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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
A Different Point of View - RP 2
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Sebastian Duke Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

04-23-2013, 11:45 AM

Tuesday, April 23, 2013 - 2:42 PM EST

In the thirty years I've walked this Earth, I never envisioned that I'd literally be going to war with an element of the Catholic Church. For all intents and purposes, Catholics as a whole are fine people. Of course, their priests have committed some atrocious acts upon the children. On top of that, the Cardinals and Bishops have tried - and failed - to cover it up.

You can't really fault an entire religion as a whole for the transgressions of the few, can you? I've always said, and to this very day, I maintain that religion, no matter which one or no matter which God you profess your love and devotion to, is good for humanity.

I can't really say whether or not there is one true God or supreme being out there. I have my doubts, certainly. Most do, even if they will not or do not admit it.

Allow me to let you all in on a little secret. I was once a Catholic. Bombshell, right? Yeah, not really. My father, Asmodeus was a Catholic priest many many years ago. Actually, right up until the early 1970's. He ended up leaving the Church in 1975 citing his life was missing something. A void unfulfilled by God.

He fell in love with a woman in the mid-1970's. My mother. She slowly but surely became a drunk and a drug addict and drank herself to death by 1987. Even Asmodeus, as great a man as he is, or was, was not able to save her from herself.

His rift with the Church came around 1983 after yours truly was born. I never questioned him on it. All I know is he began to see science as the creation of all things. Not some supreme being hovering in the sky like some all-knowing, all-seeing stalker.

In 1985 he joined up with the Brotherhood of the Illuminatus. A group of like-minded people detested and hated by the Church. More specifically, the Vatican. In centuries passed, the Vatican and the Illuminati waged war against one another. The Vatican, being much larger and reaching to just about every corner of the globe, basically wiped out the Brotherhood time after time after time. This war has gone on since the 1400's and the days of Galileo.

It became apparent after centuries of war, that the Brotherhood would have to go underground. Over the last 200 years, until the Brotherhood you see before you today was built, only a handful of people were ever privy to the information we keep locked away.

When Asmodeus joined the Brotherhood there were only five others back then. At Asmodeus's urging, they started to bolster their ranks. They ballooned to somewhere around sixty or so and decided to select a Grand Master. A position, due to the underwhelming numbers throughout the last two centuries, that had remained vacant.

He began grooming me for that very same position in 1993. I was just ten years old. When I turned 18 in 2001, and since the others of high positions had long since died off, he handed the reigns over to me.

It was around this time, it could have been one or two years later, that Jonathan was sent to live with us. Asmodeus's biggest weakness is that he trusts his friends. Even those outside the Brotherhood. I guess, in a way, I've been blessed, or cursed - depending on how you look at it - with the same weakness.

He trusted Joseph Ratzinger for a very long time. Ratzinger, as you know, later ascended to the Papacy. Unbeknownst to the rest of the world, Pope Joe fathered a bastard child.


Hell, Jonathan didn't even know it until we told him. Even to this day, I think he refuses to believe it. Not that it matters. Truth is truth. Whether you choose to believe truth or not makes no difference.

Jonathan chose to do Pope Joes bidding and turn his back on the Brotherhood. The very people that took him in after his mother passed away. The very same people that put food in his stomach, a roof over his head, a bed for him to sleep in, and clothes on his back. We treated him as family. As one of us.

Make no mistake about it, I didn't start this war but I damn well will finish it. All the way to its glorious, bloody, most likely violent end. I will finish it. Even though to this point, we've had our backs against the wall, I just feel like the tide is about to turn. We've lost a number of good men so far. It's a price though, that I'm willing to pay for victory.

Like I said, I didn't start it, but I will finish it. I just hope that I'm able to confirm that my father is in fact, still alive.

Oh good, I hear Jakes voice out in the hallway. I've been waiting on him in the library for quite awhile now. Time to talk some strategy. He enters the library and sits opposite of me.

JACOB: "We've got planning to do."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "How'd it go the other day? Is everyone up to speed?"

JACOB: "Indeed they are. I sense a lot of hesitation though."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "The vows they took, I think a lot of them may have thought it was just fluff. For show. Now they know its not and reality is slapping them in the face.

"Do I need to talk to them?"

JACOB: "I think so, yes."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Alright. Have them assembled in an hour."

JACOB: "Actually, they already are assembled. The sooner the better."

Unbeknownst to most, I detest public speaking. That's why I always try to put speaking engagements off until later. Damn that Jacob! Putting me on the spot like that! He did it on purpose. I know it. Bastard. We'll see who is laughing later when he's stuck in the bathroom for hours.

After we exit the library we walk down the hall to the right before entering into the chapel. I usually take my time walking up the aisle. I'm a pretty big guy and I just have always gotten a kick out of the intimidation factor. Today, there isn't time for that. I just need to get this over with.

Now that I think about it, I'm glad Jacob pushed me to do this now. I almost forgot. A Family Guy marathon starts on TBS in about an hour or so. Bet you didn't imagine that, did you? The fearless, ruthless leader of the Illuminatus sitting around laughing his ass off to a talking dog and baby hellbent on eliminating his mother.


I do have a sense of humor.

Anyhow, back to the task at hand. Jonathan. I stop at the altar before turning to face the entirety of the Brotherhood.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Gentlemen. It's come to my attention that many of you are hesitant to own up to your solemn vows that all of you took! That maybe you are no longer willing to put your lives on the line for the greater cause..."

It never fails. I just got interrupted by a damn ringing cellphone. I look around angrily as I try to figure out whose phone is ringing and interrupting me.

Oh wait.

It's mine.

I pull out my cellphone and show it to Jacob. It's Jonathan. How does he always know when to interrupt me? Needless to say, I hit speakerphone.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Jonathan. My long lost pal."

JONATHAN: "Save it Duke."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "I'm glad you called, actually. I've been meaning to ask you something. Who did we bury? It obviously wasn't Asmodeus."

JONATHAN: "How very observant of you, Duke. Did you cry a little? Did you vow to kill me no matter what the cost? Did you plan on avenging your fathers death?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Oh, but I still do. Whether he is alive or dead makes no difference. Your life, will end Jonathan. Sooner, rather then later."

JONATHAN: "I assume by the echo you're in the chapel. Of course, I don't really hear an echo."

The things Jonathan knows at times astounds me. I look at Jacob and he mouths the words 'how did he know that?' to me. I definitely find that troublesome.

JONATHAN: "Your silence tells me I'm correct, Duke. As usual. Have you thought this war through? I mean really thought about it?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Of course."

JONATHAN: "See, Duke, I don't think you have. Look around you. You're in front of all that you control. Your Brotherhood. Do you trust them implicitly?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "I think that's a safe bet."

JONATHAN: "Oh? Is it? Think about it, Duke. I am only one man against over 250. Do you honestly think I'd stand a chance? As you consider that. Think about this. I've spent nearly a decade within your ranks. Don't you think I would have had a plan BEFORE i pulled the trigger, so to speak?

"You need to look around you, Duke. Look at all your Brothers and ask yourself. Do I trust them?"

I don't even realize it, but I'm looking around at the faces of all of those that I have under my thumb. I actually am beginning to question trust and loyalty. I'm playing right into his hands!

JONATHAN: "Obviously you are pondering this question. Your silence tells me so. I know you probably doubt me. Think about this. How do I always know when to call? What phone to call?

"I have help inside your Brotherhood, Duke."

I just look at Jacob. He looks back at me and we both come to the realization that he's not bullsh**ing me. After all, it makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?

JONATHAN: "If you honestly thought I'd take on the Brotherhood of the Illuminatus all by myself, you are truly delusional. Jacob, I know you're there. You always are.

"I've been meaning to tell you that I truly do apologize for what happened to Lucas. I know that no amount of apologies will ever bring him back and you have every right to hate me. Want me dead. Seek your vengeance upon me. I'd expect nothing less of you. All I wanted was to take Asmodeus. I never intended for Lucas to die. I've never had anything but love, respect and admiration for the both of you. I know you won't believe me and I expect that."

Again, I look at Jacob. He has his face directed to the ground and I see the tears trickling down his face. I exude a pretty hard exterior but on the inside, I do have a heart. I do have feelings. I do have emotion. Jacob and Lucas grew up with me. I considered them, and still do consider them, my brothers. Not Brothers in ideology, but brothers as in kin, siblings.

So much has gone on though in the last few months, that I think I've lost sight of that. For the first time since Lucas passed away in February, my heart hurts. My heart bleeds for Jacob... And myself. We both lost a brother.

I think I'll make it a point to sit down and grieve with him later. I just... I haven't been there for him like I should have been. That fact also breaks my heart. All this time all he's needed was a shoulder to cry on. Someone to grieve with. That someone is me and I was not there when I should have been.

JONATHAN: "Jacob, listen for just a minute. Ponder one question for me. Can you do that for me, Jake?"

JACOB: "Talk all you want, murderer. The fact is, you killed my brother. Intentional or otherwise, nothing will bring him back! My ears are open. Make it quick. We have planning to do."

JONATHAN: "Why is it, that the great and powerful Sebastian Duke secured his Compound like a fortress, but never gave any additional security when someone leaves the grounds? I mean, other then himself of course.

"Had he beefed up security on any of the Brothers that left the estate, do you realize, that Lucas might still be here?"

Jacob look at me. Angrier then I've ever seen him. He stomps out of the chapel. Was I really that selfish? Did I intentionally beef up my own security and leave the others out there like sitting ducks just waiting to be picked off?

This thought troubles me greatly.

JONATHAN: "I suppose he's stormed off. Now we can get down to the brass tax. I'm willing to negotiate a truce, Sebastian. Are you?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "I'm not sure a truce can be undertaken, Jon. Too much of my blood has spilled. Before any more blood is shed, I think we need to explore our options. You can come to the Compound and we'll talk. If what you say is true, I don't think I can say no to this idea."

JONATHAN: "HA! Fat chance. We'll meet. Say, Thursday afternoon. Evening, maybe. In a public place. Crowded. So there is no threat of violence from either of us."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "I can live with that. Just to prove to me that you have good intentions..."

JONATHAN: "You want to know whether Asmodeus is still alive."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "In fact, I do."

JONATHAN: "To prove to you that I'm seriously interested in a truce, or a cease-fire, or a peace treaty, or whatever you want to call it.


"Your father is still with a beating heart."

A single tear. One of joy, runs down my face.

JONATHAN: "Duke, I told you the things I did today because they are truths. I have numbers within your ranks. Many, actually. There's also another reason."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "What's that, Jon?"

JONATHAN: "Because no matter how far against the wall you were before today, its even closer to that wall now. Call it leverage. I think we can settle this without any further bloodshed.

"Until Thursday, Duke."

I guess that suffices as a goodbye these days. People wonder why I'm thirty years old and look forty or fifty. This. This right here, is why. I keep a solid career going in the XWF and at the same time, I'm at war with a damn Church. Or at least an element of it.

I never even considered it though. The fact that Jonathan spent nearly a decade among my ranks is certainly true. I never ever thought about the fact that in those ten years, he might have turned one or two, maybe ten, hell at this point, he might have turned them all.

Who the hell can I trust?

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Bryce and his posse. In just over 24 hours you embark on a journey. A journey that will take you to the edge of a precipice. Below that precipice, Bryce, is hell.

"Many have tried, most have failed to conquer the Angel of Darkness and this Wednesday night will be no different. I am your United States Champion and that is a fact that will not change any time soon. If ever.

"Bryce, you have to be asking yourself why I'd be willing to put my title on the line when its a four on one handicapped match. Stupid right? The fact is, that I'm not only confident in my own ability, I'm also confident in you and your posses LACK of ability.

"I promised that I'd keep the Black Circle away from Warfare this week, and I assure you I will. I'm going it alone to prove a point to any doubters that are left. I can and will conquer on my own.

"Bryce, you are about to find out why I'm the best! Why I'm the biggest, the baddest, the meanest, the most ruthless man you've ever faced! I will run roughshod through your PvP. I will defeat the four of you and I will do it on my own!

"Trust me."
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