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The Pagoda Report: The Second Edition
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Phillip Pagoda Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

11-07-2014, 05:50 PM

[Image: 6XnPkG7.png]

Welcome to the second edition of XWF's 'The Pagoda Report.' I am your host, Phillip Pagoda. Today we are discussing everything from Warfare to SPOOKY Shove It. The X-Treme 25 will judge work from the last two Warfares, last Madness, and Spooky Shove It. This will happen every TWO weeks dissecting what has transpired and where everyone ranks. Will you disagree with me? I'm sure you shall. Alas, this is according to my rubric. I also have an interview portion that will wrap up 'The Pagoda Report.' Now... let's get started shall we?

Universal Championship
Champion: Theo Pryce

1. Eli James IV
2. Peter Gilmour
3. Doctor Louis D’Ville
4. Frodo Smackins
5. Evertrust


World Tag Team Championship
Champions: Kendall Sawyer & ???

1. ‘TrustInsanity’ – Evertrust & Justin Sane
2. ‘The Asylum’ – Hysteria & Mickey Manson
3. ‘Hope & Honor’ – LH Harrison & Jonathan Heartsford
4. ‘The Young Bloods’ – Maverick & Scully
5. ‘The Insurance Policies’ – Dustin & Leon Cage


X-Treme Championship
Champion: Evertrust

1. ‘Loverboy’ Vinnie Lane
2. Ghost Tank
3. Aerial Knight
4. Steven Kessler
5. Mastermind


Television Championship
Champion: Gator

1. Mickey Manson
2. Scully
3. Mr. House
4. The Horseman


Trios Championship
Champion: 'Loverboy' Vinnie Lane & Peter Gilmour & Morbid Angel

1. ‘The Three Kings’ – Theo Pryce & John Samuels & John Madison
2. ‘The Asylum’ – Hysteria & Mickey Manson & Ghost Tank
3. ‘TrustInSanity’ – Evertrust & Crimson Face & Justin Sane
4. ‘The Kliq’ – Triple H & Diesel & Razor Ramon
5. ‘The Young Bloods’ – Maverick & Scully & Bryan James

The X-Treme 25

1. Doctor Louis D’Ville

2. Frodo Swagkins

3. ‘Loverboy’ Vinnie Lane

4. Evertrust

5. Ghost Tank

6. Gator

7. Kinwrathi

8. Peter Gilmour

9. Hysteria

10. Morbid Angel

11. Aerial Knight

12. Tony Santos

13. Justin Sane

14. JACK

15. Mickey Manson

16. Mr. House

17. Steven Kessler

18. Monolith

19. Mastermind

20. Mr. WG.WF/Pest

21. Guppy Parsh

22. The Horseman

23. LH Harrison

24. Maverick

25. Caroline O’Hara Burchill

Match of the Weeks

King of the Ring Finale: Doctor Louis D'Ville vs. Frodo Smackins

Wrestler of the Weeks

Doctor Louis D'Ville

Promo of the Weeks

Doctor Louis D'Ville's 'God And Country'

Welcome fans to the second interview portion of The Pagoda Report. Joining me today is Mr. Theo Pryce. Mr. Pryce, how are you doing today?

Fucking fantastic. Never had a bad day in my life.

Well, that's good to hear Mr. Pryce. Should I refer to you as Mr. Pryce or may I call you Theo?

How about King of the Universe? Since I am after all the only person to hold both the Crown and the Universal Title? But in all seriousness Theo's fine.

Great! Congratulations on acheiving such a monumental title. Now my first question to you is this... After Cain's departure, who do you believe is the rightful #1 Contender for your Universal Championship?

Well that's a bit of a two part question. Peter Gilmour earned a shot at the title. And by earned I mean my buddy John Madison forced Gilmour into the # 1 contender spot light despite never actually doing anything to earn such an accolade. And I guess the other contender would be Eli James, the guy who I just took the title. Neither of them are the rightful #1 contenders mind you but they are the # 1 contenders nonetheless.

Excellent response. Speaking of Mr. James whom I interviewed at my last session, when did you come up such an elaborate plan to take down Mr. James? Were you Enigma from the very start?

Well the second Eli James became the owner of the company I set in motion various contingencies. As I said from the very begining back in February, Eli James reign as Owner of the Federation would only go on for as long as I allowed it.
Enigma allowed me to be in two places at once. It allowed me to go under the radar. It's true what they say you know. You learn all about what someone truly thinks of you when they don't know you are there listening.
There is more to the Enigma story mind you and in time those pieces will be filled in so be sure to stay tuned.
Well thank you for that interesting, albeit cryptic, answer. Now for my final question, Theo. You conquered the XWF by force and cunning.

So what's next for you, Theo?

Fun. I'm going to have fun. I've already proven that I am one of the best, if not the very best to ever walk the halls of the XWF. I've done just about everything that a wrestler in this company could ever hope to do. I've won the titles. I've been part of the best stable in XWF history The Black Circle. From a singles perspective I've done it all. Now I'll conquer the trios division for a second time, maybe move on to the tag team ranks and then from there who knows? Maybe I'll circle the wagons and do it all over again. Either way I am going to enjoy myself every single second of every single day becuase people like me, the rich and powerful, that's the only way to live.
By the way do you want an autograph?

Yes... I would actually. Thank you for joining me today, Mr. Pryce, and I would like to wish you the absolute best in luck on your future endeavors.

Don't need it. Luck is for pussies too incapable of doing things for themselves. Guys like Vinnie Lane need luck. Guys like me, we win on the merits of our own skill and cunning. Now who do I make this out to?

Phillip Pagoda with two L's. Well that about wraps this up folks. Be sure to join us next time for The Pagoda Report!


Well that about sums up 'The Pagoda Report' for this period. Be sure to join us in two weeks as we have the next edition of 'The Pagoda Report.' However, if you haven't checked it out already, be sure to check out my comrade, Oliver Oswald Cooper's, A Week In Review piece.

Thank you for joining me and step up your work. For everyone shall be assessed and assimilated.

[Image: N0jpETQ.jpg?1]
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Oliver Oswald Cooper Offline
A Real Journalist.


XWF FanBase:

(can't get crowd reactions; awkward; probably going to be fired soon) 

11-07-2014, 05:53 PM

"Fine work as always partner, if I was wearing a hat I'd tip it."

[Image: Ct0XnGb.png?2]
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