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Monday Night Madness - 4/8/2013
Author Message
Paul Heyman

XWF FanBase:
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04-08-2013, 09:13 PM

[Image: madness3.png]

Date: April 8, 2013
Event: Monday Night Madness
Arena: Tampa Bay Times Forum
City: Tampa, Florida

The opening credits and video package roll as Monday Night Madness hit’s the air to its theme song, “Long Way to the Top” by AC/DC plays throughout the arena.

Pyro explodes throughout the Forum as the camera pans the roaring crowd in Tampa. The pyro stops as the cameras continue to give live shots of the crowd before settling in on the Chad Lewis and Xavier Reigns at ringside.

CHAD LEWIS: “Hello and welcome Madness fans to the premier wrestling show on Monday nights! I am Chad Lewis and alongside me as always, my broadcast partner, Xavier Reigns!

“X, we are hot off the heels of Gauntlet City!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Indeed we are Chad, and I have a feeling the fallout from Gauntlet City will resonate for weeks, if not months on end!”

CHAD LEWIS: “You very well good be right, X! When Madness left you last time, General Manager Paul Heyman was forced by the returning Neonero to make a match for Gauntlet City, pitting the XWF’s European Champion Jeff Hardy against Neonero!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “It wouldn’t stop there as Heyman made it a Heymans Chamber of Horrors match! Problem was, nobody knew what the hell that even meant!”

CHAD LEWIS: “We found out at Gauntlet City exactly what it was and was it ever brutal!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “I kind of think Heyman will not be in a good mood tonight as he didn’t want either of them to be champion!”

CHAD LEWIS: “Unfortunately for him, it wouldn’t work out that way as Neonero cashed in in a hellacious match which saw Jeff Hardy finally defeated for the title!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Neonero is in fact the new champion! My sources are telling me though, that the new champion is NOT in the building!”

CHAD LEWIS: “Sources? You have sources? What kind of sources?”


CHAD LEWIS: “Google told you Neonero isn’t here?”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Are you questioning my sources?”

They are interrupted by ring announcer Jason Daniels.

JASON DANIELS: “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome… The General Manager of Monday Night Madness… Misterrrr… Paulllll… HEYYYMAAANNN!”

Paul Heymans ECW theme plays throughout the arena to a resoundingly negative reaction.

CHAD LEWIS: “Here he comes folks! The General Manager of Monday Night Madness!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Yeah, I think Daniels just said that!”

[Image: JoelRosenberg6.jpg]

Paul Heyman makes his way into the ring with a microphone in hand. He stands in the middle of the ring prepared to speak amongst the chorus of boos from the crowd in Tampa.

PAUL HEYMAN: “My name… is Paul Heyman… Two weeks ago on this very show, I intended for Jeff Hardy to lose the European title. Needless to say, things did not go like I planned.

“Thanks in large part to that no good piece of shit, Neonero!”

CHAD LEWIS: “Wow! He must know Neonero is not here!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “You think he wouldn’t say it to his face?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “I was forced to make a match where the outcome would not be in my favor regardless of who was victorious! Last week at Gauntlet City, something happened that absolutely turned my stomach!

“Neonero… now wears the European title.”

CHAD LEWIS: “Indeed he does boss! A title he never lost!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “What are you smoking? I watched him lose it on television!”

PAUL HEYMAN: “In the days leading up to Gauntlet City, your new champion decided to take the time to talk about Paul Heyman and spread lies about me! Everyone knows just what and who I am! Everyone knows just where I came from! Everyone knows I revolutionized this industry with ECW!

“To let you in on a fact of ECW and Paul Heymans power, let me tell you something! It is true that Vince McMahon helped ECW with funding! Its true that paychecks bounced! Yet, its also true, and this is the kicker… That those morons kept coming back to compete! For little or no pay at all!

“So, yes! I fly the banner of extreeeme with vigor and I fly it high! Why? I’ll tell you why. For as long as I live and breathe NO ONE! Not you! Not Jeff Hardy! Not Vince McMahon! Not even Shane can take my legacy of extreeeme away from me!

“Just for the record, I certainly am doing something right! After all, Madness television ratings have steadily increased since the day I took over this show! It certainly hasn’t been because of you!”

CHAD LEWIS: “I think its obvious now, X. He certainly knows Neonero is not in the building!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “He’s just yellin’ the truth!”

CHAD LEWIS: “God! You just eat up everything he says, don’t you?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “For you to seriously say that the era of extreeeme is dead and gone, allow me to remind you just where in the hell you work! The XTREEEEME Wrestling Federation!

“Let me correct your misleading facts, Nero! For you to suggest that you have no ‘people’ let me be the first to tell everyone here that you are a liar! You’re agent called me and told me you were staying home and kicking your feet up! You know damn well that’s the truth!

“You wanted to take your ball and go home and that’s exactly what you did! You took your ball and your title and you kept your untalented ass at home! I did what I had to do in order to have the match I booked kept in place!

“I did what I had to do to protect MY show! Emphasis on my for obvious reason. Its not your show! Its not your playground. This show belongs to one man, Neonero, and your fuckin’ lookin’ at him!

“You suggest that I rode coattails. I never did anything like that! I MADE superstars! I MADE champions! Brock Lesnar! CM Punk! The Big Show! The list goes on and on and on! Should I ever go back to managing talent, I’d do it again!

“Just like when Jeff Hardy carried the strap, rest assured, I will end your reign! You will regret the day you came back here and put your hands on me!

"In fact, I'm ending your reign, right NOW!

"It is my decision at this time, since you were fired many weeks ago, that you are officially stripped of the European title! As soon as you walk into this building, you will be escorted to my office, where you will hand over your title!

"I did, however, promise a big triple threat main event tonight and it will happen! In the... interest of fairness... if Neonero wins this match, he will indeed be re-instated as an XWF competitor!

"As for the now vacant title, I'll announce my intentions regarding that, later tonight!

"Right now though, it is time for Madness to go...... extreeeeeme!"

Heymans ECW theme plays as he makes his exit. As he makes his way up the ramp he stops in his tracks as his theme stops. On the X-Tron:

Heyman looks furious as he exits the stage.

CHAD LEWIS: "Oh man! Neonero isn't here!? I think he just sent a message loud and clear to the General Manager!"

XAVIER REIGNS: "I'm firing my sources!"

CHAD LEWIS: "How can you fire Google?"

XAVIER REIGNS: "That was an astonishing announcement!"

CHAD LEWIS: "That was an astonish... You took my line!"

XAVIER REIGNS: "It was most certainly the right thing to do as General Manager."

CHAD LEWIS: "How can you even say that? Neonero won the match at Gauntlet City! He should be the champion right now!"

XAVIER REIGNS: "Yes, that's true, Chad. The fact is, Neonero doesn't work here. He's competing without a contract!"

CHAD LEWIS: "It's a travesty. An injustice! Madness fans, we have to take a short break. When we come back, we are headed to the ring!"

Back from commercial break and "Reject Yourself" by Killswitch Engage plays.

JASON DANIELS: "The opening contest is scheduled for one fall. It is a falls count anywhere match! Introducing first, coming down the aisle from El Paso, Texas, weighing in at 2 hundred 15 pounds. Making his Madness debut, he is the Apex of Anarchy.... ALEEEEEXXXX TOLLLLLLERRRRRRR!"

CHAD LEWIS: "As Jason said, Alex Toller making his debut right here tonight on Madness!"

XAVIER REIGNS: "I've seen some of this mans work in the past and I have to tell you, he is destined for greatness!"

CHAD LEWIS: "Did Google tell you that?"

XAVIER REIGNS: "I hate you."

JASON DANIELS: "His opponent..."

"The Rising" begins to play.

JASON DANIELS: "From Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 2 hundred 13 pounds... also making his Madness debut... SWIFT IIIIIIOOONNNN!"

[Image: dane-dehaan-vman.jpg?dateline=1364269357]

"The Apex of Anarchy" Alex Toller
- vs -
Swift Ion

[Image: 3091374151_1_3_Zt1eSr9L.jpg]
Falls Count Anywhere Match

CHAD LEWIS: "These two young men, set for action here tonight!"

XAVIER REIGNS: "This roster just keeps growing!"

The bell rings and the two lock horns immediately. Toller takes down Ion with an arm drag and then stands there as Ion gets back to his feet. They lock horns again and this time Ion takes Toller down with an arm drag of his own. Ion looks on as Toller gets back to his feet.

This time they circle one another and lock horns again. Toller takes Ion down with a side headlock. Ion slaps the mat in frustration then nips up out of the headlock and back to his feet. They circle each other again and lock horns. Again, Toller takes down Ion with a side headlock.

CHAD LEWIS: "These two continue to play cat and mouse, here. A nice technical exchange from these two youngsters."

XAVIER REIGNS: "I think Toller though has the edge in technical ability."

CHAD LEWIS: "It definitely seems that way."

Ion again nips up out of the headlock and both men to their feet. They lock horns for yet another time and Ion shoves Toller to the corner. Ion backs out shrugging and Toller comes back out. They go to lock horns and Toller delivers a knee to the midsection. Toller tosses ion to the ropes and waits for the rebound that never comes. Ion is able to hang on to the ropes breaking his momentum.

Toller charges and Ion ducks down and sends Toller up over the top rope and to the floor below.

CHAD LEWIS: "Ohhh! Business is fixin' to pick up!"

XAVIER REIGNS: "Jim Ross ladies and gentlemen!"

Toller back to his feet on the outside as Ion slingshots himself over the top rope landing a plancha onto Toller. He goes for the cover.



Toller kicks out.

Ion back to his feet and lifts Toller to his and drives him back first into the barricade. Ion hits a snap suplex onto the floor and floats over into another pin attempt.



Toller kicks out again.

Ion lifts Toller to his feet again. STO!

CHAD LEWIS: “Ohhh what a counter!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Alex Toller did a nice job their countering the take over with a double knee arm breaker!”

CHAD LEWIS: “These two guys came to play tonight!”

Toller lifts Ion back up and delivers a nice full nelson suplex then goes for a cover.



Ion kicks out!

Toller grabs Ion by the hair and drags him out toward the aisle way and nails a nice DDT onto the entrance ramp! He thinks about going for the cover but lifts Ion to his feet instead. He drags him by the hair up the ramp toward the stage. Toller traps Ion then lifts him up and slams him down in almost a jackhammer like move for the pin.



Ion kicks out in the last split second. Toller back to his feet. He measures up Ion as Ion fights to his feet. Using the crossbars on the X-Tron, Toller delivers the Toll-Free Call!

Ion ducks it and Toller eats the steel grating on the stage as he crashes hard!

CHAD LEWIS: “These two continue to trade blows back and forth!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “I’m impressed with these guys! Nice showing!”

Swift Ion lifts Toller to his feet and delivers a suplex that sends Toller crashing to the floor below! Ion, still on stage, looks at his fallen opponent and measures him up. He leaps...



Ion crashes and burns into the floor! Toller getting to his feet, brings Ion along with him and delivers a devastating Gutwrench Powerbomb on the floor! Toller hops back up onto the stage and measures up Ion. He leaps...



Toller nails the splash and hooks the leg. The referee is quickly in position.




WINNER: Alex Toller

CHAD LEWIS: “Alex Toller is your winner tonight!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “He earned it, that’s for sure!”

CHAD LEWIS: “I can’t say enough about these two tonight! Great effort!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “These two may just become the future of the Madness brand!”

CHAD LEWIS: “We’ll be back LIVE right after this!”

Back on Madness, the XWF cameras are in the office of Paul Heyman. Heyman sits behind his desk and his personal assistant, an unknown female, stands to the side.

PAUL HEYMAN: “When Neonero get here, send him to my office.”

ASSISTANT: “Yes, sir.”

His assistant goes to leave the office and open the door. She turns back toward Heyman.

ASSISTANT: “Uhh, Mr. Heyman?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “What is it?”

ASSISTANT: “Mr. Hardy is here to see you. Shall I send him in?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Yes. Send him in.”

The assistant exits and Hardy enters and sits down in front of Heymans desk.

JEFF HARDY: “What is it tubby?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Jeff, relax. I need you to do something for me.”

JEFF HARDY: “Just why in the hell would I do anything to help you?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Look. I know we’ve been at odds lately. You’re the referee tonight for the main event. All you have to do is make sure Neonero doesn’t walk out victorious. Do you think you can do that? For me? For an old friend?”

JEFF HARDY: “Paul, you’ve spent the better part of the last six weeks trying to pry that title away from me. Now you’ve done it. So, why in hell would I help you?”

Hardy gets up with intentions of leaving.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Jeff, Neonero is no longer champion.”

Hardy stops in his tracks.

JEFF HARDY: “I’m listening.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “I stripped him of the title tonight. He’s not officially an XWF competitor therefore, he can not hold the title.”

Hardy walks back and sits down.

JEFF HARDY: “What does that mean exactly?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “In the interest of fairness, I’ve allowed him an opportunity to earn his contract back here tonight in the main event. Not the title. If you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.”

JEFF HARDY: “Let me get this straight, Paul. All I have to do is make sure Neonero is not victorious tonight?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “That‘s all I‘m asking.”

JEFF HARDY: “What do I get out of it?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “If you do this for me, Jeff, I‘m prepared to hand you back the European title. You accomplish that task and get rid of Neonero for me and for you once and for all, and that title is as good as yours.”


Hardy and Heyman both stand. Paul extends his hand to Jeff and Hardy hesitates but then gives it a shake. Hardy pulls Heyman toward him.

JEFF HARDY: “If you screw me, it’ll be the last thing you do.”

Just as Hardy says that, the door bursts open and in walks Neonero holding the European title. He shoves past Hardy and stands right at the front of the desk. Paul straightens his tie and backs up a little.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Neonero, you do not have a contract, therefore you can not carry the European title. By the authority given to me, I‘ve decided to strip you of the European title, effective immediately.”

Neonero says nothing. Making Heyman even more uncomfortable.

PAUL HEYMAN: “I have, however, decided to give you an opportunity to get your contract back. If you win tonight, you are reinstated.”

Neonero eyeballs Jeff Hardy then Paul Heyman. He leaves the European title gently on the desk, gives Heyman a little smile then backs out of the office.

Hardy puts his hands on the title, ready to grab it and go.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Waaaait a minute, Jeff! Accomplish what we agreed on, then you get the title.”

JEFF HARDY: “Hell, I can wait an hour or so.”

Hardy walks out. Heyman sits back down and his assistant walks in.

PAUL HEYMAN: “What the hell was that? I was in a meeting! You let him barge right in!”

ASSISTANT: “My apologies, Mr. Heyman. He blew right past me after I told him you wanted to see him. I couldn’t stop him.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Yeah, well, something is up. He left the title without even saying a word or batting an eyelash. Find out what it is.”

ASSISTANT: “Yes, Mr. Heyman. I‘ll do my best.”

The assistant exits as Madness fades to a commercial.

CHAD LEWIS: “Welcome back here on Madness! Just before the break, Jeff Hardy and Paul Heyman struck a deal!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “I never thought I’d see the day!”

CHAD LEWIS: “A deal that would see Jeff Hardy make sure Neonero didn’t walk out with an XWF contract!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “If Hardy makes good on his end of the deal, Heyman will hand him back the European title!”

CHAD LEWIS: “Heyman thinks something is up! Neonero smiled after he handed over the European title!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Something is definitely fishy there! That’s for sure! It could be Ursula Areano I smell.”

CHAD LEWIS: “What the... Will you STOP!?”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Not likely.”

CHAD LEWIS: “J.D., take it away.”

JASON DANIELS: “The following contest is a tables match! Already in the ring, from inside a video game console, weighing in at 2 hundred 20 pounds.... GAME GEEEENIEEE!”

“Calm Like a Bomb” by Rage Against the Machine plays.

JASON DANIELS: “His opponent. From Milwaukee, Wisconsin, weighing 1 hundred 89 pounds... JAYYYYY SEEEE STYYYLLLEES!!”

[Image: PlayerUno02.jpg?dateline=1365184611]

- vs -
J.C. Styles

[Image: normal_asshole_zps950a3565.jpg]
Tables Match

CHAD LEWIS: “These two men set for battle on the Xtreme edition of Monday Night Madness!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “You know what I never understood?”

CHAD LEWIS: “What’s that?”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Why we have Xtreme editions of anything in the Xtreme Wrestling Federation.”

CHAD LEWIS: “Ohhh brother!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Hulk Hogan ladies and gentlemen!”

CHAD LEWIS: “.......”

The masked Gamegenie and the phenomenal JC Styles both square off in the center of the ring. Gamegenie take the first opportunity to strike and hits JC with the windgod fist. Gamegenie seems to have his own name for every one of his maneuvers!

JC is staggered from the uppercut that was delivered and connected with his jaw. Stars are fading in and out of his view until he sees Gamegenie again. This time Gamegenie is further away and JC styles is still dazed from the punch to notice.

CHAD LEWIS: “A devastating series of blows from Gamegenie!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “I used to have one of those!”

A SPEAR connects or as Gamegenie likes to call it, a bullet bill charge. JC Styles is laid out but rolls out of the ring to collect his thoughts and shake off the quick beating he has received. His face is showing the anger of being beaten by this oddly costumed character in the ring. JC slides back in to stand face to face with the man. Both are staring at the other waiting for one to break. This time JC tries to take charge and pulls his arm back for a punch.


JC is in shock! Genie pushes JC’s arm away and then throws his own fist connecting with JC, then another and another. Gamegenie is putting together a punching combo resembling a video game character from street fighter!

With punch after punch and combo after combo connecting JC is again out of it and finally hits the floor. Gamegenie smiles and quickly makes his way to the top rope. Gamegenie shouts “Bomb-omb AWAY!” as he dives off the rope preforming a senton!


Gamegenie comes crashing down to the mat with a hard thud echoing around the arena. JC is standing over Gamegenie and the tides have seemed to turned in this match. JC pulls Gamegenie to his feet and with all his might, he sends Gamegenie running towards the ropes...



A powerful clothesline sends Gamegenie back down to the mat. JC is now in control and he takes a run at the ropes, running back towards Gamegenie he jumps off of the mat and throws his legs into the air! A big jumping leg drop connects and forces Gamegenie to roll over and hold his hands at his neck as he gasps for air!

JC Styles is standing over Gamegenie now mocking the mask and pretending to play video games then laughing at the man lying in front of him. JC picks up Gamegenie and tucks Genie’s head underneath his own arm. He throws the other arm into the air then smacks Gamegenie on the back and drops to his own back. A very technical DDT lands flush on Gamegenie and sends him rolling to the outside of the ring.

CHAD LEWIS: “A nice, crisp DDT sends Gamegenie reeling here!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Heyman must be proud of the competition he’s seen already here tonight!”

Gamegenie drops to his hands and knees outside of the ring while inside JC Styles begins to pose for the crowd and attempts to get a chant going. Back to the outside Gamegenie is holding his head with both hands, he kicks his feet to relieve some pain and accidentally kicks one of the tables that are set up for this match. As he notices it he gets a new plan and forgets about all the pain rushing through his body.

JC’s back is turned as Gamegenie unfolds the table’s legs and slides with it underneath the bottom rope and into the ring. Gamegenie picks up the table and waits for JC to turn around. When he finally does…


A face full of table is what JC receives and it sends him flying to the corner of the ring where he is now seated with both arms hanging over the second rope. Gamegenie wastes no time and unfolds the legs of the table and stands it in the center of the ring. The table is angled for the ring post and JC is now being lifted to his feet by Genie. Genie pulls JC over and slams his head onto the table and rolls him onto it. Gamegenie walks over to the turnbuckle and begins to climb it. He looks out at the crowd and something catches his attention, he looks down at JC Styles with a smile and...

Gamegenie climbs down from the corner and exits the ring.

CHAD LEWIS: “What is Gamegenie doing? He could have won this right here!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “This could prove to be a fatal mistake!”

Gamegenie unfolds the second table that was outside of the ring. Gamegenie again brings a new table into the ring and sets it up. But this time Gamegenie pushes JC Styles off of the table and JC rolls all the way to the outside of the ring. Gamegenie picks up the second table and places it onto of the first table! We have a structure ready to destroy a man in the ring now!

JC is trying to shake off the table shot outside of the ring as he is getting patted on the back and told to stand up because Gamegenie is coming, franticly from the fans! Gamegenie gets to JC and pulls him up by his hair. The fans are split for Gamegenie and for JC style both men receiving cheers and chants in their names. When JC makes it to his feet he sends a punch right into Gamegenie’s jugular and Gamegenie recoils then sends a punch right back at JC, the two men trading blow for blow right in front of the fans who paid for the front seat tickets!

CHAD LEWIS: “I think the fans are getting their moneys worth tonight!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “This crowd really seems split down the middle!”

Styles gives a knee to the midsection to break up the shot trading. Styles then smacks Gamegenies head off of the ring post and rolls him into the ring. Styles follows him in and lifts him to his feet. A shot under the chin sends Genie staggering backward and onto the table. Styles goes to the top rope but Genie rolls off the table.

Styles jumps back down and flips the top table off of the lower and it smack Genie in the head sending him to the mat with the table landing on him.

Styles grabs the fallen table and flips it upright. Genie struggles to get to his feet when he gets clubbed from behind. He stumbles forward and rolls right back onto the table. Styles goes for the ropes. Once on the turnbuckle he takes a second to measure up Genie as he lay motionless on the table. He leaps...



Genie rolls off the table just in time for Styles to send himself through the table!

XAVIER REIGNS: “I think this one is over!”

CHAD LEWIS: “No, X! Gamegenie has to put Styles through a table! Styles can’t put himself through it!”

Genie gets to his feet and lifts Styles to his and tosses him hard into the corner. Genie lifts Styles to the top rope and follows him up. Genie looks like he’s going for a superplex.

He lifts...


The superplex sends Styles off the tope rope and through the other table below!

WINNER: Gamegenie

CHAD LEWIS: “Gamegenie picks up the victory in a tables match here tonight!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “This night is only getting started!”

CHAD LEWIS: “When we come back here on Madness, the Rookie Battle Royal will get under way!”

CHAD LEWIS: “Welcome back here on the Xtreme edition of Monday Night Madness!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Hold on to your seat folks, this one is gonna get wild!”

CHAD LEWIS: “Five newcomers to the XWF will compete in an over the top rope battle royal!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “The winner reserves the right to challenge Crimson Cobra right here next week on Madness with his number one contendership on the line!”

CHAD LEWIS: “J.D., over to you fella!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Sheamus ladies and gentlemen!”

CHAD LEWIS: “I really hate you.”

JASON DANIELS: “The following contest... is a 5 person... over the top rope Rookie Battle Royal. The winner will challenge next week for the number one contendership!”

“Another Way to Die” by Jake White and Alicia Keys plays.

JASON DANIELS: “Introducing competitor number one, from Columbus, Ohio, weighing in at 2 hundred 45 pounds..... SHOCKERRRRR!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “One in the pink, two in the...”

CHAD LEWIS: “Shut it!”

Eric Bischoffs WWE theme plays.

JASON DANIELS: “Introducing the next competitor. From Edmond, Oklahoma, weighing 2 hundred 75 pounds... KIIIIIID X!!!”

“Radioactive” by Insane Dragons plays.

JASON DANIELS: “The next competitor, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing 1 hundred 90 pounds... BLAAAAAZE!”

“Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor plays.

JASON DANIELS: “Next. From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 2 hundred 12 pounds... Michael.... HALLLLLL!”

“Cheers” by Rihanna plays.

XAVIER REIGNS: “You wanna go! Where everybody knows...”

CHAD LEWIS: “God! Please stop it!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “You really are no fun at all.”

JASON DANIELS: “Introducing the final competitor. From Madison, Wisconsin.... Michelle... JOHHHNNNSONNN!”

Rookie Battle Royal
[Image: avatar_252.png?dateline=1363964546]

- vs -

[Image: avatar_257.jpg?dateline=1364096750]

- vs -

[Image: parker-hurley.png]

- vs -
Michael Hall

[Image: avatar_261.jpg?dateline=1364156256]

- vs -
Michelle Johnson

[Image: 008_zpsd9ef34d9.jpg]
Over The Top Rope Elimination
Winner Earns The Right To Challenge
Crimson Cobra For His #1 Contendership

The 5 participants stand around the ring measuring each other up. Michelle Johnson charges toward Shocker who stands near the ropes. As she nears, Shocker ducks down and tosses her over the top rope.

Using her agility, she lands on her feet on the apron and clutches Shocker by his head in a reverse DDT fashion.

Kid-X charges and delivers a running big boot to Johnsons face. She falls to the floor below.

CHAD LEWIS: “Kid-X has just eliminated Michelle Johnson!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Too aggressive this early!”

Michael Hall charges toward Blaze and eats an elbow to the face for his trouble. Hall falls to the mat clutching his jaw. Blaze picks Hall up to his feet and whips him over the top rope and to the floor.

CHAD LEWIS: “Blaze just eliminated Michael Hall!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Again, too much aggression too soon!”

Meanwhile, Kid-X and Shocker have begun brawling on the other side of the ring. Kid-X, the stronger of the two has Shocker backed into the corner. Kid goes for an elimination by trying to lift Shocker over the top. Blaze joins the fray and now both men are trying to eliminate Shocker who hangs on for dear life.

Shocker feeling desperate, takes his left hand and starts punching both Kid and Blaze in the head multiple times. Both men drop Shocker and momentarily at least, he feels safe. Shocker darts out of the corner and levels Blaze with a lariat. He then goes to work on Kid with right after right. Kid staggers to the ropes and Shocker whips him toward the far side.

On the rebound, Shocker charges toward Kid and they level each other simultaneously with a pair of lariats.

Back to his feet, Blaze tries to go to work by stomping a mud hole into both of his remaining competitors. He send both men reeling for opposite corners. Shocker is the first to his feet and receives a splash in the corner from Blaze. Shocker falls to the mat.

Kid reaches his feet and receives the same treatment from Blaze and he falls to the mat.

CHAD LEWIS: “Blaze is on fire right now!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Definitely on a roll!”

Blaze works up the crowd as they begin chanting his name over and over. Enjoying the moment for a moment, he knows its time to get back to work. He proceeds toward Shocker and lifts him to his feet. Facing him toward the outside, Blaze tries to send Shocker over the top who hangs on and struggles for dear life!

From behind, Kid-X gets back into the action by dumping Blaze and Shocker over the top! Shocker lands on the apron on his side. Blaze hangs onto the top rope facing the crowd and not allowing his feet to touch the floor.

Kid goes to work on Shocker trying to push him off the apron with his boot. There goes Shocker.

The referee is there and sees that Shocker is standing on one foot and has waved off the elimination.

Meanwhile, Blaze has just skinned the cat back into the ring. Blaze ducks a wild haymaker from Kid and Kid charges after Blaze. Shocker grabs Kids ankle and he falls face first to the mat. Shocker slides back into the match and he and Blaze start brawling. Back and forth they go. Blaze getting the upper hand when he gets Belly to Back suplexed from behind by Kid-X. Shocker and Kid double team Blaze as he lay on the mat.

Kid lifts Blaze to his feet then puts him in a powerbomb position on his shoulders. Shocker grabs the head of Blaze and together, Kid and Shocker deliver a Powerbomb, neckbreaker combo leaving Blaze down and out. Kid begins mocking Blaze and Shocker nails him from behind.

Shocker drives a few elbows into the chest of Kid X. Shocker lifts Kid to his feet and tosses him into the corner. Shocker charges in and receives an elbow for his trouble. The elbow staggers him but he comes back for more and again receives an elbow. He staggers back once more and charges for a third time and eats a big boot from Kid X!

Shocker falls to the mat and Kid X delivers a few elbow drops of his own on his fallen opponent. Kid X is now an a roll as he lifts Shocker to his feet and drops him with a spinebuster! Kid X is smelling an elimination as he lifts Shocker to his feet. Kid grabs him by the seat of his pants and his hair and bundles him over the top rope.

Shocker uses his agility to hang on to the top rope though and land on his feet on the apron. Kid X notices quickly and charges toward Shocker. Shocker reacts and drops to his ass on the apron while pulling down on the top rope.

Kid X stumbles over the top rope and falls to the floor!

CHAD LEWIS: “Kid-X has now been eliminated by Shocker!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “We’re down to the final two!”

Shocker steps back into the ring as the referee tries to hold Kid X back from jumping back in. Shocker starts mocking Kid from back inside the ring. Kid X is livid as he is ejected from ringside. Shocker turns to focus on his opponent and eat a lariat from Blaze!

CHAD LEWIS: “Wow! Where did he come from!?”

Using his agility yet again, Shocker lands on his feet on the apron. Suddenly and without warning, Shocker drops to the floor. The cameras zoom out and we can see Kid X standing over Shocker.


CHAD LEWIS: “Kid X just screwed over Shocker!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “He did what he felt was right!”

CHAD LEWIS: “The bell rings and I guess this elimination is going to count!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Blaze picks up the all important victory here tonight!”

CHAD LEWIS: “Blaze will now go on to face Crimson Cobra right here next week for his number one contendership!”

Blaze heads toward the back and turns to face the fans in his victory celebration.


From behind, Crimson Cobra smacks him/her over the head with a chair leaving Blaze down and out on the stage as medics come to check on him.

CHAD LEWIS: “Crimson Cobra! What got into him!?”

XAVIER REIGNS: “His title shot is threatened! What happens when a snake feels threatened, Chad?”

CHAD LEWIS: “That doesn’t excuse...”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Exactly! They don’t wait, Chad. They strike first.”

CHAD LEWIS: “We’ll be back here live, right after this quick timeout!”

As Madness returns, the arena goes dark and the fans go quiet with anticipation.

CHAD LEWIS: “Welcome back to Madness, fans! I’m not sure what is going on but these lights are out!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Steve Sayors, ladies and gentlemen!”

The X-Tron lights up.

The fans are in shock as they see a man who returned out of no where. A man who hasn’t been seen in the company since July of 2012.

CHAD LEWIS: “Oh my God! Do you know who that is!?”

XAVIER REIGNS: “No. Should I?”

[Image: avatar_204.jpg?dateline=1363656613]

CHAD LEWIS: “It’s Tommy Wish!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Calm down killer!”

Tommy Wish makes his way toward the ring to a mixed reaction from the crowd in Tampa. As he enters the ring with a mic, his theme cuts off and he looks up at the fans of XWF, who he missed so much while he was away.

TOMMY WISH: “I see this place has gone far with out me. How's Mike Mayhem been doing lately?”

He smiles as the fans where shouting "Who Is Mayhem?" Clap Clap ClapClapClap

TOMMY WISH: “Ever since I left this company, I had regretted not showing up my first time around when I decided to ditch Mayhem and let Slater's Crew gang up on him. I knew that XWF had gone to war with another federation. I'd like to figure out how that turned out? Last time I heard, some of the XWF originals decided to leave and never look back or got caught with drugs in backstage.”

Fans are chanting "Who Are You?".

TOMMY WISH: “Me? My name is Tommy Wish! I've been in this company before. So, to prove to you guys that I want to be hear again. I know for a fact that some might not like me, but I don't care, at ALL!. All I came out here is to say is, I'm back for GOOD.”

Fans are chanting "Welcome Back!" and Tommy stands in the ring with a smile on his face.

CHAD LEWIS: “Tommy Wish is back, X, and it looks like he is here to stay!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “You notice they’re always back to stay, right up until they leave?”

CHAD LEWIS: “We’re headed back to the ring when Madness rolls on LIVE!”

CHAD LEWIS: "We're back here on Monday Night Madness, LIVE right here in Tampa!"

XAVIER REIGNS: "This match should be a good one!"

CHAD LEWIS: "The cell is lowering folks! J.D., take it away my friend!"

JASON DANIELS: "The following contest, is a Hell, in a Cell match!"

The cage is nearly all the way to the arena floor as "Tick of the Clock" by Chromatics plays.

JASON DANIELS: "Introducing first, from Parts Unknown, weighing 2 hundred 30 pounds, the Masked WARRRRIORRRRR!"

CHAD LEWIS: "Another Madness newcomer, on his way to the ring tonight!"

XAVIER REIGNS: "How did this match end up in the cell?"

CHAD LEWIS: "I believe they requested it."

JASON DANIELS: "His opponent."

"Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss" by Bloodhound Gang plays.

JASON DANIELS: "From Baltimore, Maryland, weighing 2 hundred 50 pounds, BIRRRRMANNN X!"

CHAD LEWIS: "Where is he?"

XAVIER REIGNS: "I don't know, but its not a good move to miss your debut match!"

[Image: 9stcwh.jpg]

The Masked Warrior
- vs -
Birdman X

[Image: 478321-zack_ryder4.jpg]
Hell In A Cell Match

CHAD LEWIS: "The fans are reacting to something."

XAVIER REIGNS: "What, though? I don't see anything."


XAVIER REIGNS: "What an entrance!"

CHAD LEWIS: "From high in the rafters and landing on the top of the cell, its Birdman X!”

Birdman X stands high atop the cell looking down through the chain links as Masked Warrior and the referee look up at him. Birdman points to Warrior and urges him to come up to the top of the cell. Warrior looks around the arena then up the side of the cell taking in its enormous height. Warrior shakes his head, refusing to scale to the top of the cage.

The referee yells toward Birdman trying to explain that he can’t start the match until Birdman enters the ring.

CHAD LEWIS: “I think Masked Warrior might be afraid of heights!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “That’s a fear he’ll have to put to bed in the XWF!”

Birdman opens a trap door on top of the cell and descend into the ring as the referee signals for the start of the match. Birdman is releasing the harnesses and Masked Warrior goes right after him nailing him with punches and kicks. Birdman finally rids himself of the harnesses as Warrior continues pounding away on him. He send Birdman reeling toward the corner.

Birdman now in the corner, Warrior nails him with stiff kicks to the midsection leaving him dazed. Warrior takes his right arm...


The crowd “woooo’s” in unison at the knife edge chop.


The crowd “woooo’s” in unison at another knife edge chop. Birdman escapes the corner clutching his chest as it stings in pain after the chard chops. Warrior hops up onto Birdmans shoulders from behind, spins around, and delivers a hurricanrana to Birdman sending him spinning to the mat. Warrior goes for a pin.



Birdman kicks out. Not even close to three. Warrior slaps his hands three times at the referee urging him to count faster. The referee gives him no reaction.

Warrior gets to his feet and measures up Birdman as he gets to his.


Warrior hits him with a step up enziguri kick! Birdman falls back to the mat and warrior is quick with a hook of the leg.



Birdman kicks out again. Warrior, once again urging the referee to count faster. Warrior to his feet. Birdman down on the mat. Warrior runs toward the ropes. Springboard...... Moonsault.....


Warrior crashes and burns as Birdman was able to counter the moonsault!

CHAD LEWIS: “That could be the opening Birdman needs to get back into this contest!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “He’s been reeling since the start and he needed to do something!”

Warrior rolls to the ring apron after ricocheting off the knees of Birdman. Birdman to his feet. He slingshots himself over the top rope and drops an elbow on Warrior who continues to lay on the apron. Birdman lands on his feet. Birdman traps Warrior in a type of face lock and using his free arm, delivers multiple elbows to the upper chest of Warrior.

Birdman releases the face lock and Warrior falls to the floor below. Birdman clutches Warrior by the ankles and slingshots him...


...Into the side of the cell! Warrior falls down to the floor reeling after the onslaught off offense he’s suffered at the hands of Birdman. Birdman climbs back onto the apron and measures up Warrior who is down on all fours. Warrior gets to a vertical base and Birdman leaps...

XAVIER REIGNS: “He’s flying!”

CHAD LEWIS: “.....”

Double ax handle from Birdman to Warrior! Warrior falls back to the floor.

CHAD LEWIS: “Masked Warrior, totally defenseless since Birdman has gone on offense here!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Words of wisdom from the mindless!”

CHAD LEWIS: “......”

Birdman lifts Warrior to his feet then lifts him up and drapes him over his shoulder. Birdman point to the side of the cage then charges for it aiming Warriors head right for the side of the cage...


Warrior slipped out and Birdman went face first into the cage!

CHAD LEWIS: “That might have been the opening needed for the Masked Warrior!”

Birdman is still standing but dazed. Warrior gets himself to a vertical base and charges toward Birdman. He leaps...


Birdman catches Warrior in a bearhug, spins and drops him...


...Face first into the steel steps! Birdman back to his feet. He lifts Warrior up and rolls him into the ring. Birdman slides in for a cover.



Warrior kicks out before the three! Birdman lifts Warrior back to his feet and traps him from behind in a full nelson! He lifts him up to slam him down...

Arm drag reversal from Warrior sends Birdman to the mat! Both men to their feet quickly and Warrior charges for Birdman. Birdman delivers a quick strike to the midsection which doubles over Warrior. Birdman sets him up and lifts him into a Powerbomb!

Warrior clutches Birdmans head as he reaches his shoulders and begins pummeling Birdman with right after right after right! Birdman falls on his back! Warrior clutches a leg on the landing and the referee drops for the count.



Birdman barely kicks out!

Warrior charges toward the turnbuckle and scales to the top. He measures Birdman up as he gets to his feet. Warrior leaps...


...And dropped in a front powerslam by Birdman. Birdman makes the cover.



Warrior barely kicks out!

Birdman is to his feet. He lifts Warrior to his and tosses him hard into the corner! Warrior bounces out and Birdman charges with the spear...

Warrior side steps leaving Birdman flying into the corner post! Birdman staggers out...


Warrior nails the twist of fate and goes for the cover!




WINNER: The Masked Warrior

CHAD LEWIS: “The Masked Warrior picks up the victory in a very good back and forth contest!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “There really should be no shame in this one. Both men gave it their all but in this business, someone has to lose!”

CHAD LEWIS: “Fans, when we come back, its the Senator and Cobra, one on one! Madness rolls on live, NEXT!”

We are in the office of Paul Heyman as Senator Samuels manager, Representative Fairchild, knocks then enters carrying a wrapped package.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Ahh! Ms. Fairchild! Please sit!”

She obliges the request.

PAUL HEYMAN: “What brings you in, my dear?”

REPRESENTATIVE FAIRCHILD: “I’m sure you’ve heard the request of the Senator this week. The one where after he beats Crimson Cobra tonight, the Senator gets Cobras shot at the title.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “I did, yeah. I heard it.”

REPRESENTATIVE FAIRCHILD: “Then you could understand why the Senator is displeased with your refusal to not only grant this request, but also to not even acknowledge it at all.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Ms. Fairchild, I regret to inform you, that Crimson Cobra earned that title shot. Not once, but twice.”

REPRESENTATIVE FAIRCHILD: “Forgive me, Mr. Heyman, but Senator Samuels is well aware of this fact. In fact, he’s altered his request.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Oh? Has he?”

REPRESENTATIVE FAIRCHILD: “Indeed. He no longer wants Cobra’s title shot.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “What exactly does he want then?”

REPRESENTATIVE FAIRCHILD: “His own. He doesn’t feel he should have to defend something he earned. When he defeats Cobra in just a little while, he wants a shot at the European title next week.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Interesting. You know, I won’t strip Crimson Cobra of his shot?”

REPRESENTATIVE FAIRCHILD: “The Senator realizes this.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “He just wants a shot at the title next week? Supposing of course, he’s successful tonight?”


PAUL HEYMAN: “What exactly is in it for me?”

She hands Heyman the package and he begins to open it. As he’s ripping the package open, she opens the top two button of her blouse, exposing her cleavage.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Cuban Cigars! How did he....”

He looks up as he finishes what he’s saying. Getting his eyes caught in her cleavage he stops talking.

REPRESENTATIVE FAIRCHILD: “Those cigars are just one of the gifts the Senator is prepared to give for granting his request.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Uhh.... Umm.... He uhhh.... I can... Ummm.”

REPRESENTATIVE FAIRCHILD: “Should I inform him you’ve granted his request?”

Still entranced, he says nothing. She quickly covers her cleavage and he snaps out of it.

REPRESENTATIVE FAIRCHILD: “Should I tell him that when he wins, he get’s a title shot next week?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Absolutely.”

REPRESENTATIVE FAIRCHILD: “Thank you very much, Mr. Heyman.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “The pleasure is mine.”

Representative Fairchild exits the office as Madness fades out to commercial.

JASON DANIELS: “The following contest, is scheduled for one fall, it is an Xtreme Rullles Match!”

“Stars and Stripes Forever” plays.

JASON DANIELS: “Introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by Representative Fairchild, residing in Washingon, D.C., and representing the great state of Texas, weighing 2 hundred 75 pounds... Senator.... JOHHHHNN SAAAAMUELLLLSS!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “The great Senator from the great state of Texas!”

CHAD LEWIS: “I think J.D. just said that.”

XAVIER REIGNS: “He didn’t say great Senator though.”

“The Sound of Truth” by As I Lay Dying plays.

JASON DANIELS: “His opponent. From Aurora, Colorado, weighing 1 hundred 85 pounds. CRRRIMSOOONNNN COOOOOOOOOBRAAAAAA!!”

CHAD LEWIS: “Crimson Cobra made his return to the XWF at Gauntlet City after being injured at the hands of the Black Circle a number of weeks ago!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “He was entered at number one in the gauntlet and I think he went through three other guys!”

CHAD LEWIS: “It certainly wasn’t a bad showing!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Well no one should feel bad about falling to Mister Mystery. That guy is an absolute terror inside that ring!”

[Image: 7102298.jpg]

“The Senator” John Samuels
- vs -
Crimson Cobra

[Image: CrimsonCobrapicbase.jpg]
Xtreme Rules Match

The red, white, and blue that The Senator John Samuels is sporting becomes easily noticeable in his trunks, knee pads, and boots. Crimson Cobra is in the opposite almost, black and red are the only colors he is sporting and he is looking deep into the soul of the Senator. The Senator is not showing any signs of breaking when standing toe to toe with Crimson Cobra, a man he has been mocking all week long.

Cobra has to look up being only 6 feet tall and looking into the eyes of the 6 foot 5 John Samuels. Cobra attempts to start the match quickly by bouncing off the ropes and running at John for a diving clothesline. John is able to reposition himself and hooks Cobra’s arm flipping him and slamming him to the mat with a hip toss.

Cobra pops up to his feet and runs to the ropes again bouncing off to go right back at John with a spear attempt this time. AGAIN the Senator is able to reposition taking Cobra’s head under his own arm and turning the spear into a DDT smashing Cobra’s skull into the mat. Senator goes for a cover.



Cobra kicks out quickly.

Crimson Cobra gets right back up again showing his resiliency and this time doesn’t bother with the ropes but runs straight at John. John drops down and pulls the rope along with him sending Cobra up and over the top rope out of the ring and face first into the fan barricade.

Cobra is laid out and the Senator exits the ring standing on the ring apron. John taunt’s Cobra and raises his arms into the air only to get an immense amount of booing from the crowd. He lowers his arms and leaps from the ring apron down to Crimson!


The Senator connects with a diving elbow taking a page out of the high flyer’s book. The Senator holds his side as he makes it back to his feet. He looks around and sees the steel steps and he kicks the top set off. John grabs Cobra and violently rips him up to his feet. He punches Crimson in the head and slams his face against the metal ring post sending Cobra to the ground. The Senator drags Cobra by his leg that was injured and lays it on the steel steps!

CHAD LEWIS: “Cobra is in a bad way here!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “That’s his recently recovered leg!”

John walks back over to the top set of stairs but Cobra realizes the situation and has a vivid memory of the Black Circle punishing him and his partner Crimson Deadly. Crimson Cobra has an anxiety attack and leaps away from the steel steps before John can even grab the top set. Cobra makes his way over to John who has the top set of steps in his hands now and lifts them as he stands back up. Cobra gets up onto the apron...


Cobra lands a drop kick on the set of stairs making them connect with John Samuels’ head. Samuels isn’t going down that easy though he is staggered trying to get his feet back under him. Cobra reaches under the ring and pulls out a steel chair! He swings the chair backwards over his head and with full force smashes the Senator over the head with the chair!

Cobra drops the chair and picks the Senator back up to his feet. Crimson Cobra rolls John into the ring but holds onto his head and quickly makes his way up to the apron. Cobra gets ready to hit a leg drop but then stops and turns around looking at the turnbuckle. He grabs on and leaps up to the top turnbuckle. Perched up high, he looks again at The Senator who is still laying with his head outside of the ring Cobra stands tall and leaps...

Samuels rolls into the ring!

Crimson Cobra already in midair, is unable to stop and Cobra lands on the ring apron bouncing off and falls to outside of the ring once again. The Senator gets to his hands and knees reaching up for the ropes to pull him to his feet. He gets a hand full of the ropes and reaches his other arm over the top rope pulling himself up to his wobbly feet. The Senator looks pissed after taking that chair shot from the snake and heads outside the ring to get some pay back.

John gets out of the ring and stands tall over Crimson who is still slowly rolling around on the ground. John raises his foot and proceeds stomping the life out of Crimson Cobra. Stomp after stomp and then a blue boot connects to the head of Crimson Cobra cutting him open and pouring crimson blood out making the boot not only blue but red as well.

The Senator seems to have been only more aggravated from the bloodshed. John stumbles back looking at his bloody boot and leans on the ring trying to wipe it off. The blood only smears and The Senator puts his boot down, then flips the ring apron up for his own weapon search.

Crimson Cobra is crawling to the barricade for assistance to get to his feet but it seems so far away. Just before Cobra reaches the barricade he takes one last break to catch his breath but Samuels is right behind him holding a gavel that has text etched into it that says “Fairchild”. John has found a gavel under the ring and pulls Cobra to his feet. John is shouting something into the face of Crimson and finally says “Crimson Cobra, the court of public opinion finds you GUILTY!” The Senator finishes the sentence with a swing of the gavel and a smashing of the face of Crimson Cobra. Blood shoots out into the crowd as Crimson Cobra drops to the floor of the entrance ramp.

John grabs Cobra by the legs and drags him closer to the ring. He picks Cobra up and tosses him into the ring. John follows in and covers Cobra.



Cobra kicks out just in time!

The Senator takes exception to the speed of the count, but goes back to work quickly. He bounces off the ropes and as he nears Cobra on the mat, he yells “USA!” and drops a knee.

CHAD LEWIS: “Nobody home!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Bad timing on that one!”

Senators knee crashes into the mat after Cobra rolls out of the way. John hobbles on one leg trying to shake the pain from his other knee when Cobra rolls him up from behind.



That was close as Senator kicks out! Both men to their feet quickly and Cobra runs into a boot to the face from the Senator! John nears the ropes and says “Gimme!” to Fairchild. She hands him the gavel. He returns to the task at hand as he measures up Cobra. He charges in and swings...


Samuels misses the gavel shot and takes a stiff kick to the temple! John hits his knees on the mat and Cobra now has the gavel. He measures up Samuels as he tries to make it to his feet. Cobra swings...


The gavel contacts Samuel in the face and he’s bleeding as he hits the mat. Cobra covers...



What the hell!?

The referee stopped counting as his staring directly at the bare breasted Fairchild. She hops onto the apron as the referee stands up and comes toward her. Cobra releases the pin and heads toward the referee and Fairchild. Cobra starts admonishing the referee when Fairchild grabs him by the hair and drives him face first into her breasts.

XAVIER REIGNS: “Motorboat that shit!”

Samuels is to his feet as the blood trickles down his head. The referee tries to break Fairchild and Cobra up.

Samuels rolls Cobra up from behind. The referee drops to make the count and doesn’t see the Senators feet on the second rope for added leverage.




WINNER: “The Senator“ John Samuels

CHAD LEWIS: “An excellent match here on Madness with John Samuels stealing the victory here tonight!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “The Senator is quickly becoming a major player not only on Madness but the XWF as a whole!”

CHAD LEWIS: “In fact, both of these men are! Folks, we have to take a timeout! We’ll continue, NEXT!”

Back on Madness and the cameras are in the office of Paul Heyman. Heyman sits in his office as his assistant walks in.

ASSISTANT: “Mr. Heyman, the courier brought this for you.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “What is it?”

ASSISTANT: “I didn’t open it, sir. It’s from the Administrator Network.”

Heyman looks confused as he wasn’t expecting anything from the Network. He takes the large white envelope and tears it open.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Thank you.”

ASSISTANT: “You’re welcome, Mr. Heyman.”

The assistant exits the room and Heyman begins reading over the envelopes contents. His expression changes from confusion to kind of a mix of worried and angered.


Heyman slams the papers down on his desk and darts for the door. He opens the door and tells his assistant.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Find Hardy! Quickly! Get him in here!”

ASSISTANT: “Right away, Mr. Heyman.”

Heyman paces in front of his desk as the camera focuses in on the papers on the desk. A few rather large phrases stand out:






Heyman continues to pace as Neonero enters the office. Heyman stops in his tracks and cowers behind the desk as Neonero moves toward him.

Neonero says nothing. He just smiles as he picks up the European title off of Heymans desk. Neonero exits without ever uttering a word to Paul Heyman.

Madness fades to commercial with Heyman looking on in shock.

CHAD LEWIS: “We’re back on Madness! It seems as though, Paul Heymans plan to out Neonero has just backfired!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Oh it certainly blew up in his face and he can NOT be a happy man!”

CHAD LEWIS: “Neonero IS under contract and is STILL the XWF European Champion!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “This is a travesty of justice!”

CHAD LEWIS: “Are you on the sauce again? How could this possibly be an injustice!? Neonero should have never been fired or lost the European title to begin with!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Look at it from Mr. Heymans point of view! Neonero usurped his authority and signed a new contract without him! To compete on his show! And, he’s only finding out about it NOW!? He signed that contract 9 whole days ago!”

CHAD LEWIS: “Be that as it may, a major wrong has been righted here tonight!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “You’re such a stooge!”

CHAD LEWIS: “J.D., over to you my friend!”

JASON DANIELS: “The following contest... is a Barbed... WIRRRE Match!”

“Malaria” by Sangura & Dead plays.

JASON DANIELS: “Introducing first.... she is the deevil, ANNNNN THRAXX!”

CHAD LEWIS: “Don’t underestimate Ann Thraxx, people. She might be a small woman, but she is tough as nails.”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Yeah, I don’t even think I’d mess with her!”

CHAD LEWIS: “Hell, I know I wouldn’t.”

“Cult of Personality” by Living Colour plays.

JASON DANIELS: “Her opponent. From Chicago, Illinois, weighing 2 hundred 20 pounds.... SEEEE EMMMMM PUNK!”

[Image: thrax3.png]

“The Deevil” Ann Thraxx
- vs -
“Straight Edge Savior” CM Punk

[Image: punk-cm01.jpg?dateline=1365278606]
Barbed Wire Match

CM Punk has a mic as he walks to the ring.

CM PUNK: "Standing in the ring in front of me, is the supposed devil, maniacal and evil. Do you see evil in her eyes, ladies and gentlemen? Or do you see someone wants to make a name for herself, failed to do it and is now reaching for extreme measures to make said name, and still failing?

"Madam, you could be saved. I’ve addressed this and you haven’t listened. I’ve told you, tonight I will cut you open and let out your bad blood, awful sins, and weeping soul. Then, I’ll shave your head, and signify the cleansing I have made. First, I just want to share a few things with you. Do you know why Cyren is not taken into account when I’m saving people? No? Thought so, well, let me put it to you like this.

"Cyren, although a great manager, and a good friend, is slightly bull-headed. Much like yourself. While I may say this and this may be proven to my or his dismay, I will continue to go on to prove my point. You see, you are what I would call, knowingly ignorant. You know that you are grasping for attention and at straws, you know that tonight you will be cleansed, and you know that I’m better than you and the only thing you’ll ever be relative to me is on your knees, but you don’t care.

"You continue to play your little charades about how you’re so evil but all I see is a Mister Mystery wannabe. Oh no, a cheese grater. Oh no, I wear tight black clothing and dress like a goth kid mixed with andy sixx, so scary! When I’m done with you, you’ll be back to the mommy’s girl you were in sixth grade. Because you try to be edgy, and to steal something from Neonero, you’ve lost your edge which you never even had. ECW was edgy. You’re not. Cheese graters? Wow. You rant and rave in an interview that there’s no real talent in the company and no one here possesses any respect! How ignorant can you get, Ms. Thraxx? You don’t have any real talent. You won a match against someone who looks like they belong on E entertainment. Not in a wrestling federation or anything close to it, and another that promotes slavery... We’ll talk about your less than approachable morals later, but the short of it is, you are sickening. But no worse than human, and I will not grant you the title of anything past a demoralizing human being.

“Get ready to be bloodied and shaved inside my ring, for it is the path to true cleansing.”

Punk and Ann circle the ring seemingly keeping an eye on each other and watching how close they come to the barbed wire wrapped ring ropes. They decide to just get right to it start brawling in the center of the ring. Thraxx seemingly gets the upper hand early in this one as she has Punk reeling toward the barbed wire. She takes his moment of weakness to whip him toward the wired ropes on the far side.

As he nears, he drops to his knees to avoid the collision with the wire. She charges toward him, but Punk ducks her and sends her into the barbed wire which pokes pin holes and trickles of blood form.

She reaches to her side and swipes her own blood from her body. Punk charges toward her and Ann slaps him in the face. He now has a bloody Ann Thraxx palm print on his face as the hard slap rocks him backward.

She dives at him with a spear and takes him to the ground. She traps him in a headlock and begins pummeling him with her fist. She releases the headlock and Punk rolls toward the wired ropes.

She goes right after him and kicks him in the head. He falls very close to the ropes and she uses her boot to press his face against the barbed wire cutting his face open. She releases and lets Punk stagger to his feet. He turns around and Ann delivers a double knee facebreaker and goes for the win.



Punk kicks out at two.

Ann rolls her self under the wired ropes and to the floor. She roots around under the ring and disappears underneath just as Punk gets to his feet. He looks around for her and doesn’t see hide nor hair of her. He exits the ring on the side Ann just exited. He lifts the apron and looks around under the ring but doesn’t see her.

Unbeknownst to Punk, she has reemerged from under the ring and is charging across the ring coming right toward him.

Punk stands upright.

Ann dives through the wired ropes.

Punk reacts just in time to sidestep the suicide dive and she barrels head first into the barricade! Punk lays in the boots on Ann on the floor. He lifts her to her feet and up on his shoulder and drops her face first with snake eyes onto the barricade!

Punk lifts her to her feet and rolls her into the ring. Punk rolls in right after. Ann staggers to her feet and collides with the turnbuckle. Punk charges at her and delivers the high knee to the face then follows it up with a bulldog in the center of the ring. He goes for the cover.



Ann Thraxx kicks out just in time!

Punk lifts Ann to her feet then places her on his shoulders. It looks like he’s going for the Go to Sleep! He tosses her off...

She lands on her feet and narrowly avoids the connection and quickly delivers a devastating stiff kick to Punks groin! He instantly drops to the mat in obvious agony.

She rolls him over for the cover.



Punk squeaks in a kick out just before the three. She lifts him to his feet and tosses him into the corner. She charges in...


Punk delivers a stiff kick to the temple which drops Ann to the mat instantly. Punk, still suffering the effects of the groin kick from earlier, is slow to make his next move.

He lifts her to her feet and back into position for the GTS. She struggles... She wiggles... She elbows...


She’s able to slide down his back safely to her feet. He turns and she lifts him up and drops him head first into the mat with a sit out tombstone pile driver! She is quick to go for the win.



Punk kicks out again!

Ann gets to her feet and measures up CM Punk. He’s on all fours and not yet to his feet...

The lights in the arena flicker and the X-Tron explodes with fire.

CL: “Is it Sebastian Duke?“

XR: “I don’t know but it can’t be good for Ann Thraxx!“

It startles Ann for just a moment as she turns toward the entrance way. The X-Tron is still on fire as the entrance music for The Black Circle begins playing throughout the arena. She stands facing the entrance way, ready to fight.


Punk recovers during the distraction and spins Ann around and lifts her up then drops her with the GTS! He covers.





CHAD LEWIS: “CM Punk with the win in a bloody match after the Black Circle distraction!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “I don’t envy these two! And apparently, The Black Circle is NOT done with Ann Thraxx!”

CHAD LEWIS: “I think she was primed and ready for victory before they went and started playing more mind games with Ann Traxx!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “She overstepped her bounds when she started talkin’ smack on the Circle!”

CHAD LEWIS: “We’re going to take a quick time out, but when we come back, the European title match will get under way!”

CHAD LEWIS: “Jeff Hardy is already in the ring.”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Uh-oh. I don’t think Paul got a hold of him yet.”

CHAD LEWIS: “What makes you say that?”

XAVIER REIGNS: “The night Paul has had, it would only be the icing on the cake as far as I’m concerned.”

CHAD LEWIS: “You could be right. Hardy does look happy. As if he still thinks he’s going to be the champion after tonight is over!”

CHAD LEWIS: “Paul Heyman is on his way to the ring. Presumably to chat with Jeff!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “I think Jeff is telling Paul that he can’t hear him over the crowd noise!”

CHAD LEWIS: “Heyman must be trying to inform him of what transpired earlier!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “I can read lips pretty well and I think Jeff just told Paul that they’d talk later!”

CHAD LEWIS: “Heyman gave up! Ohhhh shiiitt! He’s coming over here!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Welcome aboard Mr. Heyman!”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Please, Xavier, call me Paul. I wish I was never born.”

CHAD LEWIS: “You really did it this time, didn’t you Paul?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “You can call me Mr. Heyman! You’re lucky I don’t just fire your ass just for the fun of it!”

CHAD LEWIS: “J.D., take it away.”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Did you get to explain to Jeff what happened?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “No, he couldn’t hear me over the crowd noise. I want some damn answers!”

Hardy stands in the ring awaiting the introductions.

CHAD LEWIS: “What answers?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Why I wasn’t informed sooner that Neonero already had a contract!”

JASON DANIELS: “Ladies and gentlemen it is now time, for the main event of the evening! Introducing at this time, your guest referee. He is the former XWF European Champion, the Charismatic Enigma... JEEEEFFFFFF HARRRRRRDDDYYYY!”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Oh God! Here it comes!”

JASON DANIELS: “This match is a triple threat match scheduled for one fall! It is for, the XWF European Championship!”

Hardy cocks his head to the side then stares a hole through Heyman. Heyman never looks up. His head buried in his hands.

PAUL HEYMAN: “This cannot be happening.”

CHAD LEWIS: “Hardy, beginning to look furious as the reality of what he just heard is obviously is setting in.”

“Welcome Home (Sanitarium)” by Metallica plays.

JASON DANIELS: “Introducing first at this time, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing in at 2 hundred 1 pounds... NEIIILLLLLL CAPRAAAAAA!”

CHAD LEWIS: “Neil Capra, one of the brightest young stars in the business, looks to claim the title here tonight!”

PAUL HEYMAN: “I think I might be sick.”

“Weight of the World” by Evanescence plays.

JASON DANIELS: “His opponents. First, from Buenos Aires, Argentina. She is the Next Big Thinnng, Ursula ARRREAAAANOOOO!”

CHAD LEWIS: “One of the toughest ladies in this industry!”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Just shoot me.”

“Ahead of the Light” by Miyavi plays.

JASON DANIELS: “There opponent. From Busan, Korea. Weighing 2 hundred pounds... he is the current, reigning, defending, XWF European Champion... the Cyaneyed Assassin... NEOOOOOOONERRRRROOOOOOO!”

CHAD LEWIS: “Introduction are complete and Mr. Heyman has yet to look up!”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Shut up, moron!”

XWF European Championship
[Image: tumblr_m4gjdxJoJB1r9iqxlo2_400.jpg]

“The Cyaneyed Assassin” Neonero
- vs -
Neil Capra

[Image: Sick_Nick_Mondo1.jpg?dateline=1357855388]

- vs -
“The Next Big Thing” Ursula Areano

[Image: 495883-bigthumbnail.jpg]
Standard Rules - Triple Threat Match

Hardy finally takes his eyes off of Heyman. He signals for the bell and this match is officially under way. Areano and Capra both go after Nero and back him up against the ropes. Working together, they trades stiff rights and lefts to the champion. They whip him off the ropes and catch him in a double flapjack on the rebound sending Nero crashing face first into the mat.

After he lands, Ursula and Capra trade elbow drop after elbow drop onto the fallen champion. Capra makes a quick plan with Ursula and she agrees. She rounds toward the ropes and Capra catches her just as she begins to rebound with a clothesline sending her over the top rope and crashing to the floor.

Capra turns to face Nero.


Nero gets to his feet and lays in the boots to Capra followed by using his boot to blatantly choke him. Hardy tries to plead off Nero but get ignored. Hardy physically pulls Nero off of Capra. Hardy and Nero stand face to face looking as if they're going to come to blows.

CHAD LEWIS: "Things are not going well so far for Hardy and the champion."

XAVIER REIGNS: "Paul, what do you plan to do about the sticky situation you have yourself in? It looked earlier as if you and Jeff came to an understanding. Has that gone out the window now?"

PAUL HEYMAN: "I... I... This sucks!"

Nero returns his attention to Capra who is on all fours trying to regain his breath. Nero closes in on Capra slowly...

Rings of Saturn!

Capra counters and flips through the arm trap and nails Nero with a dropkick to the chest. Capra follows it up with multiple kicks to the side and shoulder of Nero. Nero catches the final kick and takes Capra down with both legs. Nero back to his feet. Capra back up as well. A small slugfest ensues until Capra is able to duck the final punch. Capra, behind Nero, delivers a dragon suplex to the champion. Capra bridges his back to pin Nero.

Hardy with the count.



Nero kicks out. Nero and Capra get to their feet. Capra charges after Nero. Nero attempts a lariat but Capra ducks underneath. Capra off the far side ropes. Nero lowers his head...


Capra telegraphs and kicks Nero in the head. Nero staggers backward, Capra charges and delivers a nice swinging neckbreaker and floats over for the pin.

Hardy with the count.



Nero kicks out!

Ursula has made her way back into the ring.

Capra goes to the apron and measures up Nero...



Ursula, seemingly out of nowhere, leveled Capra with the Buenos Aires Superkick!

CHAD LEWIS: “She damn near took his head off!”

PAUL HEYMAN: “She could take mine off if she wants. Put me out of my misery.”

Capra lands with a thud after rolling out of the ring and landing on the floor below. Ursula lifts Nero to his feet and tosses him toward the corner. She charges in toward him but Nero slips out at the last second and she crashes hard chest first into the turnbuckle and staggers out.

Nero grabs her from behind and nails a German Suplex, rolls over, lifts her up and lands another, then rolls, lifts and lands a third culminating in a bridging pin.

Hardy with the count.



Ursula kicks out.

Nero to his feet quick and lifts Ursula to hers. He lifts her up and lands a stalling brainbuster! He goes for the cover.

Hardy with the...

He’s bitching at Heyman and not paying attention.

CHAD LEWIS: “Jeff Hardy, with some choice words for the General Manager.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “This night can not end soon enough.”

XAVIER REIGNS: “He just needs to do his job! He just missed a perfectly good pin attempt from the Champion!”

Nero spins Hardy around and now they are in each others face. Nero turns toward Ursula and right into a small package pin attempt.

Hardy with the count.



Nero kicks out. He’s up first and lays in the boots to Ursula. Ursula is sent reeling for cover toward the corner. Nero goes to the opposite corner and he’s fiddling with something. His back is to the camera.

Nero exits he corner and the top turnbuckle pad has been exposed to the steel underneath. He goes over to Ursula who is still not yet with her bearings. He punches her a few times in the head then follows it up with a slap to the face. She immediately drops to the mat in the corner. Nero pummels her as she sits there. Hardy is pleading with Nero to back off and receives a “shut the fuck up!” from Nero for his trouble.

Nero grabs Ursula by her hair and whips her toward the exposed turnbuckle and she crashes hard into it. She clutches her upper back in pain but stays within the corner. Nero charges after her but at the last moment she dropkicks his leg and he falls face first into the exposed steel. He staggers back and falls flat on his back toward the center of the ring.

Nero is seemingly barely conscious as Ursula makes the cover.

Hardy makes the count.



GUILLOTINE LEGDROP from Capra to Ursula, seemingly out of nowhere to break up the count! After the collision, Nero rolls to the apron and falls to the floor. Capra hooks Ursulas leg.

Hardy with the count.




Capra pleads with Hardy and Hardy defends the speed of his count.

CHAD LEWIS: “His count has been pretty consistent thus far.”

XAVIER REIGNS: “I think Capra has a point!”

Capra lifts Ursula to her feet and tosses her toward the ropes. On the rebound Ursula ducks Capra and bounces off the far side. On that rebound she leaps into the air driving a forearm into the forehead of Capra sending him to the mat. Shes nips up and heads slowly for the corner as she is getting winded after the beating she received from Neonero. She measures up Capra.

Capra can barely get to his feet. He turns.


Buenos Aires Superkick levels Capra again! Ursula is too winded to make the cover though. She crawls toward Capra. Inching and inching and crawling her way there. Finally, she drapes one arm on the chest of Capra.

Hardy with the count.




Ursula buries her head into both arms and cries out in frustration. She gets to her feet and lays in the kicks and stomps to Capra. Capra reels back into the corner and Ursula charges and leaps high into the air and lands a splash onto Capra. Capra staggers out and Ursula jumps to the top rope with her back toward the ring. She leaps...




Capra catches her in mid air in a firemens carry then drives her down with a Death Valley Driver. He’s slow to make the cover.

Hardy with the count.




All three are down, dazed and confused. Capra is the first to his feet. He lifts Ursula to her feet and delivers the Mind Breaker flip piledriver. He jumps up and celebrated his oncoming victory. He hooks the leg of Ursula.

Hardy makes the count.



Kick to the head from Nero stops the count. Capra stay on his knees clutching his head as Nero delivers a shining wizard to him then locks in the triangle choke!

CHAD LEWIS: “Thumbs down in the pit!”


XAVIER REIGNS: “This might do it!”

Ursula is trying to get to her feet.

Capra is struggling, refusing to tap.

Ursula gets to her feet but staggers back into the corner and falls again.

Capra is trying to reach the ropes, but to no avail.

Hardy gets in position for a potential submission.

Ursula uses the ropes to help pull her to her feet.

Capra is struggling and fading quickly.

Ursula comes out of the corner and dives to break up the hold.

It’s too late.

Neil Capra taps out and Jeff Hardy signals for the bell. Ursula lays in a heap beside both Capra and Nero.

WINNER: Neonero - Still XWF European Champion

CHAD LEWIS: “What a match! Fantastic display from these three tonight.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Anyone have any Yukon Jack? Anything? No?”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Jeff Hardy has retrieved the title from the time keeper!”

Hardy holds onto the strap that used to be his. He looks at it momentarily then decides to be a sportsman and help up the victor. He pulls Nero to his feet and they star at each other for what seems like an eternity but in actuality was only a few seconds.

Hardy graciously hands over the title and Neonero graciously accepts it. Hardy holds Neoneros hand up high and points toward the winner.


CHAD LEWIS: “Twist of fate on the champion!”

The move leaves the champion out cold in the middle of the ring. Hardy looks toward Paul Heyman who still sits at the announcers table.



PAUL HEYMAN: “I don’t like him looking at me like that.”

Hardy leaps out of the ring and closes in on Heyman. At the last minute, he tries to run but is stopped quickly by Hardy. Holding onto his shirt collar, Hardy starts roughing up Heyman with slaps to the head.


“You have to believe me!”

Hardy ignores him and continues to slap him around the ringside area in the vicinty of the announcers.

PAUL HEYMAN: “I didn’t know Jeff!

“I promise you!”

Again, Hardy ignores as he gets Heyman to the ground and starts pummeling him.

JEFF HARDY: “I want my rematch Paulie!”

Hardy doesn’t wait for the answer as he continues pummeling Heyman.

PAUL HEYMAN: “I can’t! That damn!”

Hardy beats on him some more.

JEFF HARDY: “That damn what, Paulie?”

Hardy doesn’t wait again and nails him in the face a few more times.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Contract! Good Game No Rematch! Its in his contract!”

Hardy beats him again. Blood is pouring from Heymans face.


Hardy lifts Heyman and tosses him onto the announce table. Hardy hops up on it and delivers the twist of fate to the General Manager sending them both crashing through the announce table.

Heyman is barely conscious.

JEFF HARDY: “If my rematch isn’t announced by the end of next week, Paul. This right here. What I just did to you...

“You’ll wish for.”

Hardy jumps into the ring and grabs the European title. He stands over the fallen champion and holds the title high in the air as “Bullet With Butterfly Wings” plays in the arena.

Madness fades out.

[Image: madness1.png?dateline=1364081029]
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