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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Wednesday Night Warfare December 10, 2014
Author Message
Ozymandias Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

12-10-2014, 08:48 PM

[Image: qtjAJzn.png]

Sinan Erdem Dome
Istanbul, Turkey

Luke Gunnar
- vs -
Ethan Donovan
Standard One Fall

Ghost Tank
- vs -
Zak Jacobs
- vs -
Luke Kage
Triple Threat

The first 2 matches will be done via summary

Jet Frost
- vs -
Xavier Swann
X-treme Rules

- vs -
Frodo Smackins
X-treme Rules
If Frodo wins TRHP will get double penatrated - ass fucked by Frodo and face fucked by Azrael.
If TRHP wins Frodo gets the shit kicked out of him by TRHP's cult


TJ Wallace
- vs -
Azrael Erebus
X-treme Rules

Morbid Angel
- vs -
Peter Gilmour
Evil As Fuck Match
Morbid Angel's Stipulation - Loser get's their cock chopped off.
Peter Gilmour's Stipulation - Explosions, barbed wire, fire, tacks, glass, anything that is not nailed down to the arena is fair game. Basically a Pyramid of Hell match, except with only one level, so not like a Pyramid at all.
Management will be on hand to make sure all stipulations are followed through with.


Tag Team Title Match

Kendall Sawyer and ??? Next Level Meta©
- vs -
Mr W. G. W. F and JACK
Standard One Fall

"Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue" by Portugal The Man begins playing as Theo Pryce makes his way, the Universal Title around his waist and his third of the trios title resting on his shoulder. He climbs into the ring and pulls a microphone out from his jacket pocket.

"You know, it's been a busy few weeks for me. First The Kings won the trios titles and then unlike pretty much every single trios champions that came before us, we actually defended the title virtually right away. And even more importantly became the second trios team in the era to successfully defend the titles. As was the goal from the beginning the trios titles actually mean something again and you can thank the Kings for that. And just because I like you all so much I am going to be having a Universal Title match next week right here on Warfare."

"I tried to get this match scheduled weeks ago but you know how it is with Eli James. He can only wrestle once every six weeks lest he give off the impression that he actually wants to earn his pay check. And Peter Gilmour, well that fat fool seems to be booked from now until 2017 so finding a date for a match is about as tall a task as it is for Peter to look down and find his dick. Speaking of, Peter might lose his dick tonight, I hope you all are excited, I know I am. I'll be backstage with my popcorn and whiskey taking it all in. I hope you folks in the front row brought your ponchos if not you can get one from the vendors for $9.99 so be sure and pick one up. 100% of the proceeds will go towards making sure that fat and fatter Peter and Eli get the best pre-match buffet that money can buy. Nothing worse than a hungry fat man."

Theo cracks a massive shit eating grin across his face as he exits the ring and strolls to the back.

Luke Gunnar
- vs -
Ethan Donovan
Standard One Fall

This match was over just as quickly as it started. It's almost as if Gunnar didn't even show up. He was dominated from bell to bell as Donovan beat the man down rather convincingly only ending when Donovan decided to show a little mercy and put Gunnar down for good with his Voodoo Lariat(Northern Lariat).




Winner: Ethan Donovan

Luke Gunnar is still laid out as Ethan Donovan celebrates a win after his first match in the XWF!

The lights suddenly go out and a dim spotlight shines in the ring over Luke Gunnar. The small circle of light around him is the only thing that can be seen throughout the arena, besides the lit up cellphones and cigarette lighters.

A thin red mist crawls across the apron and into the ring as Doctor Louis D'Ville steps through the middle rope and into the ring.

The Doctor begins to pace around the ring in front of Luke Gunnar. He slowly approaches him, brings him to his feet, and picks up up for the Lobotomy!

After the Doctor hits his move, he picks Gunnar back to his feet and throws him to the outside of the ring. He follows Gunnar to the outside. The Doctor then reaches down, grabs Gunnar by the ankle, and slowly drags Gunnar out of the arena as the dim spotlight follows them.

Ghost Tank
- vs -
Zak Jacobs
- vs -
Luke Kage
Triple Threat Match

Another match that was about as one sided as it can get. From the opening bell Ghost Tank, the Asylum's monster took Zak Jacobs and Luke Kage to task. Neither competitor stood a chance against Tank. Kage is put down with a diving spear and Jacobs is decimated with a triple suplex. Both men are down and neither seems to be moving so Tank does the only thing he can do. He grabs both Luke Kage and Zak Jacobs and destroys them both with Tank Tracks. A triple power bomb to both men...AT THE SAME FUCKING TIME!!! The man is a God damn beast. He kneels down between both victims, placing one hand on each of their chests as the ref slides in for the count...




Winner: Ghost Tank

Pest walks up on the Real Higher Power cult, and Jacob. He tases Jacob, sending him to the ground, the rest of the cult go for Pest, but he pulls a steel bar from his pant leg and begins to beat the cult to the ground. With all the men down, he pulls out a bottle of Rubbing alcohol, pours it on Jacob before lighting a match and dropping it on the cult leader.

Mr W. G. W. F.:Go and thank Vinnie Lane for this

Jet Frost
- vs -
Xavier Swann
X-treme Rules

Swann stares at Frost with a cocky smirk etched across his face. The two men engage in a collar and elbow tie up, before Jet Frost quickly moves Swann into a side headlock. Swann shoves him off, sending him into the ropes.. Frost comes back and Xavier Swann hits the much smaller Frost with a shoulder block, which knocks him on his ass. Swann laughs as Frost stares at him, and climbs to his feet again. The two men lock up once more briefly, before Swann lands a stiff knee to the gut of Frost. Swann whips Frost into the ropes and sets up for another shoulder block, but this time Frost slides through the legs of the 'Reflection of Perfection' and bounces back to his feet. As Swann turns around, Frost lands multiple forearm shots to the jaw of Xavier Swann as the crowd begin to pop. Frost whips Swann into the ropes, but Swann attempts a clothesline on his way back, which is ducked by Frost. Swann bounces off the other side of the ring and comes back, only to be met with a perfectly placed dropkick straight to the jaw from Jet Frost. Swann grabs at his jaw and immediately slides out of the ring as Frost begs him to come back inside.

Swann walks over to where Stan is standing and considers Jet Frost, before slowly making his way back up the stairs. He begins to argue with the ref, but it's Frost! Diving over the referees head and landing a forearm smash to the face of Xavier Swann, sending him sprawling to the outside as the crowd cheers. Frost leaps outside for a plancha, but Swann moves and Frost hits the ground, hard. Swann bounces to his feet and drags Frost up, before sending him crashing into the steel steps. Xavier Swann goes under the ring and retrieves a steel chair, and a Kendo stick, throwing them back into the ring, followed by the limp Frost. Swann calls Stan onto the apron and tells him to hold Frost, which he does. Swann grabs the chair and swings violently, CRACK! Frost moved and Swann laid out Stan! Xavier turns around, CRACK! A vicious kendo stick shot which sends the Sultan of Style to the mat. Frost places the steel chair on the body of Swann, and ascends the tunbuckle, signalling for ICE ACCELERATION! As Frost leaps off into his 450 motion, Swann scrambles to his feet and leaps into the air to meet Frost with the chair.. CODEBREAKER INTO THE CHAIR! Swann stalks Frost who is very slow to get to his feet. As Jet regains a vertical base, Swann leaps onto the second rope behind him and with a loud cry of “YAAAAAAHHHH!!”, leaps off and SMACK! SWANN SONG! (Beautiful Disaster Kick) flush on the jaw of Frost. This one is over! Swann places a single boot on the chest of Frost as the referee counts.




Winner: "the Reflection of Perfection" Xavier Swann

Luke Gunnar's music begins to play and the entranceway lights up awaiting his arrival. Only, his arrival never comes, instead the Xtron lights up.

Luke Gunnar is sitting in a dark room with his face down. The similar dim spotlight remains over his head with nothing back the void of darkness around him. He's bound to a small wooden chair, hands and ankles tied, his head rests on his shoulders, still unconcious.

A tall rectangle of light appears along with the creaking of a large door opening. The shadow of a man in the middle of the light appears, then disappears as the door slams shut. There's s sound of footsteps coming from that side of the room. Suddenly a hand reaches in and grabs the back of Luke Gunnar's head. Expressionless, emotionless, lifeless. Luke Gunnar speaks.

"Is there a Doctor in the house?!"

The lifeless motions of Luke Gunnar are orchestrated by the hand held tightly on the back of his head.

"I said, is there a Doctor in the house!?"

The puppeteer leans in and rests his cheek against Gunnar's.

I'M a Doctor!

Luke Gunnar's face is steered up to face the Doctor.

"Oh, thank-ya, Doc! I'm sick!"

Well, Mister Gunnar, you've been overdue for a session for quite some time now. I'm glad that we've finally been able to meet up. Just remain seated, relax, and we can begin our session.

The Xtron shuts off abruptly.

The Real Higher Power
- vs -
Frodo Swagkins
X-treme Rules
If Frodo wins TRHP will get double be ass fucked by Frodo and face fucked by Azrael
If TRHP wins Frodo gets the shit kicked out of him by TRHP's cult

Frodo rushes at Jacob and hits a perfectly executed spear. Into the turnbuckle. Jacob walks behind Frodo, pulls him into the middle of the ring, lifts Frodo and drops the Hobbit with a Powerbomb, followed by a standing moonsault. He goes for an early pin on the hobbit, but before the pin can be counted, Frodo jabs his keys into Jacob’s ribs. The members of the Higher Power begin to throw things into the ring to help Jacob. He gets off of Frodo, and grabs a barbed wire bat. Frodo starts getting to his feet, but a bat to the side sends him back to his back. Frodo rolls on his stomach, and Jacob swings the bat down again towards Frodo. He rolls out of the way, and throws a tiny foot to Jacob’s knee.

Frodo gets to his feet, and Jacob is on his knees with the bat. Frodo goes for a shining Wizard, but the bat catches him in the stomach. He goes down again, and rolls out of the ring. TRHP back away while his climbs the barricade looking for something. Jacob gets to his feet and begins to taunt Frodo, who is not paying attention, as he’s begun to root through a fat woman’s purse. Tossing mints, gummy worms, and money into the crowd. Finally he finds it! He lifts Mjolnir high in the air, and rushes back into the ring. Jacob begins to swing the bat, and Frodo dodges out of the way. He throws Mjolnir to Jacob’s knees, and sends the leader to the ground. Frodo stands tall above the leader, raises the hammer high in the air, and suddenly it falls from his hands. He is not worthy to hold it. Jacob gets back to his feet, and throws a punch to Frodo’s gut. He stumbled back, and members of TRHP jump into the ring, and hold Frodo. Jacob begins to lay into Frodo like he was a speedbag. Suddenly, the lights go out, except for a purple glow. They turn back on and Katie is standing in the ring holding a Purple lightstaber, the glass replica one of course, Jacob is tossed a red one from one of the Cult members on the side.

Jacob and Katie begin to duel in the ring. He swings, she parries, she swings he dodges. They clash their blades, and growl at each other. All the while Frodo works to get free from his captors. He twists his elbow to face his body, and pulls the arm towards him, breaking the grip of his captor. With his newly freed arm, he throws a punch to the face of the other man holding him, then a Shayouken to the person trying to get their grip back on Frodo. Jacob has Katie leaning back on the ropes, with the blades pressing towards her neck. She’s struggling to get free, but Jacob is too powerful. Suddenly glass breaks, and Jacob slumps to the ground. Frodo is standing there holding a broken bottle in his hand. A fan is angry and screaming in the front row, Frodo tosses the broken bottle back at him.

Katie hugs her dad and rushes off back to the waiting room. Most of the men in attendance turn to watch as she runs past. Their wives or girlfriends simultaneously slap them in the back of the head, and Frodo lifts Jacob from the mat. He recoils, and looks down, Jacob has jabbed a shard of glass into Frodo’s leg. Jacob gets to his feet, and headbutts Frodo in the face. Frodo stumbles back as red red kroovy begins to pour from his nose. Jacob rushes forward and delivers a dropkick right to Frodo’s abdomen, he goes back into the ropes and topples on the outside of the ring, where TRHP have set up a table and sprinkled broken glass on it. Frodo goes through the glass, and onto the concrete. Tommy emerges from the front of the crowds and hops over the barricades. He slides into the ring with his steel dog collar and smacks the back of the head of TRHP. Then TRHP turns around and Wish hits the HideYaFace (Implant DDT), then he starts to strangle this man with it for a few minutes until some few refs had to remove Tommy away from the ring. Frodo just lies there as Jacob comes down on top of Frodo with a powerful Flying leg drop. He lands on top of Frodo, and just sits there, knowing he’s got the hobbit pinned down. Frodo counters with a Shayouken!(A leaping uppercut right to the chin of TRHP.)

The Real Higher Power falls backwards to the mat out cold and Frodo quickly moves for the pin.




Winner: Frodo Swagkins

With victory now secured Azrael Erebus makes his way to the ring. With TRHP still half out Frodo lifts him up and secures him in place using the top and middle ropes. Azrael stands on the ring apron his pants down. Frodo then stands behind TRHP, lowers his pants and Jacob's and starts going to town on that ass.

...10 seconds later...Frodo pulls his pants up and looks at Azrael who is giving him the "But bro I haven't finished yet face." Frodo nods at his accomplice and Azrael agrees to pull his pants up despite not coming close to finishing. The two then make their way to the back and out of sight.

After Frodo and Azrael disappear out of site The Ring is invaded by the rest of The Real Higher Power. Jacob stumbles to the middle of the ring, and falls to his knees. The 10 Members of The Real Higher Power surround him in a circle.

Jacob throws his arms up and yells.

"Behold I have now done my job, and gone so far. I will fall on my sword for this humiliating loss. I offer myself as a sacrifice."

Suddenly the ring is swallowed up by a gigantic power that lights up the whole stadium. Then a voice booms out.

"I accept your sacrifice. Your place is now taken by the new leader of The Real Higher Power, Caleb."

The power disappears, and when the cameras look back into the ring. Jacob the one with the Red Hood is no longer there. There were only 10 Hooded Men. But then one steps forward. He has a Green Hood. His name was indeed Caleb.

Suddenly they all depart the ring, and run off through the crowd.

Pest pops up behind Peter, and tases him in the balls. Peter goes down, and Pest shaves Peter's head and face, before sweeping the hair up, and covering Peter's entire face in superglue. He begins to drop the hair all over Peter, making it so you can't see Peter's face through the hair.

Mr WGWF:Now you look like a good little bitch.

TJ Wallace
- vs -
Azrael Erebus
X-treme Rules

"Swing Life Away" plays over the PA as TJ Wallace walks out from the back onto the ramp. He does a "I can't hear you" chant and raises his arms up and down, getting the crowd hype. Then he puts his index finger to his lip and quiets the crowd. He walks down the ramp, slapping hands, kissing babies, and grabbing titties. He slides in the ring and sits on the far turnbuckle, waiting for Erebus to arrive.

Finally, as the lights dim, Silence falls. Regardless if people are screaming or not, their voices cease to accomplish sound. Then one by one the lights flicker and slowly fade out, until the entire arena is bathed in darkness. An amber hue soon begins to form in the middle of the entrance ramp. Dim at first and then glowing brighter and brighter until it's almost unbearable to look at. Momentarily, the sound of a crackle breaches the silence and Azrael suddenly appears. Seeming to step out, from within that burning phantom light. As he does both its existence and the darkness, cease to exist. Sound returns and the fans are simply losing it; as Azrael smirks, casting his gaze around at the audience briefly before he takes off towards the ring. Leaping and sliding in through the bottom of the ropes, Azrael is quick to his feet. Bounding up with a grin, he then walks towards the turnbuckle, where he perches himself in a semi crouched position as he awaits his opponent.

Wallace looks a little intimidated by the sheer sight of the spaceman, but for a near-rookie he is certainly maintaining his composure well, climbing down from the corner to the mat. Azrael hops down as well, and the bell rings.

Wallace rushes in! TJ Wallace catches the starman off guard with his aggressive assault, and he’s pushed into the corner catching rights and lefts to his alien face. Wallace keeps up with the barrage, and Azrael is slumping! Incredibly, TJ Wallace is simply beating Azrael Erebus into the canvas!

Azrael grabs Wallace and reverses positions with him, throwing TJ into the corner, but he misses a forearm shot and Wallace again has him cornered, and again is raining blows onto him! Wallace adds some stomps to the repertoire, and Azrael falls out between the ropes to land on the concrete below… he lands on his feet!

TJ Wallace is trying to hype the crowd and keep the momentum going, waving his arms in the air as if he quite literally does not care!

Wait… Azrael has begun to levitate… he rises from the concrete floor and simply floats over the top rope, gently coming to the canvas without a sound. Wallace takes a step back, unsure what to do, and it’s all the time Azrael needs to take advantage!

Azrael snatches Wallace by his head and flings him into the ropes, catching him on the rebound with the point of his exoskeletal elbow! Wallace is still on his feet! Azrael now to the ropes himself… and he flies into the air for a cross body!

Wallace swings it into a powerslam! Wallace lands right on top of the alien and hooks a leg!




Azrael’s laugh fills the arena as he simply floats up off of the mat with Wallace still on top of him!

TJ Wallace is about six feet over the mat now, and Azrael has ahold of him, hooking his head beneath his arm… superplex??? From mid air!

Wallace’s head snaps back and hits the mat hard, and Azrael stands over him for moment, then pulls him to his feet.

Azrael butterflies both arms of TJ Wallace, then pulls him upside down and sends him crashing headfirst with a beautifully executed double underhook piledriver! Wallace is out!




Incredibly, Wallace manages to get a shoulder just barely up before the three!

Azrael seems impressed, but doesn’t waste any time. He immediately gathers Wallace up and swings him into another front facelock… he’s going for the Darkest Light! He turns Wallace around… but Wallace spins through and shoves Azrael forward into the ropes!

Azrael rebounds backwards and Wallace hops up, planting his knees into the starman’s… thorax?


Azrael ricochets off of Wallace’s knees and flops to the mat! Wallace with the quick pin!




Wallace is flung into the air as Azrael kicks out emphatically, and he instantly transports to a standing position, catching Wallace as he falls down… Azrael lifts the handsome, chocolate warrior over his shoulders in a gorilla press… WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE!!!!

Azrael just about snapped Wallace in half with that incredible backbreaker… but he doesn’t go for the cover! Instead, he glides to Wallace’s legs and grabs them, then turns him over in a Boston crab hold! The Gravitational Pull!

Wallace is grimacing and wailing in pain… his injured back is twisted into an inhuman angle by the inhuman angel!

Wallace got to the ropes!! Amazing! TJ Wallace barely got a finger onto the bottom rope, and the official forces Azrael to break the hold! This is an Extreme Rules match, the official made a mistake! Azrael can’t believe it as he drops Wallace’s legs and shakes his head, laughing.

Azrael reaches down and yanks Wallace away from the ropes, and goes to reapply the hold a second time… Wallace grabs him by the head and rolls him into a small package!


Azrael quickly frees himself, and storms to his feet, clearly angry that he was caught off guard again by TJ Wallace!

Wallace sees Azrael coming and blasts him with a spear! Wait, Azrael caught him… THE ONCOMING STORM!!!

TJ Wallace isn’t moving! Azrael lifts him against and is looking for his big finisher now… he’s got Wallace up… he’s set up for the crucifix…

No, Wallace slides down Azrael’s back! Before Azrael can turn around, Wallace wraps his arm around his face… NATURAL SELECTION!!!

Again, Wallace transitions into a quick cover, trying to end things right away!



Azrael barely kicked out!

The spaceman nearly lot this match, he has clearly underestimated the ability of TJ Wallace!

The arena lights flash, and Norman appears in the ring. He draws his gun, and shoots Wallace in the shoulder.

"Hi, dad. I'm Norman, the baby Luca shot. I'm going to go off and stop crime in Kentucky. You should fight crime as well. We can be unstoppable, and everywhere."

The lights flash again, and Norman is gone.

Azrael stands up, shoving Wallace away from him, blood dripping out from Wallace's shoulder wound but somehow Wallace comes right back at him… THE SOUND OF SILENCE!!!

No – Azrael caught him! Azrael flips Wallace over into the crucifix again… and Wallace slides out again! Azrael felt it coming and spins around with a clothesline… Wallace ducks!


Wallace hoisted the alien up and dropped him in one fluid motion! He is really taking it to the spaceman!

Azrael is right back up though! HE’S ALIENING UP!!!!

Wallace with rights and lefts… but they have no effect! Azrael is shaking and quivering as his eyes begin to glow… and he gabs Wallace by the throat… then takes off flying up into the rafters! Wallace is dangling by the light riggings, hundreds of feet over the ring… what is Azrael doing?


Wallace bounced off of the ringpost, and his face explodes into a bloody mess! Azrael is flying down to the ring, and as he does so he raises his arms to his sides… suddenly, all of the chairs at ringside float over towards him, as if attracted by a magnetic pull!

Azrael is surrounded by a vortex of steel chairs, and they are beginning to rotate around him at a faster and faster pace… it’s a chair tornado!

Wallace is to his feet somehow, but he’s being pelted with those chairs… how much of this can he stand?

Wait, he grabs one of the chair and snatches it out of the air! He rushes Azrael and batters him across the face with the chair! I don’t think Azrael believed he could do it!

That chair shot broke Azrael’s concentration, and all of the chairs collapse on top of him, burying him in STEEL!

Wallace is digging through the chairs desperately now, trying to find the body of Azrael under the pile… look out TJ!

Azrael has appeared directly behind Wallace and grabbed him by the face! He’s got him up… and drives him hard into the pile of chairs with an inverted DDT! Both men hit their heads on the chairs!

Azrael is stirring… now Wallace…

Both men are up…Wallace makes the first move and lifts Azrael up onto his shoulders, he's got him in prime position for the Silencer but Azrael wiggles out of it and as soon as he lands on his feet nails Wallace with The Oncoming Storm(Reverse of Fate) out of nowhere.

Both men go down in a heap. Azrael crawls over and with what little energy he has left places his arm atop Wallace's chest for the cover...




Winner: Azrael Erebus

Azrael Erebus is circling the lifeless body of TJ Wallace after the match has finished...when suddenly, a shark crawls out from under the ring! On my god! It's one of those dreaded land sharks! And it's come to terrorize, maim and possible kill us all! AHHHHHHH!

Now the thing appears to be rising up onto its hind legs. Like some sort of horrible mutant, half man, half shark monstrosity. For the love of all that's holy...what is that thing and why is it making its way up to the side of the ring?

But wait...there's more!

Azrael seems like he recognizes that hideous freak of nature. How? Why? Oh wow, Azrael is walking over and lifting up the rope for that.......that, thing! The weird monster slides in but it doesn't stop there. No, it surely does not! Once it fully make its way into the ring, the beast rises to its feet and rushes over to Wallace, where it starts brutally pounding away on the downed man. Over and over again, this thing pounds on Wallace. Until blood is streaming out of multiple orifices on TJ's face, which now looks more like a piece of raw meat and less like a face!

With a sinister chuckle, the shark raises both arms....high in the air, in order to bring them down in a double ax handle onto the mangled body of TJ Wallace but is stopped abruptly. Pulled away by the spaceman, he is yanked into a face to face position with Azrael. Both men glaring at one another as a hint of actual fire, sizzles within Azrael's eyes.

After what seems like a brutal staredown between the two, Azrael grabs Wallace's legs and turns him over into - the Gravitational Pull! What an interesting turn of events. It looked like Azrael was going to come to blows with that freak of nature, shark beast but no, now he's causing more pain on the already brutally destroyed body of TJ Wallace! Wrenching away at it and causing extreme discomfort!

However, the pain is only going to get worse because the shark has made his way to the ropes and successfully climbed them til he reached the top turnbuckle. Mounted on that top turnbuckle, like a living nightmare incarnate, it leaps into a frog splash! A frog splash, that makes impact with pin point precision right to the back of Wallace, while Azrael is still locking in the submission!

Wallace starts tapping frantically as he screams out in agony! His eyes bulging wide and his body surging in pain, but Azrael doesn't release the hold. Instead, the monster rises to its feet, kicks Wallace in the face and he goes out cold.

With a smirk, Azrael drop's Wallace's limp body onto the canvas and steps away from it as a microphone appears in his hand. Manifesting from out of nowhere, it appears in Azrael's right hand and he bring it to his mouth as the sharkman stands alongside Azrael, with arms crossed.

"What good is being amazing, if I can't have someone follow in my footsteps? I've done great things here. I've seen and done it all in fact and now, I think it's time to pass on my greatness, to someone truly worthy. Jaws! As you can see he's quite skilled in the art of brutality. Vicious, cunning, dangerous and clever like a shark, he is a natural predator. Fierce, agile and relentless, he will become one of the most dominate forces here. Friend or foe, if you find yourself on the opposite side of the ring with him, he will not stop until you're a broken, bloody mess on that canvas. I've taught him well in that regard and anyone who faces him, will learn first hand how good of a student he really was. Marvel at the beast and fear what he can do because there's no hiding from the nightmare known as - JAWS!"

Azrael drops the microphone and grabs Wallace by a tuft of his hair before he drags TJ over to Jaws, who looks down at TJ, like a hungry shark. Instantly Jaws rips TJ up from the canvas and lifts him high in the air. Raising TJ over his own head, Jaws brings Wallace down as he executes - WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE!

Wallace's back slams onto the massive knee of Jaws and he tumbles to the canvas, a broken, bloody mess. Blood, snot and drool, pooling around Wallace's damaged face as Azrael and Jaws exit the ring, laughing.

The XWF tron comes to life with a message from Ozymandias:

The following match was originally to take place in an abandoned insane asylum however Peter changed his mind and decided to have the match in the ring at the arena. However the abandoned asylum refused to give Shane his deposit back and Shane being the tightwad that he is demanded that the match take place in the Asylum as originally planned.


Morbid Angel
- vs -
Peter Gilmour
Evil As Fuck Match
Morbid Angel's Stipulation - Loser get's their cock chopped off.
Peter Gilmour's Stipulation - Explosions, barbed wire, fire, tacks, glass, anything that is not nailed down to the arena is fair game. Basically a Pyramid of Hell match, except with only one level, so not like a Pyramid at all.
Management will be on hand to make sure all stipulations are followed through with.

A cage is around a large abandoned insane asylum with only one entrance. The tops are covered with razor wire to make sure there is no escape.

Suddenly the roar of God Gives Head in Heaven by Aeon blares over the empty fields and Morbid Angel runs inside the small opening to the sounds of nothing but his own music and the echo bouncing off the abandoned building. He begins to flex and strikes a few poses for the camera as his music cuts.

Waiting for Peter Gilmour’s music to start which doesn’t happen. Peter comes running out of the darkness towards Morbid Angel swinging a fireman’s axe! Morbid takes notice and starts to run towards the building with Peter not too far behind.

Morbid Angel crashes through the large front door and takes off towards the basement and falls down the stairs. Peter throws the axe at Morbid Angel and nearly hits him in the face but only manages to cut off some of his hair! Morbid looks at his detached hair lying beside him, lets out a high pitched scream and rolls off into the darkness of the cellar.

Peter slowly walks down the stairs, sees a can of spray paint on the ledge, grabs it and prepares to use it whenever Morbid appears. As he walks down the stairs into the darkness he could see nothing.

Morbid Angel from the side hits Peter in the face with a solid fist sending him reeling down the stairs. Morbid quickly gets on Peter’s back and starts to beat his face into the concrete floor; he gets up and hits the light switch turning on all the lights. In the morgue.

Morbid rushes over and starts throwing old rusted medical equipment towards Peter who scrambles to the safety of an old counter. He grabs an old bed pan and throws it at Morbid Angel knocking him back into the old freezer; he then grabs an old 2x4 and heads in after Morbid Angel only to be greeted by something rotten hitting him in the face! Peter steps back and looks down at a long dead dog carcass then attacks with the hunk of wood!

Peter hits Morbid in the face causing him to fall on an open freezer locker door and ripping it off the hinges as he fell over it. Morbid rolls with the door in hand and uses it as a shield to protect from the powerful blows. Peter hammers down on the door trying to crush Morbid underneath, hits with the board then stomps with the foot.

Morbid sends a foot straight up into the balls of Peter Gilmour dropping him straight to the ground. Morbid gets up and spits a mouthful of blood onto the floor then goes on the attack with the door, slapping peter in the face with it laying him out cold!

Morbid walks over to Peter and looks down at him laying there and gives him another whack to the head before tossing the door to the side and grabbing Peter by the hair. He starts to drag Peter back up the stairs. Peter regains consciousness as they reach the main floor. He rips himself free and takes off down a hallway and Morbid Angel follows but is quickly left behind by the smaller Peter Gilmour. Morbid starts looking in rooms trying to see or hear any movement. He turns into a room only to be greeted with a window section of glass to the face! Shattering all over leaving shards sticking in his face and neck. Morbid stands there not moving as the blood starts to pour, the window frame sliced down into his arms, capturing him and Peter takes advantage and starts punching him in the face over and over. Morbid stumbles back into the hall way and hits the wall, driving the broken glass deeper into his back. Morbid flexes his large upper body and breaks free of the window frame and goes back on the attack charging Peter into the room and shoving him into a large display window overlooking the hospital section. Morbid charges at Peter and the two go straight through the window and fall through the roof bellow and into the ward.

Peter lands on an old hospital bed and Morbid slams face first into the floor. Both bloodied and battered Peter rolls off onto the floor and starts to slowly get up. Morbid oddly enough jumps to his feet and pulls a large shard of wood from his thigh and lunges at Peter, stabbing him in the chest but the old wood snaps and Morbid ends up back handing him.

Morbid then picks him up and body slams him onto the hard tile floor then reaches into a cabinet and pulls out a defibrillator and turns to use it just to get hit in the face with an old medical dictionary! Morbid falls and Peter mounts Morbid Angel and starts dropping fists on his face. Morbid takes the defibrillator and presses it up against Peter’s genitals and pushes the button sending 1000 volts into the tiny Peter package! Peter falls down twitching. Morbid slowly gets up and begins to stomp Peters face before pulling out a large shard of glass from his huge muscular chest and points it at Peter’s unconscious body. Morbid falls down onto Peter for the pin...




Morbid looks out at the crowd and then down to Peter. Back to the crowd and then finally back to Peter. He grabs the bottom of Peter's pants and yanks them off revealing black boxer briefs. Morbid then grabs the boxers and pulls them down as well exposing Peter's genitals. A huge smile comes across Morbid's face and then it happens. With one hand Morbid grabs Peter by the balls and with the glass shard in his other hand starts slicing off Peter's dick. Peter wakes up screaming in pain just as his cock is separated from his body. Morbid holds Peter's penis up in the air like it were a trophy. Blood is squirting upwards several feet in the air and showering both Peter and Morbid. Morbid slowly gets up, Gilmour's cock in hand and methodically climbs out of the ring and walks to the back, dick still in the air.

As this happens a team of EMT's rush to the ring and with the help of security restrain Peter so that he can be sedated. It takes the strength of literally 10 men to get Gilmour still so that a needle of drugs can be plunged into his thigh. The EMT's and Security lift Peter up and carry him out of the ring and onto a stretcher where he is wheeled to the back and right into an ambulance.

Winner: Morbid Angel

The Xtron lights up with Luke Gunnar's face once again, still unconscious.

"Wow, Doc, that was quite a match. There's nothing I enjoy more than watching that Peter Gilmour!"

Indeed, Mister Gunnar, indeed! But let's leave Mister Gilmour alone this evening, he's been through so much these last couple of weeks. Tell us though, because the world is just dying to know, what's in store for Luke Gunnar and his future of the XWF?

"Well, Doc... It hasn't been easy for me. Like I stated before, I've had a real tough life. Ever since I was thirteen years old, life on the streets is all I've known. Life without a mother. Life without a real father. After I lost him, I went from town to town and family to family... Fighting my way through life. Fighting my way to the XWF. And now, fighting my way through the XWF!"

The Doctor steers Luke Gunnars head into the air, to look up to the Doc. Gunnar's eyes are still rolled in the back of his head.

An endless fight, is it?
You're not doing much fighting here, Mister Gunnar. You're return match wasn't too much to be proud of. Afterwards, I reveal myself and here we are. Now, let's not forget about the few things that you SHOULD be proud of, I suppose.


JOEY STYLES: What a match! ........... Oh God!

Brock Lesnar stands up from his chair and starts making his way down towards the ring.

JOEY STYLES: Doctor Louis just had four matches in one night! Brock hasn't had a damn match! This isn't right!

Brock Lesnar starts pouncing in front of the ring while D'Ville slowly pulls himself up from the mat.

The crowd becomes louder with cheers. Doctor's attention is glued on Brock.

On the other side of the ring from the crowd...

A hooded man comes in the ring and comes from behind. He grabs D’Ville by the leg and tosses him back to the mat. He mounts the Doctor and begins to ground and pound with heavy lefts and rights pausing to push back his hood and deliver a strong right elbow. Under the hood was none other than Luke Gunnar.

JOEY STYLES: It’s Gunnar! Luke Gunnar is back in XWF!

Gunnar gets to his feet, grabbing D’Ville by his head to get a look at the beaten Doctor’s face.

LUKE GUNNAR: Remember me?! Look at me! I told you this wasn’t going to end!

He takes the Doctor’s head and places it under his arm, lifting him up to a vertical suplex position. He pauses with a vicious look on his face as he lets the blood flow to D’Ville’s head only to side slam him back to the mat spine first. MILL CITY MISERY! Gunnar stands up over the body of the tortured Doctor then glances over a corner of the mat seeing a taser that fell out of D’Ville’s clothing. He smiles and walks over to the taser grabbing it and running back to the body. He reaches for Louis D’Ville’s head and holds the stun gun to his eyes letting him see the electric current running through both ends.

LUKE GUNNAR: You won’t forget me this time.

He takes the taser and begins to jab it into the Doctor’s side watching him shake and convulse. He lets this continue for multiple shocks before a group of referees pull the crazed Gunnar off of him dragging him out of the ring. As they escort him up the aisle to the back Luke does not take his eyes off of his prey. Still armed with the taser he pulses it in his hand as he stares at D’Ville. It’s been made clear that Luke Gunnar is back and he is after Doctor Louis D’Ville.

Brock is still pouncing.. he jumps onto the edge of the ring!

JOEY STYLES: You've got to be kidding!

A referee slides in the ring. Luke Gunnar smiles and leaves the ring.

Brock gets in the ring with a laid out Doctor D'Ville.


Out of the blue, from a front row seat... Tommy Gunn runs in the ring!!

Gunn and Brock are face to face! The two are about to collide.

Gunn starts to back off into the corner. Gunn starts to charge at Brock... Brock picks up D'Ville... SPEAR ON D'VILLE!!!

Brock quickly picks up Doctor D'Ville!!



We'll just stop right there. Your infactuation with me as of late, Mister Gunnar, is flattering, but also, a little unwanted. If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times, my friend, all you had to do was ask. My doors have been open since my arrival in this fine organization. And all you had to do was ask. You don't have to sneak through the crowd. You don't have to wear disguises. You don't have to hide in the shadows. Although that is your nature, the rodent that you are. It was nice of you to entertain my little analogy there. A survivalist is what you called yourself. The roaches that remain after a nuclear blast. The infestation of rats that remain in an old home that's be condemned and torn apart. Mister Gunnar, although I find you to be very interesting and a perfect patient, I am your reaper. Or, let's say, your exterminator. Your return here was much awaited and now you can do it all over again. Tell me, do you still have that one thing that belongs to me? I know I told you that you could keep it, but could I perhaps borrow it for a moment?

The Doctor, while holding the back of Luke Gunnar's head, nods for the unconcious man. He then throws his head aside and walks into the darkness. Only the loud claps of footsteps can be heard. Suddenly a wave of water hits Gunnar in the face, bringing him back to conciousness. He gasps for air for a moment and coughs. As he opens his eyes he sees the Doctor for a moment, just before getting kicked over to the side. Still bound to the chair, he struggles to try and release himself. Grunting, moaning, and coughing and squirms around on the floor in the large puddle of water. The Doctor appears again and reaches into Gunnar's pocket and pulls out his old taser.

There we are. Hello, Mister Gunnar, my friend. Are you awake?

Gunnar doesn't speak and continues to try and pick himself up, but his hands are still bound behind him to the wooden chair.

Mister Gunnar, this game we're playing is going to end one way or another. In your absence you had a chance to forget all about me. But you didn't, which is completely understandable. As I said before, I seem to make quite a lasting impression with my patients. Sometimes it's hard to let go. Well, let me make that decision a little bit easier for you.

Two barbs shoot out for the Doctor's taser and pierce Gunnar in the face and neck. 50,000 volts shoot through the Doctor's hands, through the taser, and into Luke Gunnar. Gunnar stiffens up and begins to convulse on the floor. The Doctor releases the button, then hits it again, and again, and again. The lights outside in the arena begin fading off and on like every bit of electricity flowing through the building was being drained and shot into the body of the Doctor's patient. The Xtron goes to static and the lights go back to normal.

Tag Team Title Match
Kendall Sawyer and ??? Next Level Meta©
- vs -
Mr. W. G. W. F. and JACK
Standard One Fall

An uneasy silence falls over the arena as they await the arrival of the other half of the tag team champions, ???. The lights go out abruptly, and there's a drumroll heard over the speakers. The drums crescendo, and suddenly:

"Caught a body bout a week ago (week ago)"

Bobby Shmruda's "Hot Nigga" blares over the speakers and the lights turn back on, giving us our first real look at the self proclaimed Next Level Meta. Even though he had a match last week, this is our first glimpse and what a man he is!

[Image: article-2729456-20A6500100000578-857_634x776.jpg]

He's being accompanied down to the ring by the man identified earlier in the week as Raheem. The pair march to the ringside area where ??? hops up on the apron and steps inbetween the ropes. Raheem stays on the outside, circling the ring with one hand inside his open jacket.

The bell rings and The Big Man starts off against Pest. Jack stoically stares on from the sidelines. Kendall Savannah Sawyer is bouncing left and right on the apron. Pest and The Gargantuan move around the ring. Pest walks up and stabs him in the eye with his dildo crown. He doesn’t even budge. He grabs the dildo crown and whips Pest to the ropes. Pest goes for a big clothesline, but El Gigante doesn’t even move! He smirks and punches him hard on the jaw! Pest staggers from the enormous fist hitting his face. He grabs Pest by the throat and lifts him high over his head in a gorilla press position. The Bald Brute walks over to the ropes and drops him over the top rope to the floor! Pest hits the mat with a thud! Pest is holding his ribs. The Large Man steps over the top rope and drops to the floor. He stomps on the ribs of Pest as Pest tries to cover up. He lifts up Pest and throws him through the ropes. He steps up onto the apron and Pest hits a spear knocking him off the apron. The Mastodon lands on his feet and looks peeved. He reaches up to the top rope and pulls himself up, but Pest nails him with a chop! Pest wastes no time as he hits three more quick chops. He goes for the fifth chop, but Gargantuan catches his hand! Pest is trying to get away, but the intense grip of him isn’t allowing Pest to move. Pest uses his entire weight and pulls the big man’s hand over and pulls the head down as a stunner on the top rope! The man falls to the mat. Pest looks almost surprised. He climbs out of the ring on the apron. He looks down at him and runs off the apron dropping an elbow on him!

Pest stands up and raises his fist. He walks over and squeezes the big man’s junk before running back in the ring. Kendall rushes around the ring and helps him up. He shakes the cobwebs off and looks pissed. He slides under the ropes and Pest immediately charges him and stomps on his head and neck. The Big Man is seemingly shaking it all off as he stands tall. Pest chops him once… twice… three times! The Big Man laughs. Pest goes for an RKO, but The Big Man pushes him off. The Big Man wraps his hand around the throat of Pest. Pest grabs his throat! The Big Man lifts Pest into the air and chokeslams him hard! Pest hits with a thud and begins slow crawling to the corner. The Big Man grabs his foot and pulls him back to the center. The Big Man lifts him up and Pest grabs his fruity pebbles! The Big Man shrieks and swings with slow punches. Pest is able to duck and dodge the blows. Pest lets go as The Big Man bends over. Pest grabs the head and nails a DDT. Both men are down. Pest slowly crawls to his corner and in comes JACK! JACK is slow moving, but he’s a house of fire! He connects with a spear taking The Big Man down to the ground!

Jack moves to the other corner and hits a blow taking Kendall to the ground. Jack turns back around and begins connecting with punches. Left and rights knocking The Big Man for a loop. Jack hits a knee to the abdomen. He leans over and Jack lifts him up for a Samoan Drop! He drops him into the mat hard! Jack goes for the pinfall!



NO! The Big Man powers out.

Jack pull him to his feet and lifts him over his head! The enormous weight if heaved up and dropped into a Military Press slam! Jack mounts the body and begins drilling him with various punches and elbow strikes. Jack pulls him back to his feet and nails a roundhouse combo! The first one connects with the abdomen of The Big Man. The second one connected with the back of his head. He moves around groggily as Jack places his head between his legs in the powerbomb position. Jack strains and gets the large behemoth over his head! He drops him for a HUGE Powerbomb! Jack goes for the pin!



Th-NO! Kendall breaks it up!

Jack stands up to attack her, but Pest has ran across the ring and taken care of it! Pest and Kendall go tumbling over the top rope! The Big Man and JACK slowly get to their feet. They square off and the Big Man towers over Jack. The Big Man laughs and rears his hand back. He throws the fist with a ton of momentum! Jack throws his hand up and CATCHES HIS PUNCH!?! The Big Man looks shocked! He goes for a big left to try to catch Jack off guard, but Jack catches it too!? The test of strength is seemingly even despite the obvious size difference. They stand off in the ring pushing forwards and backwards. Suddenly, The Big Man’s knees buckle and Jack is pushing him downwards! Jack releases the hold and smashes him with an elbow to the temple! He then grabs The Big Man and lifts him up over his head! Brainbuster! All of the weight of The Big Man is dropped on his head! Jack goes for the cover!



NO! Kendall breaks it up!

What’s that… it’s “Loverboy” Vinnie Lane rushing to the ring! The crowd is going crazy!

Lane slides under the bottom rope and charges at Pest, and he drops the WG.WF star with a ferocious double leg takedown! He is obviously incensed over the brutal assault performed on his fiancée Roxy at Madness!

Loverboy is nailing Pest repeatedly with hard left hands, he’s even broken one of the dildos off of Pest’s crown!

Loverboy stands and drags Pest to his feet… he’s got him up… BLACK LABEL DRIVER!



The other combatants in the match can only stand and stare at the brutality of Vinnie Lane driving Pest’s skull into the mat over and over… finally, Loverboy stands and looks down at the fully unconscious body of Pest… what’s he doing now?

Loverboy is reaching into his jacket pocket… he’s got a syringe full of blood! Loverboy slams the syringe into Pest’s arm and presses the plunger, emptying the contents into Pest’s bloodstream! What the hell is going on?

Now Loverboy has a pair of scissors? And he’s… oh, disgusting! He just clipped the tip of Pest’s nose off! Blood is spurting out of Pest’s new nose hole, he looks like a skeleton with that gaping hole in his face!

Loverboy takes the scissors and punches them through the front of Pest’s throat, puncturing his windpipe! He just gave him a tracheotomy!

Loverboy finally seems done, and he slides out of the ring, grabbing a microphone from the announcer.

“Fuck you, Pest! This was for me, for Roxy, and for Peter Gilmour. He got his ears taken, so I decided to cut you up, make sure you’d sound like an emphysema patient for the rest of your life and give you motherfucking AIDS. You can thank Maria Brink for the last bit.

Now stay the fuck out of my life!”

Loverboy slams the mic down and walks back to the locker room, holding his hands in the air to a chorus of cheers.

Kendall sensing blood in the water lifts up an already beaten down Pest and plants him a DDT from Kendall! Kendall jumps back on the apron and outstretches her hand! The Big Man is stirring and crawling towards his teammate, Jack drops an elbow stopping him! Jack goes to pick the big man up and the big man hits him with an uppercut! He grabs Jack and hits a big standing powerslam! The Big Man turns around and slaps the hand of Kendall!

Kendall leaps into the ring and screams “Abdicate!” Jack slowly gets to his feet as Kendall hits Abdicate! The rolling kneebar followed by Kendall shrieking “Abdicate!” catches Jack off guard! She turns the leg of Jack as Jack is throwing his hands around sporadically trying to reach the ropes! He does and she breaks it. She stands up and raises a fist in the air. Jack gets back to his feet and gets kicked in the gut. She grabs his head and drives him down into the mat with a sit-out facebuster! Pest comes back into the ring and charges with a clothesline. She throws a roundhouse up in defense and clocks Pest! Pest hits the mat and abandons ship! Kendall leaps onto the body of the downed Jack and begins demolishing his face with elbow strike after elbow strike! She screams at the referee to ask him! The referee gets down there and asks him if Jack if he wants to quit. She stops to let him speak. He faintly shakes his head. She begins again hitting blow after blow! She stops again and he asks him. Jack this time enthusiastically shakes his head. This pisses her off and she begins hitting elbow strikes mixed with headbutts and straight punches! She finally stops and demands the referee ask him again! Before the referee can even ask, Jack begins shaking his head furiously. She stands up and pulls at her hair slightly. She poises for her next attack as Jack gets to his feet. She rushes forward and stops right in front of Jack. They make eye contact and she SLAPS HIM!

Jack seems phased for a moment before looking at her with anger In his eye! He punches her! She slaps him.







Finally Jack seems fed up with their exchange and grabs her by the throat! The Big Man comes in and the referee pushes him out of there! While he’s distracted, Kendall nails Jack in the testes with a kick! Jack releases the hold and the crowd boos!

Kendall looks at the crowd and doesn’t seem to give a rat’s ass! She climbs the turnbuckle and launches! Diving Crossbody! It connects! Wait! Jack rolls through and has Kendall in his arms! Jack begins to stand up as the crowd cheers him on! He lifts her up over his head and drops her onto the mat for a huge chokeslam! Kendall isn’t moving! Jack goes for the cover!



Th-NO! It was so close! The Big Man just narrowly broke it up!

The Big Man stands back up and Pest is there to chop him to finally complete the five count from earlier! The Big Man’s eyes bug out and he swings for the fences with a roundhouse punch and clobbers Pest! It hits so hard it actually rearranges his dildo crown! Pest hits the ground and isn’t moving. The Big Man rolls him out of the ring with his boot. The referee gets into the face of The Big Man and presses the issue of his leaving the ring. The Big Man throws up his hands and gets back on the apron. Jack picks Kendall up by her hair and Irish whips her into the corner. He gets ready and charges with a huge Avalanche Splash! She dodges it! Using her quickness, she’s able to get out of dodge! She hits a roundhouse sending him back into the corner. She backs up, taunts the audience and rushes forward. She raises her foot and nails A Little Off The Top! The Yakuza kick devastates the face of Jack. She instantly climbs the turnbuckle and looks down at the prone Jack. She leaps! Diving elbow to the heart of Jack! She covers him!



Thre-NOOO! Jack just barely kicks out!

She looks at the referee in disbelief! She scans the audience and climbs the turnbuckle again! She stands on the pad and beckons for Jack to get up. Jack slowly gets to his feet and turns towards Kendall. She’s about to leap when a hand pushes her onto her face in the center of the ring. The hand belonged to Pest! Jack leaps across the distance and tags in Pest!

Mr. WG.WF climbs into the ring and looks pissed off. Kendall gets up and takes four rapid knife-edge chops! She responds accordingly! The two begin exchanging chops until Pest hits a quick stunner! Kendall is still standing from the stunner as Pest gets to his feet. He smiles and nails the WG.WF Cutter! The variation of The Gilmour Cutter drives Kendall’s face into the mat! He goes for the cover while smacking her butt as he has the legs rolled up. The referee hits the mat.




Winner and new XWF Tag Team Champions: Mr W. G. W. F and JACK

Kendall's still lying on the ground in the middle of the ring as ??? is furious! He steps in between the ropes and begins pacing around the ring. Jack and Pest take the opportunity to get the fuck out of dodge. Leaving poor Kendall in the ring with a clearly furious Meta. It isn't until Kendall starts to stir that his eyes look at her fallen body and he snaps. Raheem tries to yell over at his boy but ??? ain't having any of it! He mounts her and starts raining down huge punches! Her face turns black and blue and her nose begins to bleed profusely after the first couple of blows from his big monster like hands smash against her face like falling anvils! Security rushes out to diffuse the situation but he turns his anger on them instead! The first man he gets his hands on he shoves over to the ground and mounts! He jams his thumbs in the guard's eyes!

[Image: tumblr_n6izvuI7kW1qzucdqo3_500.gif]

Two other officers pull him off the poor shmuck but he spins around and shoves them off with ease! Raheem is screaming at him to get the fuck outta dodge and he finally calms down and listens to reason! He sprints away from the guards and hops the railing with Raheem, making their escape through the crowd. One of the still standing guards checks on Kendall, establishing that she's till breathing before calling for the paramedics as Warfare comes to a close.

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

12-10-2014, 08:56 PM

Well well well, would you look at that...Peter Gilmour he of the "I am sick and tired of all this outside interference" finally gets his wish and gets an entire match without any interference. Not even any technical difficulties and yet as expected even without any distraction whatsoever Peter still manages to lose. Congratulations Peter you lost that one all on your own. Tell me again why I am facing Eli James and you next week instead of just Eli? What exactly have you done to deserve such a title shot?

Oh and my oh my you also managed to lose the only thing shorter than your list of wins this year, your dick. Oh wait, I know how this is going to go. That wasn't really your dick right? It was your second dick? Or you cloned your dick and stapled that one on. Or, wait, your dick grew back so everything's ok now? Or maybe you borrowed Rose Smith's dick and that's the one Morbid took. How are you ever going to get around what we all witnessed with our own eyes which was Morbid cutting your dick off with a piece of broken glass? How will you convince us that didn't actually happen?

Stay tuned for the next installment of "When Peter Gilmour tells a lie.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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??? the Next Level Meta Offline
You best bow down right now.

XWF FanBase:


12-10-2014, 09:04 PM

Last fuckin' time I work pro bono, I'll tell you what. Hey XWF! Guess what! Even in the face of defeat, I did something none of you could ever dream of. I shut Kendall Sawyer the fuck up and I end the show, while the new champs scuttle the fuck away.

[Image: judge_you_are_a_faggot.jpg]

Crossfags I've Made Cry:
Scully (Total dick riding phaggot)
Mick Manson (Admitted to being a phaggot, being scurred, and that Ghost Tank has an elastic cunt)
Ghost Tank (Has an elastic cunt and wants my dick so bad she's willing to stalk me)
The Real Higher Pussies (Wanna fight me but won't face me 6 on 1)

Give me your tears, !

Tag Team Partner for sale! Name your price, !
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

12-10-2014, 09:11 PM

"With a sprained ankle, and my leg just one giant fucking bruise, I still showed off my power. Heartsford, this is but a taste of what I can do, even injured. I'll soon be one hundred percent though, and you, Knight, will not have no hope of leaving Madness as champion because of it."

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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Scorpio Offline
Dick Of Doom

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

12-10-2014, 09:20 PM

[Image: f6g1q.jpg]

[Image: Scorpin.png]


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XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

12-10-2014, 09:33 PM

Pest has taped his neck up, and gauzed his nose.

Mr. WGWF:Congratulations, Lane. You've officially fucked up. You see, my attacking you. That was all business. Someone paid me to do that. But now, now I'm going to come for you hard. And you gave me the perfect tool to do it. How is Roxy, by the way? Still pregnant? We'll see how that works out. For now, I'm off to the hospital.
Scotty Anderson Away
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

12-10-2014, 10:13 PM

Wow Pest, you done made yourself a tag champ with JACK... I hope you end up losing all your blood in the hospital.
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-10-2014, 11:25 PM

ooc: See this is the shit that Im talking about.. I FIRMLY SAID IN MY PROMO I DID NOT WANT TO FIGHT IN A MATCH WITH ANY SEXUAL ramifications but does anybody listen to me. FUCK NO! I knew I would lose to morbid so not gonna rant on that but i am tired of all this stupid sexual ramification outcomes and it needs to stop soon or I am seriously going to pack my bags and find a way better efed than this.

IC: Suck my bloody dick Theo.. this match never happened cuz I was drunk and fell asleep. and morbid.. u still suck BITCH!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

12-10-2014, 11:39 PM

OOC:Peter, I want you to know, I did find the match to be hilarious, from an outsider perspective, but I have been keeping true to your request, I do hope you see that. I just want you to know that I'm not behind this.

"Peter, it did happen. We watched as you lost your penis. Just like we saw where I only lasted ten seconds inside that dude's asshole. He was super tight. We also saw where Katie came to my rescue."

[Image: Jennette-McCurdy-at-McCurdicon%20144.jpg]

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-10-2014, 11:49 PM

the dick of doom is still in tact and so is my long mane of hair... u were watching a rerun

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
Hate Post Like Post
Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

12-10-2014, 11:52 PM

"Isn't Scorpio the Dick of Doom. Yes, yes he is. So, glad to know Scrop is fine. Scrop! I was worried about you when they started cutting dicks off. Peter said you're good, though."

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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Morbid Angel Offline
Баба Яга

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

12-11-2014, 12:47 AM

What happened?

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
UFO Champion x2
Ark Champion x2
Heavy Metal Champion x2
Xtreme Champion x3
Won at War Games 2014
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

12-11-2014, 04:28 AM

(12-10-2014, 11:49 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: the dick of doom is still in tact and so is my long mane of hair... u were watching a rerun

If it was a rerun that we watched then it means we watched a recording of something that previously happened. That's how reruns work.

But that can't be a rerun because you and Morbid Angel never fought before. Which means that you are lying to us Peter, just like the whole "I feel asleep thing." You should have at least gone the imposter route. It seems to have worked for Maverick...oh wait...

So I guess now that you have no dick we should probably work a name that more suits your new found about Petra Gilmour? How does that sound? Do you like it?

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-11-2014, 10:32 AM

IC: u do know it could of all been a sick dream and it took place in a parallel universe right?

and its PETER FUCKIN GILMOUR you egotistal motherfucker!

OOC: Stil upset this match should've been in the ring..

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Jaws Offline
The Selachimorpha

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

12-11-2014, 10:45 AM

(12-11-2014, 10:32 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: IC: u do know it could of all been a sick dream and it took place in a parallel universe right?

and its PETER FUCKIN GILMOUR you egotistal motherfucker!

OOC: Stil upset this match should've been in the ring..

OOC: Why? What actually happened?

[Image: UIir0XP.jpg]
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

12-11-2014, 10:53 AM

(12-11-2014, 10:32 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: IC: u do know it could of all been a sick dream and it took place in a parallel universe right?

and its PETER FUCKIN GILMOUR you egotistal motherfucker!

OOC: Stil upset this match should've been in the ring..

If your mother had balls she'd be your father. But she doesn't, so she isn't. There were no dreams, no parallel universes, you got your dick cut off in this universe on national television for all to see. Now, stop trying to pretend like it didn't happen because it did. We all saw it.

OOC: Who cares? Why does it matter? The match happened where it happened. It could have taken place in a dressing room at Kohls it doesn't really change anything. Besides I would think that since you have a character that you market as being the King of X-treme that you would prefer the match take place somewhere other than a boring wrestling ring.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Ethan Donovan Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

12-11-2014, 03:39 PM

"Damn, well that was a fun match. Kind of bummed that Mr.Gunnar didn't really put up a fight. Oh well, a win is a win. Plus we got to see someone's dick get cut off. You can't see that anywhere else besides XWF. I'm going to have a blast here."
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-11-2014, 09:59 PM

(12-11-2014, 10:53 AM)THEO PRYCE Said:
(12-11-2014, 10:32 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: IC: u do know it could of all been a sick dream and it took place in a parallel universe right?

and its PETER FUCKIN GILMOUR you egotistal motherfucker!

OOC: Stil upset this match should've been in the ring..

If your mother had balls she'd be your father. But she doesn't, so she isn't. There were no dreams, no parallel universes, you got your dick cut off in this universe on national television for all to see. Now, stop trying to pretend like it didn't happen because it did. We all saw it.

OOC: Who cares? Why does it matter? The match happened where it happened. It could have taken place in a dressing room at Kohls it doesn't really change anything. Besides I would think that since you have a character that you market as being the King of X-treme that you would prefer the match take place somewhere other than a boring wrestling ring.

ooc: yeah but they are kinda getting to be lame

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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TRHP Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

12-12-2014, 12:50 AM

"Mr Peter Gilmour it is good to talk to you."

"You seem to be having a problem with the rest of the XWF."

"Or should I say the rest of the XWF has a problem with you."

"What have you done to be so problematic around this place?"

"You need to be at Peace."

"We, The Real Higher Power can help you be at Peace, just step into the light."

"Do us all a favor and step into the light and stop moaning."

"Peace be with you."

"The Real Higher Power has spoken."






[Image: Sun_Light_Energy.jpg]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-12-2014, 05:42 AM

Are you a god?

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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