If all the swords in England were pointed against my head, your threats would not move me...
-Thomas Becket
*The rains pours down from black clouds. Thunder echoes throughout the sky as bolts of lightning ignite the dark sky with blinding white light. Gator stands in the overgrown nature, the bushes and grass looking thicker than before. Gator breathes heavily, with the gun dug into his temple. He stares at the ground as the ethereal figures that haunt him stand away from him, glaring at him, judging him. Gator continues to stare down at the rising water at his feet*
"You can't do it can you."
*The fox speaks, in his previous English accent. Soft spoken, with a hint arrogance with every word. Gator doesn't pay his spirit animal any mind*
"So, you want to stay here?"
"I want to go home. I'm tired."
"We all are. Pull the trigger Jacob, make this end."
"Where am I? Really."
"The road that you walked down is somewhere in the distance, you've been walking for some time."
"The road is over that hill. I can see the hill right there."
"Are you sure? Look again."
*Gator, still sticking the gun to his head, looks to his right. The hill he kept beside him is gone, replaced with dense trees*
"Because you are an idiot."
*Gator's father, Eddie Woods, walks to his son with evil in his eyes*
"You got so distracted with your opponents, rambling on like a child, you lost sight of what was in front of you. You wandered into the trees and you lost your way."
"I did?"
*Scarlett hold Gator's shoulders and kisses his neck*
"Don't pull the trigger Jacob. You just got confused, you'll find your way out soon."
"I promise."
*Gator loosens his grip on the gun*
*Gator looks to his father*
"You really going to believe this bitch!? She isn't even real!"
"Neither are you!"
"I'm as real in your head as I am in your life. I've had a lasting impact on you, you will never forget about me. Scarlett, you've known her for about a month. You're already forgetting what she looks like or acts like."
"I am?"
*Gator tightens his grip*
"See! You are doubting yourself already. This is how fucked your head is right now. You losing this battle son. Just give up, like you always do."
*Gator looks to the fox*
"What are my choices?"
"Pull the trigger and end this nightmare, find peace and get out of this wasteland or don't pull the trigger and stay here."
"So go the easy route or remain here. Great. If I shoot this gun, will I die?"
"Maybe. Only one way to find out."
"You won't die because you won't go through with it. Think about all those people you'll leave behind if you do. Me, Todd, Vinnie, Ozymandias, LH Harrison. Your friends and family. Don't leave them like this. Please Jacob."
"Pull the trigger. Just go for it, go out your own way on your own terms before you get killed by Team WG.WF. Because they will kill you. Like you said, you're the martyr, jumping on that grenade to save your worthless team."
*Gator shakes his head slowly and thrusts the barrel into his temple harder. He screams as he points the gun at his father and empties the magazine until the gun clicks after every pull of the trigger. He drops the gun into the a pool of brown water at his feet, his father stands there unharmed*
"You . Always got to make things hard on yourself."
"You did the right thing, I'm proud of you."
"I'm impressed Jacob, I didn't think you'll pull yourself together."
*Gator trudges through the mud toward his father and punches him across the face. A jaw snaps and Eddie Woods is pushed away from the force of his son's punch. Gator throws a knee into his father's stomach and kicks him in the head, making Eddie fall to ground, water splashes as he crashes into the mud and water. Gator stands over his father and places his thumbs against his eyes*
"This is for everything you've done to me."
*Gator pushes his thumbs into his father's eyes. His father screams*
"For every insult, every time you made me second guess myself!"
*Blood spurts from Eddie's eyeballs as Gator pushes harder*
"For what you did to me and mum! For everyone you betrayed and hurt! For every innocent person who got caught up in your miserable life!"
*Blood pours from the eye holes, spreading the substance all over Eddie's mask and Gator's hands*
"Just leave me alone and die you fucking cunt!"
*The screams turn into twisted laughter. Lightning turns everything white and Gator's kneels over nothing. No blood, his father gone. The fox and Scarlett watch him as Gator gets to his feet staring at his hands*
"What was that?"
"Your anger showed itself. Use that anger Jacob. Let it fuel you. Get out of this place and go to war."
*Gator looks around once more and see the hill back in its usual place. He turns to face the hill and begins to scale it once more, he looks to the two before trying*
"Scarlett, promise when I get back I'm going to take you out, no Todd, just you and me. All romantic and shit, it'll be like those crappy movies you like. I'm sorry, I'll call you when I'm back at Mazzy's place."
*Scarlett smiles*
"And fox dude, fuck you. This has been one of the worst experiences of my life, I never want to see you again. Go fuck yourself."
"I was just trying to help."
"Well you suck. Thanks for making me go insane and kill my ghost dad."
*Gator begins to sprint up the hill, mud falling from every step he takes. He falls bug digs his fingers into the dirt and carries on moving up, throwing loose ground away but still moving up. He struggles but reaches the top, clawing hi way out of the valley below him. He gets to the tree he sat under, and laugh while falling to his hands and knees as exhaustion sets in. Gator looks out of the road in front of him and reaches out a hand, but he falls flat on his face and lays still in the pouring, cold rain*
*The footage fades to black*
"Am I dead?"
"Who's that? Go away I'm tired."
"Fuck off I'm sleeping!"
*Gator gives out a pained noise and the footage comes back to him lying in bed with Todd standing at bedside. Gator sits up to see that he is back in Mastermind's guest room. He looks to the small table beside him and grabs the pack of cigarettes, he takes one out and lights it*
"Hi Todd."
T: "Thank god you're awake."
"How did I get here? You got my pills?"
T: "Yeah here you go."
*Todd reaches into his pocket and hands Gator a small bottle of pills. Gator takes the bottle and twists off the cap, he adjusts his mask and swallows two pills*
T: "So, I was stuck in the car because of that scary bug and all those Keas flying around and it got late and there was all this rain and thunder and lighting and I got super scared so I tried to hide in the backseat to get some sleep but there was this car and it was Loverboy! And he came to find you but he said we should try in the morning instead, and he said there was Maori cannibals where you got lost and I got really worried so I went to sleep in Vinnie's room but he was jacking it but I didn't see anything. And this morning I woke him up to go find you and he told me to fuck off but I kept asking him and he said fine and we went to go find you and we drove down that long ass road and there you where, asleep under some tree. We picked you up and drove you back to Mazzy's house and here we are."
*Gator's jaw hangs, the cigarette dangling from his exposed mouth. It seems that Todd's fast talked explanation went over Gator's head*
"Okay. Well, tell Vinnie I said thanks. What time is it?"
T: "I dunno, it's still light though."
"Hand me the remote, I need to see if the fox was actually saying what Simon said."
T: "What fox?"
"Never mind. Just hand me the fucking remote."
*Gator sits up in his bed and adjusts his mask back to normal, continuing to smoke. Todd hands him the remote and Gator flicks to watch the promos he missed. After watching all of them from start to finish, Gator laughs*
T: "What?"
"Ha, I don't know. I think I've lost my mind. Right I've got to put some bitches in their place."
T: "Woah, you just woke up. You really want to start trash talk in your condition?"
"I've had a lot of practice, trust me. Also, I feel great. Just a bit of the sniffles. Anyway, shut up Todd. I want to talk to this bitch named Scully."
"Okay first off I want to address what this half minded fetus said to Zeke, now I don't usually defend my teammates in promos. I know they are fully capable of defending themselves, but something this stupid cannot be ignored and I just want to get the first hit in on this stupid fucking remark."
*Gator hits rewinds Scully's promo and hits play*
Scully with a 'c Said:weakest link of your team but the weakest, in the whole entire company.
What is with the nickname, Skully? It's spelt with a 'C', not a 'K', firstly. Secondly-
*Gator hits pause*
"Scully, were you dropped on your head as a baby? Is that why the top of that thing is so fucking square? What the actual fuck are you talking about? It's spelled with a 'c' not a 'k'? Are you actually ? He's been saying your name right all week, how the fuck do you know what letters he's using? I know words can be hard for someone of your intellect but all of us can watch along fine without using subtitles. It's not Zeke's fault that the subtitles say a 'k' instead of a 'c' for your name. Unless you're a fucking wizard who can see what we say. Fuck, how dumb are you seriously? That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard anyone say. It's spelled with a fucking 'K' ... You blow my mind with how thick you can be."
*Gator fast forwards a little to see Scully putting on a Gator mask*
"Ah, here we go. If a person could be represented in an image this would be it. The image of how hard Scully is trying to be me, he puts on a children's version of my mask to make fun of me, when he is just really trying to be like me. But enough of that shit, Scully thinks I'm hiding behind this get up. No, your the one that's been hiding this week not me, sure I wear a mask and shit but so fucking what. I prefer this get up to wrestling in those banana stranglers of yours. Seriously dude, wear a cup or something, I'm always worried that the mouse will peek out and scare the front row half to death, well scare the kids make everyone else laugh. Oh and that little video you put up. That's not even me, why you lying man? That's someone dressed up as me for comic con or some shit. You proved it yourself by saying anyone can buy one of my knockoff outfits from China. Actually, you bought one right? With how skinny that fucker in the video is and those atrocious dance moves and just the love for cock your team has, that's most definitely you trying to be me, dancing with gay Wario and Waluigi. At least when I made you look stupid it was actually you. It could have been someone in a full Scully morph suit but no business is stupid enough to stock them."
"I'm sick of your bad jokes and insults that would make a ten year old groan. I'm tired of seeing your face. Just shut up until Friday so you can die with some dignity. It'll be over soon, a repeat of the mini gauntlet. Disaster Drop and the one, two, three. Just have the sense to realise nothing you do will help your team and lie down."
*Gator presses the power button on the remote and the TV turns off. He rubs his eyes and throws the covers off him as he stands to his feet, stretching his arms and back, looking out the window*
"Damn it's a nice day.... I can't believe when I was lost I managed to bury Simon like the piece of shit he is. I mean I was talking to a fucking fox, a figment of my imagination, I was exhausted and delusional but I still managed to out do Simon. Amazing. Fuck, he's probably working his ass off trying to think of some other stupid bullshit to shout at me but he's drowning. Probably going to say some ridiculous accusations and how great he is even though he's proven to be one of the weaker members of Some shitty team. You know what's funny Todd."
*Gator turns to a smiling Todd, who nods knowingly*
T: "Carrot Top."
"... Who?"
*Todd looks puzzled as he pulls out his phone*
T: "Carrot Top. Look."
*Todd shows his phone to Gator*
"OH GOD! What the fuck happened to Tush!?"
T: "Who's Tush?"
".... Never mind, just get that abomination away from me. No, what's funny Todd is that usually every team has a weak link. For the first time in a long time, Some shitty team is made of weak links. None of them work together in any way. It's sad. Our team is going to blow them out of the fucking water."
*Gator looks out the window and the footage fades to black*
Check out Backstage Page for full list of XWF achievements.