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WARFARE: Our Main Bi-Weekly Show Bruce Blingsteen
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Brucette Blingsteen Offline
Don't do drugs...without me.

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

03-29-2015, 02:56 PM


In-Ring Name: Bruce Blingsteen

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Bruce B. Steenhouse III

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New

Wrestler Date of Birth: 04-01-1995

Height: 5’10”

Weight: 180lbs.

Hometown: Los Angeles, CA by way of Chicago, Il.

Personality: Rebellious adolescent, fighting to distance himself from his wealthy and spoiled upbringing.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Face, with some shenanigans.

Physical Build Description: Thin frame, trim but not muscular.

Ring Attire: Red bandana wrapped around his right forearm, white gloves, black jean shorts, and tan Timberland work boots.

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: Same as above, with a Kobe Bryant basketball jersey and a Mitchell & Ness Chicago Bulls ‘snapback’ hat, tilted to the side.

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Pic Base: Mac Miller

Wrestling Style: Fast paced, high flying

Strengths: Speed, high risk moves, ability to quickly navigate the ring.

Weaknesses: Lacks physical strength, slight frame makes him vulnerable to power moves.

Entrance Theme Music: Eighteen Cool by Hoodie Allen

Entrance Description: Kanye by The Chainsmokers plays through the arena and Bruce rides out on a segway, pumping his arms. He wheels his way down the ramp, slapping hands with the ringside fans on his way. Once he reaches the ring he hops from the segway onto the apron and springboards into the ring and raises his arms as the fans cheer.

Manager (if applicable):
Manager's Pic Base:

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Flying double foot stomp
Tilt-a-whirl arm drag
Leg lariat
Monkey flip
Corner splash
Forearm smash
Tornado DDT
Triangle dropkick
Springboard flying knee
Missile dropkick

Trademark Move(s): 23 Skidoo, Don’t Choke!, Blunt Blowin’

23 Skidoo - Suicide senton

Don’t Choke! - Bruce locks the opponent in a headlock and runs towards the ropes. Bruce leaps over the top rope, driving the opponent’s throat down onto the top rope while Bruce lands on his feet on the ring floor.

Blunt Blowin’ - Bruce takes a hit off the vaporizer concealed in his pocket and blows the weed smoke into his opponent’s face, temporarily blinding them. (used as a setup for his finisher)

Primary Finisher: Flyboy Flip
Description: Flip piledriver/Canadian Destroyer

Secondary Finisher if applicable:

Favorite Weapon if any: When necessary he uses the bandana on his arm to choke his opponent.

Additional notes:
Edited by Matthew Oaktree so the move list is easier to read.

Current Universal Champion
(1x) X-Treme Champion
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