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Monday Night Madness: 10/6/2014
Author Message
Miranda Tigris Offline
It all comes down to one thing: Power

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

10-08-2014, 01:22 PM

[Image: 8RPU4hw.png]

October 6, 2014
Ford Field
Detroit, Michigan

The television fades into the arena where Monday Night Madness is held displaying the wide variety of fans and their screaming faces. Usually the Madness theme song starts playing at this moment but there's no music. The camera cuts backstage with new co-general manager, Jeff Fairfield, walking with a nice suit on and a bright smile. He walks by some behind-the-scenes guys and shakes hands, and cuts a few jokes with some people. His phone starts to ring. He reaches for it and answers.

JEFF FAIRFIELD: "Yeah? You guys have it cued? Good. Go for it."

A little different intro plays featuring a lot of pictures of Jeff Fairfield with some XWF superstars, including some from Warfare's roster. The crowd seems to enjoy the new theme song.

JOEY STYLES: "Welcome to, well, a different kind of Monday Night Madness but Madness nonetheless. Paul Heyman is out for a few weeks and it seems the new guy, Jeff Fairfeld, is changing some things. I could only imagine Paul's mind right now if he's watching. I wonder where Miranda Tigris is?

Jeff Fairfeld's music hits and out he comes to a mix reaction. XWF fans aren't sure how to take him right now. He throws at his million dollar smile at everyone and makes his way down the ring isle. He shakes hands with fans along the way, and even stops for a few pictures with cell phones with fans. He walks around the ring and greets Joey Styles with a hand shake.

JOEY STYLES: "Well, here comes one of the new faces in the XWF.

JEFF FAIRFIELD: "Great, Great stuff Joey. I love the commentary. Fantastic. Keep up the great work my friend."

Jeff waves at fans at ringside. He takes a moment to just stand there and look around the arena, and takes one deep breath before walking up the steps and getting into the ring. He picks up a microphone near the ring and gets in.

JEFF FAIRFIELD: "Ladies, and gentlemen. You have been introduced with the next wave of the XWF. The future of this business. Some have been here a few months, and some for a mere few weeks. We must continue in this motion if we want to succeed. We don't abandon the old. We learn from it. We take a brief moment, while disgusting and laughable, at the old and we embrace this new era of XWF. Shades is the perfect champion to usher in this new style. You boys... and beautiful ladies... who sit in the back and wonder when opportunity is coming.. it's here. Your time is now. Men, come out and put on a show so people have something worth talking about the next day! Ladies... you should stop by my office.. not for sex... but for opportunities that only I can help."

Suddenly appearing at the top of the entranceway is Miranda Tigris! She looks to be working on a couple hours of sleep and has a sullen scowl on her face as she looks over her new, partner, for lack of a better term.

MIRANDA TIGRIS: "Look. I'm gonna keep this short, and sweet. I don't know what kind of bullshit power play you've got going on here, and frankly, I don't care. But if you think for one second about fucking me over, I can guarantee you won't be around long enough to regret it."

Jeff starts to say something, but Tigris disappears about as suddenly as she appeared. Jeff shakes his head and starts to exit the ring as Madness fades to commercial.

Fatal 5 Way Match
- vs -
Spike Hannigan
- vs -
Avery Martin Alden
- vs -
Rachel Hex
- vs -
-One Fall-

Hannigan and Hex are already in the ring, waiting for the other three to enter.

"The Monster" by Eminem and Rihanna plays

RING ANNOUNCER: "Coming down the aisle, from Alexandra, Central Otago, New Zealand, weighing 200 pounds, Mastermind!"

"The Spirit of Radio" by Rush plays

RING ANNOUNCER: "From, well, somewhere, weighing 175 pounds, Avery Martin Alden!"

"Hollow Man" by cornandbeans plays

RING ANNOUNCER: "And lastly, from somewhere else, weighing in at 195 pounds, JACK!"

The five competitors circle around as JACK seems to be antsy. He’s almost vibrating in place. Mastermind is eyeing Avery Martin Alden carefully. The bell rings and Mastermind charges forward blasting the back of the head of Avery. JACK darts forward towards the corner and climbs it in two steps. He leaps backwards off the tope and takes down Spike and Hex! Mastermind stomps away on Avery who gets to the ropes and hits a chop block dropping Mastermind to his knees. Avery rears back and kicks Mastermind in the face. Avery gets to his feet and looks at The Bandaged Man. They stare off before Avery hits a spear! JACK hits the mat with Avery on top of him.



No! Mastermind breaks it up.

Mastermind grabs Avery by the pants and throws him towards Spike with both men tumbling outside. Mastermind climbs the top rope and launches himself off! The Mind Changer connects and JACK crumples to the mat. Mastermind covers him!



Th-NO! Hex breaks it up. Avery comes back into the ring. Avery and Mastermind stare at Hex with hate-filled eyes. Hex looks at them with concern before Mastermind punches her in the face and throws her to Avery. Avery gets her in a position for a suplex but beckons Mastermind to join him. They lift her up and dump her right over the top rope! Her body falls and her neck hits the apron on the way down! She crumples to the floor and isn’t moving! Oh my God! The referee goes out beside her and tries to talk to her. She isn’t answering, but the referee slaps her just to make sure. She doesn’t budge and is barely breathing. He calls for a stretcher to come down! They begin loading her up as the action continues in the ring. Mastermind and Avery stand-off in the center of the ring. Mastermind punches him in the gut and locks on a side headlock. He wrenches it and Avery begins fighting out of it. He hits some elbows to the ribs. He pushes Mastermind into the ropes and whips him to break it. Mastermind bounces back and is nailed by a scoop slam! Avery goes for the pin.




Mastermind gets a shoulder up. Avery looks at the referee and thinks it should’ve been three. Spike jumps in the ring and goes for a clothesline on Avery, but he ducks out of the way. He slaps Spike! Spike looks mad, but Avery then kicks him in the gut and nails a Tiger Suplex! Meanwhile Jack has rolled outside the ring and rolled under the apron. Almost immediately Jack springs out of the other side. He leaps up onto the apron and leaps over the top rope for a crossbody on Avery! Somehow rolling under the ring has given JACK revitalization! JACK hits a Roundhouse Kick Combo to Avery before leaping up to the top rope and nailing a Corkscrew Senton taking the now standing Mastermind to the mat. Avery rushes over and hits The Five Second Delay (Diamondcutter) taking JACK to the mat. He rolls him out of the ring when Spike gets back up and stomps over to Avery. Avery turns and sees him and before Spike can react…


EYE BLEACH! The Somersault Kick drops Spike like a bad habit! Avery leaps to cover him!




Winner: Avery Martin Alden

Madness is about to fade to commercial, but first a strange video pops up on the X-Tron!

Now, Madness fades to commercial.

Madness fades back in to the office of Miranda Tigris.

MIRANDA TIGRIS: "There's been a bit of an, issue, with the following match. For some reason, due to conflicts that I'm sure you viewers won't get, or won't care to get, the previously scheduled first blood match has been changed. From a first blood match instead to a normal, regular, one on one match scheduled for one fall. Now, to the ring!"

And just like that, the camera cuts over to the ring, as the next match gets ready to begin.

LH Harrison
- vs -
John Austin
First Blood Match -Standard Match, One Fall-

"Whispers in the Dark" by Skillet plays

RING ANNOUNCER: "This match is now scheduled for one fall! How that happened is still beyond me! Anyway, making his way down the aisle now, from Hope, Arkansas, weighing 225 pounds, L. H. Harrison!"

"Back at the Funny Farm" by Motorhead plays

RING ANNOUNCER: "And his opponent, from Durham, North Carolina and weighing 245 pounds, JOHN AUSTIN!"

LH Harrison and John Austin are looking across the ring at each other. The bell sounds and they begin to circle around the ring. Both men are awaiting the first move from the other.

Austin and Harrison finally lock up in the center of the ring. Austin overpowers LH, puts him in a headlock. He keeps the headlock on and drops down to one knee, bringing LH with him. Harrison tries to counter with a back suplex but Austin lands on his feet behind LH. Austin leaps towards LH, looking for a sleeper, but LH sees it a mile ahead and ducks. LH knocks Austin down with a dropkick to the back. LH slides to the outside of the ring and takes Austin with him by dragging him underneath the ropes. LH picks up Austin and hits a suplex on the outside! LH gets in a few kicks on Austin's body while the ref begins the ten count.

LH sees he has enough time for something while the ref is at 4. LH picks up Austi and looks like he's going to do another. He lif... no.. Austin blocks the lift! Austin knees LH in the stomach! Austin starts going wild with punches and elbows to the back of LH! LH is trying to get away... rolls in the ring, but Austin is hot on his track. LH gets up before Austin can continue the beating. LH moves to the corner.. Austin follows.. LH comes out running.. Austin ducks the clothesline! LH turns around and eats a dropkick right to the face!



Kickout by LH!

Austin seems to know he wasn't going to win that easy. He locks in a reverse chin lock. It doesn't last very long, as LH keeps on moving. It's hard to hold down a man who wiggles! LH is up... he throws Austin against the ropes.. Austin ducks the elbow.. LH ducks the clothesline from Austin.. LH slings himself against the opposite side of the ring and both men hit each other looking for a body splash. Both men are a bit dazed. The ref begins the 10 count for them men to get up.

They both start to move at the same time. Austin is up first but waits for LH to get up. Austin walks over to LH... SMALL PACKAGE!



KICKOUT! That was close! LH came out of nowhere with that small package and almost had a win! Austin picks up LH and moves him to the corner. He sets him on the turnbuckle. Austin looks at the ref and yells something. He turns around.. LH locks in a headlock.... tornado DDT!!! Austin should have known better. LH goes for a light pin.



Kick out!

LH seems to have gotten a spurt of energy. LH is up and picks up Austin. He throws Austin into the corner... and follows with a splash! LH starts hammering away on Austin in the corner. LH steps away and lets Austin breathe. He pulls Austin out.. body slam. LH is going up top! The crowd is going crazy. Austin is down on the ground. LH leaps.. Austin gets up! SPINEBUSTER!!!! Austin caught LH in mid-air to hit a spinebuster!! The crowd enjoyed that. Austin pins LH.




Austin thinks it was a slow count. He covers LH again.



Kick out!

Austin is in the ref's face! LH is moving! LH gets behind Austin.. belly to back suplex! Smart move by LH! Both men are down on the mat. They start to move slowly as the ref hits the 5 count. They are up at the same time... they meet in the ring with fists flying. Austin is winning. Austin kicks LH in the stomach and DDT! Austin doesn't look satisfied. He gets up and starts pulling LH up with him.. he looks like he's about to do another DDT.





Winner: LH Harrison

Madness fades to commercial.

Triple Threat Match
"The Aerial Knight"
Jonathan Heartsford
- vs -
Doctor Louis D'Ville
- vs -
Wyatt Reynolds
-One Fall-

[event]"Survive" by Rise Against plays

RING ANNOUNCER: "This match is a Triple Threat Match, scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Baltimore, Maryland, weighing 179 pounds, 'The Aerial Knight' Johnathan Heartsford!"

"House of 1,000 Corpses" by Rob Zombie plays

RING ANNOUNCER: "And his first opponent, from Sulfur, Louisiana, weighing in at 233 pounds, Doctor Louis D'Ville!"

"Beat the Devil's Tattoo" by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club plays

RING ANNOUNCER: "And their opponent, from Birmingham, Alabama, weighing in tonight at 215 pounds, Wyatt Reynolds!"

With the match now officially started Knight makes the first move and goes right at Doc D’Ville but before he can make contact with him former European Champion Wyatt Reynolds gets in thime and takes out Knight with a drop kick.

Wyatt looks up and immediately goes at Doc D’Ville but gets smacked with a knee to the face. The Doc then leans down, picks up Wyatt and tosses him into the corner which he follows up with lunging clothesline that leaves Wyatt in a seated position, hia head resting against the second turnbuckle.

D’ville backs up a few steps and then charges in, hitting Wyatt with a knee to the face. He backs away again and prepares to do it all over again but Aerial steps in and connects with D’ville’s face via a Enziguri Kick. D’ville hits the mat but he doesn’t stay down for long. In fact, he is the up almost immediately. D’ville grabs Aerial, and tosses him right into the corner like he was a feather. D’ville slowly and methodically walks over to his two fallen opponents trying to determine which one to strike next.

As he does this Wyatt springs to hia feet and takes down D’ville with an arm drag and then immediately follows up by pulling his opponent up and nailing him with a German Suplex and bridge pin…



Broken up by Knight.

Aerial landed a double fist to the back of Wyatt’ head. He then lifts him up by head and just tosses him aside. Instead opting to go at D’Ville. Bad move as Wyatt quickly gets back up and from behind drops Knight with a backbreaker. He then quickly ascends the turnbuckles dragging Knight with him and tosses his opponent halfway across the ring with an overhead belly to belly suplex from the top turnbuckle. Wyatt crawls over for the cover…




D’ville came flying in at the last second to break up the pin attempt. Wyatt rolls over, furious as D’Ville’s actions. Doc places a boot onto Wyatt’s chest for another cover…



Again broken up by Knight.

Knight grabs at D’ville and whips him into the ropes and on the return takes Doc down with a splash. He then pulls Doc up spins him around and then plants him with a DDT. Aerial doesn’t even bother with a cover and instead continues to go on the offensive with a series of well placed punches. Aerial then backs away from Doc to catch his breath and also to plan out his next attack but he doesn’t get to think long as Wyatt takes him out with a frankensteiner followed up with a quick strike chop to the throat of Aerial Knight.

D’ville gets to his feet at roughly the same time as his two opponents. Wyatt on his own accord, Doc having been pulled up by Reynolds. The three men look at each trying to figure out who wants to make the first move; this time Doc opts to be the big man on campus and makes the first move with a running elbow that connects flush with the sideWyatt’s face, the move momentarily stuns him and Doc follows up with a sidewalk slam.

With Wyatt down Doc D’ville moves in to strike Aerial but Aerial counters and delivers a move of his own, a DDT that catches D’ville by surprise. Aerial again goes on the offensive. He picks up the D’ville and with a well executed Hurricanrana puts D’ville down. Aerial hooks the leg for the pin…



Kick Out!!

Aerial gets up a little frustrated but not deterred taking a moment to catch his breath. Meanwhile D’ville is getting back to his feet. He walks over to Wyatt and picks him up and slings him into Aerial. Knight turns around and to see Wyatt staring right at him. Before he can even react Wyatt kicks Aerial in the balls and then follows up with a single arm jumping DDT.

Doc waits for Wyatt to get up and as soon as she does Doc spins him around and goes for a side Russian legsweep but Wyatt counters with a nasty elbow right to the temple of Doc D’Ville.

Wyatt doesn’t bother with a pin and instead walks over to the corner, ascends the turnbuckle and leaps off…

The moonsault misses as D’ville rolled out of the way at the last possible second and the attempted moonsault turns into a belly flop with a self imposed face plant.
Aerial Knight is back up just as the good Doctor gets to his feet. The two lock up in the center of the ring with Knight getting the upper hand. He tosses Doc into the corner and then charges at him, he stops short of his opponent, grabs him by the shoulders, pulls him down and monkey flips him across the ring. Knight kips up and sees a charging Wyatt Reynolds and drills him with The Knighting, a Shinning Wizard that destroys Reynolds. Knight goes for a pin but Doc catches him and nails him with the Lobotomy.( A swinging brainbuster leading to butterfly/sit-down faceplant). Doc rolls over and covers Wyatt who is still down from Knight’s shinning wizard.




Winner: Doctor Louis D'Ville

The Doctor picks up Reynolds and throws him into the corner turnbuckle. The Doctor rushes at him and begins stomping Reynolds in the chest and face repeatedly. The official continuously attempts to get between the Doctor and Reynolds but keeps getting shoved down by the Doc.

The Doc then leaves the ring and pulls the ring curtain up, searching for something. He pulls his taser out from beneath the ring and holds it in the air. The official screams at the Doctor from inside of the ring, telling him to get out of the arena. The Doctor reaches up and tazes the referee!!!

The official hits the mat and begins convulsing. The Doc enters the ring and looks over at Reynolds. He hits the official one more time with the tazer for good measure and walks over to Reynolds. Picking him up from the corner and leans Reynolds against the ropes and ties his arms up between the two.. Reynolds is trapped! The Doctor looks down at his branded chest and rubs the words that still stretch across his body. The Doc then begins tazing Reynolds in the chest. After several five to ten second intervals of "Shock Treatment", a group of officials and security from the back rush to the ring. The Doctor laughs aloud as he continues to shock his opponent.

The Head Official runs over to the time keeper's table as the others slide into the ring to subdue the Doctor. Five security officials tackle the Doctor after he takes down two of them with the tazer.

Ring Announcer- Ladies and gentleman, the Head Official has just informed me, the due to the actions of Doctor Louis D'Ville after this match, they have reversed their decision! The winners of the match, Wyatt Reynolds and the "Aerial Knight" Jonathon Heartsford!!

The Doctor is handcuffed and taken from the ring. A sick, sadistic smile crosses the Doctor's face as he's taken from the arena.

What just happened here?

While everyone everywhere ponders that, Madness fades to commercial

Maverick is making his way to the ring, he is just about to get in to the ring when the lights go out.

When the lights come back on, Mastermind is seen sitting on top of the corner post holding a steel chair. Suddenly he leaps off, catching Maverick unawares, and hits him flush with the chair.

Mastermind looks down Maverick lying on the ground, then the lights go off again, when they come back on, Mastermind is no where to be seen, and Maverick is down and hurt.

The rest of team Young Blood rushes out from behind the curtains and helps Maverick up to his feet. He looks a little groggy at first but he assures his teammates that he's fine, walking over to the apron to await the Kliq, who are running in through the crowd! They slide into the ring and engage their opponents early! The team of Scully and James working to keep them away from Maverick while Silva wanders around aimlessly. Finally, the official restrains both sides and gets them to their respective corners.

Ultimate Survivor Match
Scully, Maverick, Derrick Silva & Bryan James
- vs -
'The Kliq' (w/ Diesel)
Triple H, X-Pac, Razor Ramon & Shawn Michaels
8 Man Elimination Tag Team Match

All eight men wait in the ring, in their respective four man clusters on the apron while Diesel stands at ringside, clapping his big ass hands and making ominous threats of physical violence towards the Young Bloods. The Kliq laughs at his random outbursts, while trying to decide on which of them should start off the match. That is until Scully steps between the ropes on his team's side and Shawn Michaels instantly hops over the ropes to the other side and runs right at Scully! Luckily the ref's there to make the stop and admonish the Heartbreak Kid for trying to attack his opponent before the match actually begins. Scully takes a step forward and makes a cutthroat gesture at Michaels & the rest of the Kliq and the ref calls for the bell! This match is now underway!

Scully takes the initiative by stepping forward first and connecting a kick to Michaels' stomach that doubles him over. He then cinches in a front headlock and swings Michaels around into a swinging neckbreaker! Michaels hits the mat hard, cradling the back of his head and rolling over onto his stomach. Scully hits the ropes and comes back, dropping a big elbow to Michaels' spine! Michaels' upper body snaps upwards as he lets out a strained yell! Diesel hears the yell and gets super pissed! He climbs up onto the apron but the ref cuts him off, yelling at him to get down from there before he disqualifies and eliminates Michaels. He does so slowly, as Scully tries lifting Micahels up to his feet. Michaels hits a low blow that makes Scully's eyes bulge and pop out of his head just a second before the ref turns around! Scully grabs his dick and falls over to his back as Michaels pushes himself the rest of the way up to his feet. He walks over to the top rope and ascends it before flying off with a huge elbow drop!

That misses! Scully rolls out of the way! Michaels crashes elbow first on the canvas! Scully pushes himself to his feet, careful of putting too much exertion on his groin area, still feeling the effects of Micahels' attack. Michaels pushes himself up too, but Scully beats him to it before laying in a soccerball kick to Michaels' ribs. Michaels rolls over onto his back from the kick, and Scully takes advantage by laying in a few stomps to Michaels' stomach. Then he backs up to tag in Derrick Silva.

Silva enters the ring and goes right on the attack on Michaels; or at least he would if Michaels didn't get up to his feet right then and there! Silva runs right into a Sweet Chin Music! Michaels goes for the cover!




Derrick Silva - Eliminated!

Maverick steps inbetween the ropes and into the ring, ducking Michaels' second attempt at an early elimination with another Sweet Chin Music, spins Michaels around, and plants him with a double underhook suplex! He doesn't stop there however and follows that maneuver with a series of stomps to the stomach that force the air right out of Michaels' lungs! He coughs, hacks, and rolls over onto his side but Maverick forces him stand up. Maverick then drops Michaels right back to the mat with a DDT!

Maverick smirks at the Kliq before sizing Shawn up and delivering a wicked stomp to the back of the head, the Michaels rolls away from! He rolls over to his corner and frantically slaps Razor Ramon's hand! Razor steps into the ring as Maverick charges him and backs him away with a knee to the gut! Maverick stumbles back a bit, holding his abdomen. Razor comes forward with a lariat that takes Maverick off his feet! Maverick collides with the mat and Razor wastes no time picking apart the fallen man. He rolls Maverick over onto his stomachand pulls back on his chin, keeping the rest of his body in place with a knee on his chest! Maverick struggles to get free, pushing himself off the mat in the process. He removes one of his hands from the mat and swings wildly, which misses! Razor wrenches the hold back further as Maverick goes for another shot that connects the Bad Guy's throat! Razor breaks his own hold and backpedals, coughing. Maverick gets back to his feet and goes right on the attack, landing a series of punches that send Razor into the ropes! Maverick whips Razor into the opposite set of ropes and on the rebound nails him with the Lights Out! (Spinebuster)!

He goes for the cover!


X-Pac hops over the ropes and Bryan James runs in to stop him!


X-Pac slides underneath Bryan James' legs and collapses on top of Maverick and Razor! He broke up the pin!

Maverick's pissed and hits a second Lights Out, this time on X-Pac! He rolls under the bottom rope, holding his back in pain. James exits the ring on threat of DQ by the ref and Maverick realizes it's too late to capitalize on his previous maneuver so instead he rips Razor up to his feet and drops him with a suplex! He then walks back over to his corner and tags in Bryan James! James enters this match for the first time as the legal participant, running over to the fallen Razor and applying a headlock. Razor claps his hands a few times to build up momentum and then tries to stand. However, Bryan's standing on his calf, pinning him to the ground. Razor throws some back elbows that break the hold that James has on him and darts back to his feet in the subsequent seconds of freedom. James runs right at the now standing Razor but gets caught! Last Call (Fallaway Slam)! Razor looks like he's about to walk over to tag someone else in, but then turns around on one heel, running back and kicking James in the ribs before producing a toothpick from outta nowhere, and flinging it at the crowd! The ref doesn't know how to react to that and kneels down, opting instead to check on James. James shoves him off and gets back to his feet, throwing a punch to the advancing Razor's gut before dropping him with a snapmare!

He holds on for another headlock, just trying to drain the life out of the Bad Guy! And it looks like it's working because Razor's looking out of it! James starts to throw a series of punches to Razor's temple that only provoke him! Razor BURSTS out of the hold and hoists James up in the air! He drops him, backbreaker! He hoists him up again, for a second backbreaker! He goes for three... NO! Out of the ref's line of sight, James pokes Razor in the eyes! Razor drops him and backs away, rushing as soon as James gets back up to his feet!

Black Out! (Powerslam lift into GTS)!

James hits it! He drags Razor over to his team's side of the ring and goes for the cover!




Razor Ramon - Eliminated!

Triple H gets into the ring for his team as Razor exits, but wait!

It's Vince McMahon! What the hell is he doing here?

Vinnie Mac does his trademark gorilla walk down the ramp as the contenders in the ring look dumbfounded in his presence. Vince raises the microphone to his mouth.

VINCE: "Alright cut the damn music!"

The music cuts and the crowd boos as McMahon looks pissed at the kliq and the others.

VINCE: "You can boo me all you want it doesn't change a damn thing! I am the best man in this arena tonight and your boos will not change that!"

"Now you in the ring! Hunter! Enjoy the flaming bag of poop? THAT WAS X PAC'S POOP YOU RAPIST! I was going to use a dogs put Pac's was already in a bag. All of you in that ring, not Iceman and the rest, the ones I actually give a damn about that make ME money, stop pussyfooting around and get the hell back to the WWF or else I've got two words for you."


The Kliq look at each other cockily in the ring and all of them tell Vince to SUCK IT along with the crowd. Vince curses the men, and composes himself before raising the mic to his mouth once more.

VINCE: "Fine! Have it your way, I'm nothing if not a fair man. But these men, are not."

McMahon's theme plays again as Vince throws an open arm to the top of the ramp and out come ... The Stooges, Pat Patterson and Gerald Briscoe! The Mean Street Posse! And, The Spirit Squad! All of Vince's lackeys run down the ramp and jump into the ring, immediately trading blows with members of The Kliq! But, not for long as all of McMahon's boys get the holy hell kicked out of them. Vince can't believe it!

[Image: 13638791171078637024.GIF]

The Stooges, The Spirit Squad and the Mean Street Posse all lay on the floor after being destroyed by The Kliq, but at least they look a little more tired, so they did something of worth. Vince backs away from the ring up the ramp and runs away behind the curtain.

Hunter's panting, having exerted a moderate amount of energy fending off the army of mooks! Bryan James spins him around tries for a second Black Out, but Hunter fights out! Kick to the gut! James doubles over, and Trips goes for it! Pedigree! He flips off Maverick and Scully, dragging James' body over to his team's side of the ring and covering for that pin that pin that pin.




Bryan James - Eliminated

Scully enters the ring like a house of fire, with a series of strikes for Trips! Trips falls back into the ropes before Scully whips him away from his side of the ring! He rebounds off the opposite set of ropes and Scully catches him with a dropkick! Trips falls to the mat and Scully hits the ropes before dropping a big elbow! Scully laughs, makes a cutthroat gesture at Michaels before executing a picture perfect standing moonsault! Too bad Trips rolled outta the way! Scully crashes to the mat and Trips lays in a series of stomps that keep Scully pinned to the mat for the time being. Then, he peels Scully off the mat and spins him around! Tiger Suplex! Where the fuck did that come from?! Scully crumples up, neck on the mat. Trips lays the Sculmeister flat on his back before hitting the ropes and coming back with a knee drop! No! Scully rolls out of the way this time! Trips lands on his knee and rolls over, gripping in pain! He hugs his knee but Scully comes from behind with a soccerball kick to Trips' back! He then pulls the Cerebral Assassin up to his feet and kicks his weakened knee out from under him! He stomps a few times on the bad knee Trips sits up, Undertaker style. However, that sit up lacked all the intensity of the Undertaker, so there was no freak out on Scully's part. Instead, he shrugs his shoulder and goes for a roundhouse kick that Trips ducks under!

Roll up!



Scully drops a huge forearm that smashes Trips head into the mat before he get back up to his feet! It looks like that's put Trips out! Scully rolls Trips over onto his back and ascends the top rope!

Untouchable (Corkscrew Shooting Star Press)!

The cover!




Triple H - Eliminated

Michaels gets into the ring as X-Pac has finally gotten back on the apron. Odds are he went away to shit in some bags or something. Anywho, Michaels and Scully lock up in the center of the ring! Scully takes the early advantage, forcing Michaels to his knees but Shawn spins out of the hold and goes behind Scully! Teardrop Suplex! He tries to hold into a pin but Scully kicks out before the ref gets into position.

Scully gets back to his feet only to narrowly duck a Sweet Chin Music from an antsy Shawn Michaels! He comes forward with a straight kick to Shawn's grounded knee! Shawn grabs it and collapses onto the mat before Scully hits the ropes and connects with a dropkick to the grounded Michaels' face! Michaels collapses on the mat and Scully goes for the pin. Michaels kicks out before the ref drops down to count!

Michaels shoves Scully off and gets back to his feet. Scully gets back to his and hits the ropes, hoping to catch an unawares Shawn with a bulldog from behind! But wait, Diesel's screaming. Something between a scream of "HORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRN" and "SHAWWWWWWWWN" which gets Shawn's attention as he turns around and clocks Scully right under the jaw with a Sweet Chin Music!

The cover!




Scully - Eliminated

Maverick, the last man left on his team, steps between the ropes and immediately goes for Shawn's legs! He hits a running forward chopblock that takes Michaels off his feet entirely! Michaels thrashes about midair and crashes side first on the canvas, clutching his leg! Maverick runs over and lays in a few stomps onto the injured knee to break Michaels' grip, but that thing's like a vise! Michaels isn't planning on letting go anytime soon and it seems like Maverick's gonna have to alter his attack a bit! He does. He walks over to Michaels' head and drops a couple of stomps there, which gets him to let go of his leg! However, he can't capitalize much on it, as Michaels pulls his feet out from under him and Maverick crashes to the mat as well! Michaels crawls over for the mount, unlike him! He doesn't even try to pretty up as he rains down rights and lefts to the fallen Maverick! He lands a flurry of blows before Maverick catches one and throws a headbutt that knocks Michaels off of him.

Michaels hits the ropes as Maverick gets back to his feet, wiping away a few drops of blood originating from his nose. However, Michaels is on the attack!

Michaels hits the flying forearm! And now HBK is going to the corner, and he's tuning up the band! This could be over for Maverick and Team Young Blood, as he's the only one left!

Michaels goes for the Sweet Chin Music- BLOCKED! Maverick grabs Michaels leg just in time! AND HE LOCKS IT IN! Pure Perfection, center of the ring! Michaels can't get to the ropes! HE TAPS!

Shawn Michaels - Eliminated

And now it's just Maverick and X-Pac, as the lone survivors of each team! And they're going back and forth with blow for blow!

X-Pac with the left! Maverick with a right! Back and forth and back and forth and back and forth they go, exchanging punches before X-Pac connects with a knee to the gut that doubles Maverick over and drops him with a DDT! Maverick spasms and rolls over on his back as X-Pac lays in a series of stomps to his gut! Maverick's air exits his lungs as each stomp finds a home atop his sternum! However, after this series goes on for one stomp too many, Maverick rolls out of the way and pulls himself up with aid of the rope! X-Pac runs in but Maverick drops him with a back body drop! X-Pac jerks violently upwards and falls back to the mat from the impact! Maverick peels X-Pac up to his feet and slaps him across the face, yelling at the top of his lungs at him in a fit of aggression! X-Pac laughs at the outburst, before stomping on Maverick's foot and kicking him in the gut!


X-Pac with the cover, rubbing his dirty balls in Maverick's face! The ball stench might be enough to knock the poor man out!




Maverick - Eliminated

Winners: The Kliq

What a night!

And with that, the members of the Kliq pile into the ring, embracing in a hug as Madness fades out.

[Image: Tigris_zpsa877dd35.jpg]
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Maverick Offline
With Fire in My Soul, I Return.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-08-2014, 01:27 PM

"...Goddammit X-Pac."

1x Hart Champion
1x Tag Team Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
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RazorRamon Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

10-08-2014, 01:40 PM

Hey-Yo! Way to go Pac! You are the man, main!

[Image: amPnhQW.jpg]

It's The Bad Guy, Hey-Yo!
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Triple H Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

10-08-2014, 01:41 PM

Never in doubt.

[Image: FWr9hMy.jpg]


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Scully Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

10-08-2014, 02:01 PM

The old men taught us a lesson in the end
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Maverick Offline
With Fire in My Soul, I Return.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-08-2014, 02:03 PM

(10-08-2014, 02:01 PM)Scully Said: The old men taught us a lesson in the end

"They wouldn't have won if X-Pac wasn't suffocating me with his damn balls. But alas, a win is a win. Enjoy this win, Kliq... for now..."

1x Hart Champion
1x Tag Team Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
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Scully Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

10-08-2014, 02:08 PM

Maybe me and you Maverick need to challenge two of them to a tag match sometime. Or if we're going to have a 4 on 4 at least have better partners
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Miranda Tigris Offline
It all comes down to one thing: Power

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

10-08-2014, 03:58 PM

God damn, filthy no good censorship boards! They saw it fit to remove a pivotal part of this show because, as they say, it was "too mind blowingly awesome to be seen on TV". However, they didn't swipe all recordings of that faithful event so here it is, restored and remastered because that's a thing. And roll!

As the ring clears from the previous match, suddenly the blaring sounds of “I Wanna Rock” by Twisted Sister scream out of the PA system, and the crowd goes nuts.

Styles: What the hell is going on here? That’s “Loverboy” Vinnie Lane’s music, he isn’t scheduled to have a match tonight!

The pyro goes off and Loverboy spins out from behind the curtain, smiling huge and wearing his trademark look of vinyl pants, Guns n’ Roses t-shirt and silver wrestling boots. Around his waist rest the three Trios Championship belts. He struts down to the ring, holding his hands out to his sides to let the XWF fans slap his palms with hi-fives as he walks.

Styles: Vinnie Lane is on his way to the ring – everywhere this guy goes there’s trouble. I was hoping for an easy, quiet night tonight!

Loverboy gets in the ring and grabs a mic from the ring announcer, pulling off his aviator shades and facing the hard camera.

Loverboy: Well well well, you never can tell, can ya? I’m gonna make things short and sweet for you right here right now, dude. I came to Madness on my day off for one reason and one reason only! I’m here to lay a challenge down for a fight. It’s been a long time coming, man, and I’m sick and tired of waiting for my turn to kick your ass!

The fans cheer as Loverboy smiles again, gesturing to the belts around his waist.

Loverboy: You don’t have the guts to answer me privately, so let’s see if you have any balls whatsoever to come out here when I’m calling you out in front of all these people… so, Peter Fuckin’ Gilmour, get your ass out to this ring right now! I know you’re back there, dude!

Styles: Peter Gilmour? Why does Loverboy want to call out Peter Gilmour? And why is Gilmour even here?

As the crowd continues to cheer, and then the opening chords of “Sick Like Me” start to play, driving the crowd into even more of a frenzy.

Styles: He IS here! I’m just as shocked as the rest of the crowd, I don’t think anyone knows what’s going on!

Peter Gilmour walks out of the back holding his newly won briefcase from Warfare, and he stares a hole in Vinnie Lane as he marches to the ring. Loverboy laughs and motions for him to hurry up and get in the ring, and he does. Gilmour gets right up in Loverboy’s grill.

Loverboy: Whoa, whoa, whoa dude… that’s close enough! I don’t want your breath to make my hair frizz, man!

Styles: Gilmour looks like he’s ready to kill Loverboy, and Loverboy’s laughing in his face! This isn’t going to end well.

Loverboy: Every day of my life I have to hear about you, Peter. Everyone runs their mouth saying I can never be what you’ve been to the XWF. Well guess what, buddy? I don’t want to BE Peter Gilmour, I want to BEAT Peter Gilmour! So why don’t you grow a pair and meet me in the ring – TONIGHT!

The crowd reacts while Gilmour takes another step closer to Loverboy, getting nose to nose with him. He snatches the microphone out of the rocker’s hand and sneers.

Peter Gilmour: SUCK…. MY….

Suddenly the lights go out. The entire arena is black except for a few flashbulbs going off, and the crowd is shocked into silence. In an instant, the lights come back up and standing in the ring between Loverboy and Gilmour is…


The crowd erupts into thunderous cheers at the sight of the massive former Universal Champion.

Styles: Morbid Angel is alive?!?! And he’s here in the ring with Peter Gilmour and “Loverboy” Vinnie Lane? What the hell is going on here tonight???

Morbid Angel grabs the mic from Gilmour’s hand and shoves him back a step from himself. He then turns and puts a finger in Loverboy’s chest.

Morbid Angel!: Loverboy! You got a lot of nerve calling anyone out, bitch! I challenged you to a fight and you said you were on vacation, like a PUSSY! You can’t fight the GOD, and you have the nerve to show up and talk shit to GILMOUR instead? Now I’m PISSED!

Quickly, Loverboy snatches the mic back from Morbid Angel.

Loverboy: Hey dude, relax! This has nothing to do with you, man! I thought you were fuckin’ dead, just like everyone else did!

Morbid leans over and pulls Loverboy’s hand up to hold the mic under his mouth.

Morbid Angel!: The GOD can never die! I am MORBID ANGEL! I am VICTORY FOREVER! And now I’m going to kick BOTH of your pussy asses!

Loverboy: Well if that’s the way you feel, dude, I guess there’s only one more thing left to do, isn’t there?

Loverboy backs up and starts to take off his Trios belts, while Gilmour and Morbid Angel take fighting stances opposite one another.

Styles: This is crazy! These three men have hijacked Madness and are going to kick the crap out of each other right now! Loverboy’s got two of those belts off and… wait… hold on, what’s this?

Loverboy takes a belt in each hand, then smiles wide and hands one each to Morbid Angel and Peter Gilmour! All three men laugh as they take the belts and hold them up over their heads.

Styles: WHAT?!?!!?

Loverboy: I’ve been sitting on my ass waiting for my partners Zoey Ryback and Clean Lucena to show up and help me defend these titles I won for them back at Relentless! Well, I’m sick of waiting! Now I’m going to have two partners I can actually depend on, and who I know can kick ass and not leave me hanging the way those other two LOSERS did! So here we are, XWF, your NEW Trios Tag Team Champions, the Monsters of Rock! Take it home, Gilly!

Loverboy hands the mic to Gilmour, who has already strapped the belt around his midsection. Gilmour takes the mic and screams.

Gilmour: SUCK MY DICK!!!!!!!!

Madness refades to black. It should be commercials, but what can you do? Stupid censorship squads.

[Image: Tigris_zpsa877dd35.jpg]
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

10-08-2014, 05:08 PM

If my potatoes serve me correctly here I think the reason that segment with Loverboy was originally cut from the show was because the people in the production trucks knew I had already laid out a plan that was told directly to Vinnie Lane and would involve people being able to opt in for chances to EARN the vacated titles Zoey and Lucena once held. As I stated back then in the room to Lane and with several others present, the XWF originally assembled that team against the will of the champions... so why would we allow one of them to CHOOSE the replacements? We wouldn't! The freebird rule would NOT apply! Yeeee hawwwww!

So here's where it gets fun! Everybody likes surprises, so my surprise to everybody is to announce that Vinnie Lane will enter a handicap match against Morbid Angel and Peter Gilmour for the right to KEEP his third of the trio titles! See how fun things can get when you specifically go around me and the others in management who you were aware knew of the original plan?

If Lane can defeat Morbid Angel and Gilmour in the handicap match, he gets to keep his title. If he loses, THEY get to choose HIS replacement! If Morbid Angel or Peter Gilmour are believed to be taking it easy on Vinnie Lane that week, they'll be stripped of their title!

With very few teams on the horizon who actually would be in a hurry to get a shot at the Trio titles, there was no reason to circumvent the original set plan of action and rush something like this. This handicap match will take place on the October 22nd edition of Warfare, and the special guest referee will be...


Get your potatoes and asparagus in order, folks! It's bound to be a slobber knocker!

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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X-Pac Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-08-2014, 05:19 PM

i ain't done with you yet Maverick

you dragged my friends Lance Storm, Regal, and Jericho into your filthy lies

this is far from over!

until then i just have 2 words for ya

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

10-08-2014, 06:46 PM

oh fuckin great. I get the trios titles back and now I have to face the guy who GAVE ME the title? And I can't even play dead? WTF is up with this federation?

ooc: I can't wait for this match.. should be a rocketbuster!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

10-08-2014, 06:57 PM

(10-08-2014, 06:46 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: oh fuckin great. I get the trios titles back and now I have to face the guy who GAVE ME the title? And I can't even play dead? WTF is up with this federation?


[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

10-08-2014, 07:31 PM

do u even have one shane?

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Bryan James Offline
New and Hungry

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-09-2014, 02:27 AM

(10-08-2014, 02:08 PM)Scully Said: Maybe me and you Maverick need to challenge two of them to a tag match sometime. Or if we're going to have a 4 on 4 at least have better partners

Better Partners......? Got something to say Scully
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Scully Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

10-09-2014, 02:57 AM

Yeah I got something to say.... You suck
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Bryan James Offline
New and Hungry

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-09-2014, 10:47 AM

Wow how original ......Lets see how you're originality helps you in the ring one on one with me
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Scully Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

10-09-2014, 11:07 AM

Wow.... One on one with thee, Bryan James.
I'm scared of you, you're a bad ass.
I don't think it would be a good idea....
For you.
If you would like a beating and would like to add a loss to that amazing record of your's.... Then sure.
I'll happily add another victory to mine!
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XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

10-09-2014, 11:18 AM

Michael. It's time you come fully under my wing. Your ring work is good, but you pick easy foes. Ignore this worthless stain. Lemme speak with Guppy. You should have a shot at his title.
Scully Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

10-09-2014, 12:43 PM

I know Pest, why do I bother with such easy opponents? I should really be facing the best competition instead of wasting my precious time on crap like Bryan James.
Before I fought Darren Dangerous I knew I was going to win. Before I faced Father Steve I knew I would win. Before I kicked the crap of Griffin I knew I would dominate and win. Before I destroyed The Spike Hannigan, I knew I would be victorious....
You get the picture. It's about God damn time, I fought someone who was decent and I would actually break a sweat.
Thank you for making me see sense.

Sorry, Bryan but I don't want another easy victory
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Maverick Offline
With Fire in My Soul, I Return.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-09-2014, 12:48 PM

"You could ask Eli James to defend his title against you since you were screwed out of facing Shades!




Ah, who am I kidding? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! But seriously though, I'd recommend signing up for War Games before sign- ups are closed."

1x Hart Champion
1x Tag Team Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
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