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Bobby Charles Offline
XWF's Prodigal Son

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

12-27-2014, 11:47 PM


'All the doubt and negativity brought forth by those that fail to see the work and dedication one has put in. The work has never ceased. The drive and desire has only grown in intensity. Seizing the most important and prestigious opportunity is all that is on the man's mind. Tunnel vision if you will. His focus is solely on capturing that ever important spot. The one that most only dream about achieving. The Unstoppable Desire is merely hours away from achieving what many have perceived as impossible for him. His goal is obvious. His strength and ability incomparable now. Twenty Nine stars stand between him and his rightful place. Let the doubters run their mouth until he stands atop the universe achieving total victory. The Lethal Brawl will see a new legend cement his legacy. The Unstoppable Desire is just that, unstoppable. It will be proven as fact and no longer fiction. Thirty enter, one remains. The chaos creeps ever so close. The universe awaits the real stand out star. The one and true contender, the one and only, unmatched in heart and desire. He is................'


The hour was fucking way late, or too damn early, however you wanted to put it or see it ass. Vegas time was approximately four a.m. I was sitting up in mine and ABIGAIL's hotel suite's bed. She finally lay peacefully asleep next to me. The emotional roller coaster we had been on over the past thirty six hours were enough to exhaust anyone. The thing is, I couldn't sleep. I was wide awake, staring at the floor through the darkness.

I believe my restlessness was due to several factors, one being how fucking close my wife and I came to introducing our baby boy to the world, especially so far from home. Another was the road trip her and I were going to embark on monday after the Madfare event. There it was the other thing, probably the biggest thing wieghinh on my mind. MONDAY NIGHT MADFARE. Probably the largest and important event XWF put this year. I am going into this event to claim one of the precious title in the industry. Fatal 4 way match for a TV TITLE !!!

four members of the roster,including me are going to take part in this chaotic battle. Only one was to emerge the victor and then being dubbed as the new champ. I've busted my ass more and more since my debut. If did anything but win, all the work and sacrifices I've made this past six months were meaningless.

"Dont allow the doubt to control the outcome. You and your skills are what controls the outcome."

My inner monologue speaks in between my years. It seems loud within the confines of my brain, considering the silence being so deafening. I check my phone, it rea four eleven a.m. I reached over to my wife and rubbed her softly through the covers. I needed to workout or something.

Rising up I grab my shorts, slipping them on, I also put my 'Desire Never DIES' hoodie on. Grabbing my phone off the bedside table, I lean over kiss Abig' on the forehead and head out of the suite...

"This is my chance, the chance of a lifetime in a professional athlete's career. Everything I've set out to accomplish, I have done so. There is no reason why this is any different."

As my mind races with the thoughts of my battles that await at Monday night, I also decide that a good decent run will be a good way to sooth myself into a sleep, at least for a little while. Plugging in my headphones into my phone, I select my workout mix and place the buds in my ears...

"This is the event to prove to everyone I'm capable of being the absolute best. I'm capable of being consistent each and every week. Everything that I've done has led to monday night. No more negativity, no more doubt. Just pure heart and the desire to accomplish a feat all of the universe wants to."

My mind rewinds my XWF career in a millisecond, bringing a smile to my face. I enter the open air, the crisp cool air of the desert. Instead of taking the strip, I moved around and headed out behind the MGM grand into the more integrated business areas of the city. Where it wasn't so busy with tourists and casino goers. The metal tech music seems to take over my body as I keep a good pace going...

"Not only will this be an epic milestone in the career I've had in XWF. Meaning i am successful to beat gator and knight against, another hurdle that I can and will leap over. But stepping into that ring as a participant in my second biggest war, the experience I got last year was more than priceless. It has built up my self esteem high for this time around.."

The warmth of my muscles beginning to burn in my legs feels good. My music plays on, as does the thoughts bouncing throughout my cranium...

"The friend I've somehow managed to have made over this past week will be battling me. hell, but I will be the final one standing. I will not accept anything else. This fight is the most important and most influential one of my XWF career. Think about this a minute Zi. You debuted in spectacular fashion. Pinning a former Universal Champion. No one thought you, a punk coming to the XWF, jumping a loved and respected champion was going to be able to defeat Laughlin. Only you did and was able to achieve what you believed was possible from your own heart and mind. Madfare will be no different."

The music and my thoughts seem to take over as I continue running, passing a mechanics shop, a thrift store and other stores. The burn intensifies but feels way good on my body as a good sweat begins to rise over the entirety of my upper body.

"I can't allow minor inconveniences or those few doubters get to me. I tear through aerial knight, then I outlast every last one of the fighters in the chaos that is the monday night. This is my time, my one and possibly best opportunity to take what is rightfully mine. I've fought what seems like everyone, now it is time to take them all on at once and send them tumbling. There is no way I can nor will I allow them to strip me of what I've worked my ass off for this past six plus months. There is no way I will be denied. All those rookies that have had their shot before you, in length of action time and altogether before me, will be stopped at this battle. Even the returning goliaths returning and getting their shot again before me aren't going to stop me. First step is to get my shot, then take the belt."

I keep running further, faster. My thoughts continue rolling through like an old style film projector showed a silent film...

"I'm going to go out to that ring and blow every mother fucker up. No one is going to stop me, the fuse gets lit when I roll through knight. And then the epic finale of the night will be blown apart. I'm not doing for anyone else but myself. Destroy the iron fist keeping me away from the untouchables. I'm mor driven this time, I'm more experienced in such battles. I know within this world that anyone has the capability to walk in the Arena monday night and shock the world. That would be the case of I weren't in this war. No more respect this, I appreciate that. My fighting life has led me to this very moment, the moment where I dump the other suckers to the mat in the xWF ring and stamp my name into the history books for yet another amazing and spectacular accomplishment. There is no stopping me, I'm too fucking determined to let just anyone overstep me and steal my opportunity. Not this time. I know knight and gator are my first priority, But without a shadow of a doubt that I want the overall victory more than each every other person in it. This is it bob, time is closing in and all this work you've put in will be worth it having your hand raised at the end of monday night."

I feel myself chuckle out loud, for no real reason except that my mind is somehow motivating me more. I slow my jog now to a good walk, the distance isn't all that great between myself and the fighting arena now.

"There has been only one person that has been a part of this fight world, one person that supported you through your ups and downs. That one person is your wife. Allow your love and passion for her turn into intensity and fire in that ring monday night. With her in your heart, just your love for her will dominate anyone who attempts to take away what this mind has pushed your body to achieve. My Bobby parade will reignite and burn through every single last person who attempts to challenge what I've set out to do. My mind is stronger than each every single one of you entering this match. My desire and drive is stronger and more alive than any one of yours. I am going to win the title. Bring your best attempts folks and respect the fact that it will be me leaving with the victory......... Okay Bobby shut up, your phone is ringing..."

As a may we of fact it was my phone, I pull it from my hoodie pocket, upon the screen it read CJ Brook$.

"Hey bro, what's up?"

I was still a little wonder from my extended run through the city.

"Hey bro, notta. Wait did I interrupt something? You sound a little preoccupied bro?"

"Nah, I was just on a run. Heading back to the suite now. It is odd for you to be calling at such an hour. What gives?"

"Oh well I do know how you seem to rise super extra early before your big matches. I am calling though because I want to see where your mental state currently sits bro? This event is above and beyond massive. How ya feelin?"

"Honestly bro I don't think I've ever been more focused and more prepared for a fight or fights in my entire career. This Madfare is my event bro. Nothing is going to stop me."

I have slowed into a mellow normal stride of walking.

"Honestly I have complete focus on my fights at this event Monday night. Everything is in the right places in my life bro, both physically and mentally."

"That sounds exceptional bro. Now I will get back to that shit in a few, so a little freak out thing happened Saturday night eh?"

"Thank you bro, and yes Saturday night freaked me the fuck out. We were at the hospital for what seemed like forever. But all is well now though. Gonna get her back home for real rest after the show. Her traveling with me has taken its toll on her. I do feel kinda bad though, I almost feel like a forced her or guilted her into coming along with me on this trip. But I have not felt more supported than I have these past few weeks."

"Awe bro she is so madly in love with you for some awfully unknown reason, she wanted to go with you. You have truly met the woman you were supposed to be with for the rest of your lives. So no baby nephew yet eh?"

"No not yet but it could be in the next week or so though. That is why we are coming home for a little while after this event. How's the gym doing bro? Is still rocking well?"

"That is good to hear man. And yes the gym is freaking blowing up. I'm staying open longer during the days and all seven days a week. I even some local promoters checking out some of the kids. Both in the MMA world as well as wrestling. That big ass poster of you in the gym has been a huge inspiration for the students too. You should definitely come by when you get home. I wanna show you some plans I have with some things."

"Damn bro that is way awesome to hear and of course I will come by when Abig' and I get back home. I know this is stupid to ask but are you gonna be watching Madfare Monday night?"

I hear CJ almost cackle on the other line.

"Oh hell yes I am bro, not just me though, the entire gym will be. I got a projector and big ass screen man. We are all gonna have a kick ass party in celebration of seeing Bobby Zi winning the championship of his dreams. I'm super fucking stoked bro. I wish I could be there live to cheer your ass on."

"Damn man really? That is too fucking much but I greatly greatly appreciate all the support from everyone back home. And I promise you now that when I win that battle. Every single one of y'all up there will have tickets to my next title defense. So y'all better get the trip planned and get those days set and ready for the gym to be closed down and shit."

"Wow! For real man? Oh shit yeah, definitely can't wait for that. I am very much appreciative of that bro. Well I will let you get back to your workout man. Again thank you for the trip that I know is coming. And I know you don't need me to say this but good luck monday night. Love ya bro."

"It really is no problem man. And thank you for everything you've done for me throughout my life and career. Love ya too. Will see you in a few days."

I disconnect the phone call as I reach the entrance of the University of Phoenix Arena. I felt truly inspired and confident with everything going into madfare in a a couple of days.

Former 2× X-treme ChampIon
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