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Jill Lorder
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JillLorder Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

10-11-2014, 02:53 PM

::Jill Lorder::

[Image: tumblr_m9ccyuIig51qjslnn.png]


In-Ring Name: Jill Lorder.

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Jillian Marie Lorder

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New chick on the block!

Wrestler Date of Birth: July 22, 1992.

Height: 5 feet 6 inches tall.

Weight: 126 lbs.

Hometown: Port Antonio, Portland, Jamaica.

Personality: A comical and humorous individual who always sees the light of things. She's typically good natured and doesn't really go out of her way to provoke anyone or brush them the wrong way. However, even though she's usually all about the fun and games of life, that doesn't go without saying that Jill isn't afraid to bite back at those being insolent towards her. Other than that, she usually makes an effort to remain calm and keep her temperament in check... for the most part, at least.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Face.

Physical Build Description: Jill has a well-defined, athletic and toned physical build. Just physically fit and lean.

Ring Attire:

Ring attire #1

Ring attire #2

Ring attire #3

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire:

Casual attire

Ethnicity: Jamaican.

Pic Base: Aaliyah.

Wrestling Style: Lithe, alert and quick on her feet. Performs high risked and high impact maneuvers and isn't afraid to take risks, even if the risk for injury is high. Educated feet. Her moves are reminiscent of Rob Van Dam.


1.) Offense and Defense: Good on both the offensive and defensive sides.

2.) Hard Kicker: When she kicks, she kicks hard.

3.) Nimble and Lithe: Being quick and light in her movements and actions allows for Jill to easily traverse the ring and evade attacks with little problem. Unless, of course, see weakness one below.


1.) Legs Susceptible to Severe Damage: If the opponent is able to severely damage Jill's limbs, specifically her legs, then they pretty much have the match right in their favor.

2.) Low Pain Tolerance: Once the damage has been exploited and done, Jill can barely take the pain.

Entrance Theme Music: 212 -- Azealia Banks featuring Lazy Jay

Entrance Description: The infectious hip house beats of Azealia Banks' "212" resonates from the PA system as Jill appears on the stage. The crowd is going crazy! Jill, enthusiastic as always, gets the crowd pumped up as she makes her way down the ramp. She takes the time to give out high fives to the fans before running and sliding underneath the bottom rope of the ring. Jill then quickly scales the top turnbuckle, raising her arms up and yelling out to the crowd, who respond with a reasonably sized pop of chants and cheers. Jill then climbs down and waits for the proceeding match to start.

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:

1. || Backhand chop
2. || Cornerflip arm drag
3. || Discus leg drop
4. || Diving dragonrana
5. || Diving elbow drop
6. || Enzuigiri
7. || Handspring back elbow (to cornered opponent)
8. || Flapjack, followed by a kip-up
9. || Inverted surfboard, sometimes while also applying a dragon sleeper
10. || Koji clutch
11. || One-handed cartwheel followed by a hammerlock
12. || Slingshot hurricanrana
13. || Snapmare transitioned into either a butterfly lock or a lotus lock
14. || Spinning roundhouse kick
15. || Springboard double axe handle (used when irish whipped to the ropes)
16. || Superkick
17. || Tilt-a-whirl arm drag, transitioned into a cross armbar lock
18. || Turnbuckle thrust, followed by a back handspring and either another turnbuckle thrust or a monkey flip

Trademark Move(s): No Laughing Matter, Curtain Call

No Laughing Matter -- The opponent is stunned against the ropes. Jill will take them by the hand and "Irish whip" them towards the ropes at the other side of the ring, although she does not let go of their hand. As the opponent comes back to her, Jill delivers a knee strike to the gut. She does the same thing as she sends them back to the other side of the ropes where the opponent was stunned against in the first place, again, not letting go of their hand. This results in two knee strikes altogether. A Russian legsweep follows after the knee strikes. The Russian legsweep is sometimes floated over into a pin.

Curtain Call -- Jill ducks underneath the opponent's oncoming attack (typically a clothesline) and then proceeds to spin in place, bringing her leg and the heel of her foot up to deliver a hellacious spinning heel kick to the opponent's face.

Primary Finisher: Joke is on You!

Secondary Finisher if applicable: Who's Laughing Now?
Description: Lionsault

Favorite Weapon if any: Kicks bruh. Dem shits be lethal.

[Image: tumblr_nhjwe7xN4P1s4wo3so2_1280.png]

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