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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "WAR GAMES" PPV RP Board
The Pryce is wrong, Bitch!
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Morbid Angel Offline
Баба Яга

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

10-16-2014, 08:24 PM

The scene opens to a dark abandoned land, one that can only be described as Morbidonia!

The tree leaves started to turn from a green to a wide array of oranges, reds and browns. Most typical in the Northern United States. This town had more going for it in the way of a Halloween attraction than a town. Cursed with the many abandoned house and more than a painful and haunting past stemming back to the 1700’s. A town formally known as Monson.

Giving the earlier days of this country and it being so close to Plymouth rock, it was the settling place of many of new and old residents; Indians and Pilgrims.

As it is told, the Pilgrims, who were not accustomed to the severe freezing temperatures of the winters, froze to death or starved. The ones who didn't die lived off the flesh and bones of their own families. Throughout the 1700’s and 1800’s the town suffered many misfortune at the hands of their own kind and others alike.

Years later in the late 1800’s the town had many industries booming. There always remained trouble as sickness and murder ran rampant through the small settlement.

During the Great Depression the town's interest took a big hit leaving it nearly bankrupt. The following years led to many suicides and mansions to be left unattended. After all the death and trouble the town had in it’s past, many would not live there and most remained abandoned and retaken by the elements! The woods are covered with old foundations long covered with thick leaves and fallen trees. Over 70% of the town is a cemetery and slowly growing as that is where Morbid conducts his business.

Rumors of ghosts haunting the lands and forests surrounding. Morbid purchased the town for its aesthetic charm and demonically painful history! The remaining people were more than happy to sell their lands for a fraction their worth to be rid of the godforsaken town.

After the purchase, Morbid wandered the town and slept in random houses to make sure he found what was right for him. The downtown streets were littered with elegant mansions containing as much opulence as Heaven’s gates. Morbid being a man of considerable wealth still would not stay down in the main section of town.

During a drive deep into the villages country side he stumbled across an old cart road leading to Peck mountain, which wasn't like a mountain at all but more of a steep hill covered in rocks, yet to fall would equal death just the same.

The cart road had old, long since abandoned house on it miles apart… except closest to the peak where everything seemed to be dead. Bursting from the void of decay stood a large stonewall surrounded an absurdly large mansion.

[Image: Belle_Grove_Plantation_02.jpg]

The history on the home was not well known other than it was abandoned since the late 60’s. Death was the home's business. A funeral home and the scene of a horrific massacre just before its untimely closing. Morbid knew this was the place to conduct business. It took 7 years to complete the home and make it something worth keeping, and since the day that Morbid set eyes on it…he stayed every night.

Morbid Angel brought the girls to Morbidonia, somewhere he could keep the peeping eyes of nosy neighbors out of his business!

When he removed them from LH Harrison’s house they were unconscious, bound and gagged; he is not one for screaming throughout the night. Now where would he keep them? He wasn't going to give these hostages a room, they need to feel the severity of the situation. In a moment's notice Morbid Angel locked them inside the morgue freezers in the basement. To a logical man this would spell certain death for the young ones but not to Morbid Angel. He was confident that they would survive long enough to persuade Harrison to complete the deeds and if he failed…they die!

With the girls locked away in their near sound proof mausoleum, Morbid could continue with his work. Dealing with Team Pryce!

He walks over to just beyond the embalming tables and turns on a camera set on a tripod. He stands there for a few seconds making sure it is truly ready to record in such a dismal style room. A quick flick of his hair and he begins to speak!

Morbid Angel-”Theo Pryce…the liar of liars! Known for his quick wit and even quicker petty fogging to get himself out of any and all jams. Using the patented Republican trick of Bill O’Riley, he makes outlandish accusations and is wrong, then he tries to over power the truth with raising his voice and not even denying the truth as much as he ignores it. He denied that John Madison writes checks.”

Morbid Angel pulls a voice recorder out of his jacket pocket and hits play.

Theo Pryce-“John doesn't sign checks, nice try though. Do try and keep up.

Morbid stops the recording for a moment.

Morbid Angel-”These are the actual words by Theo Pryce. He then continues to go ahead and admit to cheating by way of John Madison…a fellow member of the Black Circle.”

Morbid plays the recording again.

Theo Pryce-”As for fixing matches. I will do what I can to fix a match every chance I get. If you aren't cheating you aren't trying.

Morbid Angel stops the recording and takes a few seconds to get to the right spot on the time stamped tape.

Morbid Angel-”This is a sound bite from less than 24 hours before Theo Pryce spoke or John Madison writing a check and Theo Pryce going in for the money and offering up Cain for Peter Gilmour.”

Morbid hits play.

The sounds of a pen clicking

John Madison-”Peter, I'm sure we can negotiate with the other captains for a trade, at some point during the draft.

You know, a captain who actually wants to win and would like to have some BUX in their pocket.

Just let me know, Peter.”

Theo Pryce-”Tell you what Pest in the interest of business I'm willing to put our shit aside for the moment and give you a one time offer, and this is to help out my friend John. I'll give you 4,000 XBux and Cain for Peter.”

Morbid stops the recording.

Morbid Angel-”How can it be unmistakable? He goes on to make wild claims that I am like the captain of the RMS Titanic, Edward J. Smith. Claiming that he was the worst captain of all time and I was going to lead my team to failure. Throughout his time he was well respected and…Quoting from a remembrance book…He was a natural leader, radiating a reassuring combination of authority, confidence.

Now, if he were to make a good insult he should have gone with sea captain Francesco Schettino. He was the captain of the Costa Concordia. The Italian cruse liner that tipped over and the Captain bailed and left his passengers to die. Since you didn't use this tragic disaster against me I will use it against you! You are a cancer in your own team, you are out to fuck everyone over as long as you get what you desire in the end; even going as far as to bring John Madison into your latest promos, even after the accusations of cheating. Not to mention the fleeting fan base that was once so large is now quickly deteriorating like a corpse in a marsh. Every new and exciting loss that you suffer brings you to a coward like low. Even members of this “Black Circle” call you a coward that can’t understand when it’s time to go!

Azrael made comments that after an embarrassing defeat, you will “Go missing” and come back when the shame is swept under the carpets. The Black Circle, more like the Circle of Has-beens!” Here is a clip of Azrael using his usual charm to talk well of a fellow Black Circle member; what a tight nit family.”

Morbid plays another track

Azrael - returning after fleeing from failure. Sure, he's a natural leader! Living in the past, I bet he thinks the win at WWX means that he's a good captain. Yet, he fails to remember that doesn't apply when he's pit against a team with me factored into it. Your the way, for that victory at WWX, old friend. However, do remember what happened when we faced off against each other and know, this is going to be an exact repeat of that."

"Don't fret though, there's still time for you to drop out, if you so choose to escape your fate. I mean...another crushing defeat, and so soon after your return? Are you really ready for that? Or do you have a plan for that, already mapped out? Will this loss lead to another 'death' for Theo Pryce?

Morbid chuckles as he hits stop.

Morbid Angel-“All your life you seem to have been handed everything you could want then you are stupefied as to why people hate you. A privileged, white American, . Who want’s to be a fan of that? Other privileged scum!

You talk a good game against me when it boils down to words but when I rip into you like a lion eating an antelope you seem to fall apart! You lose footing and have to run in circles to dodge the bombardment! You know why? Because you are weak! You have nothing left. Even a member of your own fucking team voted for team Theo to LOSE! $1000! Oddly enough I don’t think he realized that if my team wins he will lose that $1000 per the deal. So that is another $1000 in my fucking pocket!”

Morbid heads over to a small table off to the corner and begins to prepare for some work requiring a mortician.

Morbid Angel-”Now, GEIN! The man I tried trading Venomous for, you were a choice of mine that I felt would fit and you even agreed, then you went and denied everything in which we had spoken about. I made you a great offer to join Victory Forever and you turned it down publicly. Then you voted for team Victory Forever? Not to put too fine a point on it, but you said Morbid! I am Morbid! You bet money on a man you said was shit. Don’t just take my word on it, allow me to play this next set of clips! You first shitting on me then betting on me to beat not only your team…but you!?"

Morbid begins to sifts through a few recordings then hits play.

Gein-“You have failed me Morbid, I will enjoy drinking the blood of a certain team-mate of yours... it is your fault not mine. You caused this. besides I would never join a team like yours. You are a shitty leader!"


Morbid Angel-”Then you went on to say this.”


Gein-“1000 on Morbid. If I don't win, I get money anyway.”


Morbid Angel-”See how easy it is to prove that two members of Team Pryce are more than full of shit? Now I am not the smartest person in the XWF but I do consider myself smarter than most. I have a feeling that they will come back with how badly I suck and how I lost the Universal title, how Azrael beat me and how I was a paper champion! Trick is to beat them too it. I can be called a joke, fat, and even stupid; but at the end of the day I have proof of my allegations! All you have is the same old sorry comebacks of how ignorant I am and how I lie. Everyone tells me how I lie, doesn't make it true, just makes them unoriginal and lame. But what the fuck?! Theo Pryce is lame!! Your entire team is fucking lame! If You and Cain are your heavy hitters then you are fucked! Most of my team has already beaten him and you are not far from the same boat! I shall relish the victory over you! I will enjoy watching you cry and I will make sure everything goes according to MY plan!”

Morbid steps forward and

The scene fades to a Blood Red!

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
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Won at War Games 2014
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