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Lethal Lottery III
Author Message
Kirk MacClay Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

03-29-2015, 11:24 AM

XWF Presents:

[Image: XnApP8Y.jpg]

[Image: amalie-arena.jpg]

Amalie Arena
Tampa Bay, Florida
March 28, 2015

Frodo Smackins
- vs -
Singles Match, One Fall

#1 Contender's Match for X-Treme Championship
Karl Cross - vs - Brian Douglas - vs - Thunderbolt X - vs - Lucius Fyre - vs - S.A.M - vs - Priest - vs - Dylan George - vs - Michael McBride - vs - Hero X-Treme 7.9 - vs - Cohen Horne
Harcore Time Limit Match
20 Minute Match with an Unlimited Amount of Falls
Whoever Holds the Last Pinfall When Time Expires, Wins the Match

#1 Contender's Match for World Tag Team Championship

The Fallen Angel
- vs -
Tables, Ladders, & Chairs Tornado Tag Team Match

Coco Mojo
- vs -
Tony Santos
Ambulance Match

XWF Hart Championship

'Loverboy' Vinnie Lane ©
- vs -
Steel Cage Match

Intercontinental Championship
- vs -
- vs -
Sebastian Duke
Submission Match

Universal Championship
Doctor Louis D'Ville ©
- vs -
TJ Wallace
- vs -
Aerial Knight
Triple Threat Match
Doctor Louis D'Ville Must Be Pinned In Order to Lose His Championship

Unknown Soldier
- vs -
Peter Gilmour
Ricky Desmond
Standard Tag Team Match, One Fall

? (Winning Teammate #1)
- vs -
? (Winning Teammate #2)
No Hold Barred Match

Fireworks explode across the Lottery themed X-tron and stage!

Lethal Lottery’s theme song plays over the arena’s speaker system as the crowd is going nuts! Men are raising their beers in celebration of the beginning of the show. Women are raising their shirts as the censors are covering their ta-tas! Children jumping up and down in anticipation! The camera turns around the arena before focusing on the announcer table on Joey Styles looking intense.

JOEY STYLES: Hello XWF fans and welcome to Lethal Lottery! Today I am joined by my colleagues of The BRAIN Bobby Heenan!
Bobby Heenan: Joey, time to run along. I’ll handle the announcing tonight. JR, you might as well go with him. I’m who these people really want to hear.
Jim Ross: I take exception to that, Bobby.
JOEY STYLES: I also am joined by Oklahoma’s own, Jim Ross.
Jim Ross: Howdy folks! It’s a pleasure to be at this event with such a loaded card booked for you.
JOEY STYLES: It’s good to have you good ol’ JR! It looks like General Manager Kirk MacClay will open up the event.

Kirk MacClay’s music plays over the speakers as he comes out strutting and jiving as only he does. Behind him is his lanky assistant, Benjamin Fieldler, walking slowly and hesitantly. They enter the ring and stand there for a moment absorbing in the crowd’s reaction. Kirk pulls the microphone to his mouth.

Ladies and gentlemen welcome… welcome to LETHAL LOTTERY!

The crowd is ecstatic and yelling out! Kirk nods his head in approval as Benjamin just gulps.

Benjamin, are you nervous? It’s just a packed house filled with ravage wrestling fans. What’s to be nervous about?

But I digress.

Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, we have a phenomenal show for you including THREE title matches, two number one contender matches, and also the semi-finals and finals to….


The crowd erupts again!

Jim Ross: Think they’ll pop like that every time he says Lethal Lottery, Joey?

JOEY STYLES: That seems to be the go-to way to pop the audience, JR.

Bobby Heenan: I’m here too, people.

Now, Ben, is there anything I’ve missed?

Well there is the new alliance wit-

Ohhhh yes! As you may have seen at the Stampede, the unthinkable has happened. My most vigorous adversary and I have decided to put aside our differences and form an unstoppable force.

Paul Heyman.

Kirk MacClay.

The Underground Alliance is born.

You all can thank the gall of Kirk MacClay and the genius of Paul Heyman for the fact… that there will be…


The crowd begins cheering and applauding loudly.

Other than CorVus. But let’s face it, after seeing how Sebastian Duke handled the entire ‘family’ last week, I think he’ll be able to take down the crow-obsessed lunatic.

Now, is there anything else Mr. Fieldler?

No sir.

Good. Now, enjoy the show ladies and gentlemen!

Kirk’s theme song plays as they exit the ring.

"Big" plays.

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first from Nowhere, Oklahoma, weighing in at 441 lbs... THE SHOW!

'Big' hits on the speakers and a few of the fans raise their voices with cheers. Reeve Gordon, aka 'The Show' appears through the curtains, using his shape-shifting powers to resemble WCW/WWE legend 'The Big Show'. Show walks down the curtain, high-fiving a few of the fans on the way down. He steps up the ring stairs before stepping over the top rope. Once inside Reeve tosses a hand to the air, signaling pyro to rock all four corners. He then takes to a corner, pounding a fist to his palm, anticipating the battle ahead.

"Still Standing" by Side Weighs plays.

Justin Roberts: His opponent from Clawson, Michigan, weighing in at 150 lbs... FRODO SMACKINS!

Frodo rushes down the rampway and enters the ring looking pumped up for the match ahead.

[Image: rdmrRmk.jpg]

JIM ROSS: Ladies and Gentlemen, we’re kicking things off tonight at Lethal Lottery III with a real David v. Goliath matchup! The Show called Reeve, the seven foot tall brawler from my home state Oklahoma going up against Frodo Smackins! The five foot six, fearless high flyer from Clawson, MI!

Bobby Heenan: J.R. there is nearly a three-hundred pound weight difference between these two! This should be over for Frodo Smackins really quick!

JIM ROSS: I think you forget who we’re talking about here Brain… Frodo has beaten the best of the best in the XWF. I fully expect this match to be action packed and straight down to the wire.

The two stand face to face, well really more like face to stomach. The size difference between the two is laughable. As the bell rings both men are still standing in the center of the ring, jawing inaudible trash talk to one another. Frodo says something that really infuriates The Show, who suddenly rears back his giant fist and smashes it directly into Frodo’s temple!



Frodo falls flat on his back, in a cocky manner The Show sets his size 22 boot on Frodo’s chest for the pin…



Frodo’s eyes open as he grabs The Show’s boot off of his chest,


The Show is stunned as the little guy stays grappling his leg, working his way behind him, he sends a hard boot right to the back of The Show’s calf followed by a series of fists to each kidney.

The Show tries turning around and grabbing Frodo, but the little guys’ size is playing as an advantage right now, as he keeps running circles around The Show, busting him in the stomach with gut punches here and there. Frodo jumps up infront of The Show and connects to his wide chin with a fierce uppercut. The Show is staggering…

Frodo runs the ropes and hits a flying clothesline, The Show is still standing, Frodo runs them again and connects again with another flying clothesline, The Show is a bit more wobbly but is still on his feet. Frodo looks pissed… he scales the turnbuckle.


Bobby Heenan: LOOK OUT SHOW!!!

Frodo reaches the top and motions to the crowd, they start going insane. As he launches himself at The Show his body becomes illuminated with a barrage of photo flashes…


Frodo connects with a nasty flying superman punch to The Shows jaw, causing the titan to crash to the canvas, he goes for the cover…



Bobby Heenan: This is over!

THR… NO! The Show lifts Frodo up and throws him off of his body, sending him flying in the air. Frodo smash face first onto the mat as The Show slowly gets up. The Show walks over to Frodo, grabbing him up by the back of his jeans and lifting him directly up off of the mat… Frodo is waving his arms around and kicking,

“Put me down you big bastard!”

The Show lifts Frodo all the way up over his head, holding up with both arms, Frodo’s eyes are wide as he gets dropped in the center of the ring with a gorilla press slam,

Show begins taunting the crowd,

“You all like this twerp? FUCK YOU!”

A fan pelts Show right in the head with a soda pop, his face turns red,


The Show pulls his arm back as Frodo starts to stir to his feet,

JIM ROSS: The Show is setting up! THE SHOW STOPPER!

Show grabs Frodo by the throat and lifts Frodo off of the mat, setting up for a big chokeslam. But Frodo starts to counter, elbowing Show in the face repeatedly causing Show to stagger near the ropes still holding Frodo. Frodo squirms from The Shows grasp and lands on his feet outside of the apron. With The Show still in the ring Frodo tries to catch his breath, Show recovers first and charges Frodo, but Frodo counters, grabbing the top rope and pulling it down while ducking, causing Show to tumble out of the ring and onto the floor.

Frodo seizes the opportunity and scales the turnbuckle again, as The Show stands to his feet Frodo flips him the middle finger and jumps off, crashing into Show’s head with a flying shining wizard! Both men awkwardly fall to the floor.

The crowd erupts as the ref starts a ten count,






Frodo is up to his feet and back in the ring…





The Show rolls back in barely in time, but Frodo is waiting in position for the kneeling Show,

Bobby Heenan: GUESS WHAT J.R.!?!


Bobby Heenan: Demi Lovato looks really good in jeans!!!

Frodo blasts The Show in the jaw with a superkick then locks in a torturous ankle lock!

Joey Styles: Frodo is really tugging on that ankle! Show looks like he's in pain!

Show slowly crawls to the ropes and grabs it. Frodo releases it and spits in his direction.

Frodo is standing above a fallen 'Show', when suddenly 'Dark Horse' hits and someone wearing black comes down to the ring and bangs a waffle iron upside Frodo's head. Frodo falls and that person leaves to a standiing ovation. Then another mysterious person wearing a hood comes out, whips out her non-existant dick and pisses all over the fallen shell of a man named Frederick Ward. She then leaves to a bigger standing ovation.

Show gets to his feet and looks shaken up by that Demi move. He picks up Frodo and sets him on the top rope. He slaps Frodo twice, wraps his enormous hand around his neck and goes for the chokeslam! But Frodo reverses it into the DDT. Show is out! Frodo leaps back onto the top rope and looks ready.

Show slowly starts getting back up and Frodo leaps! LOLNOPE!

The flying superman punch rings the bell of the giant! Show staggers around before collapsing in the ring. Frodo leaps on top of him.




Winner: Frodo Smackins

Frodo's hand is raised in victory as he continues to look down at Reeve or The Show with a sense of disdain! This fades to black...

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for unlimited falls with a 20 minute time limit and is under EXTREME RULES! Already in the ring are Lucius Fyre, Cohen Horne, and Brian Douglas.

"Sundial" by Wolfmother plays.

Justin Roberts: Introducing next from London, England, weighing in at 272 lbs... KARL CROSS!

Karl Cross storms out of the back and gets into the ring looking ready to go.

"On My Own" by CFO$ plays.

Justin Roberts: Introducing next from Boston, Massachusetts, weighing in at 210 lbs... THUNDERBOLT X!

Thunderbolt X comes out and does an Adrian Neville turn. He gets up and goes from side to side with his arms forming a DX style X above my head. He gets to the ring and jumps on the apron like Brock Lesnar and does a few side to sides. He bounces off the rope and performs a Red Arrow style somersault. He lands on both feet and performs a DX Chop. Thunderbolt then performs a superhero crouch.

"Throat Full of Glass" by Combichrist plays

Justin Roberts: Introducing next from London, England, weighing in at Heavy.... S.A.M!

The eerie, industrial beat of Throat Full of Glass begins to play, as smoke slowly rises from the stage. As soon as the vocals come in, S.A.M slowly walks through the smoke and down the ramp, before sliding into the ring onto one knee. He looks around at the crowd who seem to be giving a mixed reaction. He then retreats to his corner where he starts playing with his tie.

"Hearts of Fire" by Black Veiled Brides plays

Justin Roberts: Introducing next from New York City, New York, weighing in at 225 lbs... PRIEST!

The lights Of the Arena Go Dark As The song-" Heart Of Fire" Plays through the arena, as a wall of fire consumes the stage. Then the centre of the wall of fire drops and Priest comes out onto the stage with his back to the crowd and his hand up and out to the sides looking up into the darkness of the rafters as the arena fills with smoke fog, then he turns around still looking up, he then looks at the crowd howling out, then he starts to walk towards the ring as flames light the way down to the ramp to the ring area. When Priest get to the ring he climbs the steel stairs and up onto the turn buckle and stands on the top ropes as he once again howls out hold his arms out to his side looking up as gold pyrotechnics rain down upon him showering him in gold sparks. He then back flips into the ring landing on his feet, as the one last explosion of gold flames around the ring.

Justin Roberts: Introducing next from Louisville, Kentucky, weighing in at 227 lbs... DYLAN GEORGE!

The arena blackens as an icy cold gust of wind can be heard swooping through the stands.
...a moment of silence... suddenly a cultish cackle of children giggling can be heard over the loud speakers, they begin quoting a seemingly ceremonious chant:

"1... 2....
Dylan's coming for you...
3... 4...
Hell's now waging it's war...
5... 6...
No need for a crucifix...
7... 8...
It's time to face your fate...
9... 10...
Time for the nightmare to begin..."

The loud speakers pop and crackle as the eerie sounds fade out following more laughter.
Suddenly the XTron illuminates the arena with a morbid message...

[Image: tumblr_ma54eslzub1rsua6to1_500.gif]


Thunderkiss 65 cues over the loud speakers. A gallantly golden shower of pyro begins to form above the entranceway. In the mist cloud forming behind the XTron the monstrous outline of Dylan 'The Nightmare' George arises as he slowly appears beneath the pyro, looking down at the ground as the pyro showers him...

[Image: tumblr_mmwlr7zNXC1r0gzq0o1_500.gif]

Suddenly 'The Nightmare' looks up from the ground and directly into the camera and roars:

Golden pyros begin to explode along the stage and down the runway as 'The Nightmare', now illuminated with a white-hot spot light is the only thing that can be seen in the arena as he makes his slow descent to the ring. Slowly he climbs into the ring and is now standing dead-center with the spot light still lighting his freakish frame. He drops to his knees, extending his arms out and begins to roar while another golden shower of pyro falls onto the ring while the lighting slowly is restored to the arena. He sits there, still and stoic looking at the mat on his knees...

"Rose Tattoo" by Dropkick Murphys plays

Justin Roberts: Introducing next from Wicklow, Ireland, weighing in at 240 lbs... MICHAEL MCBRIDE!

Rose Tattoo By Dropkick Murphys hits over the P.A. system. Michael walks out ready to fight as he checks his gloves. He walks down the ramp. He walks to the steel stairs and walks up them. Once at the top he stops and turns around and looks at the crowd and smirks before he steps between the ropes and leans back on the nearest corner and looks at his opponent with a smirk on his face.

"Deadly Saturdays" by The WeekNight Warriors plays

Justin Roberts: Introducing last from X-Town, weighing in at 300 lbs... HERO X-TREME 7.9!

A bloody casket with purple skulls lowers from the rafters suddenly the wire snaps and it crashes into the ring. The casket explodes into confetti and then Hero Xtreme 7.9's music starts playing and a bunch of poultry walk out onto the ramp. Hero follows them with an axe and tries to chop their heads off. Any of the turkeys he manages to kill are given to kids in the audience.

[Image: pciubvR.jpg]

JIM ROSS:: Finally, with all ten men making their entrances and getting to the ring, we can get this match underway.

JOEY STYLES: Listen to this capacity crowd! The fans here in Tampa Bay definitely stay hype!


Suddenly, a chair flies into the ring, followed by another. And another. The Amalie Arena’s sold out crowd begins tossing chair after chair into the ring.

JOEY STYLES: Uh o… I’ve seen this before, JR!

Bobby Heenan: What are all these idiots doing? Where are they going to sit?

JIM ROSS:: If you sit through a ten man x-treme rules match, Brain, I don’t know what would keep you on your feet.

Brain: I have flat feet!

JIM ROSS:: You’ve got a flat something. There’s the bell, this one is underway…



JIM ROSS:: One of those chairs just struck Brian Douglas right in the jaw! He’s down like a ton of bricks and the bell has barely even rung!

Bobby Heenan: His bell’s rung.

JIM ROSS:: Here comes The Nightmare! He is wreaking havoc already, having gotten ahold of one of those steel chairs in the ring!


Bobby Heenan: He’s gonna need feel that in the morning, JR.

JIM ROSS:: I’ll say! Dylan George just bent that chair over onto itself with a vicious headshot to Cohen Horne! I think Horne is completely unconscious!

JOEY STYLES: Karl Cross and SAM are duking it out in the middle of the ring, JR!

JIM ROSS:: That’s an understatement! These two men are standing in a pile of chairs, slugging it out! It looks like Cross has the upper hand for now… wait a minute… Michael McBride with a forearm from behind!

Bobby Heenan: Smart move! They can’t see you from back there!

JIM ROSS:: Will you stop?

JOEY STYLES: Another sick chair shot from Dylan George to Cohen Horne! Horne’s bleeding everywhere!

JIM ROSS:: George seems happy with his handiwork, he’s dropped the chair and moved on, heading towards Cross and McBride… wait, Lucius Fyre nails him with a left hook out of nowhere!

Bobby Heenan: I don’t think it worked.

JIM ROSS:: Dylan George has got him! He’s got him! A double handed goozle to Fyre, and he’s up… GOOD GOD! GOOD GOD!

JOEY STYLES: Oh… my… god…

JIM ROSS:: Dylan George just executed a scintillating, running, double handed choke-bomb right on top of those chairs! Lucius Fyre is a broken mess!

[white[Him Ross:[/white] Hero Xtreme 7.9 grabs Priest around the waist...


Jim Ross: NOCMM tosses a Bible(?!) into the ring and Hero Xtreme 7.9 picks it up. OH MY GOD (pun intended) what is he doing with that? NO! NO! HERO XTREME 7.9 is pulling Priest's pants down. Is he going to put the bible in the non-believers butt?


Joey Styles: Oh shit! He just spanked Priest really hard with it. Thank God he didn't put it in his butt that would've been gay. It's a good thing Hero Xtreme 7.9 doesn't have a butt hole so that shit can't happen to him.

Bobby Heenan: Look, there’s Hero Xtreme!

JOEY STYLES: That little opportunist! Hero just crawled over to the body of Cohen Horne and made a cover!




JIM ROSS:: That’s a pinfall for Hero Xtreme! He’s ahead in this contest!

Leader: Hero Xtreme

Bobby Heenan: He’s a very smart man! Look at him, rolling out of the ring now to protect himself and save his energy!

JIM ROSS:: He looks like a coward to me!


JIM ROSS:: SAM with the devastating headscissors to Priest… and look out! Thunderbolt X just dropped McBride with a shoulder tackle! Thunderbolt is in the face of Karl Cross, and Cross shoves him back into the ropes… Thunderbolt X with a spear!!! Cross is down!

JOEY STYLES: Michael McBride is in bad shape, JR! Dylan George just picked him up to his feet… WAIT! McBride with a small package!!



Kickout by George! And he is PISSED!

JIM ROSS:: Dylan George did not like that at all, and he is making McBride pay for it now! He’s got him mounted and he’s raining punches down onto his head and face!


SAM comes flying over the ropes, launched over by a slingshot maneuver from Priest. SAM hits the announce booth face first and slides to the floor.

Bobby Heenan: This is an unsafe working environment! Shane will be hearing from my attorney!

JIM ROSS:: Save it, Brain. SAM could be seriously injured!

Bobby Heenan: So could I!


JIM ROSS:: He’s setting up Karl Cross for a shooting star press! GO FOR IT, KID!

Bobby Heenan: He’s taking too long!

JIM ROSS:: HE MISSED! Karl Cross rolled away and TBX just bounced his entire body onto the canvas! He’s in agony!

JOEY STYLES: Cover by Cross!




Leader: Karl Cross

Jim Ross: Cohen Horne is back to his feet! He's going for a Lariat!

Jim Ross: Hero Xtreme 7.9 ducks under the main eventer's arm and he crashes right into the rookie Priest and knocks him out of the ring! Cohen turns to face Hero Xtreme 7.9 when two lightning bolts come out of the Xtreme Hero's hands and shock Cohen's nipples. Cohen falls to the mat with a thud! God goes for the cover!



Joey Styles: Cohen kicks out!

JIM ROSS:: We have a new leader in this match up, folks! Karl Cross with quick thinking just got a shocking pin on Thunderbolt X! Also luckily Cohen kicked out of that move!

JOEY STYLES: Guys, SAM still isn’t moving…

JIM ROSS:: Can we get some help out here? We need some EMT’s dammit!

Bobby Heenan: Why bother? Hero Xtreme is coming to help him right now!

JIM ROSS:: Leave him alone you bastard! The man’s hurt! He has a family!

JOEY STYLES: They’re right in front of us! Hero Xtreme is setting him up for a powebomb! Right at the booth!

Bobby Heenan: That’s it, I’m outta here…

JIM ROSS:: Wait! SAM blocked the move! REVERSAL! BACK DROP DRIVER!!!

The announce booth is obliterated as SAM drops the body of Hero Xtreme through with a crushing move.

JOEY STYLES: SAM is still hurt!

JIM ROSS:: He can’t capitalize on the move! Both men are down on the floor!

In the ring, Dylan George has Michael McBride up in a brainbuster… he hits it!

Dylan George follows through into a pinning combination!



JIM ROSS:: Karl Cross broke it up!!! These are the two men we were waiting to see square off in this match!

JOEY STYLES: George is LIVID that Cross pulled him off of the cover!

JIM ROSS:: They’re toe to toe! Business is about to pick up!


Priest flies from the top turnbuckle and takes out both Karl Cross and Dylan George with a high cross body!

Priest grabs Karl Cross and tosses him out of the ring!

Dylan George back to his feet… dropkick from Priest!

JIM ROSS:: Priest is getting into it now! He’s got some momentum going!

JOEY STYLES: Is Heenan coming back? Are we getting a new table setup?

JIM ROSS:: Just watch the damn match! Priest is a house of fire! He’s stomping a mudhole in Dylan George and walking it dry! He’s…. good GOD!

JOEY STYLES: Dylan George just popped up from the mat and hit a reverse STO onto Priest! Priest went face first into one of those chairs!






JIM ROSS:: Dylan George got him!

Leader: Dylan George

JIM ROSS:: What a match! Wait a minue… Hero Xtreme from behind! No, wait… he’s just dropping down on top of the still unconscious body of Cohen Horne!




JIM ROSS:: Hero Xtreme stole another one!

Leader: Hero Xtreme

JIM ROSS:: SAM is up! SAM is up and he’s back in the ring! He’s got Hero Xtreme backed into a corner and he nails him with a knife edge chop!


JOEY STYLES: Not so fast, JR! Hero reversed position with SAM! Now SAM is taking a beating in the corner from the man who says he’s god!

JIM ROSS:: We’ll see about that! All that nonsense about not having a butthole… what a disgrace to the business!

JOEY STYLES: Hero lifts SAM to the top buckle, he’s climbing up after him… he’s going for a hoonan-

JIM ROSS:: Frankensteiner from Hero! But no, wait! SAM held on! Hero is dangling unpside down from SAM’s shoulders and… no… NO DON’T DO IT!!!


JIM ROSS:: SAM might have broken Hero’s neck! He goes for a pin!




Leader: SAM

JIM ROSS:: This is a true slobberknocker! Dylan George is taking Michael McBride to the woodshed in the corner, Priest is finally getting to his feet, Karl Cross is back in the ring… and there’s THUNDERBOLT X!!!!

JOEY STYLES: TBX quickly off the ropes, and he drops Priest with a flying shoulder tackle! He hits the ropes… fistdrop!

JIM ROSS:: Priest is woozy still from that STO on the chair! He’s back to his feet but… scoop slam from Thunderbolt X!

JOEY STYLES: Priest is right back up though, he’s tough!

JIM ROSS:: He sure is… but is he tough enough for this??? THUNDERBOLT OF DOOM ON PRIEST!!!! He goes for the cover!




Leader: Thunderbolt X

Jim Ross: Michael McBride is carrying a steel pipe! He hits Karl Cross right over the head with it! Holy shit! McBride takes a wing at Hero Xtreme 7.9 next, but God ducks under it and pulls something out of his pocket?

Joey Styles: Michael gets back into his batting stance and goes for another swing, but Hero Xtreme 7.9 jumps on him and drives his palm into the Irishman's forehead! Steam is rising around Hero Xtreme 7.9's palm. Is he burning McBride?

Jim Ross: McBride cries out in agony until he is dumped over the top rope and out of the ring. A four-leaf clover falls from the Xtreme Hero's palm and lands on the mat. McBride's forehead was burned by a four-leaf clover? Is he a leprechaun? Speaking of leprechauns two roll out from under the ring and steal McBride's pants.

JIM ROSS:: And here comes SAM with a top rope leg drop!!!! He goes for a cover on TBX!!!




Leader: SAM

JIM ROSS:: This is getting way out of control! Dylan George in the corner now, he has McBride on his shoulders… climbing the buckles… good god! GOOD GOD!!!!

JOEY STYLES: OH MY GOD!!!!! Dylan George just hit a death valley driver from the top rope to the outside of the ring! Is McBride alive???

JIM ROSS:: Look in the ring!!! Karl Cross just nailed SAM with a steel chair!


JIM ROSS:: Karl Cross got all of it! But wait! Hero Xtreme just shoved Karl Cross through the ropes again! Hero with a cover!




Leader: Hero Xtreme

JIM ROSS:: That’s the third time that jackass has stolen a pin! It’s like he just tries to win by never going away!

JOEY STYLES: Well, at least the XWF crew has replaced our booth with a table… we can sit and watch the monitors again…

Bobby Heenan: And I know you missed me.

JIM ROSS:: Oh for the love of…

Bobby Heenan: Look at this ham-and-egger, Thunderbolt X! These humanoids in the crowd love this guy! Why?

JIM ROSS:: Well maybe if you were out here watching…

Bobby Heenan: JR, I am a broadcast journalist! How dare you suggest…


Karl Cross has just superplexed Thunderbolt X from outside on the apron, sending TBX crashing right through the brand new table set up for the commentators.

JIM ROSS:: Thunderbolt X is out cold!


Dylan George whips Michel McBride into the ropes, which sends Karl Cross flying onto the floor and into the ring barrier, right next to JR.

JOEY STYLES: Dylan George hits a pop up powerbomb on McBride! He’s scaling the ropes, looking to hit that elbow drop!





Leader: Dylan George

JIM ROSS:: Oh, just look at the snake in the grass Hero Xtreme! He’s pinning Lucius Fyre!




Leader: Hero Xtreme

JIM ROSS:: This is despicable… Hero keeps stealing the lead!

Bobby Heenan: He’s brilliant! He remind me of me!

JOEY STYLES: Hero is up and… look out, it’s SAM! INTROVERTICAL SUPLEX!!!! OH MY GODDD!!!!!

JIM ROSS:: That’s a snap jackhammer if I’ve ever seen one! SAM with a cover!




Leader: SAM

JIM ROSS:: SAM is in the lead, but behind him! Look out! Karl Cross is on the top rope, he’s got him in his sights!

JOEY STYLES: Thunderbolt X is back to his feet JR! He’s running up behind Cross!

JIM ROSS:: TBX just shoved Karl Cross off of the turnbuckle and sent him flying onto that pile of chairs! Now it’s Thunderbolt X on the top!

JOEY STYLES: TBX with a cross body!

JIM ROSS:: Dylan George caught him!!!! POWERSLAM!!!

JOEY STYLES: George goes for a lateral press, but SAM immediately breaks it up! He’s protecting his lead as we’ve only got about five minutes left in this contest!

JIM ROSS:: Dylan George is mad now! He and SAM are having a Brawl For All right in the middle of the ring, right over the broken body of Thunderbolt X!!! Wait a minute… are you kidding me??

JOEY STYLES: Hero Xtreme with a chair shot to the prone Thunderbolt X! He drapes himself over for the cover!




JIM ROSS:: Son of a BITCH!

Bobby Heenan: That’s why he’s my hero.

Leader: Hero Xtreme

JIM ROSS:: SAM heard the commotion, and now he’s turning his attention back to Hero… OH GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY!!!!

JOEY STYLES: Where did that come from!?!?!!? Karl Cross with a top rope Conversation Killer! SAM is down and out!

JIM ROSS:: Hero Xtreme and Dylan George now, exchanging blows…

JOEY STYLES: Michael McBride is somehow still in this thing!! He’s gotten back in the ring and he’s got Thunderbolt X! CELTIC DRIVER!!!!

JIM ROSS:: McBride is trying to get back in this thing! He hooks a leg!




JIM ROSS:: Unbelievable!!

Leader: Michael McBride

JIM ROSS:: McBride is in the lead and we have less than three minutes left! McBride could win this thing and be the new number one contender for the X-Treme Title!

JOEY STYLES: But here comes Priest! Priest has been lying low in the corner, catching his breath! McBride doesn’t see him coming!

JIM ROSS:: BAPTISM! BAPTISM ON MCBRIDE!!! Priest now with a cover!




Leader: Priest

JIM ROSS:: Priest now, he rolls the bodies of McBride and Thunderbolt X out of the ring!

Bobby Heenan: Smart move! He just has to stop people from getting pinned for two minutes and he wins!

JIM ROSS:: You’re right, Brain, that’s what he’s doing! He rolls Brian Douglas out under the bottom rope as well! I forgot he was even in this match!

Bobby Heenan: So did he!

JOEY STYLES: Priest has Lucius Fyre, and he’s heading to the ropes… LOOKOUT!!!!

JIM ROSS:: Karl Cross just decimated Priest with a running big boot! Priest went flying over the top rope, and Lucius Fyre is still in the ring!

JOEY STYLES: Here comes SAM! He’s gotten the better of Dylan George and has turned his attention to Karl Cross… bad idea!

JIM ROSS:: Cross get him with a stiff kick to the gut…and a piledriver!!! SAM’s head bounces off the mat!

JOEY STYLES: He goes for a cover!

JIM ROSS:: Hero Xtreme is going for a cover on Lucius Fyre as well!



SAM kicked out!!!!


Leader: Hero Xtreme

Bobby Heenan: He’s DA MAN!!!!!

JIM ROSS:: He’s a punk!

JOEY STYLES: He’s unconscious!!!! Dylan George just destroyed him with a Dreamcatcher shining wizard!!!!

JIM ROSS:: Karl Cross whips SAM into the corner hard! SAM staggers back out and into a release belly to belly overhead suplex! He landed head first!

JOEY STYLES: Dylan George has Lucius Fyre up… double underhook DDT!

JIM ROSS:: Karl Cross has dragged Cohen Horne up to his feet as well… GM CUTTER!!!! GM CUTTER!!!! Karl Cross with the pin!!!




Leader: Karl Cross

JOEY STYLES: Dylan George with a cover of his own on Fyre!




Leader: Dylan George

JIM ROSS:: These two are finally going to have to go at it! Karl Cross boots Dylan George in the face after his pin, stunning him! Cross turns back to Horne and drops down into a pin!




Leader: Karl Cross

JOEY STYLES: Look out! Dylan George returns the favor with a running knee drop! Cross is stunned now, and Dylan George is back on top of Lucius Fyre!




Leader: Dylan George

JIM ROSS:: Karl Cross is LIVID! He tackles Dylan George, and George hits the back of his head on the turnbuckle!

JOEY STYLES: Karl Cross dives back on top of Cohen Horne!




Leader: Karl Cross

JIM ROSS:: But wait! Dylan George stumbles out of the corner! He collapses right on top of Lucius Fyre!!!!




JIM ROSS:: SAM broke it up!!! SAM broke up the pin!!!! What the hell did he do that for? What difference did it make to him?

JOEY STYLES: I don’t think he had his bearings, JR, he was running on instinct!

JIM ROSS:: Well Dylan George is mighty displeased with SAM right now!!! This match is over, we have a new number one contender to the X-Treme Championship in Karl Cross, but SAM and Dylan George are still throwing hands in the middle of the ring!

JOEY STYLES: We need security in there to break this up! These guys need to settle their business another time!

Winner: Karl Cross

Karl Cross rises out of the chaos and raises his hands up in celebration! The referee walks up and raises his hand into the air as we fade away.

"HELLYEAH" by Sangre Por Sangre (Blood For Blood) plays.

Justin Roberts: The following match is a NORMAL tag team match for one fall. Introducing first from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at 275 lbs... SCYTHE!

The Light of the arena all go out as a Bolt of Chain Lighting hits the stage as red light, lights up the arena, as "Sangre Por Sangre (Blood For Blood)" the Theme of Scythe comes on and the X-tron lights up showing Images of Demonic images of Scythe flash through the screens and the arena fills up with fog (purple blue color) of smoke and Then Torches start to flame and light up one by one down the ramp way on both sides of the ramp as Scythe is lowered Down from the Rafters with his head looking up and arms out to the side as he slowly descends to the top of the ramp, when he Touches the ramps he is unhooked and begins to make his way down the ramp to the ring, when he get to the ring he slides in and hisses and stands up and looks up into the darkness and holds out his hands as he spits a bunch of blood out of and from his mouth, and then he roars out as the ring post Explode into flames.

"Faithless" by Black Veiled Brides plays.

Justin Roberts: Introducing his partner from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at 238 lbs... CHRIS 'THE FALLEN' ANGEL!

The lights Of the Arena Go Dark As The song-"Faithless" Plays through the arena, as the lights come back Up in Black and Blue Lighting, then there is an explosion of flames that shoots up from the stage in a ring as it starts to die down it Begins to rain blood and standing there is Chris "The Fallen Angel" looking down as the ring of fire goes out, He Then looks up and out towards the crowd and starts heading to the ring as a small wall of flames shots up from the ramp, when Chris "The Fallen Angel" enters the ring he spins around with his arm and hands out as there is a quick explosion of Fire around the ring, after the fire dies down Chris runs to a corner turn-buckle and climbs up to the Top and stands there throwing his arms out as an upside down cross explodes in flames over center of the ring. (The cross is being lower down slow from the start) The cross slowly Burns out, after the cross burns out Chris "The Fallen Angel" back flips back into the ring and when he stick the landing he screams Out, and spits blood from his mouth as the lights come back up. Chris then moves to his corner and waits for his opponent.

"Let's Get " by Black Eyed Peas plays.

Justin Roberts: Introducing their opponents from Birmingham, England, weighing in at 225 lbs... SCULLY!

The arenas lights go red and "Let's Get " by Black Eyed Peas blares out of the P.A System. After about 40 seconds The Scull Meister finally steps out on to stage with his XWF Championship belt around his waist. There is a mixed reaction from the fans. Scully looks around and smirks. XWF'S resident gives the thumbs up and waves at the fans. He walks down the ramp giving the fans the thumbs up, walking up to random adults and children saying 'Friend'. He walks up the steps, waving and walks along the ring apron. He turns to look at the fans with a smirk across his face. He then jump over the top rope in to the ring but trips into the ring. Scull gets up, brushes himself off and then walks over to the far turn buckle. He climbs to the top. Holds his hands in the air and puts both thumbs up, before waving once more. The Scully Meister then jumps down and starts doing star jumps. His music fades out.

"Symphony of Destruction" by Steve Tushdar plays.

Justin Roberts: Introducing his partner from Battle Creek, Michigan, weighing in at 220 lbs... MAVERICK!

Symphony of Destruction starts to play, and smoke pours into the arena, giving an ominous feeling. Maverick comes out, taunting the crowd every step of the way. After Maverick hops into the ring, he relaxes on a turnbuckle, waiting for the match to start, going on a turnbuckle facing his opponent if entering second, going on a turnbuckle facing the entrance ramp if entering first.

Kirk MacClay's music hits. Out comes the General Manager of Monday Night Madness. Well one half of them.

Hey guys, just came out to say that this show has been awesome so far! As far as this tag team match goes... we're taking away the tables, ladders, and chairs. That's right. Now suck it.

Kirk leaves to a loud chorus of boos.

[Image: dxmBMRJ.jpg]

JIM ROSS: Well Brain, this is a match I’m extremely excited for, the winners of this tag team bout will be crowned the new number one contenders for the Tag Team Championship.

Bobby Heenan: Right J.R., but what kind of prize is that? That means they’ll be taking on two of my favorites, the duo representing Defiance, Justin Sane and Corvus! I’m not sure I like either of these teams chances against them!

JIM ROSS: A tough draw indeed, but both of these teams are very talented and both teams have the ability to knock off Corvus and Justin Sane… Corvus of course will be in action later tonight, defending his Intercontinental Championship against Mastermind and the former champ Sebastian Duke.

JOEY STYLES: But right now let’s get you locked in on what’s sure to be another amazing match here at Lethal Lottery III that's had so many amazing moments tonight already!

Maverick is out on the apron, giving some encouraging words to Scully who has a glazed over look on his face and a bit of drool dripping from his mouth. Maverick jerks Scully back around toward him, slapping him in the face a few times… Scully looks over to their opponents corner, he begins flexing and growling a bit. Scythe is in the ring, he and his partner Chris Angel look on unimpeded, Scythe glaring over at Scully looking intent on destroying these two.

The bell rings as the two charge one another, meeting in the center of the ring and locking horns, Scully’s strength gets him the upper hand for a moment though as he slides Scythe into a tight headlock, wrenching back a few times. But Scythe is strong too, he pushes Scully in the back causing him to run into the ropes, as Scully rebounds Scythe grabs him and slams him to the mat with an arm drag. Not letting go Scythe sends a couple of boots to the face of Scully, then continues to wrench the arm back as Scully shouts in pain.

Again though, Scully’s strength prevails as he stands up, lifting Scythe onto his shoulder, being stupidly unaware of the damage it just caused his arm…


He spins and drops Scythe on his back with an impressive Angle Slam! Scully is now on the attack, he stomps Scythe a few times then grabs his leg and locks in an ankle lock. He gets a few good tugs at it before Scythe is able to overpower him, flipping onto his back and booting Scully in the face again, this time busting his lip open. Scully jumps back holding his mouth and begins to breath heavily, he’s getting angry as he tastes the blood and begins stamping his feet like a child.

“Scully tag me in damnit!”

Maverick is holding his arm out, pleading for the tag, but it’s too late, Scythe rushes Scully and wraps his arms around Scully’s waist. He lifts Scully up and drops him on the back of his head with a German Suplex, but he doesn’t let go, lifting him and dropping him again, then one more time! Fallen Angel is clapping as Scythe releases Scully on the third suplex dropping him nastily on his neck. Scythe goes for the cover,



NO! Scully powers out, but before he can get to his feet Scythe jerks him up by his hair and leads him over to his corner, tagging in Fallen Angel. Scythe hits Scully over the head with his forearm and lays him down on the mat while Fallen Angel climbs the turnbuckle, he launches off and smashes down across Scully’s throat with a super leg drop! Angel goes for the cover,




JIM ROSS: Man Scully is resilient, I thought that match was over!

Bobby Heenan: He’s not resilient! Just too stupid to know he’s hurt!

Fallen Angel and Scythe seem to be in control as Angel lifts Scully from the mat, but out of nowhere Scully rakes Angel in the eye, sending his opponent staggering back for a moment. Scully capitalizes, using the last of his energy to lift Angel up and slam him down with a sit down power bomb! Scully is spent, Maverick is in his corner clapping, trying to get the fans to join in and encourage Scully to make the tag.

Scully drags his way over to his corner and tags in Maverick. Angel’s to his feet with his head is still rattling and before he can turn around to notice Maverick rushing him, lifting him up and impressively spinning him around before dropping him on his knee with a sickening Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker! Not letting up, Maverick immediately lifts Angel back up and drops him on his head with a power bomb, Maverick doesn’t let go either, still holding onto his legs he turns Angel over and locks in Pure Perfection!

Bobby Heenan: This one may be over right here J.R.! Fallen Angel is going to be forced to tapout!

JIM ROSS: He’s got him out in no man’s land in the center of the ring! He can’t reach the ropes!

Maverick pulls back, putting tremendous pressure on Angel’s back. Out of nowhere Scythe rushes in and spears Maverick off of his partner! He stays mounted on Maverick, sending a flurry of fists to his face. The ref jerks Scythe off of Maverick and forces him into the corner, but with his back turned and Angel to his feet, Scully rushes in with his Championship in hand and blasts Fallen Angel right in the face with it!

Scythe is pleading for the ref to turn around, but when he does it’s too late, Angel is busted wide open and Maverick crawls on him for the cover,



NO! Scythe makes the save again! The ref is irate!

“Scythe you illegally enter again I’m disqualifying your ass!”

Scythe gets out onto the apron as Maverick begins to drag his way over to Scully, and Angel starts stirring his bloodied way over to Scythe. Angel somehow makes the tag to Scythe first and the vampire demon makes his way over to Maverick before he can reach Scully. Slowly Scythe drags Maverick by the leg away from his partner, he's laughing over at Scully then spits at him.

Scythe lifts up Maverick’s arm and sends several strong kicks to his ribs before picking him up off the mat and slamming him right back down with crucifix power bomb. Scythe yells at the crowd then runs at the turnbuckle,

Bobby Heenan: OH NO J.R.! Watch this!


Scythe runs up to the top of the turnbuckle then twists his body while flipping into a moonsault, this will be it! BUT NO! Maverick rolls out of the way as Scythe slams face first onto the mat. Maverick gets to his feet and tags in Scully!

Scully runs over to Scythe and grabs him by his long hair, twisting it around his hand, jerking him up and holding onto his hair while beating him in his face several times with his palm. Scully thrusts Scythe’s head between his legs, lifts him then drops him directly on his neck with a scary looking piledriver. Scully begins roaring like a in the center of the ring,

“IT’S OVER!!!!”

Scully climbs the top rope and launches off into a corckscrew shooting star press he calls ‘Untouchable’! Scully nails it and goes for the pin!



NO! At the last second Fallen Angel makes save, kicking Scully in the back of the head who rolls out of the ring. Angel lifts Scythe up and runs him over to the corner, steps out on the apron and tags himself in as Scythe falls to the mat and also rolls out of the ring. Angel runs down the apron and as he nears Scully he leaps up into the air and into a diving swanton splash landing directly onto Scully’s head, the crowd erupts,




Maverick jumps down from the apron and runs around the opposite side of the ring where Scythe is now standing, but Maverick floors him right back on his back with a strong running clothesline. He methodically begins to approach Fallen Angel whos getting up to his feet, but Maverick catches him from behind and german suplexs Angel onto the concrete floor! Maverick lifts Angel and rolls him into the ring, then picks Scully up and rolls him into the ring… Scully almost unconsciously covers Fallen Angel,





Prologue by William Control plays through the PA system, and fathers hide their daughters. Mothers weep, and the Pest makes his way down the ramp, and slowly into the ring. He walks to where The Lost Soul is, and shoves him to the ground. From the crowds, a mass of teenage girls come, and stand across the ring, denying entrance to Maverick, and the Lost Soul not in the ring. One of the girls hands the Pest a Microphone as he places a foot upon the throat of the man he has toppled. The Pest looks directly into Michael Scully's face.

Pest:You little , you. I did see what you had to say to me, and I have to address it. Here. Where the world can see. Michael, from the beginning I have been your ally, no. Your friend. I have been on your side, and for no other reason than because you needed it. I never needed you, you always needed me. And I was there. I beat Darren Dangerous for you. Yes, I eliminated you from the rumble, but there was a reason for it. Now, no one has anything on you. No one can claim that. No one can hold it above you as if it would damage you. No one, save me. And yet, I will not. Because friends do not do that.

I also know that you wanted us to take the tag titles together, and we will. I am announcing it right now. MICHAEL SCULLY AND THE PEST. I have brought one joke of a man to a champion, and I can surely make a champion out of Michael Scully. A man far above Jack. If you accept, Michael, I demand an apology within 24 hours. If not. Then know that I will come for you. And you will not be able to stop me. Not a man in this match is able to stop me. I am old, but I can easily put all four of you down before the sound of the opening bell. Remember that, children. I am the Goddamned God of Emptiness.

The Pest then hands the microphone back to the girl, and turns to leave the ring. He snaps his finger, and the girls leave the ring and return to their seats.

Maverick gets back on his apron and extends his hand frantically! Scully looks up and slaps it! Maverick is in! Angel moves over to his corner and Scythe is there to take the tag. He gets in but is holding his back. Maverick smiles at this.

He nails the Lights Out Spinebuster. He grabs the legs of Scythe and pulls him into...


The Lion Tamer is expertly applied. He's really yanking back on it. Scythe has no option but to tap.

Winners: Scully & Maverick

Scully and Maverick celebrate in the ring! Scully is consistently trying to lick his own elbow while Maverick looks disgusted with him.

"Blacklist" by Exodus plays.

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a Steel Cage Match for the Hart Championship! Introducing first the challenger... from Tombstone, Arizona, weighing in at 298 lbs... CAIN!

As the opening riff of "Blacklist" by Exodus brings the crowd to life the lights strobe red and black. Flames erupt from the stage and Cain steps thrugh them, bouncing from foot to foot at the top of the ramp, then he roars and pounds his chest three times as the flames once again erupt behind. He storms down the ramp with purpose, bumping fists with a couple of fans in the front row. He bounces back and forth again as he reaches the ring apron, leaping up on it. As he steps through the ropes, he steps to the middle of the ring, arms outstretched as sparks rain down onto him. As the ambience returns to normal, he slaps his head a few times, psyching himself up for the match.

"I Wanna Rock" by Twisted Sista

Justin Roberts: Introducing his opponent and the HART CHAMPION... from Tampa Bay, Florida, weighing in at 230 lbs... 'LOVERBOY' VINNIE LANE!

The high pitched wail of Dee Snider pierces the air as the Twisted Sister classic pumps through the PA system. As two big pyro towers shoot off on either side of the stage, "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane spins out of the entrance ramp, wearing his favorite t-shirt, a cutoff Faster Pussycat screen print, long silver tights and shining silver boots. The crowd pops as Loverboy struts down the aisle,strumming the air guitar and leaping into the air with a jumping split. As he hops onto the ring apron, he swings around, facing the crowd, and pumps his fist along to the music, singing along and inciting the crowd to do so as well.

[Image: viPmpW1.jpg]

The bell rings and the two men circle around inside the steel structure. The referee gives them the go ahead and they lock up. Lane gets the angle on Cain and tries to push him back, but Cain begins laughing a deep, sinister chortle. He powers Lane back the opposite direction sending him backwards in a roll making Lane land on his knees.

Cain pops his knuckles and cracks his neck while looking down at Lane with his icy eyes.

Lane moves his fist across the tip of his nose and stands up straight. He looks across at Cain and blows a raspberry at him. Cain’s face flushes a little in embarrassment and charge towards Lane! Lane looks surprised by his speed and just barely is able to duck under his powerful clothesline. Cain whips around just in time to take a high knee from Lane!

Cain staggers for a moment before looking back up. Lane is all over him though as he continuously pounds his face with punches. Cain is taking them but he begins to smile. Lane looks a little distracted by it.

Distracted just enough.

Cain reaches through the barrage of punches and delivers a firm right boxing jab! Off-guard, Lane rocks back onto the heels of his feet. He wobbles back and forth for a moment before righting himself.

Instead of attacking, Cain is just smiling.

Just smiling.

Jim Ross: Well that’s just a startling sight. Cain just smiling like that.
Bobby Heenan: What? It’s a PPV. He’s just smiling for the cameras! He’s quite the debonair gentleman in my opinion.
JOEY STYLES: Debonair gentleman? He’s a murder!
Bobby Heenan: He’s just misunderstood, Joey.
JOEY STYLES: Misunderstood?!
Jim Ross: Boys let’s watch the match.

It doesn’t affect Lane as he just gives Cain an air guitar rift.

Cain’s smile evaporates. He slowly approaches in a ready stance and begins a furious barrages of boxing punches thrown in Lane’s direction. Having learned this, Lane began to bob and weeve each and every blow. As one punch is thrown, it catches Lane on the cheek throwing him back once more. This time Cain doesn’t relent. He whips Vinnie into the corner and follows right after him with a running knee strike to the chest!

Vinnie falls to the mat gasping for air. Cain holds the top rope and pushes Vinnie’s face into the steel surrounding of the cage. Lane is shown gasping for air against the mesh as parts of his face are bulging through the holes in the cage.

Bobby Heenan: I can speak from experience, and man does it hurt having your face smashed against the cage like that.
Jim Ross: We can only imagine Brain. It’s not looking good for Vinnie here.
Bobby Heenan: It wasn’t looking good for him when he signed the contract to fight Cain. A man outweighing him by 70 pounds!
JOEY STYLES: Will Cain even let Lane have a moment of reprieve?
Bobby Heenan: Not if he’s smart and let’s face it… he’s a smart guy.

Cain finally relents and pulls Vinnie into the ring further. He places his foot on his chest and smirks at the referee. The referee gets down…



NO! Lane just got his shoulder up.

Cain quickly pulls up Lane who delivers a swift uppercut catching Cain off guard! Lane quickly wraps his head and nails a headlock driver! The face of Cain is drilled into the mat!

Lane scurries away and looks up at the steel cage. He reaches above the ropes and begins to scale the wall. He raises one hand and one foot in unison. Lane slowly begins making his way up the cage, but the lull in action has Cain back to his feet.

JOEY STYLES: Hurry Vinnie!
Bobby Heenan: I thought we were supposed to be impartial.
Jim Ross: We are. Although you’re a fine candidate to be speaking about impartiality.
Bobby Heenan: What’s that supposed to mean, Oklahoma?
JOEY STYLES: I think he’s referring to the fact you’ve been rooting for Cain all match?
Jim Ross: Yes and it’s been a slobber knocker. It’s also JR not Oklahoma, Bobby.
Bobby Heenan: Whatever you say, Mouth of the South.

He smirks up at Lane and moves towards him. He begins yanking on his leg, but Lane begins kicking at him. Cain delivers a powerful clubbing blow to the back of Lane’s knee causing him to release the cage and fall towards The Last Son of Eden. He runs towards the center of the ring and hits a bone-jarring powerslam! Lane’s back arches in pain from the slam.

Cain raises to his feet and begins systematically analyzing Lane. He looks down at the leg of Lane and delivers a dropping elbow drop driving it straight into the side of the leg. Lane howls in agony.

Cain drags him by the injured leg towards the bottom rope and rests the ankle on it. He leaps into the air and brings his weight down directly on that injured knee. Lane reaches up in exasperation at Cain! Cain does it again and is smirking while he does it. Lane has tears forming at the corners of his eyes! Cain goes to do it one more time, but Lane times it well and escapes! Cain hits the mat!

Lane uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet, but his base is shaky on that injured knee. Cain gets up quickly and charges at Lane! Lane catches him with a spinning spinebuster using momentum as his catalyst!

Cain gets up rather quickly. He turns towards Lane, but Lane slaps his chest with a chop. Cain raises his hand and nails a giant chest slap in retaliation! Lane cringes in pain, but throws Cain against the ropes. On the rebound, Lane wraps his head in a sit-out sleeper slam! Cain slowly gets to his feet but Lane is all over him! Before he can even get up, Lane leaps and hits the Rocker Dropper sending Cain’s face into the mat! Cain is still attempting to get up! Lane waits for this and nails a superkick sending the beast down once more. Not that that stops him! Cain pounds the mat to try to will himself back up. Lane spots this, wrenches the arm of Cain, places his knee on top of his head, and drives his face into the mat! Bad Medicine Knee-Driver! Cain is motionless, finally!

JOEY STYLES: I thought he’d never go down!
Bobby Heenan: Me either! Come on Cain! You got this!
Jim Ross: Whatever happened to that impartiality?
Bobby Heenan: Impartiality? I’ve got money on this match. Come on kid!
JOEY STYLES: Who knows, maybe you can join the MLB Hall of Fame. Can’t go here for betting on matches.

Loverboy backs away as he’s finally able to down the monstrous Cain. He takes a breath and wipes the sweat from his brow. He sees the cage and rushes over to it. He begins locking his fingers around the steel and pulling himself up. He slowly scales to the top of the cage. He throws a leg over the steel top. That’s when he hears it.

The crowd.

He looks out and sees them jumping up and down. He looks into the ring to see Cain has gotten to his feet and is standing groggily. He looks at Cain, looks at the crowd, looks back at Cain.

The people are on their feet. Lane slowly gets to his feet standing on top of the steel wall. He looks at the crowd, does an air guitar rift, then…

Jim Ross: You don’t think he would…


JOEY STYLES: Is he really going to…


Bobby Heenan: Why would he do that?!

From the top of the cage!

The loud OOMPH is heard as both men’s bodies thud against the mat!

Lane had delivered a moonsault from the top of the cage taking down both Cain and himself!

Both men are out.

Jim Ross: What a great maneuver, but it seems to have taken as much out of Lane as it did Cain.
Bobby Heenan: It sounds like a stupid maneuver then. It’s like why did the chicken cross the road?
JOEY STYLES: Okay I’ll bite, why did the chicken cross the road?
Bobby Heenan: To be a glory hog just like Vinnie. Get up Cain!

They are out for what feels like an eternity. Finally…

Cain begins to stir. He slowly raises up looking disoriented. Lane slowly begins pulling himself up with the ropes on the apron. As he does so, Cain charges him and plows him into the steel wall behind him! Lane crumples on the apron between the ropes and the cage.

Cain pulls Vinnie to the center of the ring and mounts him. He begins headbutting Lane. He lays in some harsh boxing shots which seem to have opened up Lane! Blood begins flowing from the forehead of Lane.

Cain takes a step back and admires his handiwork. He motions for the door to be opened as it is. He steps through the ropes and looks like he’s about to exit the ring!

Bobby Heenan: Go Cain go! You got this championship!

He takes a step out onto the stairs. That’s when he hears the voice of Vinnie Lane. He stops, turns around and sees Lane barely standing inside the ring. He gazes at him before turning around, dropping trou, smacking his ass at Cain, and then pulling it up.

Bobby Heenan: Oh no.

Cain becomes incensed. He enters the ring as Lane tries to cut him off at the ropes.

Bobby Heenan: You idiot! Get out of there!

Cain has nothing of that as he flings him away. The Monster charges him and hits a devastating leg sweep taking Loverboy off his feet and down to the mat in a heap holding his knee.

Cain isn’t done though! He begins stomping and stomping on the hurt knee. His stomps seem to be getting even more furious with each and every one. The referee is just standing back with a hand over his mouth. There’s nothing he can do here.

Cain finally breaks for a moment. He steps on the knee and then walks over putting his full 298 pounds on top of that knee. Lane yells out in anguish, but Cain just sneers. He then picks up the carcass of Lane. He lifts him up on his shoulder and rushes towards the corner and launches him facefirst for snake eyes! Lane hobbles away from the turnbuckle only to take DAS Boot! Lane falls to the mat as Cain is beginning to gain momentum. He lays across Lane’s body for the pinfall.



NO! Lane just barely got his shoulder up!

Cain sneers obviously enthused that the match would continue.

He lifts up Lane and grabs his throat with a Tongan Death Grip! He holds Lane in place with his right hand while punishing his face with his left. Stiff jab after jab until Lane kicks Cain in the balls. Cain releases the hold and backs away holding himself.

Lane begins to run, but staggers as a result of his bum leg. Cain sees this weakness and hits a throat thrust while Lane is not looking. He wraps his hand around the throat of Lane and lifts him up before driving him hard into the mat!

Chokeslam to Hell!

Cain looks pissed. He covers Lane and hooks the leg. He’s determined to get this pinfall.



NO! Lane powers out barely once more!

Bobby Heenan: How in the hell did he…
JOEY STYLES: He’s Vinnie Lane! That’s how! He feeds off this capacity crowd, Bobby!
Jim Ross: What stamina and durability this kid must have to keep going on like this.

The crowd is popping big for the fan-favorite Loverboy! Cain is pissed! He gets to his feet and tugs at his hair slightly in exasperation. An idea suddenly dawns on him as he brings a thumb across his throat. Loverboy slowly gets up and Cain picks him up for….


NO! Lane counters out of it by using his body weight to stop the move! He punches Cain in the side of his head getting him to release the hold.

Lane uses his body weight and hits the back of the legs of Cain sending him down to the mat. He crawls over, wraps Cain’s head under his arm, and wrenches back!


Jim Ross: This is one of his big finishers! This will be a tough hold to break!
JOEY STYLES: Looks like he won’t be this time around.
Bobby Heenan: You can break this hold, Cain! You got this!

Cain is in some supreme pain! His face is beginning to turn red! He reaches out and begins pulling himself towards the ropes!

The ropes will do you no good, Cain!

Cain seems to realize this and begins grabbing the neck of Lane and…


Nothing! He can’t escape!

JOEY STYLES: Wait, what’s going on?
Jim Ross: Someone has entered the ringside area.

A hooded man enters the ring holding Lane’s championship, but Lane and Cain are faced the other way! The hooded man runs across the ring and clobbers Lane in the back of his head with the belt!

Lane hits the mat hard!

The hooded man picks up Cain and nails him with a spinning kick!

He lifts up Vinnie again and nails a fireman’s carry into an ace crusher!

JOEY STYLES: Wait… there’s only one person I know who uses that move and that’s…

The hooded man removes his hood to reveal the face of TJ Wallace!

Fuck you Underground . Fucking shitfalcon faggotrons!

TJ stomps on both men before leaving the ring and throwing the Hart title to the ground.

JOEY STYLES: Both men are down, but that may have helped Cain!
Jim Ross: Cain didn’t seem to have an answer for that submission.
Bobby Heenan: Cain broke the hold! I told you he would.
Jim Ross: No, TJ Wallace broke that hold.
Bobby Heenan: TJ Wallace? He’s not even in this match JR.

They slowly stir after a moment or two but the life seems drained out of both of them. Lane is up first and sends a blow to Cain knocking him backwards. Cain comes back with an equally devastating shot. They begin trading blows. Cain rears one back and clobbers Lane! Lane rocks backwards and is staggered. Cain grabs him, lifts him up, and….


The swinging faceplant has demolished Loverboy. He’s not even responsive. Cain collapses absolutely exhausted! He reaches over, pulls Lane closer to him, and pins him!




NO! Lane actually kicked out at the VERY last second.

Cain is in shock. He’s looking at Lane with a dumbfounded look on his face. He stands up and he’s enraged! He’s ballistic! His eyes seemingly turn red as he grabs the referee by the collar and lifts him off the ground and begins yelling belligerently at him! The referee looks scared as hell.

JOEY STYLES: Whoa! He just kicked out of Cain’s trump card!
Jim Ross: No wonder he’s so irate. He thought he had this match won.
Bobby Heenan: That damn cheating referee. Maybe I need to go have a word with him.
Jim Ross: Or you can just sit right there, Brain.

Meanwhile, ‘Loverboy’ has gotten back to his feet, but looks extremely shaky. He whistles at Cain. Cain turns around absolutely irate. Loverboy winks and blows him a kiss.

CAIN SCREAMS! A bloody-curdling bellow!

He charges head-first as Lane moves out of the way at the last second. Cain’s head hits the steel wall! Loverboy moves to another rope and whistles at him again! Cain is blowing smoke from his nose! He charges once more and Loverboy narrowly avoids it! Cain crashes into the wall once more! Cain is dazed!

Loverboy kicks him in the gut, careful to put most of his weight on one leg. He lifts the monstrous Cain up! He turns the suplex into a piledriver and…

JOEY STYLES: Oh my god!

He hits the Steiner Screwdriver! Lane smirks, mouths at the camera, “Operation: Mind Crime.” He covers Cain!



THRE-NO! Cain kicked out!

Loverboy looks shocked. Cain quickly gets to his feet. He clotheslines Loverboy down and stomps on his knee some more! He grabs Lane by the hair and rips and rips and….

Jim Ross: Oh no!
Bobby Heenan: Lane is going to be so pissed.

Cain just ripped the weave off of Lane’s head! Lane’s short, growing in hair is shown to the world! Cain begins laughing at Lane. Lane looks at the ground for a moment before smiling at the distracted Cain.

Lane rushes forward and nails a superkick! Cain seems surprised by this. He is staggering around. Lane kicks him in the gut, and interlocks arms with Cain and LIFTTTTTTSSS…


The enormous weight of Cain comes down right on top of his head. Lane looks in supreme pain from his leg, but he crawls over and covers him.




Winner: ‘Loverboy’ Vinnie Lane

‘Loverboy’ celebrates in the ring with his Hart Championship as Roxy enters the ring. He plants a large smooch on her as he raises the gold high in the air! Cain stirs and gets up looking ready for more fighting. Loverboy looks at him for a few seconds holding Roxy behind him. Cain looks at the man who he bloodied and ripped his weave out. He walks over to the cage and hits it in exasperation.

Roxy hands Lane a towel so he can clear the blood from his face. He limps over as Cain turns around. Lane nods his head and extends his hand. The crowd is cheering in favor of the gesture! Cain sighs and shakes it begrudgingly. Cain grabs Lane’s hand and raises it high.

The crowd cheers on the united force that is The Underground.

JOEY STYLES: What a great ending to a fantastic match.
Bobby Heenan: I think I’m going to be sick.
Jim Ross: Oh will you stop!

"Monster" by Eminem and Rihanna plays

Justin Roberts: The following contest is a triple threat submission match for the INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP! Introducing first, one of the challengers... from Alexandra, Central Otago, New Zealand, weighing in at 200 lbs... MASTERMIND!

The lights go out, and then when they come back on Mastermind is seen standing on the top rope waving to the crowd.

"Sad But True" by Metallica plays.

Justin Roberts: His opponent from Berlin, Germany, weighing in at 298 lbs... SEBASTIAN DUKE!

The lights go out and stay out for several seconds.


The darkness is finally cut as the X-Tron explodes into flames. From the very top of it, the flames travel out on both sides until they surround the tron. From there, flames explode from the ramp then travel down both sides of the ramp. The flames reach the bottom of the ramp and all four corners of the ring explode with more firey flamages igniting the steel lighting structure above the ring into a kind of ring of fire.

With the illusion that the entire arena is on fire, Sad But True hits. The flames continue to burn and just after Sad But True's pause near the beginning, Sebastian Duke finally emerges. Not from backstage, but from beneath, as if he's coming from the depths of hell. Once Duke reaches the stage, he makes his way to the ring with an average speed approach, the flames raising and lowering to the beat of the drums in Sad But True.

"Come Join The Murder" by The White Buffalo and The Forest Rangers plays.

Justin Roberts: Introducing last from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing in at 240 lbs... CORVUS!

The lights go out and then a long Koww is heard throughout the arena followed by a few short caws and then the XWF tron lights up and CorVus' official XWF entrance video plays. corVus will then slowly make his way down to the ring but...

Stop! Fraud!!!!

Who's voice is that?


He rushes out, waving a handful of asparagus in the air and shouting at CorVus.

Shane: The results are in! You're a fake! Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, this man known as CorVus lied to me about who he really was. I was originally lead to believe that he was really the legendary Shane , but now it turns out he lied about it.

Shane throws his asparagus at CorVus.

Shane: As we know, when somebody defrauds the XWF they also defraud my potato and my waggle bagga! Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Effective immediately I am reversing CorVus' cash in and putting the championship back on Sebastian Duke. It will be like HE NEVER LOST IT! The cash in NEVER HAPPENED. This also means Justin Sane gets his briefcase back! Yes!

Shane pumps his fist but the crowd doesn't seem as pleased.

Shane: And as for you, CorVus, I'm afraid I'm going to have to have you placed under arrest by the potato police. Gentlemen?

Shane is looking over to the entrance but nobody comes out at first.

Then a man comes out wearing an all brown suit with a burlap sack over his head. CorVus looks confused, but Shane looks on admiringly.

JOEY STYLES: “Sebastian Duke! He's looking to get him some of Corvus!”

JIM ROSS: “Business is 'bout to pick up, Joey!”

Sebastian Duke exits the ring and heads up the aisle way, nearly running. He throws his cape to the ground and Corvus swings, but Duke blocks it. Duke rears back and nails Corvus in the jaw with a fist full of hate. Corvus rocks backward and stumbles. Mastermind looks on from the ring, awaiting the opening bell. Duke grabs Corvus by his hair and tosses him into the entrance way rigging causing Corvus to wince in pain.

Corvus staggers away from the steel rigging only to walk right into a big boot from Sebastian Duke. Corvus drops to the entrance stage and the Intercontinental title belt comes undone. Corvus is on all fours as he starts to get up but Duke punts him in the ribs, sending him rolling over onto his stomach. Duke reaches down and lifts up his Intercontinental title. He folds the straps, momentarily staring into the gold, then drops the title to his side, holding it by the strap.


JOEY STYLES: “JESUS! Duke is whipping Corvus with the title!”


Corvus tries to retreat toward the ring but Duke isn't letting up as he continuously whips Corvus until the referee tries to interrupt. Duke then folds up the straps and hands the title to the referee. The referee turns to head back to the ringside area and is then decked from behind by Duke.

JOEY STYLES: “He's been warning people all week not to get in his way!”

JIM ROSS: “That was a callous move! The man is a referee!”

Corvus rolls away from Duke, down to the bottom of the entrance ramp. Duke stands above Corvus and then stands on Corvus right hand, not allowing Corvus to move. Duke then takes his other foot and drives it down into the back of Corvus' head, smashing it into the arena floor.

Duke lifts Corvus up and tosses him into the ring steps causing Corvus to arch his back in pain, then fall to the floor. Duke lifts Corvus up one more time and drives him head first into the steps. Corvus staggers back and tries to climb onto the apron of the ring, but collapses back to the floor. Duke looks around and sees a fat guy in a Defiance t-shirt. Duke walks over to him and shoves him out of his chair, then takes said chair.

Duke folds the steel chair and Fat Defiance Fan is leaning over the railing yelling at Duke.


JOEY STYLES: “Oh my GOD! Duke just hit that Defiance fan with the chair!”

Bobby Heenan: “Well, he had it comin'!”

Duke nails Corvus over his back with the chair with authority, sending Corvus collapsing back to the floor and bending the edge of the chair up. Duke reaches down and grabs Corvus by his hair and lifts him up yet again. Duke then places the edge of the chair against Corvus' throat. Holding the chair perpendicular, he drives them both into the steel ring post causing the chair to get sandwiched between the post and Corvus' throat!

BOBBY HEENAN: “That'll teach him to talk!”

JOEY STYLES: “The one and only, Bobby The Brain Heenan, folks!”

Duke then roots around under the ring and pulls out a table and sets it up at ringside. He then lifts Corvus up and rolls him into the ring. Duke then climbs the turnbuckles and takes a seat, waiting for Corvus as he struggles to get to his feet. Corvus stumbles and falls into the corner Duke is sitting in. Duke reaches down and lifts Corvus the rest of the way up. He climbs to his feet while perched on the outside of the second rope. Duke pulls Corvus up the turnbuckles by his hair. Duke then lifts Corvus up into a suplex...

JOEY STYLES: “Darkness Falls, Two Point OH!!”

JIM ROSS: “By GAWD! Corvus is broken in half!”

Duke delivers the jackhammer from the middle rope, down through the table and to the floor! Duke climbs out of the rubble and enters the ring and finally the new referee signals for the bell.

[Image: dEKU7GH.jpg]

Duke looks over the ropes down at Corvus who lies motionless on the floor. Mastermind sneaks up behind Duke and rolls him up!



Duke kicks out!

Duke and Mastermind both get back to their feet. Mastermind starts delivering punch after punch, rocking the much larger man backward against the ropes. Mastermind attempts to toss Duke across the ring to the far side but Duke reverses, sending Mastermind instead. On the rebound, Duke goes for a big boot but Mastermind wisely ducks under it and bounces off the other ropes again. Upon that rebound, Mastermind delivers a clothesline to Duke, staggering the big man, but not taking him down.

Mastermind backs up and bounces off the ropes again, and again hits Duke with a clothesline. Again Duke rocks backward but does not fall down. One more time, Mastermind bounces off the ropes, but this time Duke is ready for him. Duke bends down, preparing to deliver a high back body drop, but Mastermind telegraphs Duke's telegraph and plants Duke head first into the mat with a DDT. Mastermind quickly turns the big man over and hooks the leg.



Duke kicks out!

Mastermind gets back to his feet and runs to the ropes, he bounces off and lands a big legdrop on Sebastian Duke. The master of minds climbs to his feet again and drops an elbow into the chest of Duke. Duke rolls over on to his stomach after the impact. Mastermind gets to his feet again and grabs Duke by his left ankle. He then lifts up Dukes leg and drives it knee first into the mat. Duke yells out in agony after the impact.

Mastermind then grabs Duke by his ankle again and Duke rolls over onto his back and kicks Mastermind away. Duke starts to get to his feet, but Mastermind is back up quickly. Before Duke can get completely vertical, Mastermind charges in and delivers a chop block to the back of Duke's left knee, dropping the big man instantly.

Mastermind then grabs Duke left ankle and yanks hard, torquing Dukes knee as he yells out. The master of minds then drags the larger man toward the corner before exiting the ring.

JOEY STYLES: “What's he going to do here guys?”

Mastermind drags Sebastian Duke under the ropes with the ring post between his legs. Mastermind lifts Dukes left leg up, then slams its down, causing the inside of Dukes left knee to impact the ring apron.

JOEY STYLES: “Mastermind, being very methodical in deliberate in his offense thus far!”

Mastermind grabs Duke by his left ankle and rings his leg against the ring post.... twice.... now three times, before...

JIM ROSS: “That's shades of the Hitman, Bret Hart right there!”

JOEY STYLES: “The King of Darkness is in a world a trouble!”

BOBBY HEENAN: “Disqualify him, ref!”

Mastermind locks in a figure four, trapping Dukes legs around the ring post. The big man yells out in agony for several minutes until Mastermind can no longer hold on, and releases the hold, dropping himself to the floor. Duke falls flat on the mat with his legs still dangling off the edge of the apron. Mastermind gets back to his feet and grabs both of Dukes ankles. Without a hint of warning, Duke brings his knees up and causes Mastermind to collide head first with the ring post.

The master of mind staggers backwards and collapses to one knee as he shakes the cobwebs. Meanwhile, Duke drags himself out of the corner and uses the ropes to aid him to his feet. He limps around, trying to get the blood flowing again in his banged up left wheel.

Mastermind gets back to his feet and rolls into the ring. After getting to his feet, he charges toward a seemingly unsuspecting Duke who drives an elbow into Masterminds head. Mastermind staggers back and hits one knee. He then gets right back up and bounces off the ropes. On the rebound he runs with a full head of steam right into a big boot from Sebastian Duke.

JOEY STYLES: “The big man is no longer grounded!”

Duke still limps, but not quite as bad as previously as he heads to Mastermind and lifts him to his feet. Duke whips Mastermind hard into the corner. Mastermind hits with such impact that he bounces out of the corner and heads right back at Duke. Duke catches him and slams him to the mat with a Bossman Slam! Duke hooks the leg.



Mastermind kicks out!

Duke gets back to his feet and lifts Mastermind to his. Duke tosses Mastermind o the ropes, but Mastermind reverses the momentum and sends Duke to the ropes instead. On the rebound, Duke grabs a hold of the ropes, stopping his momentum. A result of which sees Mastermind charging full speed back at Duke. The King of Darkness ducks down and lifts Mastermind high into the air and tosses him over the top rope with a back body drop! Mastermind crashes hard on the outside.

Duke starts to go to the outside but the referee impedes his progress. Duke backs off as Mastermind slowly gets to his feet on the outside. Duke then runs off the far side ropes and leaps high over the top rope with a Suicide Dive on Mastermind!

Duke is slow to get back to his feet, but lifts Mastermind to his right along with him. Duke sets him up for a powerbomb and lifts him into the air, draping him over his shoulder. Duke then leaps into the air and lands on his knees, delivering a high impact back breaker to Mastermind.

Duke gets to back to his feet and rolls into the ring, still nursing his aching left knee. He peeks outside the ring and notices Mastermind coming for more. Duke climbs to his feet as Mastermind rolls into the ring. Duke grabs Mind by his hair and starts to lift him up, but out of nowhere, Mastermind delivers a dropkick to the already injured knee of Sebastian Duke, dropping the big man back to his knees. Mastermind then quickly gets in position and locks in the Mind Sleeper!

Duke stands up with Mastermind attached to him, and starts to thrash wildly, then accidentally nails the referee upside the head with his elbow, knocking him out. Duke starts to fade fast and drops back to his knees. He fades further and hits the mat, looking like he's out cold.

JOEY STYLES: “Duke is out! Mastermind put him to sleep! And there's no referee to make the call!”

Mastermind realizes the referee is out and releases the sleeper hold. He shoves Duke off of him and gets to his feet. Mastermind starts trying to revive the referee, looking over his shoulder at Duke. The referee starts to come to and Mastermind just casually tries to pin Duke. The referee immediately, but groggily, waves it off, pointing out that Dukes leg is under the ropes.

Mastermind slams the mat and gets back to his feet. He drags Duke out from under the ropes and lifts him to his knees. Then locks the Mind Sleeper in again. Duke immediately snapmares Mastermind off of him. Both men get to their feet but Mastermind walks right into a big boot from Duke. Duke wastes little time as he brings Mastermind back to his feet. He then lifts him up in a hanging vertical suplex, leaving him suspended for twenty or thirty seconds before twisting him down in the jackhammer!

JOEY STYLES: “Darkness Falls 2.0!”

The referee is still shaking the cobwebs and is not in position as a result...



Mastermind kicks out!

JOEY STYLES: “Duke is laughing! He's laughing in disbelief that Mastermind was able to kick out!”

Duke gets back to his feet and puts his hands on his hips, still in disbelief that Mastermind kicked out. He then reaches down and lifts Mastermind to his feet again. He attempts to lift him into the jackhammer again, but Mastermind traps Dukes leg and roll him up into a small package! This could do it!



JOEY STYLES: “He got him!”

JOEY STYLES: “No! The referee signals it was only a two count!”

Duke gets back to his feet. Slowly, Mastermind starts to get to his...

JOEY STYLES: “Darkest Night!”

Duke hits the Brogue Kick on Mastermind. He collapses and Sebastian wraps his head in The 9th Circle of Hell! The Hell's Gate is locked on hard! Mastermind barely moves before tapping out furiously.

Winner: Sebastian Duke

JOEY STYLES: “That's it! It's over! Sebastian Duke retains the Intercontinental title here at Lethal Lottery against a man that showed up in a big way here tonight!”

JIM ROSS: “Mastermind should be proud, guys. He should be proud that he stood up to the likes of Sebastian Duke and damn near stole the damn thing!”

BOBBY HEENAN: “No! You're both wrong! He should be proud that Sebastian Duke didn't squash him like an insect!”

Duke raises the Intercontinental title high as “Sad But True” plays over the sound system. On the far side of the ring, Mastermind is struggling to his feet. Duke walks over to Mastermind and helps him steady himself. The two shake hands before Duke raises Masterminds hand as well.

Suddenly, the lights go dim. The man in the brown suit with the burlap sack over his head removes the sack to show... Hysteria?!

[red]JOEY STYLES:[/red] LH Harrison has been injured. He revealed himself as Hysteria yet now he's back as Hysteria? Is this mind games?
Jim Ross: I'm not sure but he's about to grab CorVus!

Hysteria strolls down to the broken CorVus. He grabs him by his legs and begins dragging him away all while laughing hysterically. They disappear into the curtains.

"Pay For It" by Jay Rock ft. Kendrick Lamar

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the UNIVERSAL CHAMPIONSHIP! Introducing first, one of the challengers, from Harlem, New York, weighing in at 243 lbs... TJ WALLACE!

"Pay for it" plays over the PA as TJ Wallace walks out from the back onto the ramp. He does a "I can't hear you" chant and raises.his arms up and down, getting the crowd hype. Then he puts his index finger to his lip and quiets the crowd. He walks down the ramp, slapping hands, kissing babies, grabbing titties. He slides in the ring and sits on the far turnbuckle.

"Sentry the Defiant" by Coheed and Cambria

Justin Roberts: Introducing the other challenger from Baltimore, Maryland, weighing in at 179 lbs... 'THE AERIAL KNIGHT' JOHNATHAN HEARTSFORD!

The acoustic strums of a guitar can be heard as the spotlights point directly at the ramp and everyone becomes dead silent. The acoustic strums repeat for a second time as fog begins to seep out of the ramp and towards the ring itself. Just as the song becomes heavy, the Aerial Knight bursts through the curtains and takes a good look at the crowd and the ring. Once the lyrics hit, he slowly walks to the ring, slapping the hands of the fans to his left side as he passes them by. As soon as he gets close to the ring, he stops and looks up at the ring, where the referee and TJ are waiting for him. He smirks at them and circles the ring as the song continues to play, even as the chorus plays out. After annoying the referee and taking a good chunk of air time out of the show, he climbs the stairs and hops over the top rope. Once inside, he then hops to the top rope of his respective corner and waits for the bell to ring. All the while, he has a cocky smirk on his face.

"House of 1,000 Corpses" by Rob Zombie plays.

Justin Roberts: Introducing last from Sulphur, Louisiana, weighing in at 233 lbs... he is the UNIVERSAL CHAMPION... DOCTOR LOUIS D'VILLE!

The lights go out in the arena followed by an eerie red glow. Smoke rises from the entrance way and the Doctor emerges from it. He stands at the top of the ramp and looks out among the crowd, then slowly begins walking towards the ring. The Doctor climbs the ring steps and into the ring, he stands on the second turnbuckle and holds his arms into the air as the lights flash back on.

[Image: aenuowZ.jpg]

The three men stand in their corners, Knight glares at Doc as TJ burns a hole with a look to Knight, Doctor Louis D'Ville smirks to himself looking between the two. The ref calls for the bell and this match is underway Knight throws himself from the corner and starts to rush towards D'Ville but he's caught off guard by TJ who Dropkicks Heartsford over the top rope! Knight falls to the outside but lands on his feet as he holds the side of his head looking back at TJ, D'Ville stays near his corner watching this.

Wallace runs to the opposite ropes, rebounds and sprints towards Knight leaping over the top rope with a crossbody! But Knight catches him and throws him against the commentator's table. D'Ville looks out of the ring and laughs to himself, Johnathon grabs TJ's head and smashes it against the table.

BOBBY HEENAN: "Hey watch my notes!"

Knight throws TJ's head back and smashes it against the table once more.

BOBBY HEENAN: "Jesus! Shouldn't you guys be in the ring!?"

JOEY STYLES: "This is X-Treme Heenan!"

BOBBY HEENAN: "X-Tremely annoying."

Heartsford raises Wallace's head once more but TJ fights out of it, throwing an elbow into Knight's nose. Knight releases his hold and moves away from TJ clutching his nose. Wallace takes a breather at the table, Knight shakes the cobwebs and looks to the ring, D'Ville has his arms rested on the ropes looking at the two, he smiles and motions for them to carry on. Knight looks confused and turns back to Wallace and his fist.

TJ with a quick right hook to Knight and a left! Wallace grabs Knight and flings him into the ring, D'Ville turns to Knight who is down on the mat, TJ goes under the ring and Doctor D'Ville plucks Knight to his feet, wrapping his hand around Knight's neck and pushing him into the corner. D'Ville puts his forearm against Knight's neck and pushes with all his force, then starts to punch Knight in the ribs.

Doctor throws Knight away from the corner and hurls him across the ring. Heartsford catches his breath on his knees. D'Ville walks towards the fallen Knight but he's caught by TJ from behind with a steel chair! Wallace crashes the chair against Doc's back causing him to fall to his hands and knees. TJ raises the chair high above his head and swings it down, Doc barely rolls out of the way and the chair crashes against the mat. Doc quickly gets to his feet, TJ throws the chair to Doc who catches it, TJ jumps and kicks at the chair, but Doc is too smart to fall for that trick and hops back. Wallace falls to the ground and D'Ville smashes the chair onto Wallace's back.

JOEY STYLES: “The Knight from behind!”

JIM ROSS: “Get it, kid!”



JOEY STYLES: “And Doc kicks out of the school boy roll up!”

Knight gets back to his feet and so does Doc D'Ville. TJ Wallace remains down and out on the mat. Doc throws a knee into Heartsford's gut, stunning him in place. Doc then goes for a suplex, but Knight has his leg grapevined and blocks the maneuver, only to suplex Doc to the mat himself!

The Aerial Knight gets back to his feet and Doc is slightly slower in getting to his. Knight grabs Doc in a front chancellery then drives Doc headfirst to the mat with a DDT! Knight doesn't let go though, and turns the DDT into a guillotine choke!

JOEY STYLES: “Oh Doc is in a bad way here!”

BOBBY HEENAN: “I thought he was supposed to be honorable! That's a choke! He should be disqualified! What the hell is wrong with the referees here in the XWF!?”

JIM ROSS: “That's not a choke, Bobby! The referee is right there, he can see it with his own eyes!”

JOEY STYLES: “Not only that, but its a triple threat match, Brain. There is no disqualifications!”

TJ Wallace has returned to his feet and notices that Knight has Doc trapped in the guillotine. TJ lifts the chair off the mat and slowly makes his way to his two opponents...



JOEY STYLES: “Back to back chair shots from TJ Wallace to the back of the Universal Champion! Doc D'Ville is defenseless!”

Knight releases the hold on Doc and starts to get to his feet. With Doc down and out for the moment, TJ Wallace unfolds the chair. When he turns around he's caught off guard by an Aerial Knight who hits him with a cross body block! TJ Wallace falls backward and lands on the chair, toppling it over and onto his back with Johnathan Heartsford lying on top of him.



JOEY STYLES: “And TJ Wallace kicks out of this one!”

Knight gets to his feet and lifts TJ Wallace to his. Knight tosses TJ into the corner and follows in, delivering a enziguiri to the reeling TJ. Wallace rebounds out of the corner and falls to his hands and knees. Heartsford retreats to the apron and scales the turnbuckles, waiting on the top rope for TJ Wallace to turn around. Wallace gets to his feet and slowly turns.... right into a missile dropkick from the Aerial Knight!

Heartsford quickly makes the cover and hooks the leg.




JOEY STYLES: “Doc D'Ville! He breaks up the pin attempt with a chair to the back of Heartsford!”

Knight slowly gets to his feet, clutching his lower back. Doc moves in behind him and throws him to the mat with a release German suplex! Knight starts to get back to his feet, now clutching both his head and his back, and Doc moves in and plants Knight all over again with a swinging neckbreaker!

Carnivore by Starset is beginning to blast out through the entire arena, and the crowd is going wild! D'Ville, Knight and Wallace are all looking around wearily, the lighting is beginning to dim slowly... until everything in the arena is in pitch black. Flashing light can be seen coming from almost every phone in the arena, and the crowd is murmuring, creating an eerie scene...

Suddenly, the familiar voice of Austin Fernando can be heard.

"Did you really think I wouldn't show up?"

"Did you really think I wouldn't leave my mark?

"Did you really think I'd deprive you all of the opportunity to watch the shining star of the XWF, the face of the company?

"If you even began to fathom that idea, you were wrong."

The crowd slowly began to pick up, more and more people beginning to scream and shout, waiting in anticipation for Austin Fernando to come out.

"I'm here."

A spotlight is shined on the three men in the ring, and they all look around in confusion...

Wallace is scooped up from out of nowhere, and hit with THE END OF THE ROAD (Suplex Cutter), Austin Fernando can now be seen in the centre of the ring... and he is running straight out toward Knight, who is still looking extremely confused by the situation!

THE REVELATION! (Sling Blade) Knight got levelled by the running attack!

Knight and Wallace have rolled outward, away from the spotlight, and now Austin Fernando and The Doctor are looking right at one another.

Suddenly, the voice of Austin Fernando can be heard audibly once again, through the entire arena.

"D'Ville, your victory will be short-lived."

The Doctor is looking at Fernando confidently, a sneer developing over him.

"And your spotlight?"

Right when the word "spotlight" is said, the spotlight showing up on The Doctor is darkened, leaving only Austin Fernando to be seen standing in the middle of the ring.

"Will fade away."

The spotlight on Fernando is fading away... and now it is only dark once again...

Suddenly, the lighting is coming back into affect, and everything is lit up normally.

And right in the middle of the ring, D'Ville is sprawled out, every limb thrown out into a different direction.

Austin Fernando can't be seen... where did he go?

The referee is only just getting back into the ring, seeming unsure of what had just transpired!

The match is still going on, D'Ville, Wallace and Knight are all laid-out across the ring!

After a few moments... Doctor D'Ville slowly gets to his feet.

With both the Aerial Knight and TJ Wallace still down, Doc positions his two opponents so that the top of both of their heads touch each others. Doc then exits the ring to the apron and climbs to the top rope. He leaps off the top...

JOEY STYLES: “Trepanation!”

...Nobody home! Both TJ Wallace and the Aerial Knight roll out of the way just in time and Doc delivers the flying headbutt to the ring mat! The shock wave on the ring sends Doc rolling to the apron. Both Knight and Wallace get to their feet. They run toward each other but Knight goes for a lariat.

JOEY STYLES: “The Sound of Silence from TJ Wallace to the Aerial Knight!”

TJ Wallace ducks under the lariat from Knight and as Knight turned back around, he was caught in the head with the trouble in paradise from TJ Wallace! TJ goes for the win immediately.



JOEY STYLES: “Knight kicks out!”

JIM ROSS: “What a match! What a barn burner this has been!”

Wallace is beside himself that he didn't just win the match as he gets back to his feet. He argues with the speed of the referees count for a few seconds then returns his attention to Johnathan Heartsford. Knight struggles to get to his feet, but does so shakily. As he turns around, TJ Wallace lifts him up into a fireman's carry...

JOEY STYLES: “The Silencer! He nailed it!”

Wallace smells victory and hooks the leg!




JOEY STYLES: “He got him! He got him! TJ Wallace is the...”

BOBBY HEENAN: “No! The referee is saying Knight had his foot on the ropes!”

JIM ROSS: “My God! Both Wallace and Heartsford have come within an eyelash of winning the damn Universal title!”

TJ Wallace is noticeably frustrated as he gets to his feet. He stands face to face with the referee, arguing with him over the count and over the call. The referee is steadfast in his decision, but TJ Wallace will have none of it as he comes closer and closer to the referee, backing him all the way into the corner. Wallace yells obscenities at the referee as he cowers deeper into the corner.

Being satisfied that he's said what needed said, TJ Wallace elects to return his attention to the task at hand: winning the XWF Universal Championship. As he turns around though...

JOEY STYLES: “The Knighting!”

JIM ROSS: “Wallace is down!”

BOBBY HEENAN: “His boot has got to be loaded! Someone disqualify him!”

Knight is slow to get up. He debates going for the cover now momentarily before escaping to the outside and climbing the turnbuckles. He stands, perched on the top rope...

JOEY STYLES: “Knightfall!”

JIM ROSS: “That's one hell of a high risk that just might pay off!”

BOBBY HEENAN: “His chest was loaded, Ref! Disqualify him!”

The Knight goes for the cover and hooks the leg!




JOEY STYLES: “D'Ville with the Baton Tazer!”

JIM ROSS: “Shock Therapy from the Universal Champion to John Heartsford!”

BOBBY HEENAN: “That's the greatest legal move I have ever witnessed!”

JOEY STYLES: “Where the hell did Doc even come from!?”

Doc tosses the baton tazer aside and lifts Knight to his feet. He then tosses Knight to the outside of the ring. The defending Universal Champion then turns his attention to TJ Wallace. Doc exits the ring and scales the turnbuckles. He leaps off the top and nails the flying headbutt!

JOEY STYLES: “Trepanation from Doc to TJ Wallace!”

Doc then gets back to his feet and lifts TJ to his...

JIM ROSS: “The Lobotomy! My God what a move!”

JOEY STYLES: “I don't think Knight is done though! He's scaling the ropes!”

Doc hooks the leg...


Knight reaches the top rope...


Knight leaps into the air with Knight Fall!


JOEY STYLES: “Did he get him!?”

BOBBY HEENAN: “It was 3! Doc is still champion!”

JIM ROSS: “We've yet to hear anything official!”

The bell rings. The referee was caught in the side by Knights leg during the Knight Fall and was late to make the signal. The 3 came just before Knight landed.

Winner: Doctor Louis D'Ville

Joey Styles: Wait is that 'Loverboy' Vinnie Lane? And Cain?!
Jim Ross: This is about to turn into a slobber knocker.
Bobby Heenan: Maybe they're just coming out to pat Knight on the back.

Lane and Cain enter the ring. They help up Knight and nod at each other. They look at TJ and they attack! They all begin stomping on him and TJ is getting his rightful beating. Cain picks up TJ and nails him with a Devastation of Man! Knight goes up top and leaps down for another Knightfall on top of TJ! TJ is coughing up blood at this point. Cain and Knight both pick up TJ and hold him still. Lane gets right in his face.

You're done with The Underground? No, no. The Underground... the XWF... is done with TJ Wallace.

Lane smacks TJ with his Hart Title and then hits him with the Black Label Driver. TJ is unmoving and is still drooling blood.

As for you, Doctor...

Lane turns around to confront the Doctor, but D'Ville is magically on the entranceway. He looks down at Lane with a crooked smile on his face. His eyepatch covers his left eye.

Mr. Lane. It's time, my patient. Our time together is just beginning, but Mr. Lane... it's soon about to end.

They stand staring at each other as the screen fades to black.

Justin Roberts: The following contest is the Main Event of the evening for Lethal Lottery! It is a tag team match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 260 lbs.... PETER GILMOUR!

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then hear the eerie sounds of a bell being tolled and then an explosion of fire emitting from the entrance ramp. The beginning of SICK LIKE ME by IN THIS MOMENT begins as the heavy guitar riffs kick in and red strobes dance around the stage. As soon as the verse kicks in, we see Peter Gilmour and his lovely queen Maria Brink #2 come out to the ramp. They smile at each other before going down the ramp hand in hand. Peter bobs his head to the song. They get in the ring together and Peter gets on the turnbuckle and throws up an "X" sign as pyro goes off above the ring. Peter hops down and hugs Maria as they wait his next victim.

Justin Roberts: And his partner from London, England, weighing in at 225 lbs... RICKY DESMOND!

Money hits the ring. Ricky strolls out onto the stage and he looks across the thousands of fans. He has a eerie smirk on his face, and he punches his fists together as he always does. He strides down the ramp, briskly ignoring the fans as he does so. Ricky slowly climbs the steel steps and brushes his feet on the ring apron before climbing over the middle rope and raising his right arm into the air. The music comes to an end as he jogs on the spot in preparation.

Justin Roberts: Their opponents, first from Oslo, Norway, weighing in at 155 lbs... he is the X-Treme Champion... UNKNOWN SOLDIER!

The entire arena is shadowed in a cloud of smoke and darkness when out of the sky comes a red beaming light that traces a pentagram into the center of the ring. The pentagram continues to rotate in the center of the ring as Unknown Soldier sways out from underneath the dark archway entering the ring. His eyes gleam against the darkness surrounding his entrance. Step by step he closes in on that squared battleground. He climbs between the two middle turnbuckles, then turns to his corner of the ring. Kneeling down in the corner, he searches underneath his collar, pulling out from underneath his shirt, the silver pentagram... Then bringing it off his head, and into the palm of his two hands. He closes his eyes and pulls the silver pentagram towards his forehead, touching it... Then he raises his body up, and opens his eyes. He pulls the chains apart, then entangles the pentagram around his corner turnbuckle. Then drops it, and lets it dangle off it, facing the outside of the ring... He turns around gripping his chest, where the pentagram used to be, then takes a deep sigh, running the other hand through his hair....

Justin Roberts: And his partner from Waco, Texas, weighing in at 260 lbs... DIMOURDOW!

"Rock Star" plays as Dimallisher walks out shaking hands with the fans. His lovely manager, Sandy Smith, follows behind. He grabs her by the waist and makes out with her on the ring apron while she grabs a handful of his dick.

Joey Styles: “Here we are. We’ve waited almost two years to reach another Lethal Lottery, and this one has not disappointed. Peter Gilmour, Unknown Soldier, Ricky Desmond, and Dimourdow, or Dimallisher, or whatever he calls himself this week. Men like corVus, LH Harrison, Vinnie Lane, Mystica, even the Legendary Sebastian Duke have all fallen, and these men, these men rose. And this is the moment where careers will be altered forever. This is Lethal Lottery, this is the Final Four, this is the Main Event.”

Ding Ding Ding

[Image: NmpjLMD.jpg]

Here we go. It looks like….Ricky Desmond and……Unknown Soldier will start off this epic match! As they stand the same height, they look each other down. Unknown Soldier’s cold dead eyes staring into Ricky Desmond’s. They lock up! The bigger and stronger Desmond drives Soldier to the turnbuckle! Desmond with a barrage of punches! Ricky whips Soldier to the opposite turnbuckle, and Ricky immideatley charges at Soldier. Soldier quickly dodges the move, sending Ricky to the turnbuckle and Soldier is now on the attack! Soldier with a few punches to the head of Desmond, then he drags Desmond to the center of the ring, before whipping him to the ropes. Desmond comes back on the rebound and eats a dropkick from Soldier! Desmond rolls to his feet and eats another dropkick! Again Desmond rolls to his feet and Soldier whips him to the turnbuckle. Soldier charges at Desmond and hits him with a classic Stinger Splash! Desmond is groggy and he stumbles out of the turnbuckle and Soldier…Soldier charges at the ropes, he jumps on the top rope and Springboard Hurricanranna, taking Desmond down in an instance!

Joey Styles: Soldier is taking it to Desmond! Desmond looks as if he wasn’t fully prepared for the biggest event of the year! Soldier tags in Dimourdow!
Bobby Heenan Oh boy oh boy. Here comes my favorite to win this whole thing!
Jim Ross: Somehow that pick doesn't seem out of place.

Dim steps into the ring and stares at Desmond. Dim grabs Desmond by the hair and pulls him up to his feet. Dim with a punch! Dim with another punch! Dim with another punch! Desmond is reeling and Dim with a clothesline…No! Desmond ducks! Desmond turns around and hits Dim with a Back Stabber! The pain being visible in Dim’s face! Desmond leans on the turnbuckle, trying to get himself together after the beating he just took at the hands of Soldier. Dim slowly gets to his feet and Desmond charges and hits him with a Spinning Heel Kick! Dim slaps the mat and the crowd is going insane for Ricky Desmond! Desmond grabs Dim up and whips him to the corner.

Ricky slaps Peter’s chest quite hard I should say, tagging him in, in the process. Gilmour shoots this look at Ricky, then gets in the ring. Ricky grabs Dim and hits him with a snap suplex, before exiting the ring, and standing on the apron.

[red]JOEY STYLES:[/red] And here we are. It was bound to happen eventually. Gilmour will now have to face one of his best friends, someone he would never want to face, but this is different. If Gilmour wants that 24/7 Briefcase, if Gilmour wants to be XWF Universal Champion, sacrifices will have to be made.
Jim Ross: Friend vs. Friend in this environment. Finally Peter is having to go against his two biggest friends.

Peter helps Dim to his feet, and they both meet each other in the center of the ring. Peter extends a hand. Dim accepts it, and the handshake turns into a hug! A…..long……really long hug. Dim….Dim slowly extends his hand to Peter’s ass, and grasps it! Firmly grasps it! Peter pushes Dim off and then charges and hits him with a vicious clothesline! Dim falls to the mat like a sack of fucking potatoes! Gilmour drags Dim to his feet and Fireman’s Carry. The hits him with a Running Elbow Drop followed by a Fist Drop! A barrage of moves by the Ruler of the Realm of Xtreme! Gilmour tags in Ricky Desmond and Ricky climbs to the top turnbuckle. Ricky with a Diving Leg Drop, then Desmond runs over and tags Gilmour back in. Gilmour pulls Dim to his feet and whips him to the ropes. Dim on the rebound only to eat a big, big, BIG, Powerslam, sending Dim spine first into the mat! Gilmour with the pin, the first of the match!



Dim with the kickout!

Gilmour lets out a small grunt then pulls Dim to his feet. Gilmour whips Dim to the ropes. Dim comes back on the rebound and Gilmour with a clothesline, but Dim ducks. Dim to the ropes and on the rebound hits Gilmour with a clothesline of his own! The crowd is going insane! Gilmour rolls to his feet and he eats a Knife Edge Chop from Dim. And another. Gilmour is leaning on the ropes and Dim with a clothesline sending Gilmour to the floor! Dim is going crazy as he looks at his friend. Gilmour slowly rises to his feet and Dim charges and Suicide Dive, but Gilmour counters with a viscous punch to the jaw of Dimourdow! Dim hits the floor hard, and Gilmour slowly pulls him to his feet. Gilmour slides Dim in the ring, then catches his breath. Slowly Dim gets up, and Gilmour crawls in the ring. As Gilmour gets to his feet Dim is charging to the opposite ropes. Dim comes on the rebound and Gilmour charges at Dim, only to meet each other with Double Clothesline! Gilmour’s down! Dim is down as well! The ref begins a count!





Dim slowly starts to drag to his partner, while Gilmour slides to his.



TAG! Dim tags Soldier and Gilmour tags Desmond! Soldier leaps on the ropes and Desmond charges only to eat a Springboard Senton from Soldier! Soldier prances up and charges to the ropes, as Desmond rolls to his feet. Soldier with a crossbody, but Desmond catches him and hits him with a Pump Handle Slam! Dim is back in the ring, and he attempts a clothesline but Desmond counters with a Swinging Neckbreaker! Dim rolls out of the ring and eats a spear from Gilmour, sending them both through the barricade! As we get back in the ring, Soldier slowly rises to his feet, and Desmond charges with a clothesline. Soldier counters with a entire matrix move, bending his back completely! Desmond turns around and eats a Spinning Heel Kick! Desmond hits the ropes and leans on them. Soldier jumps on the apron and hits Desmond with a legdrop, all in one motion! Gilmour charges at Soldier on the outside, but Soldier dropkicks Gilmour’s knee and Gilmour hits the metal post, face first. Soldier turns around and eats a baseball slide from Desmond sending Soldier into the barricade! Desmond crawls out of the ring and grabs Soldier by the hair. Desmond sends Soldier face first into the steel steps and Soldier is gashed! The blood begins to pour from Soilder’s face! Soldier turns around and looks into the eyes of Desmond. Soldier begins to laugh, sadistically. Like a maniac. Soldier charges at Desmond at hits him with a clothesline, so deadly that Desmond did about five flips in the air. Soldier drags Desmond to his feet and tosses him in the ring. Soldier rolls in the ring and starts to stop on Desmond, punches, kicks, he’s letting an all-out onslaught of moves on the business man.

Soldier drags Desmond to his feet and he whips him to the ropes, Peter slapping his back, tagging himself in. Desmond eats a scoop slam, but Soldier eats a spear from Gilmour! Gilmour rolls to his feet, charges at Dim and knocks him off the apron with an elbow. Soldier is up and Gilmour charges, but Soldier sidesteps him, and sends Gilmour crashing into…..the ref! The ref is down! Oh fucking no! Dim tosses a steel chair wrapped in barbed wire at Soldier! Soldier takes the chair and smashes it on his own head, and now Soldier’s face is covered in blood! A fucking crimson mask! Gilmour is up and Soldier with the shot to the back, and Gilmour lets out the loudest most feminine scream in history! Gilmour drops to the mat, and Desmond comes to the rescue only to eat a shot by the weapon for himself! Blood, sweat, and Dim’s dick juice is all over the ring!

Jim Ross: We can't have this match end in a DQ so we're letting this all go on! Wouldn't want a repeat of last round.
Bobby Heenan: Whatever are you blabbing about now, JP?
Jim Ross: Oh will you shut up? Call the match.

Everyone is out of it! The legal men are Soldier and Desmond. They get back into the ring and the chaos seems to be over with... or is it? Desmond pulls a pair of brass knuckles out of his pants and BLASTS Soldier with them! Soldier is reeling as blood continues to pour from his head. He charges Ricky, but Ricky seemed to preempt that with Demolition! He lifts Soldier up, and spins him around into a spinning spinebuster! Soldier is down for the moment. Ricky goes for the cover!



NO! Soldier powers out.

Both men are up and Desmond connects with a Fisherman's Suplex! Soldier is bleeding out on the ground.

Jim Ross: He's bleeding like a stuck pig!
Bobby Heenan: I knew that was coming. Damnit JP.

Desmond sees Peter in the corner and leaps for him!


Peter comes in hot. Desmond aid him for a moment, but Soldier was playing opossum! He leaps to his feet, hits the ropes, and hits a springboard crossbody! Both men are down. Soldier grabs Desmond and flings him over the top rope towards Dim! Dim jumps down and begins smacking the hell out of Desmond with clubbing blows.

Soldier picks up Peter, but Peter counters him! He kicks Soldier in the gut and pulls him in for...


Peter covers him!



No! Soldier powers out just barely!

Peter is livid, he's freaking out! He points at the referee and begins screaming profanities! He's almost to the point of tears he's so done. He turns around to go back on the attack of Soldier.

But Soldier is already standing, smiling, with blood dripping down his teeth.

Peter looks paralyzed by the image!

Soldier rushes at him and nails an uppercut! He goes to the top rope! Peter is dazed!

He leaps!


The shooting star DDT connects! Peter is out cold! He covers him!




Winners: Unknown Soldier and Dimourdow

After the match Soldier and Dim rush to Peter's aid by helping him to his feet. The King of X-treme seems to be okay despite being put through hell by his friends. Dim is patting Peter on his ass out of respect for the effort that he showed tonight.

Dim: "You gave it your all but there was only so much you could do with having that sack of , limey shit as a partner! Let's kill him!"

The trio go after Desmond who has no where to hide. Dim grabs Desmond with a claw hold on his asshole. His grip is strong as he lifts Desmond's scrawny body into the air by his ass like a hand puppet. Desmond is screaming in pain as Dim digs all four fingers into his crack and holds him up vertically. Soldier then climbs to the top rope and hits Desmond with a missile drop kick. Desmond falls towards the mat and Peter grabs him mid air and plants him with a Gilmour Cutter!

Desmond rolls around on the ground holding his asshole.

Wait a minute, John Madison runs in the ring behind Unknown Soldier and kicks him in the testicles! What da hell?!

John Madison: "Finish him off!"

Dim looks down at Soldier who's hurt. Dim wants to win Lethal Lottery but not like this! He doesn't want to lose a friend! John Madison slaps Dim! He then pulls out a cattle prod and chases after Soldier with it, but Dimallisher grabs John by the wrist!

John Madison: "Shit!"

Dim spins John around and kicks him in the asshole! John then falls forward into a Gilmour Cutter by Peter!

Peter carries John away as Dim gets ready for the finals.

[Image: ZtHtWB5.jpg]

The bell rings and these two finalists look ready to go. Dim sighs and waves at Soldier. Soldier keeps his eyes focused but smiles faintly and gives a quick wave.

They lock up and begin moving around the ring. Dim seems to have the distinct size advantage and begins powering Soldier into the corner. There Dim begins hitting multiple rib shots. He continually pounds and pounds at his ribs until the four count. He pulls away and Soldier is having trouble breathing. Dim looks concerned and goes over to console him. Seemingly about halfway there, Dim snaps out of it, but it's too late.

Soldier sucker punches him!

Dim is reeling! Soldier charges him and hits a backflip kick, dropkick! Soldier lands on his feet and Dim is knocked to the floor! He leaps to the top rope and hits a corkscrew leg drop!

Dim is in pain and is barely moving.

Jim Ross: After the match that we just witnessed, these two men must be absolutely exhausted.
Bobby Heenan: You got this Soldier! Get him, get him!
[red]JOEY STYLES:[/red] I thought you were for Dim! Make up your mind!
Bobby Heenan: Are you kidding? I’ve been for Soldier since the very beginning!

Both men are now to their feet and Dim obliterates his face with a powerful strike. He staggers for a moment before coming back with a right hand that Dim catches! Soldier tries for a left! Dim catches it too! Dim’s enormous hands with an unusual smell are holding Soldier in place. Soldier strains trying to get his hands free and Dim looks at him with a dopey expression.

Soldier with the headbutt! Dim seems to have been shaken.

He begins pointing at imaginary birdies circling around his head. Soldier climbs to the top rope and looks poised. He leaps off and hits a suicide dive! Dim falls to the mat. Soldier leaps at the opportunity and begins nailing Dim with blow after blow to the cranium!

Dim is trying to fight it off, but Soldier is relentless! Lethal Lottery could very well be his turning point! He backs away and Dim begins getting up. Soldier moves to the corner and looks primed to go. He charges and nails a spear hitting Dim! Dim’s head hits the bottom rope and looks in pain!

Soldier moves away and begins tounching his necklace slowly as if measuring up Dimourdow. Dimourdow gets up slowly and looks pissed off. Soldier rushes at him and tries for another spear! Dim dodges and grabs Soldier by the hair flipping him back to the ground! Dim mounts him and begins hitting right hand after right hand. Dim gets up and grabs Soldier by his throat and lifts him up high over his head. Dim brings him down for a gorilla press slam!

Dim bellow out in fury! He looks down at Soldier and looks in pain inflicting pain on his friend. But despite that, he leaps back on Soldier and begins throwing elbow after elbow to the temple of the gushing Soldier! Dimourdow lifts up Soldier and wraps his hand around Soldier’s throat! He lifts him up, yells in his face and then throws him to the mat hard!

Soldier is crawling away but Dim is not allowing it. Dim grabs his leg and pull him back towards the center of the ring. He pins him.



NO! Soldier kicks out.

Dim moves to the corner and looks primed. Soldier slowly gets up from the pool of blood on the ground. He turns around and…


Dim just speared the hell out of Soldier. Soldier isn’t moving! Dim goes for the pinfall!




NO! Soldier had his foot on the rope! The referee is reversing the call!

Dim just looks devastated. He pulls him back to the center of the ring and pins him again.



NO! Soldier is able to roll a shoulder up this time.

Dim lifts up Soldier, but Soldier spits in Dim’s eyes!

The crowd is booing as blood is all over Dim’s eyes!

Soldier goes up top and leaps off with a flying clothesline which sends Dim back, but not down.

Soldier seems disgruntled by that. Soldier hits a spinning heel kick! Dim is reeling but still standing.

He climbs up once more and hits a leaping dropkick! Dim is barely standing, but standing nonetheless. Soldier looks a little frustrated.

He begins moving his fingers over the pendant on his neck. Suddenly, a smile comes over his face as he blood continues to flow for an unreasonable amount of time.

Jim Ross: You’d think he’d be feeling the results of that blood loss.
Bobby Heenan: Come on, JP. Does this guy look like he’s all there.
[red]JOEY STYLES:[/red] You have a point there, but what the fuck is up with his creepy smile?!

Soldier grabs the pendant hard and takes a deep breath suddenly his hands begin to glow with an orangeish tint. Dim is standing but looks on dumbfounded. Soldier releases the pendant and smiles as his mouth seems to be glowing too. Dim charges at him, but…


A large fireball is sent that barely misses Dim’s head! Dim stops dead in his tracks. Soldier smiles over at Dim who is now trembling.

You-you’re the devil!

Soldier’s smile transforms into an angry grimace.

Something like that.

Both of Soldier’s hand glow with red and orange flames. Dim looks petrified! Soldier looks entranced. He begins shooting flames engulfing the ring ropes, trapping Dim.

He raises his hands over his head and brings a barrages of fireballs down on Dim. Dim is running around with his hair on fire with his skin burned! Soldier gets on the top rope and leaps off!


Shooting Star DDT!

Dim’s face hits the mat hard. He’s not moving! Soldier rolls him up and the referee who looks traumatized!




Winner of Lethal Lottery: Unknown Soldier!

Unknown Soldier’s music is interrupted by Kirk MacClay who comes strolling down. Kirk gets into the ring and he’s holding a 24/7 briefcase.

Congratulations Mr. Unknown Soldier. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Forgive me if I don’t shake your hand Mr. Inferno Fingers. But congratulations on outlasting the other 31 competitors in this match. You sir, are truly worthy of this honor. Here you are sir.

Kirk MacClay hands the briefcase off to Unknown Soldier.

And once again. Congratulations. Let’s hear it for the 2015 Lethal Lottery winner, Unknown Soldier!

The crowd begins cheering loudly!

Unknown Soldier raises the briefcase up over his head as the screen fades to black!

Special thanks to all who helped with this PPV. It could not have gone so smoothly without you all!

[Image: S3d7rKH.png]

[Image: ZT38ONc.png?1]
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[-] The following 12 users Like Kirk MacClay's post:
(03-29-2015), AerialKnight (03-29-2015), Goat Face Killa (03-29-2015), Hero Xtreme 7.9 (03-29-2015), Iris Oppenheimer (03-29-2015), Mastermind (03-29-2015), Matthew Oaktree (03-30-2015), Maverick (03-29-2015), Ozymandias (03-29-2015), TJ Wallace (03-29-2015), Unknown Soldier (03-30-2015), Vincent Lane (03-30-2015)
Ozymandias Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

03-29-2015, 11:29 AM

Great job Kirk and to all those who helped him make this show so great.

Most importantly a job well done to everyone who participated in not just the PPV but all the events leading up to it.

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Ozymandias's post:
Goat Face Killa (03-29-2015), Maverick (03-29-2015)
Maverick Offline
With Fire in My Soul, I Return.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

03-29-2015, 11:43 AM

"What did I tell you? What did I fucking tell you all? That I'd beat the Lost Homos. But please, save your applause, as the next stop are those clowns, Justin Sane and CorVus."

OOC: Great show, everyone. Definately a very well done PPV, complete with twists n turns.

1x Hart Champion
1x Tag Team Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
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Hero Xtreme 7.9 Away
Sidelined God

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

03-29-2015, 11:44 AM

Hero Xtreme 7.9: Karl Cross, I don't care if you're gay or not. You're a main eventer now. Don't let me down.

Hero Xtreme 7.9 walks off, but then returns to where the camera was set up.

Hero Xtreme 7.9: S.A.M. you can be a main eventer too since I let you pin me twice.

Star of The Month (February 2002)
WXC Tag Team Champion x3 (/w Venom Explosion (2), DJ Death)
UWF X-Treme Champion x5
UWF No Limits Champion x2
UWF Tag Team Champion x1 (/w Shaker Jones)
BBCXR Heavyweight Champion x4
SOW World Champion x2
RXW World Champion x1
RXW X-Division Champion x1
NWPW Rapid Division Champion x 3
WFWD Intercontinental Champion x2
XWL United States Champion x2
XWL European Champion x1
XWL Tag Bowl Winner (/w White Abyss)
BLOOD Bleeding Champion x3

All Time Record: 912-32-4
Hero Xtreme Un Record: 0-3-0

Priority prayers and more, back open for business.
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Mastermind Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

03-29-2015, 12:03 PM

Congratulations on a job well done Sebastian Duke. It was a pleasure to go up against you for the entire week, and then have a match like this. Hopefully next time.

Overall - 64 Wins 107 Losses 8 Technicals 2 Draws 1 No Contest
Comeback Record - 4 Wins 5 Losses
8th Year Record - 2024 - 4 Wins 5 Losses
7th Year Record 2023 - 5 Wins 16 Losses
6th Year Record 2022 - 5 Wins 8 Losses 1 Draw
5th Year Record 2020 - 7 Wins 12 Losses 1 No Contest
4th Year Record 2019 - 12 Wins 1 Draw 21 Losses
3rd Year Record 2018 - 6 Wins 2 Losses
2nd Year Record 2015 - 1 Wins 9 Losses 2 Technical
1st Year Record 2014 - 24 Wins 34 Losses 6 Technicals

February 2020 Star of The Month
November 2014 Star Of The Month

Former 2x XWF Television Champion
Former XWF Thursday Night Anarchy Champion - 2022 - 1 Successful Defence
Former Three Time X-Treme Champion
Former Two Time Ark of the Covenant Champion
Lost in the 1st Round of the Woodstock Open - Wrestlestock 2019
Semi Finalist in the XWF King of the Ring 2020

50TH CAREER WIN vs TOMMY WISH - Wednesday Night Warfare - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2020

100TH CAREER LOSS vs BOB D - Weekend Warfare - 12TH AUGUST 2023



Check out my page for victories and losses


[Image: misfits.png]

[Image: Misfits2.png]
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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

03-29-2015, 12:45 PM

[b][Jesus CHRIST Cain... I knew you were tough, dude, but I wasn't expecting you to almost kill me.

You keep fighting like that, man? You can beat anyone.

Anyone but me, of course.

Now as for you, TJ... it looks like you and me both need a week or two to recuperate... but on April 13th, I'm demanding you bring your weak ass to Madness and get in the ring with me, one on one!

You got it, dude?

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Cain Offline
The Last Son of Eden

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

03-29-2015, 01:33 PM

(03-29-2015, 12:45 PM)LoverboyVinnieLane Said: [b]Jesus CHRIST Cain... I knew you were tough, dude, but I wasn't expecting you to almost kill me.

You keep fighting like that, man? You can beat anyone.

Anyone but me, of course.

The monster nodded his head and folded his arms across his chest. In a very Vegeta-like manner, he smirked.

[color=#FF0000]"'ve earned my respect. I trust the feeling is mutual."

(Ooc: good match Vinnie and good shoe GMs. Thanks for at least making Cain look strong. He's never won a major singles title, but neither did his idol Tuesday in Texas...*wiggles eyebrows*)

[Image: Wz4kwdV.jpg]
The awesome banner was brought to you by Morbid Fuckin Angel.
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

03-29-2015, 03:39 PM

again i get robbed! fuck this company! IM DONE!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

03-29-2015, 07:59 PM

(03-29-2015, 03:39 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: again i get robbed! fuck this company! IM DONE!

You got robbed? Dude you should have been eliminated in the first round! You got the finals handed to you like a puppy on its mother's teat. Quit your bellyaching and EARN something.

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

03-29-2015, 10:05 PM

both of u can suck my DICK!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
Unknown Soldier (03-30-2015)
Scully Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

03-30-2015, 05:31 AM

"We're not gonna have a problem are we Maverick? You beat the Lost homo's all by your title shitting self? Huh? And I thought we were friends! I suggest you change that last statement!"
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