I have no problem putting my XBux on the line for War Games. However, it seems my net worth is nearly the same amount of half your team Mister Pryce. Also, Mister Harrison's net worth probably doubles your entire team's. I do not know how you feel about this Captain, but this stipulation doesn't seem as enticing on our end. Perhaps, Mister Pryce could up the ante a bit to make this interesting for us all.
I could. But I don't have to. Your Captain already agreed. Take it up with him. But who knows, I might be willing to let you guys keep your Xbux after you lose in return for some favors, an attack here, an attack there. That sort of stuff. I'm always willing to do business but generally on my terms. Pleasure doing business with you fine gents.
You know what, on second thought. Since your Captain was willing to enter into this agreement without consulting any of you, I will offer you all a chance, one time only. You tell Morbid to fuck off and join me and you can all keep your Xbux since obviously you will be on the winning side. What do you say fellas? You want to abandon ship before Morbid stears it into the Titanic? How about you Doc? You seem to have a lot to lose? Harrison? Iceman? Venomous, the guy Morbid tried to get rid of like last nights mistake fuck?
I will not look at my partners "roid-rage" leading to quick decisions as an excuse to betray him. Our team is solid and I'd worry less about rewards and more about making it off of that roof alive, Mister Pryce. Agreeing to a match with Team Victory Forever automatically shifted things out of your favor. In the meantime, enjoy what riches you do have because after War Games your carelessness will leave you money-less and broken. You will be fully exposed to the shell of a man you actually are and then you can go back to the hole you've recently crawled from.