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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
The Masks we Wear
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AerialKnight Offline
The Knight that Fights with Honor

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

12-31-2014, 11:44 PM

We fade in on Johnathan staring down at the floor, dejected that the title he held, which wasn't even his to begin with, was taken away from him after Gold Rush. His only chance at fame was blown after being suplexed across the ring, even though, once again, the knight had victory in his grasp. He isn't saying anything for the longest time, still trying the pieces together as to why he lost in a match that was certain to end in his favor. Just then, a familiar laugh can be heard echoing in the room, much to the nonexistent shock to the knight. He's too busy remembering the smell of Frodo's anus to pay attention to the mocking laughter of the voice of Doubt. The laughter comes to a stop when it realizes that he isn't giving it a reaction.

"Do you know why I never talked during your Fatal Four way videos? Why I never interrupted your inane bullshit when it was clearly wrong? When you desperately needed to be corrected on facts that aren't true? Because I wanted to see exactly how badly your words would collapse on themselves. As I've seen in that match of yours, they've fallen pretty hard on themselves.

The voice laughs again.

"There you are, back at the bottom of the ladder, like you deserve to be. You better start picking up wins against nameless nobodies again if you want to earn another shot at the title you can't win legitimately."

Johnathan is showing clear signs of frustration, but he isn't dignifying the voice a response. He's still thinking back to the match.

"Alright, jackass, if you aren't going to say a damn thing, I might as well show you something that will make you speak to me. Why don't you head to the bathroom and wash your face? You look like you haven't slept in months."

He has been staying up for quite a bit, and a quick face wash might do the trick to keep him awake. So he stands up and heads towards the hotel's restroom, where he turns on the sink, scoops a handful of water, and scrubs his face repeatedly until the sleep has been removed from his eyes. He grabs a nearby towel and rubs his face with it for a few seconds before looking at what should be his reflection. I say 'should be' because it isn't his reflection. What it actually is, however, is the being he's seen in his dreams. The one who wears a mask with two large eye sockets and a smaller one for a mouth. The one cloaked in red while donning a hood to conceal the rest of his identity. The one who-

"I'm sure the viewers at home understand who I am by now, thank you very much."

"Who the hell are you talking to?"

You know that he can't hear me, right? For all he knows, you're just the darker part of his subconscious that talks to himself. One of those may be true, but it's useless to try to persuade him that there's another voice narrating his every action. Now you might want to say that it was nothing, or else I might lose him and it will be entirely your fault....well?

"It was nothing, don't worry about it. I was just...reading your thoughts is all. It's not important to remember who I am anyways. What is important is what I can do for you to start winning against more major threats."

The knight just stares at the being in the mirror, confused by what it means.

"You want to become a credible threat in this federation, right? A man that can trump the likes of spacemen and Gods alike?"

He nods in approval.

"Of course you do. You have a family to support, after all. If anyone was in your situation, they'd do the same thing, I'd bet. Now, what I want you to do is go back to the bed you were thinking on and take a look under your pillow. You'll find something waiting for you there."

Eager to find out just what it is under his pillow, he walks over to his bed near the pillow. He pauses for a bit while wondering just what would be under it, if anything at all. Could it be some sort of performance enhancing drug that would get him banned from professional wrestling if anyone ever found out? Maybe it's a ton of money to get him into some sort of fancy gymnasium with stern coaches that encourage him to go "one more rep"? Or perhaps it was a trap set up by his unconscious mind to possibly kill him? Whatever it was, he was about ready to find out. So he grabs the pillow and tosses aside to find...

[Image: Shy_Guy_Mask_Simple_by_3092.jpg]

...a mask facing him. This sight makes him jump slightly, but he regains his composure and stares right back at it for a few moments.

"Now put it on. This isn't going to alter your body in anyway, believe me, I don't hate you enough to do that to you."

"But you're a voice in my head that just told me to wear this mask that I've never seen before. It'll probably be too small and suffocate me or something that I'm not okay with. Hell, it's your face, for all I know we're going to switch places and I'll be the one in the mirror."

"You yourself told me that you want to start winning. If you really want to win, you'd put the mask on and stop bitching. you think you're better than me? Do you really think that you are better than the voice that can move your arms at will? Speaking of which..."

The knight's arms bring the mask closer his face, much to his horror. He tries moving the mask away from him, but that succeeds in doing is slowing his arms down slightly. They bring the mask even closer to his face, and he's clearly trying everything to throw it away. Then he remembers that it said it had control over his arms, not his hands. So, hoping that the being missed that technicality, lets go of the mask. It hits the ground with a thud, causing his arms to drop to their natural position.

"Well played."

"I don't need a mask to pick up victories for me. I don't even know how a mask can enhance my ability as much as it could make me mysterious or really stupid. My face is fine the way it is, thank you, and I have no desire to change that anytime soon. If this somehow enhances my abilities, then I prefer to do things my way, the natural way, where I don't have to rely on additives to make me better than everyone else. If it takes me a year or more to achieve what is considered to be the greatest achievement in this federation, then so be it."

There is a beat. Laughter then can be heard from an unknown place. It carries on for a little while before it ceases with a deep breath in.

"You are a very brave, yet foolish man.I'll be here waiting for you to hit the bottom once again. Maybe then you'll smarten up and realize that I was only trying to help you."


"I see that I'm in a tag match again. Probably to warm up and get ready for that big fight between his team, myself, Lane, Wallace, and Swann, against whoever Tigris chooses. I'm not really excited about it though. Not because of my partner, no I think he can win when he actually puts some effort into it. No, I'm talking about the two fresh faces that we're up against. Well, since one of them already has a head start on this match, I might as well focus on him first."

"Jesus Christ, our lord and savior, the man who died for our sins, has suddenly decided that being the man high in the sky was too boring for him. Now he decided that he wants to be a professional wrestler to make us confess or something. I'd probably be more invested into what this man has to say if he stops labeling himself as Jesus because he clearly isn't the man who was crucified two thousand years ago. Obvious, I know, but why this guy insists he is baffles me. I don't think Jesus is stupid enough to side with the Good Doctor or the Great Buzzard. Whatever, it's his choice if he wants to belittle the Almighty the Eli praises and he's clearly doing a great job at it, unless James isn't a Christian."

"It's also strange that Jesus has a tattoo on his arm, even though the Bible bans those along with the forbidden act of man on man. Apparently Jesus finds his father's rules as bullshit as everyone else does. People still work on the holy day, wives aren't having their hands cut off for grabbing men's testes, and I'm sure that people are still eating bacon, even though the pig is clearly paraded as a filthy animal that should never have existed at all, but God fucked up and created anyways. Way to convince people, man. It doesn't help his case that multiple Gods, such as Mystica, Evertrust, Crimson Face, Azrael, if he counts, and who knows what other deities exist in this known universe."

"Then again, he'd label them as false Gods and say that they're going to hell for merely calling themselves, well, Gods, and will refuse to listen to what is proven and do the equivalent of 'la la la la, I'm not listening!' There's video footage of them doing some surreal shit, and I'm sure that he doesn't want to see it. Much like many Christians want to stop the teachings of evolution in classrooms, which has been proven to not work at all."

"I'm getting way off topic, and I apologize for that. What did he say next? Something about how we have to resort to violence to get what we want, which makes me question why he joined a wrestling federation in the first place, since it's violence 24/7 here. Oh he wants us to fight verbally and not physically? Won't work. I don't think anyone in the XWF would be willing to turn the wrestling federation into a debate team. Join the parents who want this show pulled from the air if things get that bad, but fuck it, that won't work at all. Good luck trying though."

"I'd talk more about him, but I don't want to bore myself to the point of paralysis every time I look back at the videos you made. There's also C.C. Hollywood, who hasn't said a damn thing in Jesus' behalf. Goes to show how much confidence he has in his own partner. It also goes to show how little I have to talk shit about him. Is that really a bad thing, though?"

"I'll see it both in the ring, and don't forget that you can win if you pray, and if you don't, well that just means you didn't believe hard enough."

Singles Win/Lose/Draw

Tag Win/Lose/Draw

“Knighthood lies above eternity; it does not live off fame, but rather deeds.” - Dejan Stojanovic

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