The Last Son of Eden
XWF FanBase: Teens, some men, few kids (cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)
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Joined: Wed Mar 19 2014
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12-26-2014, 06:00 PM
I can feel the crisp, freezing air on my skin. It's night. Pitch black. I feel at home in the darkness though. I see as if it were broad daylight. I am a hunter, a beast; the Killer King. The dark, silent, cold night is a friend of mine and has always been.
"When darkness falls, we are reborn."
No truer words have ever been spoken, because by night my powers are heightened. I become something different entirely, which is exactly why I will sleep all day tomorrow. Who needs daylight? Anytime you shed light on anything, it becomes ugly.
Like the truth.
When one sheds light on the truth, it gets really ugly. Like Peter Gilmour has no dick. Lucius Fyre is a lower specimen than me. Tush is a parapalegic in a healthy, strong man's world. You get the drift. Those are all very ugly truths but truths nonetheless. Call me what you will but I have never been a liar.
Well, there was that one time in the Garden. However, I tend to forget about that. What does it matter? My brother was weak. Despite what Christ teaches, only the strong should be allowed to survive. The strong, I...I shall inherit this Earth. This world is mine. I decide who shall live and who shall die, as the power HE has invested in me has given me the right.
Never get sick. Never age. Heal instantly. Kill without consequence, because law enforcement knows that giving me a life sentence would be pointless and so is trying to kill me. So I fear nothing. Noone.
Except myself.
No sign of one of them from my perch high atop the pawn shop. Let me explain. When I was in captivity, they took my DNA and made inferior copies. Clones. Inferior they may be though, each has a fatal flaw in his programming. One cannot see in the dark. One cannot smell fresh pussy from a mile away. Yes that means what you think it means, but no I do not act on that ability.
I am not Catholic.
I hear the door below me open, and much to my surprise, there he is. Number four of five. Yes, there were five. There are two left. His flaw? Easily swayed. Due to this inability to resist peer pressure, he has developed an addiction to methamphetamines. This means he'll do anything to get his fix.
Now, I cannot outright attack him. They may have these flaws, but they are still almost as powerful as me. Seeing as how they possess my DNA, they are also capable of killing me. No. I have to follow him silently. Like a shadow I slither down the side of the building, following "Tweaker Cain" silently. He could hear me if he weren't so strung out.
Drugs hinder our powers. Guess you could say that I am a Straight Edge Murderer. CM Punk would be proud.
I follow him as he walks down the streets, staying out of the lights as much as possible. It's easy for a child of the darkness, as we are one with it. He suspects nothing at all, really. He weaves through the vacant streets as if he were being followed though.
Probably thinks the cops are after him. But surely he knows that I have already murdered three of his "brethren". I did make it quite obvious that I was hunting them. With each one I painted the words "you're next" right next to his body. Smart? Maybe not. But I wanted them to know.
I wanted them to know that their meaningless existence would soon end.
Death is my calling.
When I hunt my prey, there is no need to speak even when my prey is myself. This prey won't be like the rest. I know that he won't beg for his life. I know the ice cold mist of rain won't make him shiver. He walks into that back alley and I slink in after him, keeping a close watch on him.
A fire in a barrel. People standing around it. They are trying their damnedest to keep warm on this bitter cold night as the flames dance to warm their hands. These people look rough. They look like whaty flawed counterpart has become.
As he walks up to the three men, they laugh. Well, the skinny redneck looking one does.
"Ey' look! It's Cain an' 'e comes bearing gifts!"
Hrmf. That's not "Cain". I'm Cain. Apparently these illegal substances make humans dull as well. The three men and Cain must be in the Christmas spirit as they share the pipe and a case of beer. As I look at this imposter I can feel my anger burning within my veins. No wonder Pryce hates me. These clones are jokes.
"Fucking jokes", I might add. Three hours of unnecessary partying go by and still I wait. You may not believe this, but I am very methodical. I used to be in it for the quick kill, but now...well, let's just say that I always enjoyed a good game of chess.
By now, the sky is dark, but the rain clouds are gone. So now, I see that beautiful full moon.
The smell of urine. Fat man is pissing onto another homeless man's coat, and I slowly move around the corner. Using a new facet in my arsenal, a small pistol, I tiptoe up behind the isolated man silently. I slowly place thevsilencer onto the barrel and raise it slowly to the base of the man's skull. I smirk.
*silent shot*
I catch him, as not to alarm my clone and his other two friends. Then, I wait for my next opportunity. The other two human addicts are now throwing dice in the clear part of the alley. The "other Cain"? He sleeps other on a matress. A dirty, piss stained mattress. Hrmf. Insults. All these clones are insults to me, HIS messiah.
The shadows hug my form as I follow yet another bum off into the darkness. The next thing I see, approximately ten minutes later, is the bum rummaging through the trash. Looking for food? Maybe. He starts chomping on a half eaten cheeseburger. Ugh.
Smoothly reaching into my coat pocket, my next new weapon comes forth. Garrote wire in hand, I walk slowly and deliberately. Heel to toe. Heel to toe. A stealth technique I learned in ancient Japan. I wait...then...I strike...
He gurgles and I drag him into the very same trashcan from which he'd been eating. Heh. Now, for dessert...the last bum lays motionless on the ground with a needle hanging from his arm..wait...what the fuck? He's dead? I sneer as I stand. The dumbass Od'ed.
Oh well. Stupid humans.
Finally, as I stare down at my main target, I feel myself thinking about how easy this is. Of course, I could do without getting my hands dirty before my big..I'm trying to keep a straight face as this thought crosses my mind...match with tush. I bite my finger, dripping blood onto a bullet of pure silver. I then load this bullet into my pistol and point it right between his eyes.
No hesitation. I pull the trigger and kill my clone with the same remorse I show my human victims. Without shedding a single tear, I turn away from my controlled chaos after setting him ablaze. Silver then burn. I learned that from Thorn's findings or rather devouring his heart.
One more imposter to deal with. But now, my thoughts turn to Tush and our match. He's a big talker. But I can destroy him with a single
Evil grin.
The awesome banner was brought to you by Morbid Fuckin Angel.