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Monday Night Madness 01.05.2015
Author Message
Kirk MacClay Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

01-05-2015, 11:53 PM

[Image: J4ZYCXe.jpg]

[Image: staplescenter_0.jpg]

January 5, 2014
Los Angeles, CA

Ethan Donovan
- vs -
Lucius Fyre
Lion’s Den Match

Duncan B. Deadly
- vs -
Simon Lyster
- vs -
Tyroil Smoochie-Wallace
Triple Threat Match

- vs -
Grayson Stinger
Singles Match, One Fall

TJ Wallace & Aerial Knight
- vs -
Jesus Christ & C.C. Hollywood
Tornado Tag Team Match, One Fall

Universal Championship #1 Contender Match Qualifier
Justin Sane
- vs -
Austin Fernando
Singles Match, One Fall

Television Championship Match
Gator ©
- vs -
'Loverboy' Vinnie Lane
Singles Match, One Fall
As Per Television Championship Rules,
The Champion may post two RPs per day.
The Challenger may only post one RP per day.

Fireworks are going off all over the stage as the FIRST Monday Night Madness of the year is about to kick off!

Joey Styles: Welcome one and all to MONDAY NIGHT MADNESS! I am your guide through this mayhem, Joey Styles. Today we are going to see a title match between two of the BIGGEST stars of Madness’ history! But before that we have our General Manager, Kirk MacClay already in the ring!

Kirk MacClay is standing in the ring with Benjamin Fieldler beside him. He smirks as he begins to talk.

Welcome to ye-


More static.

Even more static.

God dammit this is getting ridiculous just get to the point.

Alright there we go! The static finally fades and in its place we get Miranda Tigris, in what appears to be a conference room in a Holiday Inn.

Hello, XWF. I wish I could be there tonight, enjoying the festivities with the rest of you, but as you can clearly see I am not. No matter! For you see, there is something important I must disclose. Of course it's important, you hardly see me otherwise. Because, unlike that filthy Communist sympathizing piece of trash Kirk MacClay, I don't like to hog up airtime that should be going to our hardworking wrestlers. You know, the people who do the thing that puts the W in the XWF? Anyway, onto the task at hand.

This whole, little war between MacClay and I? Well, it would appear that the date for our final battle of sorts is approaching and my team hasn't been revealed yet!

Maverick and Frodo Smackins have already made their affiliation with me known, so I shan't introduce them. Which leaves two empty spaces on Team Tigris.

Allow me to fill those holes.

Suddenly, a voice from off camera pipes up.

That's what she said.

Did I ask you to speak?

Anyway, let's start with slot three. Who else to take the role but the newly returning Joe Tuesday? Now, I know most of you new to watching might not know who Joe Tuesday even is. Don't worry, you'll learn soon enough but in the meantime allow me to air the following, what he's been doing since he last set foot in an XWF ring.

Oh shit more static. Which in turn subsides to show security footage of a hardware store, inside of which Joe Tuesday stands at the cash register. The footage is on screen for only a few seconds before it's shut off and Tigris' face can once again be seen.

Yeah. That little bit of mundane life is sure to spark something inside of ol' Joey that'll be quite unpleasant for those he's facing, if I were to make a prediction. And as for slot four?

Suddenly, loud ass music begins to play.

Come on, andale andale hurry this shit up puta!

And into frame comes Luca Arzegotti, wearing a poncho, a sombrero, with maracas in either hand and the Mexican flag painted on his face. Piling into frame behind him is a small army of Mexican men, ranging from tall and muscular to short and fat.

Luca Arzegotti.

As if there could be a better number four. Though I ain't here to tell ya what ya already know, amigos. No no, I'm here to issue a warning to the mangs on the other team because Luca Miguel Carlos Pablo Jose Juan-Claude Arzegotti is nothing if not forthcoming. Nah nah mangs, just a heads up, I'm planning on having mi whole familia at ringside with me to witness my triumphant return to the XWF so if you guys try to pull any funny bullshit, you'll get fucked up, mangs.

Tigris just shakes her head and gestures for the person behind the camera to cut off the broadcast.

And, more static.


"Tank!" by Seatbelts plays

Justin Roberts: The following contest is a LION'S DEN Match! The only way to win this bout is to successfully escape the Lion's Den! Introducing first from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at 225 lbs... ETHAN DONOVAN!

Tank! by Seatbelts plays over the P.A. as Ethan walks out puffing on a cigarette. He makes his way to the cage to the side of the stage. He gets on the top of the cage and motions towards the audience. He steps down from there he finishes his cigarette as he waits for the match to start.

"Shout At The Devil" by Motley Crue plays

Justin Roberts: Introducing his opponent from The Crossroads, weighing in at 200 lbs... LUCIUS FYRE!

Lucius comes out when the guitar begins, turns his back to the ring. He points left, right, and then both with each SHOUT! eventually turning around for SHOUT AT THE DEVIL! He then walks to the cage, interacts with the fans, and gets to the cage in time to repeat the pointing in time with the music. The music fades out.

Ethan Donovan
- vs -
Lucius Fyre
Lion’s Den Match

Ding ding ding!

Both men circle each other, before Lucius charges in with a kick to the gut. However, Donovan sidesteps out of the way and comes back in with a sick forearm to the side of Lucius' head! Lucius grabs his ear and backpedals, looking dazed by the impact of the strike. Donovan smiles and charges at Lucius with a lariat but this time it's Lucius who dodges the move and with his newfound upper hand, he pushes the already running Donovan into the cage. Donovan collides with the chain link, making the whole structure shake before Lucius comes in with a running dropkick! Donovan's face scrapes against the chain and he falls backwards to the mat, clutching his cheeks. He pulls his hand away and looks at it, seeing a puddle of crimson in his palm. Yes, Ethan Donovan is busted open this early! Things aren't not looking good for him right here, nosiree! He slaps the mat, smearing his blood on the canvas before pushing himself up to his feet and staring down Lucius. Lucius smiles and mouths "bring it" and Donovan does.

Donovan goes for a roaring elbow! But no! Lucius ducks under it! Donovan put way too much force into the missed move as he's taken off balance and Lucius capitalizes but hoisting him up for a big belly to back suplex! No! Donovan backflips his way out of it! Lucius turns around, right into a Cajun Kick (Jumping Superkick)! Lucius goes down hard and Donovan wastes no time in scrambling for the cage! He grabs onto the chain link and pulls himself up. He's a quarter way up the cage by the time Lucius stirs. Lucius groggily pulls himself to his feet before realizing what's going on and he charges over to where Donovan's climbing. Donovan throws a few kicks to the reaching Lucius but Fyre grabs onto his foot! He yanks hard and Donovan's grip fails! Donovan crashes to the mat!

Lucius laughs and delivers a series of stomps to the fallen Donovan before yanking him up to his feet. He sets Donovan up, and Incubus Suplex (Brainbuster DDT)! He drives him down to the mat hard! Lucius looks over at the nearby cage and then back at Donovan. He could win this match right here folks, but it looks like he's willing to risk his victory in order to deliver more punishment! He pulls Donovan to his feet once more but this time Donovan throws a wild punch that finds a home in Lucius' gut! Donovan grabs Lucius by the hair and slams his face into the cage! Grinding his face back and forth and back and forth without any sign of mercy, and now Lucius is busted open! Donovan follows up his cheese grater act with a sick elbow to the back of Lucius' head! Lucius crumples up and falls to the mat.

Smirking, Ethan Donovan once again attempts to exit the cage.

But wait! Lucius is back up to his feet already! He makes a halfhearted effort to grab for Donovan's foot but instead starts climbing up the cage right next to him! Both men are gingerly making their way up the cage now! Lucius jabs his elbow into Donovan's ribs but he still holds on! Donovan grabs Lucius by his hair and slams his face into the cage once more, trying to force him off, but Lucius still hangs on! They're ascending the cage at the same pace, and soon they're both straddling the top of the cage, staring at each other. Neither man willing to give an inch, but neither man also willing to risk too much. Both men can taste victory! Ethan Donovan swings first. It hits Lucius square in the jaw and Lucius teeters before falling.

To the outside of the cage.

Donovan, in a split second spur of rash thinking, tosses himself over the side of the cage and falls alongside Lucius!

They both collapse and hit the ground hard!

And both their feet hit the floor at the same time.

JUSTIN ROBERTS: This match ends in a draw!

Peter Gilmour is leaning against his car in a field outside L.A., checking his phone as Grayson Stinger walks into frame. Stinger is carrying a huge black duffel bag, which he drops to the ground while sounds of metal ring out from inside. Stinger crouches down and unzips the bag, removing the items.

“Hey Peter…quick question. While I spent the last three days swallowing all the alcohol in a 100-mile radius, did you by chance put us in a group with Jesus? “

Gilmour looks up, smiles wickedly, and answers,

"Don't worry dude. That loser will regret mocking the Lord. And as far as Dong and Tush go…”

Stinger looks up at him and shakes his head.

“Okay… Here, take this.” He holds up a long, black rifle while he continues to look for things in the bag.

Gilmour takes it gingerly and observes it carefully. “What the fuck is this?”

Stinger doesn’t even look up. “That is a Kalashnikov AK-12. It’s imported from Russia. Fires about 1,000 rounds per minute. Range is about 2000 ft.”

Stinger stands and sets a second gun on the back of Gilmour’s vehicle. He begins loading in ammunition. “And this baby is the MSBS-5.56 Radon kalibru. It’s the latest military firearm for the Polish Army. This is one of only ten currently in use. No one knows its stats.”

Gilmour stares at Stinger incredulously. “How the fuck did you get these.”

Stinger raises the gun and looks down the scope before turning and shrugging to Gilmour. “I buy a lot of dumb shit when I’m drunk. Now…out there is one of those machines that flings clay pigeons for shooting competitions. However, today it’s filled with some…personal…mementos from our good friends Dong and Tush." Stinger pulls out a coin. “Call it in the air. Winner gets to choose which dipshit’s stuff they want to obliterate.”

Peter cocks the rifle and pulls back on it hard locking it in position to fire. He seems to like the sound it makes as a devilish grin comes upon his face. “Those two are going to get taken out.”

Stinger turns to the camera. “Peace out bros. See ya tonight in the ring.”

With a smirk he covers the lens of the camera. A voice in the black yells “Pull.” And the ringing of gunshot soon follows.

"Burn Your House Brown" by The Cardiacs plays

Justin Roberts: The following contest is a triple threat match for one fall. Introducing first from Atlantis, weighing in at 285 lbs... DUNCAN B. DEADLY!

Duncan B. Deadly walks down the rampway and enters the ring.

"Fight" by Unwritten Law plays

Justin Roberts: Introducing next from Miami, Florida, weighing in at 350 lbs... TYROIL SMOOCHIE-WALLACE!

Red pyro flames flare up for a minute while Wallace runs to the ring and gets pumped in the ring.

"Theme From Halloween" by John Carpenter plays

Justin Roberts: Introducing last from Shepperton, London, UK, weighing in at 265 lbs... SIMON LYSTER, "THE SPINE TWISTER!"

Walks to the ring in a latex overcoat, accompanied by three SUBMISSIVES - hot valets in fetish gear accoutered with cervical, back, and halo braces.

As Lyster heads to the ring, Wallace takes the opportunity to jump Duncan before the match has officially started!

Wallace clubs Deadly over the back of his head, sending the big man stumbling into the ropes. As Deadly tries to gather himself, Wallace runs across the ring, rebounds from the far ropes, and then returns, leaping over the ropes!

Wallace grabs Deadly’s head as he clears the rope, dropping down into a sitting position on the apron and bringing Deadly’s throat down onto the top rope in an impressive guillotine bulldog! Deadly flops backward onto the mat clutching his throat as Wallace stands up and waits for Simon Lyster.

Joey Styles: What an incredible move for a 350 pound man! Simon Lyster doesn’t seem impressed though!

Lyster arrives at the ring as Wallace taunts him from the apron, looking up at the portly man with disinterest.

Wallace leans back into the ropes and leaps off! Flying body press from Wallace!

Lyster sidesteps the ill-fated aerial maneuver and watches as Wallace crashes to the concrete floor. With surgical precision, Lyster begins sending shin kicks and heel stomps into the joints of Wallace’s prone body.

Lyster drops a knee between Wallace’s shoulder blades, the wrenches back on the former football standout’s head! Wallace grimaces in pain from the torque on his neck.

Joey Styles: Lyster is really pulling back on the head and neck of Wallace, you can hear the pops of his vertebrae from here! But look out!

Suddenly, Duncan B. Deadly drops from the ring apron onto Simon Lyster with a clubbing forearm, sending the Spine Twister sprawling on the floor.

Deadly quickly stomps on the head of Tyroil Wallace, then grabs Simon Lyster by the hand and pulls him to his feet. Yanking him in sharply, Duncan Deadly flattens Lyster with a short arm clothesline!

Turning his attention back to Wallace, Deadly tangles his fingers in the thicket of dreads on top of the plump brawler’s head and brings him to a standing position, then whips him into the ring post!


Wallace reversed the momentum at the last second and sent Deadly crashing into the post instead! Wallace grabs Deadly and slams his face into the apron, then rolls him under the bottom rope and back into the ring.

Entering the ring, Wallace backs into the ropes… but gets tripped up by Lyster from the outside! The British bonebreaker snagged him by the ankle and sent him crashing face first to the canvas!

Lyster methodically climbs the steps and enters the ring… and finally the bell rings!

Joey Styles: Can you believe that? Lyster just got in the ring for the first time and now the match is officially underway!

Duncan B. Deadly
- vs -
Simon Lyster
- vs -
Tyroil Smoochie-Wallace
Triple Threat Match

Wallace back to his feet now and he uses his girth to press Lyster into a corner, then starts slamming fists into his head and neck… then whips him across the ring to the opposite corner!

Lyster hits the buckles hard, but staggers back out the center of the ring where Wallace meets him with a running lariat… but Wallace gets caught! Lyster gets the zoftig attacker up in a high angle spinebuster, shaking the ring with the impact!

Duncan B. Deadly is on the attack immediately, however, as he rushes in and sends a knee to the skull of Lyster… Simon Lyster shoves Deadly off of him and gets to his feet, and the two lithe, muscular men square off.

Trading punches blow for blow, Lyster and Deadly aren’t budging… until Lyster sends a knee to the midsection of Duncan B. Deadly, doubling him over! Lyster hooks him and lifts him for a suplex… no, Deadly reverses! He gets Lyster up… wrong again!

Lyster reverses the reverse, and lifts Deadly in a vertical suplex… he crushes him with a screwdriver! The Compressor!

Deadly’s skull ricochets off the mat, but Simon Lyster doesn’t go for the cover… instead, he looks at the fallen body of Deadly and slowly moves toward him.

Lyster grabs Deadly by the face, sliding onto the fallen man’s back, and pulls his head back in a deep camel clutch!

Duncan Deadly is writhing in agony… and meanwhile at ringside his SUBMISSIVE valets begin a chant of "submit... submit... submit... submit…"

It looks like Duncan Deadly is about to tap!


But no! Tyroil Smoochie-Wallace dives in and clobbers Lyster with a low angle clothesline!

Joey Styles: I haven’t seen a hit like that since the one Hingle McCringleberry took at the East-West Shrine Game!

Tyroil lifts Simon Lyster up to his feet… then pulls him into the air and hits an rotating sidewalk slam! Simon Lyster is in trouble here, and Wallace gets to the corner, climbing to the second rope! He looks like King Kong swatting at helicopters!

Wallace with a front rolling senton! Incredible for a man his size!

Look out though! Duncan B. Deadly got in the way… and he caught Smoochie! He caught Smoochie!

Sitdown powerbomb with authority, and Duncan B. Deadly holds on for a pinning combination!



Kickout by the indomitable fighting spirit of Tyroil Smoochie-Wallace!!!!

Deadly looks stunned, but he gets to his feet and starts laying boots to the dollop of humanity on the canvas that is Wallace, then turns his attention to the stirring Simon Lyster.

As Lyster gets to his feet, he’s planted with a rushing big boot! Lyster stumbles against the ropes as Duncan B. Deadly rotates for a discus clothesline…

He missed!

Deadly whiffs on the clothesline, and Lyster with an Irish Whip, throwing Duncan into the corner, the ref nearby. Lyster is charging forward to hit a big splash... dodged! Duncan threw the ref where he was, enabling Duncan to get away!

This is allowing Deadly to land a couple right hand shots on Lyster, sending him to the ropes. Duncan backs up a bit... big clothesline from Deadly, sending Lyster crashing to the outside! Lyster may be out of it!

Smoochie- Wallace sees that Deadly is in control, and tries to take charge here with a big forearm smash, but Duncan reverses it, ducking underneath it- big Belly- to- Belly Suplex!

Smoochie- Wallace is down, enabling Duncan to perform the Mortal Engine (Regal Stretch)! Smoochie is clawing for the ropes, vying to get out of this dangerous hold! He might tap!

Joey Styles: Wait, who the hell?

It's Maverick! He's scaled the barricade, and the fans are chanting, "ICE- MAN! ICE- MAN!"

Maverick doesn't seem to care, as he's ascending up to the top turnbuckle... big time leg drop on Duncan B. Deadly's skull, breaking up the Mortal Engine! Maverick is pounding away now on Duncan B. Deadly, obviously pissed for his interference in the X-treme Title Match last week!

Smoochie- Wallace is trying to get involved now, but gets rewarded with a Lights Out Spinebuster for his efforts! Maverick picks up Deadly now, and throws him out of the ring, the Perfection Incarnate now in hot pursuit.

Maverick is dismantling the Spanish announce table, and puts Deadly on top of it! Mav scales to announce table, and wills the audience on, as they chant Iceman!

Maverick picks up Deadly now, and shouts in his face, "WHERE ON EARTH IS YOUR LITTLE GENERIC DEITY NOW?!"

AGE OF PERFECTION THROUGH THE TABLE! Duncan B. Deadly is now in critical condition, as Maverick is fired up, and leaves the way he came, as Simon Lyster notices the downed Smoochie- Wallace and Duncan B. Deadly.

Simon rolls out of the ring and pulls Duncan back into the ring! Duncan tries to surprise him with a clothesline, but, in his state, Lyster ducks under and as he turns around Lyster grabs him and lifts him into the air with a gorilla press! That’s 285 pounds of 100% USDA grade-A man!

Lyster drops Deadly into a backbreaker! The Dislocation Drop!!! All he’s got to do is cover the man!

But he doesn’t!

Simon Lyster smiles and wraps himself around the head and torso of Duncan B. Deadly like an anaconda… he’s got a vise on him, and he’s hyper-extending the man’s neck! He’s got the Paralyzer fully locked in!

Will Duncan B. Deadly be able to hold on? He’s flailing and screaming in agony as the sounds of popping discs fills the arena!

Duncan's eyes are full of tears as Simon is pulling back with ferocity! Duncan has no choice but to tap out!

Justin Roberts: The winner of this match is... SIMON LYSTER!

In the back we see Lucius Fyre walking through the locker room wearing only a robe having just finished his post match shower. He stops a few feet from his locker when he sees a black crow perched on his seat with a small white envelope in his mouth. The crow stares directly at Fyre for a moment and then drops the envelope before flying off.

Fyre watches the bird fly out of the room and then approaches his chair with caution. He picks up the envelope, opens it up and pulls out a small letter.


You are the fire. In your bag is some Earth

Look for the wind and you will find the water.

And only then will your eyes finally be opened.

With the letter still in his hand Fyre reaches down into his wrestling bag and pulls out a small mound of dirt which he allows to slip through his fingers and fall to the ground.

Lucius looks around and sees that no one else is in the room. Fyre reads the letter over again, crumples it up and tosses it to the ground. A few feet away a metal door is blown open from a gust of wind. Lucius looks around again still alone in the room. Fyre then slowly proceeds through the doorway and into the group shower. Much like the room before it there is no one there. Fyre slowly walks through the shower area until he gets to the big open shower made for about 10-12 people. He notices that there is something placed on top of the drain which explains the 2-3 inches of water covering the floor. Fyre steps into the shower and walks towards the center of the shower. He reaches down and picks up the source of the blockage. A black t-shirt. He lifts the shirt up and immediately the water starts spiraling down the drain. Fyre holds the shirt up and sees on the front of the shirt in big white text it says: "You have found the water. Now turn around."

Fyre does as the shirt says and sees corVus standing at the showers entry way the crow from before perched on his shoulder. corVus' face remains stone cold. He pulls a small black object out of his pocket, holds it out for Lucius to see and then clicks a button.


The unmistakable sound of a stun gun. Fyre's eye's open wide when he realizes what is about to happen.

corVus smiles only briefly and then places the stun gun in the water and then activates it....


Fyre's body starts convulsing as he is being electrocuted to death. corVus takes the stun gun out of the water after only a few seconds having done what he set out to do. Fyre falls to his knees, still alive but breathing heavily with burn marks on his feet and hands. Fyre looks up at corVus but his attacker is already gone.

"The Monster" by Rhianna and Eminem plays

Justin Roberts: The following match is a singles match for one fall. Introducing first from Alexandra, Central Otago, New Zealand, weighing in at 200 lbs... MASTERMIND!

The lights go out, and then when they come back on Mastermind is seen standing on the top rope waving to the crowd.

"Deadman's Hand" by Serg Salinas plays

Justin Roberts: Introducing his opponent from South Beach, Florida, weighing in at 235 lbs... GRAYSON STINGER!

Stinger walks out slowly, loosely shadow boxing and bouncing from foot to foot towards the ramp. He stops at the top and throws his arms out, encouraging the crowd to hate and laughing at their boos as he makes his way down. He climbs the steps and jumps over the top rope, climbing on the far corner turnbuckle to pose with his arms out wide.

- vs -
Grayson Stinger
Singles Match, One Fall

The bell rings as the two competitors begin circling around. Mastermind is distracted by something up at the top of ramp. It's Peter Gilmour! Mastermind is daring Peter to come down to the ring! Peter laughs and folds his arms. Mastermind turns around and..

WHAM! A stiff uppercut! Followed by a stiff left hook! Mastermind is reeling.

Grayson grabs Mastermind and pulls him into his patented...


The black tiger bomb demolishes Mastermind! Grayson pins him.




Justin Roberts: The winner of the match is.... GRAYSON STINGER!

Stinger walks over and slams Mastermind's face into his knee, and delivers strikes to the bloodying man. He stands and looks up the ramp as Peter Gilmour walks down to join him.

Stinger grabs a mic and paces around the ring as Gilmour begins to pile different weapons in the corners.

"Was what I just did good sportsmanship? No. But I really don't give a fuck. I am pissed off."

Stinger grabs a kendo stick and carries on. "Mastermind, I apologize. You didn't do anything to me or Peter. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Stinger unleashes a barrage of whacks onto his prone opponent. He chucks the stick up the ramp and sits on the turnbuckle as Gilmour climbs into the ring and begins to trap Mastermind in the ropes.

"Dong. Tush. You wanted a match at Turning Point, and you got one." Stinger looks up into the camera with his trademark smirk. "But this is how it's going to go down. We are going to have a tornado tag match. But with some special stipulations. Let's call it...a House of Sadistic Fun Match.

"Here are the rules. A special rig will hang over the ring, with steel chains hanging from it. Attached to these chains will be weapons of all four competitors' choice. No DQs, no countouts, no submissions. Pinfalls count anywhere. You can only pin an opponent after he has been busted wide fucking open. Gilmour and I have chosen some our weapons."

Gilmour pulls a black duffel bag into the center of the ring. He removes a toolbox and ten light tubes. Stinger picks up a light tube and twirls it in his fingers while he struts around the ring. Gilmour opens the toolbox, takes out a screwdriver, and digs it into the cut on the head of Mastermind.

After an eternity of painful shrieks, Stinger stops Gilmour. He picks up the mic and looks Mastermind in the eyes. "Nothing personal. Just business." He turns to the camera. "Tush, this one is for you."

Stinger turns and swings the tube through the midsection of the helpless man. HE continues to swing until the tube is broken completely.

The two men gather their chosen implements, and walk towards the back.

The camera cuts to Austin Fernando conducting a vicious assault on Justin Sane! Fernando is landing blow after blow onto Sane, beating him into the ground. Fernando grabs a lead pipe, sizing up Sane.


He slammed Sane right into the mid-section with the lead pipe! Fernando leaves Sane laying on the floor, walking away with the lead pipe in his hand.

"Swing Life Away" by Machine Gun Kelly plays

Justin Roberts: The following is a tornado tag team match for one fall. Introducing first from Queens, New York, weighing in at 243 lbs... TJ WALLACE!

"Swing Life Away" plays over the PA as TJ Wallace walks out from the back onto the ramp. He does a "I can't hear you" chant and raises.his arms up and down, getting the crowd hype. Then he puts his index finger to his lip and quiets the crowd. He walka down the ramp, slapping hands, kissing babies, grabbing titties. He slides in the ring and sits on the far turnbuckle.

"Sentry the Defiant" by Coheed and Cambria plays

Justin Roberts: Introducing his tag team partner from Baltimore, Maryland, weighing in at 179 lbs... 'THE AERIAL KNIGHT' JOHNATHAN HEARTSFORD!

The acoustic strums of a guitar can be heard as the spotlights point directly at the ramp and everyone becomes dead silent. The acoustic strums repeat for a second time as fog begins to seep out of the ramp and towards the ring itself. Just as the song becomes heavy, the Aerial Knight bursts through the curtains and takes a good look at the crowd and the ring. Once the lyrics hit, he slowly walks to the ring, slapping the hands of the fans to his left side as he passes them by. As soon as he gets close to the ring, he stops and looks up at the ring, where the referee is waiting for him. He smirks at them and circles the ring as the song continues to play, even as the chorus plays out. After annoying the referee and taking a good chunk of air time out of the show, he climbs the stairs and hops over the top rope. Once inside, he then hops to the top rope of his respective corner and waits for the bell to ring. All the while, he has a cocky smirk on his face.

Justin Roberts: Introducing their opponents from Heaven, Jesus Christ!

Jesus Christ appears in the ring with his hands outstretched and towards the heavens.

"The Rapture of Ridley Walker" by Clutch plays

Justin Roberts: Introducing his tag team partner from Manyuk, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 200 lbs... C.C. HOLLYWOOD!

The subtle pulse of the bass kicks in tune with the drums as all attention is being directed towards the entrance ramp. The XWF fans look in anticipation to see the arrival of a superstar to the way to the ring. Nothing shows on a screen, just black. The bass guitar now begins to keep in groove with the bass of the drums as the tempo quickly changes and here comes the awaited confirmation of C.C. Hollywood's arrival to the viewing live audience.

Went to the doctor, to see what could be given.
He said, "Sorry, but you've got to do your own livin'."
Went to the pastor, to hear what he would say.
He said, "Sorry, son, come back later some time after judgment day."

C.C. takes off the aviator glasses and tucks them over the front pocket of his leather jacket. He cracks a smile as he then walks straight forward to the ring, with a bunch of meaning in his steps. C.C. just looks like he goes into a different mood as he enters the ring, back first on the apron and rolling under the bottom rope.

There is no safe way out of here. No passage below the dungeon.
No mother ship will save you. So goes the rapture of Riddley Walker.

Up on his feet, C.C. takes off his jacket in one motion and drops it over the top rope and to the floor of the ring, glasses still attached as it is no worry about them.

*Lyrics finishing in background*
Churchyard was empty, schoolyard was bare.
Wind in the streets, wind in the air.
Pockets of diamonds, nothing to buy.
Scream out hello and get no reply.

Hollywood then backs up against the ropes and hooks his arms to stretch out his shoulders and back across the top rope. C.C. doesn't take his eyes off of where is opponent is.

TJ Wallace & Aerial Knight
- vs -
Jesus Christ & C.C. Hollywood
Tornado Tag Team Match, One Fall

The match starts out hot and heavy as the man claiming to be the son of Christ does something very unChristian like and attacks TJ Wallace. He must be jealous of Wallace's pigment. Jesus grabs Wallace by the arm and tosses him into the ropes on the return trip he attempts an elbow to the face but Wallace ducks the move at the last second and counters with a jab to the face and then a drop kick.

JOEY STYLES: "There is something inherently wrong seeing "Jesus" engaging in violent acts. And on the other side of the ring the new comer CC Hollywood is going to work."

Hollywood picks up a still dazed Jesus before turning his attention to Wallace. Hollywood attempts to throw him into the corner but Wallace reverses and instead sends him into the far turnbuckles. Wallace backs up a few steps placing his back against the turnbuckles and then propels himself forward using the ropes as extra leverage. He comes roaring across the ring and hits a perfectly executed splash in the corner. Hollywood falls forward face first onto the mat. Wallace goes for the cover...




JOEY STYLES" "With the way Jesus is going after Wallace it's clear that TJ was able to get under his skin this week during their war of words."

Jesus comes flying in and breaks up the pin with a double axe handle to the back of TJ Wallace. The slain Son of Christ smiles at Wallace but then is immediately taken out by Aerial Knight. Both men are back to their feet and the two men have a quick stare down and then Knight unloads on Jesus's. A series of punches that sends Jesus stumbling backwards into the corner and then with a monkey flip takes the man down.

Knight follows up the monkey flip with a moonsault but Jesus manages to get his knees up just in time to meet Knight's ribcage. Jesus spins back up to his feet and grabs Knight by the hair and tosses him over the top rope and onto the cold concrete floor. Jesus backs up a few steps, waits for Knight to get to his feet and then leaps out of the ring and leveling Jesus with a devastating diving body press. A move that basically takes both of the men out of action for a little bit.

Back in the ring TJ Wallace is mounting an offensive against CC Hollywood. A few punches to the face followed by a quick pele kick and Wallace has his opponent down. He hooks the leg for the pin…



Kick out!!

Wallace wastes no time and quickly pulls his opponent back up to his feet. He attempts to take him down again with a chokeslam but Hollywood reverses it into a DDT and then a quick pin.



Broken Up!!

JOEY STYLES: "So close."

This time it's Aerial Knight's turn to play the part of superhero as he flies through the air like a speeding bullet and collides with CC Hollywood. Hollywood rolls off of Wallace and goes to work on Knight. Punch to the face then a vertical suplex but before he can follow up Jesus appears on the scene and starts laying waste to Knight's face. CC takes it in for a moment before making a move towards Wallace. Wallace springs to his feet and drop kicks Hollywood right in the knee. The move sends Hollywood down to one knee. Wallace circles his opponent like a shark in water. He squares him up for a superkick but CC grabs Wallace's foot in mid air and counters with an uppercut to TJ's cash and prizes. Wallace hits the deck in serious pain while Hollywood uses the ropes to pull himself up.

JOEY STYLES: "I hope TJ Wallace wasn't planning on having any kids in the near future."

C. C. hits the ropes and is looking for the big boot! CC connects with it and down goes Knight on the apron. CC then averts his attention back towards the man in the ring. Hollywood lifts up Wallace and Wallace backhands him! CC takes a step back and Wallace rushes forward for a running STO! CC hits the mat hard as The Sound of Silence gets to his feet and is getting the crowd into it. CC gets up and walks right into Natural Selection! TJ hit that devastating reverse bulldog! TJ leaps onto his body for a count!



TH-NO! Jesus breaks it up!

Jesus rushes forward and hits a CROSSbody onto TJ Wallace! He lifts up TJ Wallace and hits a CROSS arm breaker! TJ Wallace is trying to get out of it, but Jesus has a little help from up above holding the move in tight! CC gets to a standing position and drops a Hollywood leg drop across the chest of TJ! Knight returns and hits a big dropkick to CC sending him into the corner. Knight then drops an elbow on Mr. Christ. Knight climbs the turnbuckle and leaps for a missile drop kick. Christ moves out of the way! Jesus then mounts the downed Knight and begins pounding his face in with shot after shot! Jesus stands tall and outstretches his hands as the crowd is booing him pretty heavily. Jesus goes to his knees and enters prayer with his arms outstretched.


A clothesline rocks the body of Jesus as he crumples to the floor.


Jesus has risen almost immediately and is staring at TJ with an empty expression on his face! TJ looks briefly discouraged but then begins hitting shot after shot to Jesus who is slowly falling. TJ lifts up Jesus onto his shoulders and goes for his finish!


NO! Jesus reverses out of it.

TJ rushes towards him, but CC hits a huge uppercut before tackling Knight out of the ring. TJ gets kicked in the gut. Jesus pulls him into a powerbomb position! He outstretches his arms and looks to the heavens above. Jesus wraps around him and lifts him up into a crucifix position! TJ is held up by Jesus extending the arms of TJ. The crowd goes silent. Jesus flips TJ down onto his head! The crucifix powerbomb sending TJ careening into the mat neck first! Jesus doesn't go for the cover? No! He grabs his tag team partner and insist he make the pinfall! C.C. Hollywood leaps at the opportunity and hooks the leg with a smile on his face.




Justin Roberts: The winners of the match are… JESUS CHRIST AND C.C. HOLLYWOOD!

"Undead" by Hollywood Undead plays

Justin Roberts: The following is a singles match for one fall and is a Universal Championship #1 Contender Match Qualifier for Turning Point! Introducing first from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 265 lbs... JUSTIN SANE!

The opening riff of "Undead" by Hollywood Undead hits the PA system. The stage fills with a low-covering layer of smoke as the main lights dim and are instead replaced with flickering sapphire blue and white lights centrered on the stage and entrance ramp. Justin Sane slowly walks out from behind the curtain, hands at his sides, clenching and un-clenching his fists whilst rolling his next. He approaches the top of the ramp and looks out and the crowd with a smirk on his face. After gazing around the XWF arena, his gaze lands upon the ring in front of him. He makes his way down the ramp, eyes solely on the ring, a look of intent and purpose in his eyes. He slides into the ring underneath the bottom rope and paces a couple of circles around the ring. Just as the chorus of "Undead" is about to kick in, he strides to the corner, grabs the top rope and pulls himself up to the second turnbuckle before throwing both arms out 90 degrees at his sides and letting out a loud war cry. He jumps down from the turnbuckle, unrivaled intensity in his eyes and stares out at the crowd as "undead" begins to fade and the lighting returns to normal.

"Edge of a Revolution" by Nickelback plays

Justin Roberts: Introducing his opponent from Gold Coast, Australia, weighing in at 205 lbs... AUSTIN FERNANDO!

Austin Fernando will stride out confidently to the top of the entrance ramp, standing front and center in front of the entire crowd with an almost sadistic smile on his face, cranking his head from side to side, he will pace down to the ring and hop up onto the apron lightly. He will stop again for a moment and bound straight over the top rope, clearing it easily. Bouncing around lightly on his feet he will cross over to the bottom right turnbuckle and step up onto the top turnbuckle, raising one arm triumphantly into the air. After the crowd react to him accordingly, he will step down from the top rope and stay in the corner he placed himself in, stretching himself out and preparing himself for the match ahead.

Universal Championship #1 Contender Match Qualifier
Justin Sane
- vs -
Austin Fernando
Singles Match, One Fall

The crowd is deafening as Justin Sane and Austin Fernando are in their respected corners. Sane is slumps against his, smirking at an opposite Fernando, who is doing a warm up with a cold stare at the member of the Defiance.



The bell rings as both wrestlers aggressively lock up, both wrestlers seemingly having an answer to the other. Armbar, wristlock, headlock, repeat. This continues until Sane gets Fernando into a headlock, but he pushes out, Sane bouncing off the ropes and being struck with a dropkick.

Fernando hits a quick elbow drop and brings Sane to his feet, hitting two quick jabs and irish whipping Sane into the ropes again, lifting up into a Samoan Drop but Sane counters and hits a snap Russian legsweep. Sane mounts Fernando and begins raining strikes on him, before he gets pushed off.

Fernando picks up Sane by the hair, and he hits a body slam that puts him into the corner. Fernando runs to the ropes, and he comes off of the ropes for a big leg drop. But Sane moves out of the way crashes into the mat. Fernando and Sane are down on the mat, and the ref starts his standing ten count.

Sane is able to get up for a moment, and this breaks the count. Sane charges at a downed Fernando but he hits a drop hold that sends Sane into the middle rope throat first and he falls on the mat holding his throat. Sane gets up, and Fernando hits a kick to the gut, and he hits a quick DDT that plants down Sane, who rolls out of the ring and clutches his face in agony.

Fernando slides outside of the ring of the ring, following Sane and is hit by a stiff European uppercut, but Sane replies with a hard punch of his own. This goes on for a while with the crowd counting along with the number of punches, until the referees count reaches 8 and both competitors get back in the ring.

Sane gets the upper hand as the striking battle continues between the two, where he hits a strong clothesline to Fernando who crashes out of the ring. Sane shouts at the crowd, pacing around the ring before climbing to the top rope with a smirk on his face. He turns round as the crowd gets louder for Sane’s moonsault. However he is rudely interrupted by Fernando who runs up the stairs and pulls the rope, Sane slipping and landing right where it hurts on the top turnbuckle.

Fernando walks over and grabs Sane by the neck on the apron, the crowd wondering exactly what he is planning. Suddenly he leaps jumps off the apron with Sane and delivers a neckbreaker onto the steel steps! Both wrestlers are hurt in the process, Sane taking the bulk of the damage delivered.
The referee begins counting, as both competitors are down and out. The count reaches 8 again, as Fernando begins to stir, rolling himself and Sane back into the ring, clearly not finished.

Fernando walks over to the opposite corner, as Sane uses the ropes to get up in his. Fernando starts stamping his feet, until Sane turns around as Fernando runs straight at him. Sane counters into a T-Bone suplex into the turnbuckle, before keeping hold of Fernando in an Oklahoma slam position. However, Fernando counters into a backstabber! He goes for a quick pin…



No! Sane kicks out, striking the referee by accident in the process. Fernando walks over to the ref and tries to get him to get up, but Sane hits a clothesline to the back of his head. He grabs Fernando by the hair and props him on the middle rope, placing all his weight down on him using the ropes for leverage. Blatant cheating, but the referee is out!

Sane lets go as Fernando writhes around on the floor. Sane picks Fernando up and places him in the corner, pounding him with hard fists. Until he is slumped in a seated position where Sane chokes him out with a boot.

Sane wakes the referee up as he goes for the pin…




No! Fernando just kicks out, the ref keeping his distance so he doesn’t get kicked in the head again. Sane slams his fists into the mat, frustrated that he didn’t get the pin. He drags Fernando into the centre of the ring, before running up and leaping off the ropes with a springboard moonsault. He goes for the pin again.




Yet again, Austin Fernando kicks out! Sane leaps up off the ground and corners the ref, angrily shouting at him that he got a 3 count. The ref shakes his head profusely. Sane turns around and picks Fernando up into a spinebuster, but he counters into a jumping DDT! Fernando kips up and hits a snap suplex on Sane, before picking him up and hitting a second one! He then gets Sane up to his feet again and lifts him up into a vertical suplex, but holds him there!

The crowd pound their feet into the ground like a drum roll until Fernando finally hits the delayed suplex, to the cheer of the crowd. He rolls onto Sane for the pin.




No! Sane kicks out at a 2.9! Fernando runs his hand through his hair before getting up to his feet and climbing the turnbuckles to the top rope. Sane gets up quickly though, and jumps onto the second rope with a quick uppercut on Fernando who falls backwards, colliding with the apron before falling onto the ground.

Sane breathes in and out, visibly tired as he slowly regains his stamina sitting on the top rope. Fernando uses the announcer table to get back to a vertical base just as the referee reaches 5, but Sane leaps off the rope onto a Fernando with a diving forearm smash.

Austin Fernando tries to move out the way as Justin Sane’s face slams into the corner of the announcer table, his nose breaking on impact and thus the bottom half of his face becomes covered in a red layer of blood, but part of the elbow smashes into Fernando’s lip, which also busts open. Both men slump to the floor as the referee begins to count them out again.











Suddenly a chair shot slams into the back of the referee, as the camera pans to reveal the two men in black suits and motorcycle helmets that attacked Hysteria in the elimination chamber match for the prophetic title.

The two men don’t attack the referee further, but instead roll out of the ring and grab the downed Sane and Fernando and roll them back in the ring. Security comes running down to escort the men out of the building, as well as a replacement referee as the previous one is out cold. The two men jump over the barrier and escape the arena, as security position themselves around the ring to prevent it from happening again.

The referee restarts the count as both men are down inside the ring.










Both men make it back to their feet and start throwing punches at each other! Fernando hits a European uppercut, following up with two more! He signals for the discus clothesline to complete the Count It Out! He steps back to add more power to it…

No! Sane ducks underneath and just as Fernando turns around he is nailed by the Screws Loose superkick, hitting Fernando right in the busted mouth! Both fall to the ground, but Sane manages to get an arm over Fernando for the pin!




NO! Fernando kicks out at the last possible millisecond! Sane is utter disbelief! Sane slowly gets to his feet and then drags Fernando up too, before throwing him over the top rope. Sane climbs the turnbuckles and waits for Fernando to get to his feet.





Fernando gets up using help from the barricade, as Sane launches himself off the top rope with a incredible moonsault! He connects! But with a… security guard?

Austin Fernando threw a security guard in the way of Sane’s attack! Sane bounces off and lands on his feet, before looking completely confused as who he just hit. Austin Fernando slides back in the ring and beckons Sane to come back in.

Sane slides in as the referee counts to 7 but is scooped up in a backbreaker position by Fernando. He walks into the centre of the ring before delivering the backbreaker followed by a neckbreaker, which is known as his famed Identity Crisis! Instead of pinning right away, Austin runs the ropes and hits a knee drop to the face, before pinning.




No! Sane kicks out again! The crowd gives a very loud mixed reaction as it looked like it was a 3 count. Fernando shrugs and gets back to his feet. He starts beckoning for Sane to get back to his feet, who he does, and then Fernando gets him in the suplex position! The crowd go wild as they know exactly what is coming next!

Fernando lifts Sane up for the suplex cutter, but he counters it and drops behind Fernando! He wraps his arms around his face in a facelock…

Justin Sane plants Fernando on the mat with his finishing move that has won the match for him so many times before! Without hesitation, Sane scrambles over and hooks the leg!





Justin Sane lifts up the lifeless body of Austin Fernando and whips him into the ropes. On the rebound, Justin Sane goes for that Screws Loose Superkick! Fernando catches the leg! He kicks his other leg out from under him and drops an elbow to his face! Justin Sane gets up and gets pulled by Fernando right into...


The Suplex Cutter rocked Justin Sane!

Austin Fernando is about to go for a cover when he notices something on the rampway.

Frodo rushes to the ring and begins to beat Fernando with a sock filled with shit. Barney Green's shit to be exact. The same shit that Frodo buried Levi Storm in. Fernando goes down and Frodo is just standing over him wailing on his face with the sock filled with feces.

"What the fuck did I ever to do to you? I wanted to help Carter and you convinced him it was a bad idea. Why the fuck did you do that?! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"

Before Fernando can finish Frodo walks over and throws a Hadouken! to Sane's balls.

"Asylum for life. ."

He storms off to the back.

The two men are laid out now and in some serious pain!

They slowly pull themselves back to their feet and Fernando catches him off guard with two quick kicks to the knees of Sane. Sane falls to his knees as Austin hits two quick to the chest! Fernando takes a step back and rushes forward for the fifth straight kick to top off his FATAL FINALE!

Joey Styles: Sane ducks under the kick and rolls up Austin! Wait does he have the tights?!




Justin Roberts: The winner of this match is... JUSTIN SANE!

"I Wanna Rock" by Twisted Sister plays

Justin Roberts: The following contest is a singles match for one fall with a 15 minute time limit and is for the TELEVISION CHAMPIONSHIP! Introducing first, the challenger, from Tampa, Florida, weighing in at 230 lbs... 'LOVERBOY' VINNIE LANE!

The high pitched wail of Dee Snider pierces the air as the Twisted Sister classic pumps through the PA system. As two big pyro towers shoot off on either side of the stage, "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane spins out of the entrance ramp, wearing his favorite t-shirt, a cutoff Faster Pussycat screen print, long silver tights and shining silver boots. The crowd pops as Loverboy struts down the aisle,strumming the air guitar and leaping into the air with a jumping split. As he hops onto the ring apron, he swings around, facing the crowd, and pumps his fist along to the music, singing along and inciting the crowd to do so as well.

"Gardenia" by Kyuss plays

Justin Roberts: Introducing his opponent and the TELEVISION CHAMPION from Manchester, England UK, weighing in at 245 lbs... GATOR!

Gardenia by Kyuss plays as Gator walks out, he drops to one knee, with his head down and beats his chest 3 times,on the 3rd chest beat Gator quickly stands raising his arm as his stage pyro goes off. Gator then walks slowly down the ramp, he slides into ring and climbs one of the corners and raises an arm to the crowd. He steps off the turnbuckle and relaxes in the corner, patiently waiting for the ref to start the match.

Television Championship Match
Gator ©
- vs -
'Loverboy' Vinnie Lane
Singles Match, One Fall
As Per Television Championship Rules,
The Champion may post two RPs per day.
The Challenger may only post one RP per day.




And here we are. Champion vs. Challenger. Brother vs. Brother. Best friend vs. Best friend. Gator vs. “Loverboy” Vinnie Lane. They walk to the center of the ring, and the crowd is going absolutely insane!





Gator: Ready to give em’ a show, bro?

Vinnie Lane: Let’s rock the house.

A fist pound between the two, and they lock up! Gator being the slightly bigger of the two drives Lane into the turnbuckle. Lane throws his hands up, trying to avoid any cheap shots, and Gator backs away from the “Loverboy.” Vinnie walks to the center of the ring, and they circle each other. Lock up! Gator with a Headlock, and Vinnie pushes him off. Gator goes running to the ropes, and on the rebound Vinnie hits him with an elbow to the chest, but Gator gets right back up. Vinnie smiles and they lock up again. Gator whips Vinnie to the ropes and Vinnie on the rebound gets caught with a Standing Dropkick! Gator with the quick pin!



Vinnie kicks out, and Gator gets back up. Gator pulls Vinnie up and Irish Whips him to the turnbuckle. Vinnie on the rebound hits Gator with a High Knee to the jaw, sending Gator stumbling to outside the ring!


Vinnie goes flying out of the ring with a Suicide Dive, and he crashes into Gator. Vinnie rolls up and he pumps up the crowd! He pulls Gator to his feet and whips him to the steel turnbuckle, directly chasing after him afterwards. Gator puts a foot up, stopping himself from slamming into the metal pole, and he catches Vinnie with an elbow to the jaw. Vinnie takes the elbow, turning his back to Gator. Bad choice! Gator with a Clothesline from Hell sending Vinnie to the floor in an instance!


Gator pulls Vinnie up and throws him in the ring, and Gator with the pin!



Vinnie kicks out! Gator pulls Vinnie up and whips him to the turnbuckle! Gator chases after Vinnie and clothesline! Vinnie eats the lariat and he slowly walks out of the turnbuckle, only to eat a Backstabber from Gator! Gator drags Vinnie to his feet and Irish Whips him to the ropes. Vinnie comes back on the rebound and Gator with a German Suplex, tossing Vinnie across the ring! The crowd is going crazy, and Gator walks over to Vinnie. Gator drags Vinnie up, and another German Suplex! Gator drags Vinnie to his feet, and another German Suplex! Three German Suplexes!

Gator’s not done yet! He drags Vinnie to his feet and he whips him to the ropes. Vinnie comes back and Disaster Dro… NO! Vinnie counters the Disaster Drop with an elbow to Gator’s head. Vinnie is coming back with a Knife Edge Chop! WOOO! And another! And another! Gator is leaning on the ropes, as it is the only thing keeping The Walking Disaster standing. Vinnie runs to the opposite turnbuckle, and Vinnie coming back with a Superkick! Vinnie kicks Gator straight out of the ring!

Todd: Gator, are you alright!

Gator: I’m fine asshole! Just make sure you’re getting my good side!

Gator screams at his cameraman, taking his eyes off of Vinnie Lane. Big mistake! Vinnie is on the top turnbuckle and Flying Dropkick, sending Gator flying across the barricade!


The crowd is going insane, and Vinnie is eating it up! Vinnie grabs Gator by the head and pulls him from behind the barricade, and into the ring, were he goes for the pin!



Gator with an elbow to the head! Vinnie rolls off of Gator, and Gator lifts himself up. Vinnie is back to his feet, and Gator with a punch! Vinnie with a punch! Gator! Vinnie! Gator! Vinnie! Gat... No Vinnie ducks it! Vinnie with the Heart Break. No! Gator grabs the leg of Vinnie, and Gator Throw! Vinnie is down on the side of the ring! Gator awaits as Vinnie slowly gets himself together. Gator is hunting Vinnie like Peter Gilmour hunts Chicken Parm! Vinnie is up and Gator with the Threes and Sevens! Vinnie takes the knee to the temple! Vinnie is down, and Gator capitalizes with the pin!



Vinnie kicks out!



Gator pulls Vinnie to his feet, and whips him to the ropes! Vinnie comes back on the rebound with a vicious clothesline, knocking Gator straight on his ass! Vinnie stomps Gator, and goes to town, throwing punches in a ground and pound position! Vinnie is swinging wildly and Gator grabs Vinnie’s arm, flipping him to the mat, and almost simultaneously a Choke Sermon! Gator is pulling on the arm, and Vinnie is screaming to the heavens! Gator applies pressure! I don’t think Vinnie can take it! Gator applies a little more pressure, but Vinnie with a punch to Gator’s knee.

And another! Gator loosens up the hold, and Vinnie takes advantage, lifting Gator in the air and slamming him on his head! Vinnie picks Gator up and Bad Medicine Knee-Driver! Gator eats the maneuver, and he is down! Vinnie goes to the turnbuckle, and climbs to the second rope. Gator slowly rises to his feet, and Vinnie leaps off with a Leg drop from the Second-rope! Vinnie looks like he landed awkwardly, as he slowly gets up, holding his leg. Vinnie with the pin!



Gator barely gets the shoulder up. Vinnie pulls Gator to his feet and Irish whips him to the turnbuckle. Vinnie chases after Gator, but Gator moves, and Vinnie runs into the turnbuckle! Vinnie turns around and Gator goes for a spear, but Vinnie jumps over Gator, and Gator goes into the turnbuckle! Gator turns around and Vinnie goes for the spear, but Gator side steps Vinnie and sends him shoulder first into the steel pole! Vinnie screams in pain and agony, and Gator takes a quick breather. Gator walks over to Vinnie and oils him to his feet.


Gator whips Vinnie to the ropes, and Vinnie comes back to meet a Spine buster by Gator! Vinnie is down, and Gator is down as well. Both men beaten and battered! Gator is the first to move, and he slowly gets up, followed by Vinnie. Both men on opposite sides of the ring, and they charge at one another! Vinnie goes for a clothesline, and so does Gator! Double Clotheslines and both men are down!


Indeed it is. Vinnie is the first to move. He slowly gets up and pulls Gator to his feet.


Vinnie whips Gator to the rope, but Gator counters, whipping Vinnie to the turnbuckle. Gator pulls Vinnie to the top turnbuckle, and he climbs! Wait, what is he doing? Gator sucks monkey tits at top rope maneuvers, but he’s going for a Superplex! Loverboy with a punch to the gut, as both men stand on the top turnbuckle. Vinnie with another punch. And another, breaking Gator’s Superplex hold. Vinnie throws Gator’s arm over his shoulder, and HOLY SHIT! Vinnie just Superplexed Gator and himself through the Announce Table!


I can’t believe what I’m witnessing. Both men are down and the clock is ticking!




Both men slowly rises to their feet. Gator with a punch! Now Vinnie! Gator! Vinnie! Gator with a knee and he tosses Vinnie in the ring! Gator rolls in the ring, and he pins Vinnie!



VINNIE KICKS OUT! Gator sighs in desperation, and pulls Vinnie to his feet by Vinnie’s gorgeous golden locks. Gator whips Vinnie to the ropes, and on the rebound Vinnie goes for a clothesline, but Gator ducks, and Vinnie goes flying to the ropes again. On the rebound this time, Gator hits Vinnie with the Disaster Drop! Vinnie is out! Vinnie is out! Gator with the pi….NO! Vinnie counters with a pin of his own! A classic tale of playing possum! Vinnie with the pin.




Gator wiggles out of the pin just in time! Gator lifts himself up, and Vinnie does the same. Both men tired beyond belief, Gator charges at Vinnie and clothes…No! Vinnie ducks the lariat and Gator clotheslines the referee! The ref is down and out! Vinnie doesn’t notice that the ref is down, and Gator rolls out of the ring, to grab a Steel Chair! He rolls back in the ring, and slams the Steel Chair into the back of Vinnie Lane! Vinnie screams in pain, and turns around to eat a Steel Chair shot to the head, and here we go! Blood starts to pour from Vinnie’s head! Gator throws the chair on the mat, and Disaster Drop on the Steel Chair! Gator throws the chair out of the ring, and he pins Vinnie!

Crowd: 1



Gator looks at the ref, and notice that he is still down.


Gator shakes the ref, waking him up, and just as the ref comes to life, Vinnie goes for the School Boy pin!



Gator with the kick out! Gator gets up only to eat a knife edge chop from Vinnie! And another! And another! Vinnie whips Gator to the ropes, and Gator comes on the rebound only to eat a Snap Power slam! Vinnie leaps up and he goes for the Lionsault! What a stray of moves by the Rock and Roll Megastar! Vinnie goes for the pin but Gator pushes him off and he goes running into the ref! The ref is down again! Poor guy. Vinnie looks at the ref, and he rolls out of the ring. Vinnie…. He’s going for a table! And another! And another! Four tables now! And he’s stacking them up. Gator realizes what Vinnie is about to do, and he runs out of the ring, and charges at Vinnie, but Vinnie side steps him and sends him into the Steel Steps! Vinnie picks Gator up and he puts him on the stacked tables! Vinnie makes his way back into the ring, and he begins to pump up the crowd! The crowd is clapping in unison with its VINNIE chants. Vinnie runs to the ropes, and jumps on the apron and he SPLASHES ON GATOR THROUGH FOUR TABLES! Both men are down! The ref is down! Debris is everywhere!


Vinnie Lane is the first to move as he slowly rises to his feet. He pulls Gator up and into the ring. The ref slowly gets up, and Vinnie is playing air guitar? Um okay? Gator slowly gets up, and Vinnie goes for the Black Label Driver, but Gator counters! Gator goes for the Disaster Drop, but Vinnie counter! Vinnie with a Heartbreaker, but Gator counters! Gator goes for the Snapback and Vinnie counters! A standoff between the two, as they both counter their trademark moves! Vinnie with the punch, then Gator, then Vinnie, Gator, Vinnie, Vinnie, Vinnie with a goes for a Sit-out Sleeper Slam, but Gator elbows him in the back of the head. Gator charges at Vinnie but Vinnie ducks. Gator stops in his tracks and Vinnie goes for a Superkick, but so does Gator! DOUBLE SUPERKICKS TO EACHOTHER AND BOTH MEN ARE DOWN!





Thirty seconds left and Gator is the first to move! Gator goes for a Crossface, and he locks it in! Crossface! Gator pulls on the head of Vinnie, and Vinnie is screaming in pain!





Vinnie will not tap! Vinnie won’t die, and in desperation, Gator uses all of his strength!



Vinnie rolls himself on his back, and now he is laying on Gator, but Gator his has the Crossface on! Vinnie pins Gator’s shoulders to the mat, and the ref goes for the pin!


Ref: 1


Ref: 2




Winner: ‘Loverboy’ Vinnie Lane/ Gator

The ref grabs the Television Championship and he hands it to Vinnie, but Gator snatches it out of his hand! They go for a tug of war, until!

Kirk MacClay! The Madness General Manager has arrived!

”Well what do we have here? Two men very worthy of the championship, and as you see, and everyone saw on the X-Tron, Vinnie got the pin, but tapped at the same time. And while we can’t have two Television Champions, we can have an extra five minutes added to the time! Time keeper, roll back five minutes, and let’s get the show back on the road.”




Vinnie Lane and Gator has taken each other to the limit, and it’s not over yet! They lock up, and Vinnie knees Gator in the gut, and he goes for the Disaster Drop! Vinnie hits Gator with Gator’s own move! Talk about insult to injury! Vinnie pulls Gator to his feet, and Black Label Dri…Gator counter with a Black Label Driver! Gator now uses Vinnie’s own move! Gator with the pin!





Gator screams to the top of his lungs. Gator pulls Vinnie up and he whips him to the turnbuckle. Gator charges at Vinnie, but Vinnie moves out of the way, sending Gator chest first into the turnbuckle. Vinnie with a Spinning Spine buster! Gator is down! Vinnie goes for the Dragon Clutch Sleeper! Vinnie intensifies the hold, as Gator begins to look lifeless. Vinnie attempts another pull, but Gator elbows Vinnie in the gut!


Gator with a punch to Vinnie, and Vinnie with a punch to Gator. The blood pouring freely from Vinnie face as he goes for a clothesline, but Gator ducks! Gator with a clothesline but Vinnie ducks and goes for a Heartbreaker, but Gator moves out of the way and Vinnie falls to his knees. Vinnie slowly gets up, and Gator charges with a knee to the side of the head, followed by a Disaster Drop! Gator nails the move, and goes for the pin!




Justin Roberts: The winner and... STILL TELEVISION CHAMPION... GATOR!

Both men tired and on their knees from the battle stare at each other once more. Lane spits to the side and gets to his feet and starts to walk to Gator, Gator gets to his feet too, expecting another brawl. Lane squares off with Gator in the center of the ring and extends his hand to Gator who pauses staring at the hand for a moment before excepting it and the two congratulate each other.

But Gator kicks Lane in the groin and picks him up DISASTER DROP! Lane lies on the ground seeing stars as Gator calls for Todd who has been filming from the outside all night. Todd takes something from his hoodie pocket and throws it to Gator who catches it.

Gator's got a knife! He walks over to Vinnie and reaches into his pants! NO! Gator sends the knife down into Lane's special area! Blood pours from his pants as Vinnie screams in pain and Gator rips away with Vinnie's blood stained love gun in his hand! Lane holds his groin in sheer agony, rolling on the ground as EMTs rush into the ring and Gator leaves with Vinnie Lane's dismembered member in hand.

[Image: S3d7rKH.png]

[Image: ZT38ONc.png?1]
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Gator Offline
The Walking Disaster

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

01-06-2015, 06:16 AM

((OOC: Wow. that was awesome haha))

"Hey Vinnie! Got your dick!"

[Image: 4H375RW.png?6]
Check out Backstage Page for full list of XWF achievements.
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SpineTwister Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

01-06-2015, 09:14 AM

IC: "Maverick, you interfered in my kill. This goes neither unnoticed nor unpunished."

OOC: Props to my opponents. IMO, it's harder to play a face than a heel, and Tyroil plays a helluva face. Duncan did a great job of breaking down the match strategy. It was a pleasure, gentlemen.

And thanks to all concerned for another great event.

[Image: 3RAC6l.jpg]
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Maverick Offline
With Fire in My Soul, I Return.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

01-06-2015, 12:49 PM

(01-06-2015, 09:14 AM)SpineTwister Said: IC: "Maverick, you interfered in my kill. This goes neither unnoticed nor unpunished."

"Lyster, what I did in your match earlier was purely business. I was just getting revenge on Deadly, giving him a present to last him until this Warfare. 'This goes neither unnoticed nor unpunished?' Then in that case, I'll be glad to face off against you for the Warfare after Turning Point, Submission Match, and to ensure no interference, there will be land mines set up around the ring."

1x Hart Champion
1x Tag Team Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
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Lucius Fyre Offline
The Living, Breathing Bad Omen

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

01-06-2015, 07:34 PM

Corvus, I appreciate the creativity in your ambush. Unfortunately for you, that means that I will have to do the same. Oh, and thanks for the match, Ethan.

"You shouldn't play with Fyre"
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