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Shove It - 4/26
Author Message
Arkin Octavian Blackwater

XWF FanBase:
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05-01-2013, 09:12 PM

The night is just beginning and excitement hangs in the air, because tonight is a night of possibilities and bloodshed combined! Yes, tonight is the night we all get to see an epic free for all show down to crown the new North Korean Champion! There's gonna be blood, chaos and non-stop violence, ending in a new champ! A new champ that gets to rename the title! People are on pins and needles as we see the current champ Mr. Donathan Alphonse Francois De Sade exiting a limo and heading into the building. Despite the free for all nature of tonight's match he seems to be surprisingly calm as he walks up to the building, dressed to impress as usual in a dark gray suit and trademark fedora. The halls are unusually quiet for this kind of match to begin and Donathan, actually makes it to his dressing room unscathed. That is however when a tile in the ceiling pops out of places and Mr. Satellite drops down. Mr. Satellite and Donathan stare each other down and neither seem all too pleased to see the other.

Donathan takes his fedora off and sets it aside as he shakes his head in a disapproving manner.

Donathan: So this is what it's come down to?

Satellite: Looks like it.

Donathan: I have to say, I'm really disappointed in you.

Mr. Satellite looks as though he could literally smash Donathan, through the wall as Donathan takes off his suit jacket and folds it neatly, laying it next to his hat.

Satellite: You're disappointed in ME? In me? You're disappointed in me? How do you think you have any claim or right to be disappointed in me?

Donathan: You were such a valued member of the team, an asset of the cause. There was so much that could have been accomplished...all thanks to you. You were helping bring about the rapid change we needed to accelerate things to the point of completion - to new heights and concepts of mind, that normally could only have been part of a dream before. This petty revenge you crave has poisoned you though and it's beneath you. It pains me to see you so shackled by the want for vengeance but I suppose until you get this out of your system, we have nothing more to discuss here.

Donathan begins rolling up his sleeves.

Donathan: You do know that no matter what happens here tonight, you are always welcome back to our cause. I want you to know that despite this blow in trust you have severely dealt me, I forgive you. I can look past this whole ordeal and understand this is simply something you must get out of your system. Don't worry Satellite, we'll make it past this hurdle together. You'll be back on the path of illumination soon enough.


Ann Thraxx out of no where cracked Donathan in the back of the head with what looks like a piece of an old aluminum rain gutter!

Ann Thraxx: Does that asshole ever shut up?!?!

Satellite: No. No, he really doesn't.

With Donathan down and out, Ann Thraxx, covers for the pin.




Ann Thraxx, is the new North Korean Champ!

Ann hops up, takes one look at Satellite and dashes out the door. Satellite shakes his head and starts to follow. Before Satellite exits the room he crouches down near Donathan, as it appears Donathan is starting to stir.

Satellite: Just because you don't have the title doesn't mean this is over, old friend.

With that Satellite exits the room. This Shove it, has certainly started out with a dramatic, yet epic beginning as we switch over to a camera crew who has finally caught Ann Thraxx, in their sights! It appears Ann Thraxx has run into Sophia Sanchez and they have begun battling it out near the vending machines. The camera caught this action just in time too, seeing Sophia Hip Toss, Ann into a vending machine! Ann collides with the machine but the glass does not shatter. Sophia takes this opportunity to grab Thraxx by the back of the head and smack Thraxx's head into the vending machine...



Three times!

The glass shatters and Ann's face smashes right into the Twix candy bars! Blood drips from Ann's head and all over the tasty vending machine goodies! Sanchez grabs Ann from behind and is about to deliver a Sit Out Powerbomb when out of nowhere....




Spear to Sanchez from Bryce's Mother! Who knew such a large woman could deliver such a well timed and perfectly executed Spear? Ann drops to the floor as Bryce's Mother starts wailing on Sophia Sanchez. Bryce's Mother towers over Sophia, lifting Sophia up by her hair. Bryce's Mother begins smacking Sophia in the face, back and forth repeatedly, each smack wrenching Sophia's head from one side to the other.

Bryce's Mother: Bitch, this is good ass weave you got! It ain't rippin' or tearin' no matter how hard I smack you! Bitch, where you get your weave at??? Where you get this hair did at?? You know I need me some hair that's strong like this! Bitch, just cause I'm smackin' you silly, don't mean you have to be rude now! Tell me where you get this hair at?

Sophia's head was rocking back and forth so hard and so fast, it is doubtful she knows what's up from down, let alone anything about hair! As this is going on Ann Thraxx has climbed to her feet. Ann wipes a thick trail of blood that is trickling from her head and dripping down her face. She stares at her hand for a bit, at all the blood and begins to crack a smile. A slight giggle escapes her lips and that's when...


Clothesline from Donnie Damage! Donnie covers for the pin!




Donnie Damage, is the new North Korean Champion!

Donnie climbs to his feet as Bryces Mother just realizes what has happened. Donnie turns and takes off from the scene, running as fast as he can!

Bryce's Mother: Awww....HELL NO!

Bryce's Mother drops Sophia Sanchez and Sophia lands in a heap on the floor. From there Bryce's Mother begins to pursue Donnie Damage, walking over and stepping on Ann Thraxx in the process. Somehow from a trash bin Satellite's head pops up and it seems like he assesses the situation. Upon seeing Ann without the title Satellite lowers back down into the garbage. What the fuck? A camera man walks over to the trash and shakes it, only to find Satellite is no longer in the trash container! How'd he do that? Where'd he go?

After that confusion, we travel to the next set of cameras that catch Alex Richards and Donnie Damage going at it in the men's room. It seems Donnie must have ducked into the bathroom to hide from Bryce's Mother and ran into Alex Richards! Alex Richards had delivered several shots to Damage's face and finishes it up with a European Uppercut that sends Damage flying back! Some serious damage was just delivered to Damage! Richards begins to deliver some stomps to Donnie while Donnie is down! That's when a very audible toilet flush is heard. Suddenly a stall door flies open and it knocks Alex Richards back!

Swinging Neckbreaker to Alex Richards delivered by Eric Rex! From there Eric Rex turn his attention to the new NK Champ Donnie Damage, who is just rising to his feet. Donnie shakes his head to regains some perspective and is able to sidestep a Spear from Rex just in time! Donnie grabs Rex and spins Rex around. Donnie then hits Rex with a Double Arm DDT. Meanwhile Alex Richards has gotten to his feet and sees this going on. Richards runs forward and leaps, hitting both Rex and Donnie with a Leg Drop! When suddenly....


The bathroom door slams open and there stands Bryce's Mother!


Bryce's Mother is screaming mad! She must mean some serious business! She storms over and begins tossing bodies left and right! First Eric Rex who gets tossed through a stall! Rex smashes into the toilet so hard it teeters back and forth! Then Alex Richards literally gets thrown over Bryce's Mother's head! Richard's soars in the air and connects with the bathroom ceiling, bouncing off it and crashing to the floor! Bryce's Mother smiles at the new champ, Donnie Damage.

Bryce's Mother: Oooohhh Baby! That title is mine now!

Bryce's Mother grabs Donnie and actually lifts him over her own head as she begins to spin like a top! She then tosses Donnie and he flies through the air before finally impacting with the bathroom wall. However after doing this, Bryce's Mother appears to be dizzy and doesn't notice Satellite pop up from one of the toilet's. That's right...Satellite popped out of a toilet! We wouldn't and couldn't believe it either had it just not been caught on camera happening. Satellite slowly approaches from behind as Bryce's Mother staggers forward towards Donnie Damage, who is still down from colliding with the wall. Satellite taps Bryce's Mother on the shoulder and she immediately turns. However Satellite has already ducked and escaped past Bryce's Mother, by slipping through her legs. Confused at seeing nothing behind her Bryce's Mother turns to receive a Leg Sweep From Satellite! Bryce's Mother goes down! Satellite turns his attention to Donnie Damage just in time to see Eric Rex has crawled from the stall he was in and is now pinning Donnie!




Eric Rex, is the new North Korean Champ!

Eric Rex doesn't take a moment to look back before he runs from the bathroom. Satellite sighs in frustration and disappears into a stall just as Bryce's Mother gets to her feet. With murder in her eyes Bryce's Mother goes after Satellite and rips open the door to the stall Satellite disappeared into, only to find the stall EMPTY! The water swishes down the toilet as it's seen finishing flushing and Satellite is no where to be seen. Did Satellite just flush himself down the toilet?

Yet another confusing display we are left with at the hands of the always bizarre and confusing Mr. Satellite. Cameras finally catch up to Eric Rex who has made it all the way to the other side of the building and is rounding a corner in the hallway when...


Chair Shot to Eric Rex's face! It's Kate Astrofy, with a chair shot to Eric Rex's face! Eric Rex drops and Kate covers for the pin!




Kate Astrofy, is the new North Korean Champ!

Kate climbs to her feet and dashes down the hall! Alas she ran in the direction Eric had been running from and literally crashes into Bryce's Mother rampaging down the halls. Kate bounces off Bryce's Mother's body and drops to the ground. Bryce's Mother sees the title in Kate's hands and picks up Kate by the throat with one hand! Bryce's Mother gets Kate with a Chokeslam! The Chokeslam heard 'round the building! It was so devastating it felt like it shook the floors as paint began to chip and crack from the walls! Bryce's Mother sticks a fuzzy slippered foot onto Kate's chest and the ref begins to count.




Alex Richards flying from behind hits Bryce's Mother with a Missile Dropkick! Down goes Bryce's Mother! The count is busted and Kate groans as she attempts to rise to her feet. Not today though cause here comes Alex Richards with a Double Axe Handle! Alex covers Kate for the pin!




Alex Richards, is the new North Korean Champ!

Alex Richards takes off running down the hall full speed! As Alex is running he comes into contact with Eric Rex, who has just lifted himself off the floor, and by "come in contact", we mean Alex barrels through Eric and knocks his ass OVER! Rex hits the ground and Alex keeps running! Camera men are struggling to keep up with this man, as some chase and some just radio to waiting camera men to switch their cameras on. No one is quite certain where Richards is running to either by the way, as it just seems he developed the logic "As long as I'm really fast and keep moving, no one will get me!". Alex keeps running as up ahead we see the hallway veers in two different directions. Which way will Alex chose? Left or right? There may be awaiting participants down either way and Alex has to chose quickly. From the looks of it Alex chooses to go.....


Alex runs and turns the corner....


Alex gets the wind knocked clear out of him from running into an outstretched crowbar! Outstretched by the hand of Luca Arzegotti! Alex Richards goes down! Richards clutches his gut as he gasps, trying to regain some of the air that was brutally knocked from him! Luca stands over Richards as he smirks. A very audible clapping noise is heard from down the hall as Sebastian Duke, approaches. Duke is also clutching a crowbar and it appears this was a plan conjured up by the two Black Circle members. Luca waits on the left, Duke on the right and this way one of them catches Alex with a crowbar. Makes sense. As Duke approaches Luca and a downed Richards, it seems the question of who gets to actually "pin" Richards, comes up. Duke looks as though he assumes he should just be allowed to pin Richards but Luca doesn't seem too fond of that plan. The two who started off working together begin to start bickering and shoving one another! Luca finally seems to have had enough of Duke's bullying and shoves Duke hard, following that up with a Roundhouse Kick that knocks Duke's head to the side and causes a bit of blood to begin to trickle from the side of Duke's mouth! Dukes shakes his head and wipes his mouth. A slight laugh escapes from Duke before he hits Arzegotti with a Running Powerslam!

From there the two men only have their attention on each other. Luca eventually pulling Duke down and delivering some Mounted Punches. Then Duke powering through Arzegotti's punches to deliver a severe Headbutt to Luca causing a moment of dizziness for Arzegotti and enough time for Duke to grab Luca by the throat and rise from the floor while still clutching Arzegotti by the throat! From there we are witness to an epic Chokeslam to Arzegotti!

Meanwhile as this is occurring, Richards is slowly crawling away to safety. Duke and Luca are so busy beating the shit out of each other, they don't notice what the fuck is going on! As Richards makes his way away from Duke and Luca he finds his movement stopped by a shoe pressing down on his back. Alex Richards looks up and sees Danny Devia standing over him. Devia holds a finger to his lips indicating Richards had better be quiet. Devia pulls Richards from the floor and delivers the world's quietest Wash Out (Rock Bottom)! Devia covers for the pin!




Danny Devia, is the new North Korean Champ!

Danny Devia glances about and sees Sebastian Duke still going at it with Luca Arzegotti! Devia doesn't hesitate to take this moment to high tail it, in the opposite direction. Duke is dishing out some punches to Luca when he looks over and realizes Richards isn't moving but he also isn't clutching the belt.

Duke: Son of a bitch!

Duke stops hitting Luca and Luca looks at what Duke is exclaiming disdain about.

Arzegotti: Dammit, someone else pinned Richards!

Duke: You realize this is all your fault, don't you Arzegotti?!?!

Arzegotti: Whaaaa??? My fault??? If this is anyone's fault, it's yours, you big ass oaf!

The two men stare each other down again as it appears this may get ugly again. We leave this scenario before we get to bear witness to anything more because it appears Danny Devia has run into some problems. Problems by the names of Kate Astrofy and Ann Thraxx! Ann looks a bit cleaned up and appears to be working with Kate for the moment to work over Danny! Ann Thraxx hitting Devia with an Eye Rake and a Low Blow! Kate catching Danny with a Hurricanrana followed by a Sleeperhold! Danny Devia appears to start fading fast from the Sleeperhold but it's suddenly broken up by Thraxx hitting Astrofy with a Double Knee Facebreaker! Kate's knocked back and Ann covers for the pin! It doesn't even get to 1 on the count before Kate breaks the count with an Elbow Drop! Both ladies jump to their feet, glaring at one another. It seems teamwork, works for no one here tonight as this union had dissolved before it had a chance to begin! That's when it happens though...

Double Chokeslam!

Double Chokeslam to Kate and Ann from Bryce's Mother! Bryce's Mother is back and she's still rip roarin' full of fucking energy! After Double Chokeslamming both ladies Bryce's Mother grabs Danny Devia and hits him with a Tombstone! Bryce's Mother covers for the pin!




Bryce's Mother, is the new North Korean Champion!

Bryce's Mother looks very pleased with herself and walks off down the hall. Mr. Satellite is seen popping his head out from a storage closet and once again after looking over the wreckage and not seeing the belt in play anywhere, he retreats. A camera man tosses open the closet door after it's shut and finds the closet to be completely empty! Mr. Satellite has disappeared again! How strange!

Meanwhile Bryce's Mother, travels down the halls with a satisfied smile on her face as she strokes the belt.

Bryce's Mother: Mmmm....this will make sure I get lots of chicken and watermelon for sure! Mama sure is hungry! Corn bread biscuits and collard greens here I come! Then I's planning on gettin' my hair and nails did! Mmmm...boy! Mama is gonna be one sexy black cougar and then I gots my eyes set on that skinny white boy, Donathan. Mama's gonna use him to pick the chicken and collard greens from her teeth! Then Mama's gonna break that piece of skinny white bread in!

As Bryce's Mother is stating all this rather disturbing stuff out loud for all to hear, she fails to see a man step out from an intersecting hallway. The man pulls a single dart from the breast pocket of his suit jacket. The man takes aim and the dart hits Bryce's Mother dead straight in the neck! Bryce's Mother turns her attention to what hit her and sees the man responsible. It's none other than Donathan Alphonse Francois De Sade!

Bryce's Mother: Ain't that about some shit!

With that Bryce's Mother drops! Donathan walks casually over and makes the pin.




Donathan Alphonse Francois De Sade, is the new North Korean Champion!

Donathan rises to his feet and takes hold of the belt. Donathan then turns just in time to receive the Darkest Light (Cross Rhodes) from Mr. Satellite!

Satellite: I told you this wasn't over.

Satellite covers for the pin!



Diving Double Foot Stomp from Luca Arzegotti breaking the count!

From there Luca wrenches Satellite to his feet and hits Satellite with a German Suplex! Luca then turns his attention to Donathan who seems to have vanished in that short amount of time.

Arzegotti: What the fuck?!?!

Luca then turns back to where Satellite was and sees he's gone too!

Arzegotti: ARRRGGHH!

A frustrated wail from a frustrated man! However Duke, approaching Luca from down the halls smiles and punches directly up into one of the ceiling tiles. Duke yanks his hand back down and with it he pulls a very uncooperative Mr. Satellite out from the ceiling! How the fuck did Duke know to do that? Duke pulls Satellite up to his faces as Satellite struggles and Duke begins to laugh.

Duke: The fuck you doin' up there?

Once that close to Duke's face Satellite immediately Headbutts Duke! Duke howls in pain and drops Satellite. Satellite goes to take off and is stopped by Arzegotti. Satellite looks back and sees Duke, looking angry and clutching his nose as he begins to approach. Satellite looks forward and sees Arzegotti and immediately hits Luca with a Running Dropkick! Luca goes down with Satellite but Satellite is back to his feet and goes diving through the nearest door. Duke, who was a few feet away pulls open the door to see that it's another closet and that it's empty! Where the fuck did Satellite go? How does Satellite keep doing this??

Meanwhile cameras catch up to Donathan as he makes he's way wearily down a hall. The confidence Donathan exuded earlier isn't as apparent now as Donathan rounds a corner. So far things have been rather calm and nothing has happened. Still Donathan appears to be ready with a dart in hand, just in case. Up ahead someone appears to be exiting the bathroom and Donathan takes no chances, he immediately lunges forward and stabs the person exiting the bathroom with the dart! Alas it's just Steve Sayors! Donathan wasted a dart on Steve Sayors! Donathan shakes his head and turns to immediately get hit with the Donnie Driver (Jumping cradle piledriver)! Donnie covers for the pin!



Suicide Dive from Sophia Sanchez! Sophia Sanchez breaks the count up! Sophia then pulls Donnie up and hits him with a Hurricanrana! Donnie goes down and Sophia turns to Donathan and covers for the pin!




Sophia Sanchez, is the new North Korean Champ!

Sophia takes off full speed sprinting down the halls and runs right into Luca Arzegotti! Luca wastes no time and hits Sophia with a Vertical Suplex! Luca makes the pin!




Luca Arzegotti, is the new North Korean Champion!

Sebastian Duke sees this and rushes over. Duke sees Sophia down and Luca cradling the title like it was a child. Duke smiles as though he's envisioning how easy he's going to be double champ!

Duke: Okay Luca, lay down and make this easy on yourself! C'mon I don't have all day! I pin you and then we both hide out in 's office till this shit is over!

Luca Arzegotti looks at Duke as though Duke has lost his mind.

Arzegotti: Screw you Duke! I pinned this chick, I'm the champ! If we hide out till the end in Shane's office, then it'll be me walking out when this is over, the new champ. Not you!

Duke rolls his eyes.

Duke: Fine. Whatever. At least let me help you up.

Duke reaches out and Luca is hesitant but accepts Duke's hand

Duke: So young, so naive.

Bossman Slam! Bossman Slam to Luca Arzegotti! Sebastian covers for the pin!



Kickout by Luca!

Both men get to their feet and Luca charges at Duke but Duke gets Luca with a Big Boot. Luca drops and Sebastian leans down to begin delivering a Double Handed Choke to Luca! Luca starts turning blue when suddenly...

Big Splash from Mr. Satellite! Duke topples over releasing the choke and Arzegotti gasps for air on the ground. Satellite covers Luca for the pin.



Kickout by Luca Arzegotti!

Both men climb to their feet and Duke grabs Satellite. Duke throws Satellite at Luca. Luca and Satellite both go down! Duke walks over and rips Arzegotti from the ground and delivers a Superplex. Duke covers Luca for the pin!



Running Knee to Duke's head from Satellite! The count is broken and Duke looks annoyed as he shakes his head and turns his full attention to Satellite. Duke grabs Satellite and quickly gets him with a shot to the face! Satellite's head rocks back and Duke delivers a Chokeslam! Satellite hits the ground and suddenly Duke finds himself getting hit with a 450 Spalsh from Luca Arzegotti! Both Satellite and Duke are now down! Luca is standing and finally decides, it's best he takes his leave. Just as Luca turns he's hit with a zap from a stun gun curtsy of Donathan Alphonse Francois De Sade! Luca's body shakes for a bit and then goes down! Although now Duke has risen and is charging at Donathan. Donathan turns in time to receive a Running Powerslam! Donathan drops but his hand is still holding the stun gun and Donathan presses the button. The stun gun also appears to be touching Duke because instantly several hundred volts go through Duke! Duke goes down as well, joining Donathan on the ground! Donathan Alphonse Francois De Sade, Sebastian Duke, Mr. Satellite and Luca Arzegotti are all down!

All four men are down as we see Shane , come walking down the hall. Shane looks at the four men and shakes his head.

: Pathetic! I want to see a new champ and here you four are, napping! Clearly this match has gone on long enough! So with that being said Let's get a clock out here.

A short, balding man wielding an over-sized clock, comes rushing out. The man rests the clock down and wipes some sweat from his forehead with a napkin he produced from his jacket pocket.

: Excellent! Now let's get 5 minutes on that clock. Whoever holds the belt after the 5 minutes have passed is the new champ.

As is talking the four men begin to stir. Slowly all four men begin to pull themselves up from the ground. First Mr. Satellite, then Donathan De Sade, Luca Arzegotti and eventually Sebastian Duke. Duke's eyes narrow at Luca as he focuses on the belt Luca is wielding and then over to the over-sized clock with 4 mins 30 seconds adorning it. Without another moment of hesitation Duke goes for Luca hitting him with a Running Powerslam followed by Pandoras Box! Duke covers Luca for the pin!




Sebastian Duke, is the new North Korean Champion!

Duke rises to his feet and turns just in time to get hit with Flashes of Immortal Light (Front flip DDT from running) from Donathan! The move is executed perfectly! Duke goes down! and Donathan covers for the pin!



Diving Double Foot Stomp from Luca Arzegotti! Luca is back to his feet and somehow had enough strength to break up the count with a Diving Double Foot Stomp! Donathan gets to his feet and Luca charges for Donathan getting Donathan with a Standing Moonsault! With Donathan down, Luca turns to Duke, who is starting to pull himself from the ground and we see the clock hit the 3 minute mark.

Luca has his eyes trained on Sebastian Duke and fails to notice Satellite approaching from behind. Before Luca can react Satellite grabs Luca's arm and spins him around. Satellite then delivers a Headbutt followed by a Fireman's Half-Carry leading into a Gutbuster! Mr. Satellite flies into action even further and dives towards Duke, who is almost fully off the floor. Mr. Satellite, apparently trying to knock Duke back down by delivering a Flying Clothesline, is thwarted when Duke stops this from happening by catching Satellite, by the throat! Duke laughs as he lifts Satellite into the air by his throat.

Duke: That arm is mine after this match is over! I get to be double champ and make you symmetrical, all in one night!

Mr. Satellite squirms trying to get free from Duke's grasp. Duke shakes his head and hits Satellite with a Chokeslam! Satellite slams into the ground so hard the linoleum on the floor cracks!

2 minutes now shows on the clock as Duke turns and we see a very weary Luca Arzegotti rise from the floor. With a sudden burst of energy Luca hurdles himself forward and gets Sebastian with Lost In Translation (Standing 450 Splash)! Luca covers Duke for the pin!




Luca Arzegotti is the new North Korean Champion!

One single solitary minute remains as Luca rises to his feet. Luca looks like hell as he pants and gasps, covered in sweat and blood as the clock ticks down to the end of this madness! Will we see Luca Arzegotti retaining the belt to the very end? Will Luca be our new North Korean Champ?


Cause here comes Mr. Satellite with Seeing Stars (RKO)! Mr. Satellite covers for the pin! 30 seconds remain!



Kickout by Luca Arzegotti!

Satellite wastes no time, he pulls Luca up and hits Arzegotti with a second Seeing Stars! Satellite covers for the pin!




Mr. Satellite is the new North Korean Champion!

Satellite climbs to his feet and turns to the clock as we see 15 seconds remaining. Donathan has risen to his feet as he looks upon Mr. Satellite and smiles. Instead of attacking Mr. Satellite, Donathan puts two fingers to his mouth and whistles. Almost the way you'd see a person signal for a horse.


The wall suddenly bursts open and there stands the fly we all seen in Donathan's promo for Shove It!

What the fuck?!?!

The fly scurries into the hall and Donathan climbs onto it. Donathan gives a nod, perhaps out of respect to Mr. Satellite...perhaps out of simply wishing us all...farewell, and the fly turns around. From there the fly takes flight and we watch Donathan sail off into the sky. Within seconds Donathan has disappeared from our view. Would this be the last time we see Donathan?

Mr. Satellite sighs and glances to the clock as we all see




Times up!

Mr. Satellite is the last man wielding the belt!

Mr. Satellite is our new NORTH KOREAN CHAMPION!

Shane approaches clapping and Mr. Satellite appears to be very uncertain with what's going to happen next. isn't exactly friends with Mr. Satellite. In fact probably despises the one armed oddball. So really could be up to anything right now. However, simply smiles and extends his hand out to Satellite. Mr. Satellite glances at this gesture and doesn't react at first. This could be a trick! Yet Satellite takes a chance and accepts 's hand. As this handshake occurs Mr. Satellite fails to notice John Madison approaching. Madison grabs the title and smashes it into Satellite's head, knocking Satellite down.

Madison: Congrats champ!

Both Madison and share a laugh as they gaze upon our new North Korean Champion.

Madison: Why did none of these fucking idiots use the belt as a weapon? It's been passed around all night and yet I'm the one who has to walk up and show them how it's done!

: Figures, you are their 'king'.

The two exchange a look and share in another laugh as we come to the ending of this edition of Shove It Saturdays! What will the next edition have in store for us? What will Satellite rename the North Korean Title? How will and the Black Circle welcome our new champ? With open arms or with more abuse? Tune in next time for the answers to these questions and more, on the next installment of Shove It Saturdays!
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