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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
The Monster vs The Master of Minds
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Mr. Oz Offline
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(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

11-09-2014, 03:40 PM

The video opens up on Ghost Tank, sitting on the floor of an abandoned home, his face had odd discolorations about the flesh. He turned his head, only to see Alvald with the camera. He chuckled and shook his head before speaking

Let me guess, Mastermind?

The camera, and by association Alvald's head, moved up and down before Ghost Tank spoke again,

I don't know if there's much else to say about him. He is probably the only veteran with a record like that. It's absolutely mind-boggling why he stays. Why didn't he retire half-way into those numbers? I also wonder about his name. Why do you call yourself Mastermind? You aren't too bright, and you're not really able to play mind games too well with your opponents. Also, why be so proud of "Mastering the Mind" of one, Miss Shelby Cobra, twice? Do you consider that some kind of amazing feat? It really isn't, not when you're a veteran and she is clearly a rookie. It really isn't as quite an enjoyable win, now is it? Now, let's rewind back to War Games, shall we? This will be the last time I bring it up. Now, your team had a pretty good makeup Yet your team somehow managed to lose. The match was in your favor and your team somehow figured out how to use the magically shitty "Key of Failure" which can only be used by a team that has given up, a team that was led by someone like yourself.

Mastermind, there are times I will use fear tactics, but I'm not a fool. I don't intend to scare you, nor do I intend on striking fear into your very core. What I intend to do, is rend you limb from limb as we face off. You think you'll be able to master my mind? DO YOU THINK YOU CAN MASTER A MIND AS DERANGED AND AS SICK AS MINE!?

He chuckled softly, head swaying as if he was a snake, ready to strike, before his head would stay still, tilted slightly,

You won't be able to beat me, Mastermind. You won't be able to hurt me, Mastermind. However, I plan on manhandling you. I plan on destroying you. I know for a fact, that a veteran like you, has seen people try this shtick before. Have tried so much to be the crazed lunatic, the insane powerhouse. The problem with them is that, they could not do even a small amount of the shit I've done to prove how sick I am. I can always go back to showing instead of just telling, however, that's where all the fun lays.

He grinned slightly, before speaking some more

Mastermind, I feel sorry for you. You feel on top of the world right now, because of your wins. Yet, there is me. So far, I've had five matches in my career thus far. A battle royale which saw me as co-victor. War Games, in which I led my team to victory, and I wasn't even the Captain! I was just a bit player! I then destroyed a fellow rookie by the name of Jill Lorder. I do hope she's watching.

He winked at the camera before almost cackling in his laughter. He then calmed himself, snickering a bit before speaking

Let me know if you want a rematch, Jill, my sweet. Now, back to the less enjoyable sight, Mastermind. I was then handed an acceptable loss at the King of the Ring Tournament. The Higher Power wanted me to test Frodo, wanted me to make sure he was worthy of being a part of The Asylum. Unlike most, I accept my loss and move on, for it is the Higher Power's will that I continue to do its bidding, by cleansing the XWF of impurities. By clearing out those of the XWF that are deemed unworthy. On Warfare Kinwrathi aided me in fulfilling the Higher Power's cause, as he pinned Peter Gilmour. You are next, Mastermind. And out of all of them, you are quite possibly the worst. You are in need of a cleansing. To purge you of your failures and false bravado. Oh yes, Mastermind, you are full of things that the Higher Power wants cleansed of you. I don't care if you don't fear me, Mastermind. As I've stated when I was cutting promos versus the likes of Morbid Angel and Peter Gilmour, you're veterans, you've seen people like act like me. However, there's a distinct difference between those pretenders and me.

He began to shriek as he spoke


He snickered before he calmed down and his words rang out gentle again,

Mastermind, tomorrow, you will meet a real Monster. One who isn't afraid to hunt you down. A Beast on the prowl, waiting to be let loose. On Monday, The Prophet will let loose the new breed of Beast. The Higher Power will grant me the power to break my bindings. Once the Monster is free, you will feel first hand what it is like to tangle with something that is built for ONE reason FOR ONE SOLE PURPOSE!

He grinned wide, revealing his blackened teeth,

The annihilation of everything you hold near and dear to your heart. Tomorrow, Mastermind, you will find out what it is like to face someone, who will burn you your name back into obscurity, back into nothingness. You will become Mastermind, the nobody, once more.

He began to let out the sound that is his signature laugh, then, all of a sudden, the lights go out and the room would become dimly lit by blacklight, and as the camera pulled and zoomed back, it would reveal a grand masterwork on flesh, his body seemed to be engulfed in different colors of flames, and it didn't stop there, the flames seemed to cover the entirety of his body, spreading onto the floor of the abandoned home as well. It truly was a beautiful display of artistic ability.
[Image: 579870c9c25237c14c5d136674097f82_zpsbea07f50.jpg]

As the camera continued to be led away, his laughter became louder, and the fire seemed to spread out as well, as the video faded to black and the neon green words began to flash on the screen

Can You HearThe Screams?

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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