at great speed. The Titan falls to the floor, the earth crushing underneath him. Silence.

The eye of the Titan turns black. Game Boy lies in a pool of his own blood completely still. Several seconds of silence go by before Paige, Palanius and Finn come across Game Boy. They stop and look at the destruction of the city, the Titan spilling black ooze from his body which has slowly started to turn into embers. The three rush over to the still Game Boy, Paige grabs him and turns him over, cradling him in her arms. GB's eyes are closed, Palanius and Finn look on speechless.

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Game Boy?"


[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Game Boy. Please wake up."

Tears start to form in Paige's eyes as she starts to shake GB to wake him up.

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Game Boy! Don't you do this please!"

[Image: ulVa5rW.png?2]
"Paige. . . He's gone."

Paige buries her head in Game Boy's chest and cries deeply. Palanius and Finn lower their heads.
















Paige lifts her head and breaths in quickly as a red aura quickly surrounds her and disappears. The body of Game Boy has disappeared. Paige looks at her hand, her eyes still wet then looks to the other two.

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]

[Image: Oqr1A6E.jpg?2]
"Was that a Dragon Shout!?"

[Image: ulVa5rW.png?2]
"This is peculiar."

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"I, feel different. Am I player two?"

[Image: ulVa5rW.png?2]
"You're making no sense Paige. We should get the Princess, ask her about this. . . And tell her about. . Yeah."

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Yeah, yeah. You're right. . . . . . And, I need to go to Urf."



[Image: mAmAfiJ.png]

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