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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Can't We All Just Get Along?
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XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

04-30-2013, 08:37 AM

-Monday, April 29. 12:00 PM local time-

Taking in the sights of Orlando, Rick Jones looks like he is not having fun. He is just taking his mind off Eric Rex. The man he will face on May 8th. He is trying to concentrate on his opponents for this Wednesday, but it's hard. He is surrounded by many sights, but he could care less. Traveling is part of the job. He doesn't like to leave Minnesota, but it's part of the job. He just got word from his brother that the snow has FINALLY cleared up. Twins are doing good, and the Wild somehow made it into the Playoffs. He has nothing to do except train, so he travels to the PWF Pro Wrestling School USA right here in Orlando.

He tries to concentrate on training but he can't stop smiling. He is going to face two guys who can't even stand each other. They have faced each other in the Octagon, Chris even cheapshoted AJ with a chair. He should be worried but he can't do anything without having his brain wonder.

He still trains, a few wrestling hopefuls ask for his autographs, saying stuff like "I'll beat you when I make it to XWF" or "You don't stand a chance against me" Very doubtful. I mean, half of the guys there are 5' 6" or the others are 300+ pounds.

Regardless, he nod along, letting them believe in their dreams while they have no chance in hell. They think he is a great guy, and they are somewhat right. He doesn't do steroids, he doesn't smoke, he doesn't drink. (Thanks Dumbass Straight Edge God!) He doesn't interfere in someone's business unless provoked. He never gives up, he never quits, and he'll give you a good ass whippin' when you need one.

So why is this man showing built up steam? Hopefully we'll find out later when he hosts a self interview later tonight.

-Self Interview, 6:00 PM local time-
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the man who will compete in a match with White Lion against Chris MacBeth and/or AJ Powell. Rick Jones!

We finally see the "Slick One" coming out to his entrance theme, "For Whom The Bells Toll"

People of the XWF Galaxy, World, Universe, etc. (By the way, what is that called?) In case you didn't know I am wondering what my fans think. Unlike Eric's good pal, Sal, I take questions from real fans. Not fans of me, although there are some, I take questions from XWF, WWE, TNA, ROH, it doesn't matter. Alright, with the introduction out of the way, let's begin.

Q1: What are the odds of you LOSING to Eric Rex on the 8th?

A: Well, picture this. It's almost like the Titanic and the iceberg. Iceberg wins a lot right? Eric Rex is the iceberg. Now some people will wonder, why am I complementing him, keep listening. The odds of him beating me are the same as the Titanic crashing into a iceberg and sinking… in hell.

Q2: What do you think about Chris MacBeth saying that he got screwed, just like you?

A: There is a few similarities between us, obviously both of us are in the XWF, and we both got "screwed." One big difference though, he thinks he got screwed by the Manager, I know I got screwed by Eric Rex. It's not a conspiracy theory. It's proven.

Q3: Do you think it will be difficult for you to beat two superstars on the same team with White Lion?

A: Difficult, perhaps. A epic match, yes. A slingshot to a higher part of the card for us, sure. Whatever it takes, We will do it. I'm not going down without a fight, no matter who it is.

If your Mr. Powell
If your Mr. MacBeth
If you think we won't take you seriously
I wouldn't hold my breath.

It doesn't matter if your roar with the Lion
Or roar with the Beast
Cause the roar you'll be hearing Wednesday
Is 1…2…3

(Why does White Lion picture me as black with an eyepatch?)
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