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A Proper Introduction...
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LuciousLovely Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Super Face

(always cheered; has massive following; almost never cheats)

01-08-2013, 10:46 AM

Hello, my lovelies....

I'm glad we've had the chance to meet one another. The 'industry' as we all know it likes to wrap itself up in a banner of 'aggression' and 'malice.' I'm here to snatch those comfortable covers away and take the XWF and it's fans by the hand, walking with them towards the light.

What this sport needs is not a further testament to it's banal nature; it's yearning for someone to come forward and envelop it in compassion and yes, even... love.

The XWF needs to have a taste of something pure and untainted. An experience of warmth desired? Triple L is here to deliver.

So walk with me, ye oh weary. We'll liven you up and relax you a bit, we will. Dip you right into a warm bath of reality and steal away the wool so thickly lain upon your eyes.

The XWF needs to be shaken to it's core; not with a bang, my lovelies... but a mewling, satin soft whisper.

I'll hold you up; I'll be there for you against all enemies... armed with a rose and rapture.

I'm here to bring you home.

Consider me... your 'lovely Jesus.'
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LuciousLovely Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Super Face

(always cheered; has massive following; almost never cheats)

01-08-2013, 01:07 PM

You're a truly remarkable soul, indeed. The passion with which you speak rings true to anyone willing to listen. A message, however so imbued with conviction though, is always at the mercy of it's content. You speak of a 'cleaning', of a 'New Dawn.' In this; you are correct.

Synapses in your brain have cross wired, my lovely. You see an individual different to yourself and your first animal instinct is to interpret it as an enemy and not an opportunity; yours is a common flaw. Your condemnation of the world is a sadly commonplace occurrence. I foresee you not having any troubles in drawing 'like minds' to your cause. A hive, no matter how bittersweet it's honey, always forms in a changing of the season.

And we're indeed, in for a 'changing.'

To limit yourself to just this one life, to just a very certain way of doing things, is a disservice to yourself. You've enshrouded yourself in hate, creating phantom enemies before your eyes for without a 'struggle', you are lost.

We needn't manufacture artificial hostilities. The world is plagued with many a worrisome and malicious ideals and belief systems. To perpetuate the further pollution of the collective 'mind' is not a lofty goal. It's an indescribably easy objective.

You can split the world with a whisper, 'tis true.

We're going to come to a crossroads though, of whether or not that shushed, quiet plea is heard coming from a man such as yourself, one whom is as common as a cockroach, or from something stunningly different and genuinely new; such as I.

I am confident in my own journey, in my own mission.

For all things, on Heaven and Earth, falter in the midst of Love.
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LuciousLovely Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Super Face

(always cheered; has massive following; almost never cheats)

01-09-2013, 04:53 PM

You speak of your desires in such a gluttonous and ignorant way. Very nearly you're creating a very special brand of 'moral avarice.' You want to swallow up all the world and leave nothing left for anyone else? There's no room in your world for variety? Yours will be a damnably small one then, in comparison.

At the end of it all, you're simply a miser whom wishes to drag the world into the dark depths where you lurk. For if all the world is blind, your cowardice they will not be privy to.

You've got a flawed mechanism in your designs. One needn't see your skeletal face to know you're as brittle as the day is long. They needn't watch you valiantly but wastefully try to make an impact in the XWF.

All one needs to experience is your tongue, is your message, and they'll understand all they need to.

Fear not, though. Not all souls are chilled to absolute zero; warmth can always creep back inside, through your dead eyes, my friend. There's still hope, there's always that. In fact, I offer you some very wise words... you should know them well, my friend.

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
12 For now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
13 And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.

It is in the spirit of such, that I offer my hand to you in friendship.

I will shower you and lavish you with love, my brother. I will lead you far away from where you've strayed.

Come home.
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