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Trash Bag Ho
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Scully Offline
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XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

12-07-2014, 11:34 PM

Trash Bag Ho

I had recently just come back from England, the country where I am from. I had been on the Jonathan Ross show. It was an interesting show, very funny and I had plenty of questions to answer. Thanks to being on the show, I felt more confident that I could prevail, especially after my two defeats in a row.

I definitely believe I can come out on top against Asylum member, Ghost Tank. He may be strong but I'm smarter than he is, that's for sure. I will do whatever it takes to come out on top, even if it means help from The Corporation. I need this victory. I need to become the number one contender for the TV Championship. This could be the beginning of a Scully title reign, if I am too beat GT and go on to defeat the Champion.

Before I went to England, I had found something out. It is about Natalie, the girl I'm seeing. It appears that she could be a prostitute or something, by what her former colleague, Sinaed told me. When I say former colleague, I mean it appears Natalie was fired from Ruby Tuesday over a week ago. I've seen Natalie in that time and she never mentioned a thing. In fact, she made out she was working there.

Since I seen Sinaed, I haven't said a word to Natalie. I haven't seen her and I have ignored her texts and phone calls. Maybe, I should confront her and just be done with it, but where's the fun in that?

Anyway, this Sinaed girl could have been shit stirring, especially since she wanted a piece of The Scully Meister. She could just be saying these things so I stop seeing Natalie and hop in the sack with her. Who knows how a girls mind works, right? They say one thing but mean another.

There's only one way to find out. Be a stalker, maybe? Follow Natalie and catch her out? I could go and look for her and see what I can find out... I think I'll do just that

To not make it obvious considering Natalie knows what car I have, I decided to hire a blue Nissan Versa 2014 just for the day. I mean I'm not mega rich at the moment but I'm doing okay. I was parked up outside Natalie's flat in disguise. When I say disguise, I mean a blonde wig like Victoria Lane, glasses and a fake beard. I went all out so I could do some detective work.

I must have been sat here a couple of hours now. I couldn't be out too long. I have a flight to catch in the morning. I have to go to Little Rock, Arkansas, Monday night Madness is at the Verizon Arena. It may only be a just over a two hour flight but I have to prepare for my match and the show.

As I wait patiently, a yellow cab pulls up outside of Natalie's flat. The cab driver beeps the horn. After a few minutes a hot looking woman with a long black coat, comes out of the flats. I squint my eyes to see who it is. I quickly put my phone on camera mode and zoom in....

It is Natalie. I thought it was, looking good as always. Natalie enters the cab and sits in the back. I start my engine as the cab begins to drive away, I follow. I don't want to be too close and make it look suspicious. After a ten minute drive, the cab pulls over, outside of a building. The car door opens as Natalie gets out and enters the building. The cab sits and waits for her.

After about five minutes, she gets back in the cab. Once again I follow, carefully. The cab drives for about five minutes and suddenly turns left down an alley way. I pull over on the side of the road. The cab stops down the ally way. It seems Sinaed was right but there could be an innocent explanation right? Only one way to find out.

I get out of the car and proceed to walk down the dark alley way. As I get closer I cab see shadows moving within the car. I get my phone out and turn on my flashlight, though keeping my phone facing the floor. I creep towards the cab and shine my flashlight into the car.......

The cab driver is giving it to Natalie from behind as he looks up and spots me. The cab driver carries on banging Natalie, obviously thinking I'm into dogging or some shit... I open the cab drivers door and punch him in the face. The force from the punch knocks him backwards and out cold. Natalie screams....

"Who are you?"

I take the disguise off as Natalie looks at me in shock.

"Mike. .. It's not.... I can explain"

"Save it whore... Now pull them knickers up and follow me"

Natalie pulls her knickers up and then goes to the cab drivers trouser pocket, pulling out his wallet. She looks at the notes and is just gonna take what she's owed but instead takes the whole lot. She follows me to my car. We get into the vehicle as I slam my door behind me.

"Mike... I'm sorry... I needed the money"

"How long have you been doing this for?"

"Just a couple of weeks...."

"How do I know you're not lieing? What am I saying, who cares?

"Mike don't say that please...

Okay... Before I got the waitress job, I used to do it then"

"I'm annoyed you lied to me... It's not like we were in a relationship. I just don't like liars. It pisses me off"

"I'm sorry... I really like you, you're amazing in bed but I need the money. I want to go to law school"

"So basically I have been fucking a prosi?"

"I'm still me"

"I don't know who you are.... Oh yeah I do... You're a hooker"

"Not for long. Lex is gonna be fucked off with me"

"Lex? Who da fuck Is that?"

"My boss"

"So he's like ya pimp?"

"I guess... "

"So from time to time you give him a freebie?"

"Now and again.. But he's disgusting and he crap at sex... And he's voilent"

"Some of your customers must be crap too?"

"Yeah definitely but I least I get a little but of cash for it"

"Does Lex take most of it?"

"Yeah we get 15%"

"15%? That's it?"

"Yeah.. So can we still see each other"

Let's be honest here.....
Me and you ain't gonna develop into a relationship. I don't want a relationship. I like being single and having a little fun... But I'm willing to be your pimp?!"

"What about Lex?"

"Fuck him.... I could get us lots of business in the XWF but you'll have to fuck women too"

"Erm... I don't mind that... To be honest I love sex"

"Who doesn't?! So Nat... Will you be my lawfully wedded hooker?"

"Really? Okay... I'll do it...."

"Awesome let's go.... Slut Puppy"

I start the engine as we drive off into the sunset..... Actually, it's still night time!
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